Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Act III Scene i

Respond as Persona:

Assume you witnesses the two deaths. Record your reactions to each (111)

How do the deaths of Tybalt and Mercutio affect you? (emotionally, physically, financially and socially) (114)

From your point of view, do you think the Prince's verdict was fair? Why or Why not? (114)


  1. As I was taking a nice stroll down the beach I came upon the fray between Romeo and Tybalt. He was getting beat pretty bad until Mercutio steppind in and saved the day. Tybalt stabbed him and Mercutio fell to his death. I shed many tears at this sight because he was only trying to fight for his friend's honor. It was ironic though how the person he was fighting for eventually caused his death. Even though it was ironic, Mercutio died an innocent man who wasn't even part of the Montagues or Capulets. I was intrigued as to how Romeo would react to this, so I followed him until he found Tybalt. I was too late to stop him and Romeo slew Tybalt. This set me off because Tybalt was mine own household. Romeo deserves to be put to death at this murder.

    Mercutio's death made me sad, but not nearly as much as Tybalt's death did. Tybalt was a misunderstood man, but a good man indeed. He didn't deserve to die because Mercutio was asking for a fight, so he got one. I am physically tired from both dies after all the grief that was put on my body. I haven't been able to leave the Capulet house since these quarrels because I feel like waste. Mercutio's death affects me in no financial way, but Tybalt's death does. Lord Capulet promoted me after he died because the position needed to be filled by someone. My pay increased when I got promoted. Each death affected me the same way socially because they caused me to stay in the house since and I have not spoken to anyone since. I am socially crippled by these events, so I can't speak to my friends or anyone else.

    I believe that the Prince's verdict was no where near harsh enough. Romeo should be put to death for his acts. By just banishing him Romeo is allowed to live, a privilege he should not have. Tybalt had much more to live for and he could of lived a much longer life. Romeo ended Tybalt's life in vain and he deserves to die for it.

  2. As I was running the usual errands for Master Montague, I came across the fight between Romeo and Tybalt. I saw Romeo and Benvolio crying and screaming and I wondered where Mercutio was. It was then that I saw him lying on the ground, presumably dead. Who could have done such a terrible thing to an innocent person,? I thought. And that's when I saw it was the dreaded piece of filth, Tybalt Capulet. I wanted to scream and throw myself at him, but being the servant that I am, I had to sit back and watch the rest of the matters play on. I couldn't believe my eyes when just then, Romeo had stabbed Tybalt! I immediately cheered, but then came to a stop. Romeo was going to pay serious consequences for what he had just done.

    I couldn't believe that Mercutio was dead. He was such a funny, well spoken man that it was just a shock to see him lying there dead on the ground. Just a few hours ago I had saw him at the Montague house. Whenever he came by, the house would just fill up with joy by his presence. Sure, he could be a wise guy sometimes, but he was still an innocent boy at best. At least he died with honor, fighting for Romeo's pride and protection.

    Romeo's verdict of banishment was completely unfair. He was the responsible one and didn't even want to fight Tybalt. Tybalt kept antagonizing him and even then Romeo did not fight back at all. Yes, Mercutio should have stood down and not given in to Tybalt's insults, but there is no reason Romeo should be exiled. Romeo killed Tybalt out of Mercutio's honor. Mercutio was his best friend, and obviously Romeo would be furious about what had just happened. Tybalt got what he deserved, and still Romeo has to pay for it all thanks to the bloody Capulets as usual.

    Fabio Lanzoni (Servant)
    Rob Sperduto pd. 3

  3. 1960's fight- When i was strolling down the street to do my normal erens i was interupted by a crazy and horofying sight. There was a group of men dressed in orange and dark geen. These people were all of the place and rolling around fighting and scrathcing at eachother. I just tried to break it up for a second then knew that 8it was not something i wanted to get myself into. I later heard in the streets that a man neamed mercutio and Tybalt were killed by stab wounds and many others were injuired. A man named Romeo that killed him. It was a terrible sight and something i want to forget.

    1990's fight - I was walking down the boardwalk one day when I heard a couple of guys starting to fight on the beach. I didnt think it was serious untill these guys started to curse and accually go at eachother. I went to the wall to get a better view and saw that they had guns. I ducked behind cover and hoped for the best but then realized they werent using them. When I heard a man screaming and there was blood all over him i knew thaqt something was wrong and i had to get help.

    Charlei Florio pd 3

  4. Oh my. Today I laid eyes on a most terrible sight. Both the Montague's Mercutio and the Capulet's Tybalt. It was horrible. My inn is right at the town square, and I saw out the window the small quarrel of a few of each family. Then Mercutio fell... Tybalt found his way out of the square, followed by Romeo. I ran out and followed Romeo with many other villagers. Then I saw Romeo kill Tybalt.

    They both had been in the inn every now and then, and I had enjoyed serving them. However, I didn't know them personally, and all I know is that the Prince was not very angry.

    However, I think that the Prince should not have been swayed by Lady Capulet's mind, and should not have banished Romeo. He killed Tybalt for the repayment of him killing Mercutio, which is the legal penalty anyway.

  5. It was a normal day for me in Verona, I was at my bakery just doing my job when all of a sudden I heard some commotion coming from outside. I went outside to see what was going on and it was no surprise that is was a fray between the Montague's and Capulet's. At first it seemed that Mercutio and Tybalt were joking around, but the tone was changed when everyone realized that Mercutio was hurt. He was hurt badly enough that he was killed. When Romeo found out Mercutio was hurt, he ran after Tybalt. I didn't want to be apart of anything so I didn't follow the crowd, but i heard that Romeo and Tybalt got into a fray and Romeo used his rapier to kill Tybalt.

    The death of both Tybalt and Mercutio doesn't affect me emotionally. It is horrible that both young men died so young and from something that started of to be a joke. Physically I haven't been affected either, I'm able to do things that I normally do. However financially I have been affected. Both the Montague's and Capulet's are outraged and upset about the death of Mercutio and Tyablt. Since they are like that they don't come often to my bakery and buy bread. Mercutio was a costumer of mine, him and his friends would stop by every now and then. Also, I haven't been affected socially by their death.

    In my point of view I feel like the Prince's verdict isn't fair. It isn't fair because only Romeo is being banished when he was the one who refused to fight Tybalt. Even though Tybalt is dead and can't be punished, there should be some sort of punishment towards the Capulet's. Romeo's punishment should be less harsh.

    Shannon Roman
    Period 3

  6. I was stunned when I happened to stumble upon the fight. While taking a walk through the town square, I was disengaged from my thoughts by the fray in the square between Romeo Montague and Tybalt Capulet. It seemed as though Tybalt, being his angry self, was seeking to pick a fight with Romeo after Romeo had attended the Capulet banquet. Mercutio stepped to protect Romeo but ironically had been killed himself by Tybalt after a wound from his rapier. At the discovery of Mercutio's death, Romeo launched into a battle with Tybalt fueled by the desire for revenge. I am still taking in the two deaths by which Tybalt and Mercutio have ascended to the heavens. I can easily see why Tybalt's life had been ended. He has always been temperamental and stubborn – by looking to battle the Montagues, I feel he has been cutting years off his life. However, Mercutio! My goodness, I had never expected to see him face a deadly fate as this! He is Prince Escalus' kinsmen after all! He is neither a Montague nor Capulet but he was the victim of their ongoing rivalry. The feud between the two families has been going on long enough and by these deaths, both parties should see this and mend their ways.
    I believe the deaths of Tybalt and Mercutio are a sign to the whole city of Verona that the feud is immature and the Montagues and Capulets are only acting as fools, letting every citizen witness it. It came as a surprise, and I am terribly sympathetic for the Capulets who have lost a member of their family. Mercutio could be seen as a joker, but I perceive him as a man who has always attempted to make light of heavy situations. His death was much too early, especially as the reason for his death was extremely stupid. I have made the decision not to visit any of the families in hope to provide them with time to come to terms with what has happened.
    I do not think the Prince's verdict was fair at all. Romeo may have been holding the rapier which had caused Tybalt's fatal wound, but he was the one who had instigated the brawl. Tybalt was only looking for trouble, and he received what he deserved. However, Romeo's best friend lost his life in front of his eyes and it is only expected that Tybalt had to endure Romeo's fury. Romeo should not have been exiled. He had a legitimate reason behind his actions while Tybalt did not. While Prince Escalus had to hold his word, I believe that even he, the ruler is influenced by the Capulets and Montagues. Lady Capulet wished for the death of Romeo, but Prince Escalus should not have listened to her. Romeo deserves a punishment, but not one as harsh as banishment from Verona.

    Julia Ng (Dutchess Alessandra de Luca)
    Pd 3

  7. I was walking to collect taxes from a new villager when the fight broke out. I was surprised that Romeo wouldn't stand up for his name and fight Tybalt. It was brave of Mercutio to fight for him. I am very upset about Mercutio's death. He was brave, loyal, and a Montague. Tybalt should have died for sure. He killed Mercutio, tried to kill Romeo, and caused a huge commotion in Verona streets, against the Prince's orders.
    Mercutio and Tybalt's deaths affected me greatly. First of all, it is a loss of profit for me and the town, because I made a lot of extra tax money off of Tybalt. Secondly, Mercutio was a friend of mine, and a great man. Thirdly, the Prince is very angry, so if I am caught, I won't get a fair punishment. Lastly, the hatred between the families is deepened with this new loss of life. Verona will never be the same.
    I don't think the Prince's verdict was fair. Romeo was avenging his friend; he did not start the scrap. It worked out perfectly and evenly, one Montague and one Capulet down. Let the dead bury the dead. The Montagues are already facing emotional hardship, and they didn't need any more.
    Brett Saviano (Benito Saviano) - Period 9

  8. I was shocked that Mercutio decided to defend Romeo and fight Tybalt. It was brave and noble of him, and it made for a good fight to talk about. Romeo, on the other hand, was a lovesick wimp. Although I understand his thought process, I still think that Romeo shouldn't have let Mercutio fight Tybalt instead of him. Even if Romeo married Juliet, the brutal fighting between the families would never stop. Tybalt still hates Romeo as much as he did before Romeo was wed to his cousin. Although both Tybalt's and Mercutio's deaths will lead to good gossip, I am sad to see Mercutio go. He was such a character, always wanting the spotlight in everything he did. He kind of reminds me of a younger version of myself. Tybalt, on the other hand, I could care less. No body liked him anyway (accept for Lady Capulet, who insisted on crying like a baby and attempting to convince the Prince to have Romeo killed). However, he would do whatever he liked whenever he wanted which also showed qualities of myself.
    No matter how much I want Romeo to stay in town, I know that the Prince's verdict was just. Although Tybalt did kill Mercutio, Romeo still killed Tybalt. He could have received the death penalty, but the Prince decided otherwise. Romeo should be very thankful that he is not beheaded right now. He can still have a successful relationship with Juliet.

  9. As I was tending to my store the other day one I overhead a few children talking about Romeo getting beaten up by Tybalt so immediately closed up shop and went to watch the action. For whatever reason, Romeo wouldn't defend himself so his friend Mercutio had to step in for him and fight. I hadn't seen such a fray in years but it's so odd that a fight starting out so simply could end with Merctuio's death. I could barely believe it with my own tow eyes, one minute they were joking around and the next, Romeo was seeking revenge on Tybalt for murdering his friend. I don't blame Romeo for getting angry though Tybalt got what he deserved. I felt bad for Mercutio because all he was trying to do was defend him friend but when Tybalt died he actually deserved. Mercutio was a good customer at my store but the deaths of neither boy really affected me. I do feel bad for their families though. That goes double for Romeo, he didn't deserve to be banished. Tybalt killed his friend so he killed Tybalt. Let the dead bury the dead.

    Matt Bruzzano pd9

  10. As I was walking down towards the town square one evening to get a couple pounds of bread for the Capulet's, I noticed a sound that had caught my attention coming from a nearby alley. Being curious as I am, I walked down towards the alley. As I continued the sound of swords clanking became obvious until I was led into a quad-like square; what awaited me was a fight between Tybalt and the Prince's cousin, Mercutio. The suspence for too intense for me to scurry away and leave, so I just watched and stared as they battle to the death though counters and thrusts of the sword. They continued to fight until the time came when Romeo of the Montague's had had enough of this brawl and hurled himself between the two opponents. That was the worst mistake he could have ever made. By Romeo throwing himself in front of the two, I allowed Tybalt to thrust his sword into Mercutio's side, as he wasn't able to block his attacks. Mercutio had fallen to the ground, and before he let out his last breath of air, he yelled a curse upon the family of the Montagues and Capulets, which gave me an alarming fright. I could almost fear the rage burning through Romeo as he stared at his close friend, who had just died from his enemy. I already knew what would soon happen later, as Romeo picked up Mercutio's sword and made a battle cry. He was going to kill Tybalt. This I could not allow to happen. I was already terrifed from the death of Mercutio's, Tybalt's was one that the family couldn't face with. I rushed out of the square and raced back towards the Capulet's house. I ran to the main hallway where lady Capulet sat. Still terrified, I warned her about everything and she called forth dozens of soldiers fromt the Capulet's house to follow her into the square. But it was too late aleady. By the time we had gotten to the location, Tybalt lay dead of the ground, his blood covered on Romeo's weapon. Lady Capulet rushed over as she weeped with anger that a Montague had just killed her nephew.

    As both Mercutio and Tybalt lay dead upon the ground, all I could think about now is how these two deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt could effect the Capulet family, and the city of Verona. Through Mercutio dieing, the Prince must now be in a furious rage which could only mean bad news for both of the families. Mercutio's death could also lead to a non-ending rage within Romeo, as one of his good friends had died. The one thing that I can't seem to forget is how he cursed both of our families. This shock was too much to withstand for me, so I made the effort to aviod telling Lady Capulet, as she was startled enough already. The death of Tybalt, however, must now cause a rage within the Capulet family as they will soon swear to never forgive the Montague's for what they had done to Juliet's cousin. It also may have a big effect on Juliet and her relationship with Romeo, as the Prince's verdict wasn't too settling.

    As the Prince approached the scene in utterly shock, he couldnt believe that he had just found out that another brawl had occurred resulting in a death within the Prince's family. In order to put punishment on Romeo for what he had done to Tybalt (who even though had killed Mercutio), he was sentenced to be banished from the city of Verona, never to return. If he was too set foot in the city again, his life would be at stake then. Even though Romeo had killed Tybalt, it had only occurred because he had taken Mercutio's life for no reason. So, i would think that it was rather a bad descision on behalf of the Prince since Romeo had done nothing wrong but to defend the dignity of his friend who had stood up for him. The punishment of him being banished is just too much and should have been lessended greatly. As the crowd started to spread out when the Prince left, I just remained still, but then I followed after the weeping Lady Capulet.

  11. As i was working in my bakery taking orders for customers i noticed a commotion outside, and people screaming and yelling. Then when i went outside i noticed Romeo and Benvolio crying. That was when i new something was wrong and i needed to scan the surroundings noticing Mercutio on the floor. When i then looked the other way i also sow Tybalt on the floor with a bloody sword next to him. As i am a Capulet and they are good buying of my bakery i was very sad for his death. But yet i was too for Romeos since he is also in love with Juliet.
    I was very emotional for Tybalts death since Mercutio just wanted to start a fight. Mercutio’s death will not effect me at all but for as Tybalts with emotionally effect me due to not being able to see him come into my bakery almost everyday.
    I did think Prince verdict was fair of not killing Romeo and still letting him live. I am okay with that because at least someone he will still be able to see Juliet.

    Guisippina - Monica nole period 9

  12. I was on my way home from work when i witnessed the two murders. I was stunned and had a realization after words. i relized the effects the violence between the two families really cause and how people everywhere are effected by the violence. The deaths do not effect me personally but i now know how babdly the fighting needs to stop between the two families. I think the princes verdict was unfair because he did not know both sides of the story. romeo did not want to fight but tybalt ended up making him.
    Guisseppe Stein

  13. While onto my way to my shop, I heard the yelling and commotion of a fray. So, I went outside of my shop to see what was going on. It started off looking playful with Mercutio and Tybalt joking around. It quickly then escalated to a heated battle. Romeo quickly stepped in between the two of them and tried to stop the fight. At that moment, it left Mercution defenseless and giving Tybalt an opportunity to stab Mercutio. Mercutio played off the situation like nothing happened, saying he was fine over and over again. Eventually, he collapsed and Romeo and others saw the wound that lied in his chest. This made Romeo angry and decide that he had to avenge his friends death. He ran to get Tybalt and engaged in a fight. He was screaming something along the lines of that one of them must join Mercutio in dying. Romeo ended up stabbing Tybalt and therefore killing him and avenging his friend's death. I was surprised by Mercutio's death because it seemed harmless at first, but I was not very surprised when I saw Romeo going after Tybalt because he had killed his friend.
    These deaths affect everyone in the town in some way, but do not have a very large impact on me specifically. I will continue to make my coins at the same pace and use them as I normally would. Of course I feel remorse for the families, but with all of the fighting going on, it was bound to happen at some point in time.
    I believe that the Prince's verdict was fair of banishing Romeo from Verona. I believe this because he can understand the circumstances that Tybalt just killed his friend and there is always going to be some type of reaction to an event like that. Because Romeo did indeed kill Tybalt, he can't go unpunished. He made that clear during a fight a while back that endangered the whole town. So, he decided he could not have Romeo killed because of the reason he went after Tybalt, but knew that some type of serious action had to take place. Banishment could help to prevent more conflicts in the town between the Montagues and Capulets, especially since a skilled fighter in Tybalt has been killed. I though the punishment was very fair by the Prince.
    Nico Baker (Matt)
    Period 9

  14. I was going on with my day normally. I was asked to do some shopping for some food items i would need to make something. As I was walking, I saw a ghastly sight! I was shocked and saw the death of a fair man, Mercutio. I saw Tybalt and Mercutio dueling as a joke but Tybalt took it too far. Suddenly, Romeo chased Tybalt as far as he walked once Romeo realized Mercutio had died and the sword fight had been taken too far. As Romeo caught up to Tybalt his fate was in his own hands and he threw his sword at Tybalt as if he was a skilled swordsman! It was a pity he was not been one, after all Tybalt was very skilled. Eventually the fight ended and Romeo caused the death of Tybalt too. He was banished. Mercutio's death was upsetting but I am not very fond of him. I am more fond of Tybalt since he is from my household and we are as in the Capulet household are very upset over the death. For Tybalt had been one of our best fighters, defender and a friend. I think the Prince's verdict was very fair because Romeo did not mean for any of this to happen and he was trying to protect Mercutio because he saw it was getting a tad out of hand. He is lucky because he does not deserve to be killed although he was responsible for two deaths, it was an unlucky day and I am sure Romeo would do anything he could to take it back.

    -Sarah Curtis
    Period 9

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Ben Adler

    That was the most insane thing I have ever seen! A brawl a brawl! A tragedy i tell you, a tragedy! I cannot help but think that this could have been avoided had Romeo fought Tybalt and possibly defeated him. It started off tense and grew into a complete fiasco. Mercutio was completely outraged with the disrespect of Tybalt. He rose to his feet and charged at Tybalt. I could not believe what i was seeing. Romeo tried to break things up but that was when it all turned down hill. Tybalt stabbed Mercutio in the chest, killing him. The scene only was made worse when Romeo ran after Tybalt, sword drawn, ready to stab him at first sight. The blood, the cries, it was all too much for me.

    What a tragic plague has fallen upon the fair city of Verona. The death of two kinsmen, caused by haste between two families burdened with the problems of one and other. It is events like these that makes me wonder, at what point does this whole rivalry have an end? This certainly cannot go on forever. These deaths are not just the passing of people, but the spark to a fire of violence and blood. Mercutio had never been close with me. He sat for a show occasionally, but never really spoke to me. From what i understand, he was crazy. I am not greatly effected personally by this fight. If anything, it means more free time for me. With all this craziness, who has time to listen to a Jester! However, the sadness of Mercutio’s death will be spread throughout the house and will soon make me upset as well.

    The punishment given by the Prince was not fair at all. These fights have been going on for years and years and nothing has been done like this. Why make an example out of somebody who has never done anything wrong before. Romeo has always been so nice and peaceful, trying to stay as far from these fights as possible. The one time he makes a mistake and kills a man out of pure passion and revenge, he should not be thrown from the city. However, this could be for the best. If he stayed in the city, he would most likely be killed by the Capulets. Also, this may bring an end to the fights, nobody will fight if they know it will cause for them to be banished from the city.

    Bruno Escedore

  17. Assume you witnesses the two deaths. Record your reactions to each - well I really don't know what happened I knew that the two families didn't get along but what I didn't know was that they would go this far to get someone killed.

    How do the deaths of Tybalt and Mercutio affect you? (emotionally, physically, financially and socially) -- Really they don't affect me in any way because I still have a job and I'm going to still get paid.

    From your point of view, do you think the Prince's verdict was fair? Why or Why not?-- yes, I think it was fair because he was actually being nice to Romeo because he was supposed to get killed if their was another fight that broke out.

  18. I was shocked at both deaths but I did not feel pity for Tybalt. But I did for Mercutio becaus ehe was Romeo's friend and a nice fellow.
    The deaths dont affect me emotionally and physically, but finacially and socially. This is because socially, everyone is talking about this topic because it causes controversy. Also, finacially, Lord Montague is upset so it is affecting all of the jesters because we spend time around him. I think the Prince's verdict was fair because Romeo should not be put to death because he was honoring his friend by killing Tybalt. But he should be punished.
    Cecila the Jester, period 9

  19. Oyez! Oyez! What trouble has gone about today! Hast thou not heard of the brawl between young Mercutio and that devil of a lad, Tybalt? Well, fortunately enough I was present for the fray, and saw the two of them but heads for the honor of their respected houses. Surprising, though, that Mercutio would feel so protective of the young Montague, so much so that he would cover for him in a quarrel. And against Tybalt as well! Very shocking, indeed. Well, as I was saying, Tybalt came in search of fair Romeo, and stumbled upon his kin, that Benvolio fellow, along with Mercutio. I know not the words that were exchanged between the Capulets and two young lads, but I do know that after some exchange of words, it turned to an exchange of blows. Such a battle, too! Between the two most dexterous swordsmen in all of Verona battling for blood, it was quite the sight to see! How unfortunate for those watching, though, that Romeo came upon the fiery souls in an attempt to assuage their temper. Little effect it had though, for Tybalt continued on as before, for now he was up against his true enemy. Mercutio stepped in to help his friend, and alas! Mercutio was slain under the arm of poor Romeo at Tybalt’s hand! What a sight to see, my friend, what a sight! Of course, at that point Tybalt fled from the scene, only to be hunted down by the blood thirsty Romeo, who eventually murdered him purely out of revenge. Tis such a shame that two such young souls should be in God’s hands. It is strange indeed that He should want them, and yet I, in my old age, am still walking the Earth, as I was the day I took my first step. Ah me, what a time it shall be, for I will have much to report on as soon as the news is spread. However, ‘tis also true that such an event shall cause such a stir in Verona, for I am certain the Capulet’s will be outraged at the death of Tybalt. And as for Mercutio, well, he is the kin of the Prince. Speaking of the Prince, hast thou heard of Romeo’s exile from Verona? Yes, I believe ‘tis so! In payment for Tybalt’s death, the young Montague was banished from the city! ‘Tis completely unjust, if you ask me, for that man Tybalt had it coming to him for some time now, and it could have been anyone to take that final blow to do him in. Mercutio’s death was revenged, as it should be. ‘Twas Tybalt who started the fray in the first place. Ah, such news today, such news indeed! But for now, I must be off, for I am sure there is even worse news ahead. God Save the Queen, my friend, God Save the Queen!

    Lorenzo Lindsay- Town Crier
    Liliane Lindsay- Period 8

  20. I only saw Tybalt and Mercutio fighting but at first I didn’t think they were actually fighting but when I saw he didn’t get up I knew something was wrong so I was scared because I knew that was Romeo’s best friend.
    Their deaths affect me because I am friends with both sides. They were but devastated this made the feud worse than it was. I also hurt me since I was so close with both of them. They were very nice people who cared for others.
    I do and do not think that his verdict was fair since it was the law even though Mercutio was his cousin. But I don’t think that Lady Capulet should have told the Prince what to do, he can make his own chooses. And also I don’t think that Romeo should have been banished maybe something else.

  21. Today was like any other day, except for the fact that i saw 2 people die today. Mercutio was killed by Tybalt and then Tybalt by Romeo. I was frightened. I also felt bad. Romeo didnt want to fight Tybalt, so Mercutio felt as though he had to. Then Romeo tried to do what he thought was right when Mercutio got killed under his arm. Romeo didnt mean to though, I know he didnt. After I saw Romeo grab his rapier and kill Tybalt. I was in disbelief, but at the same time Romeo wanted to kill the man who killed his friend. The death of Tybalt had no effect on me, but the death of Mercutio did. I was so upset when i saw what had happened. I always see Mercutio and Romeo around the house, and hanging out in town. And when i saw how upset Romeo was I couldnt help but be upset. I dont think the Prince's verdict was fair for one reason. Romeo didnt want to fight in the beginning. And when he did it was only to defend his friend and then harm the man who killed him. But I would take banishment over death for Romeo any day. Of course I wouldnt see him, but knowing that hes alright would calm me.
    Daniela Samad pd 9

  22. I can not believe what I just saw. An argument started between Tybalt and Mercutio and the next thing I know they challenged each other to a duel. At first, it looked like the boys were having fun and only joking around. But, when Tybalt was made fun of and laughed at it became more serious. In only a few moments the fight escalated and no one saw it coming! It was horrible to see poor Mercutio fall to the ground and no one realized that he was not kidding around. These boys should be responsible for their actions and not just think it's all a big game. After Tybalt ran off, knowing what he'd done, Romeo stormed after him crazily seeking revenge. I ran down to my husband to tell him to alert the Prince immediately or else someone else would get hurt, and I wouldn't want my dear Romeo getting injured. The next fight was even more terrifying. Romeo was crazed in a rage to fight for Mercutio's honor. Romeo went all out trying to get Tybalt and he slew him! My friend, Romeo, murdered someone! I would have never thought I'd witness such a thing when I woke up this morning.

    This fight and the deaths is devastating to know. Tybalt probably started the whole mess with his rage. It's horrific to all that these fights finally resulted with two dead and one banished. However, neither of these deaths effect me financially because my husband does all of the work for me. I can imagine that it effects the household of the Montagues, my dear friends, greatly because of course now Romeo has been banished from Verona. Sure, I will help him and his family but it doesn't effect me that much financially. Socially on the other hand, I am very much devastated and won't be able to see Mercutio or Romeo around the Montague house ever again. This brings great sadness to my body and I feel tired all of the time because of my grief for the death of Mercutio and Romeo being banished.

    The Prince's verdict is not fair at all! Tybalt was the one who killed Mercutio! Tybalt would have been dead anyways because of the penalty of death! Romeo's reason to slew Tybalt was revenge and payback of Tybalt killing his dearest friend. Romeo truly had a reason for his anger, but Tybalt didn’t and that’s why Romeo should be saved from banishment. Be sympathetic at least a little bit! What would you do if you're enemy murdered your best friend, Prince? I'm sure you would do the same thing to stick up and avenge them.

  23. WOW what a sight. i actually physically saw the actual deaths because i was walking back form the market since I was baking a bread and another cake for Lady Capulet. It's very unfortunate for the Capulet family and since i've talked with Tybalt before it's even more disrupting to hear about his death. All i needed to get was some flour and sugar because i had ran out, but since it's the only market in Verona, it takes a while to check out and be on your way. As i finally exited the market after paying for my ingredients, i was walking by the beach when i witnessed a gruesome event. After seeing Mercutio try to help Romeo out by defending him i saw Tybalt slice Mercutio with a piece of glass. I can't imagine why Tybalt was so furious with Romeo. Once this happened i saw Tybalt literally dash away in his car and Romeo had a moment with Mercutio. He then erupted, and sped off. I imagine he was furious and realized that Tybalt killed Mercutio his best friend.Of course when i arrived back at the Capulet house i was informed of Tybalt's death. A tragic event that affects me deeply. I knew Tybalt in the slightest way but it makes me feel terrible inside because i've seen him in person. I don't think it will have much effect on me financially, maybe a little decline in income but i think that it might increase the productivity of cakes in remembrance of the two. I am very emotional about this and i will do anything to give my dearest condolences to the Capulet family and i will continue to remember the person he was. After i was told about Tybalt's death and than Romeo was the killer, i was ashamed about hearing this. I was then told that the Prince ordered Romeo to be "kicked out" from Verona. I've been told that Tybalt started the fight, and Romeo finished it. I believe that the princes decision was incorrect. Although i am a Capulet employee i will always vote for the correct side. Romeo didn't want to begin fighting with Tybalt, but he decided that it didn't matter and that he's always right. Well he was wrong. The choice by the prince was inaccurate and i believe the only reason Romeo killed Tybalt was because he struck first in killing Mercutio, otherwise none of this would've happened in the first place. The prince should reconsider his choice because based on what i've seen and heard his decision is unacceptable.
    Giuseppe Smolev
    Zack Smolev Period 8

  24. The fray between Mercutio, Tybalt, and Romeo was an escalating conflict that possibly destroyed the possibility of peace between both raging families. After inspecting my land and overseeing crop production I wandered towards the beach for a shot of liquor at the beach bar. Before entering the old tavern I heard a ruckus yonder towards my fields. I saw Tybalt beating and harming young Romeo until Mercutio came to his side in order to stop the skirmish. The exhausted Romeo had little energy to hit back, if not for Mercutio’s interference, Romeo would have perished. The brawl commenced between Mercutio and Tybalt, objects were thrown and glass was shattered. This was complete chaos and very hard to comprehend. Tybalt, fiery as ever, obtained a shard of glass and inflicted Mercutio with a deadly blow. Mercutio died for the Montague name despite not being part of that family. Blood was shed from an innocent respectable young man. I was astonished to see the lad die just yards from where I stood. It was hard to comprehend so I went into the tavern to drench my sadness or worry in alcohol. As I walked out I was intoxicated but still able to find my way home. As I entered a small square there was a blurry figure chasing after Tybalt. After clearing my eyes I came to notice that the young man was Romeo. There was hate and a lust for revenge bursting in his eyes. A small battle began between them but in the end, Romeo gave the mortal blow. They death of the tyrant Tybalt was not emotionally impactful when compared to Mercutio’s. However, the families are destined to fight due to these unjustified deaths.

    Mercutio’s death was saddening for he was an ally and counterpart to those in my house, Montague. He was wise and a vivid advice giver to young Romeo. Due to his death my life would surely change in financial and social ways. This is because his death influenced Romeo to kill Tybalt thus adding tension and fights between the warring families. The death of Tybalt did not emotionally affect me because he was a vicious monster that sought chaos in Verona. However, due to the increase of tension my profession may fall along with one of the families. If the Montague’s fall then I am surely destined to give my land to the Capulet’s. This will cause me to lose large amounts of money and not provide food for my family. If I happen to lose wealth I will also decline in the social class system that precisely divides the people of Verona.

    I personally believe the Prince was not fair when sentencing Romeo to exile. The Montague family suffers more than that of the Capulet’s because they lost a friend and the only heir. Romeo was only attempting to avenge his close friend and counterpart when Tybalt unjustly ended the life of innocent man. Romeo was the one that did not want to draw his sword to fight Tybalt but he was baited into a fight. Tybalt obtained the correct punishment of death of the murder of Mercutio but Romeo was the one that was negatively affected.

    Daniel Maldonado Period 8

  25. Yesterday at noon i was strolling around in town, as I was on a lunch break, when suddenly I saw Tybalt challenging Romeo to a deul. I did not mean to be nosey but I actually know Tybalt quite well because I had been asked to write some book for him. I heard him go after Romeo and Romeo refuse to fight. This surprised me because I expected a couregous man such as Romeo to be ready to fight at all times. when Romeo refused they challenge young Mercutio came into the mix to appease Tybalt and defend the Montague name. Romeo attempted to stop this but defensless Mercutio was struck by Tybalt's sword. Romeo, greatly angered, went after Tybalt and succeeded in avenging him friend with Tybalt's death. Mercutio's death although i feel quite badly for the fellow does not affect me much. On the other hand Tybalt was a big member of the Capulet family of which I work, and I am in mourning for this beloved man. The entire Capulet family is very upset and it is very difficult to comfort any of them.

    Although I have very strong ties to the Capulet family and I do respect them very much I do believe that Romeo was only defending his friend. If I had not been at the scene and had not heard the entire story then I would have felt differently about this matter. I would have wanted Romeo dead and loathed him for his actions. ALthough I know this is how people expect me to feel I do not. I know Tybalt is a rather violent man, and is quick to fight anytime. Seeing that Romeo didnt even want to fight him shows that Romeo is respectable. Also in a time where a great friend has been killed it is very difficult not to pursue the offender. Tybalt put himself in this position. If he had just left Romeo alone this never would have happened. I do believe that Romeo should be punished though. I think they should have found a way for him to make it up to the Capulet family, but not have banished him.

  26. This morning I was taking my usual walk through the Village Square when I saw two obnoxious teenagers fighting in the street. I wanted to leave and not watch the terrible scene but i couldn't. I soon realized that this fight was between Tybalt and Mercutio. One is a Capulet and the other is a Montague. I do recall the Prince banning fighting in Verona because it made the town too hectic and it was morally wrong. These two families always fight so I was not surprised when i saw that the peace was broken. Although I did not know either of the boys personally, their death was horrifying. It is terrible when I see two young men like that die right before your eyes. However I do not think that these deaths have effect me in anyway. It does however effect my dear friends, due to the fact that Lord and Lady Capulet lost their nephew by the way of Romeo's sword. I was not surprised when I saw the two men dead because of the past fights within Verona.

    The Prince is not always right. His verdict was that Romeo will be banned from Verona because he destroyed the peace and killed Tybalt. In this case I do think that the prince is not right because even if Romeo is away that doesn't mean that the other Montagues and Capulets won't fight. It is doing a dis-service to poor Romeo's friends, family, and peers. Although I am not a Montague and I do believe that the Prince's decision is incorrect. He is the one right now that is not thinking straight and is being immature. Kicking somebody out of the town is not the only way to keep peace.

  27. I have lived in Verona for most of my life and I have never seen a brawl this intense and dramatic. When there are fights in the town, they only use their rapiers to protect themselves but I have never seen someone use it for the death of another human being! I don't understand why these men think that violence is the only way to solve issues. It is a shame that Mercutio was killed because I knew Mercutio very well and I believe that it was not his time to die at such a young age. Romeo was the one who killed Tybalt and Romeo is usually the type to stay away from violence and it is a shock that he would kill Tybalt. Romeo thinks his life is basically over because of his action and it's making the whole Montague household a big mess. Everyone is just in a fog and socially, everyone is not where they usually are. I believe that the Prince's verdict was indeed a good verdict because I think he knows Romeo never is involved with violence as well as him just letting out all of his anger from Tybalt killing his best friend.
    -Kristen Petriello Per 8

  28. I was baking my bread in the house of montague. all of the sudden, i hear raucous outside. serious raucous. at first i think it is boys being boys, playing around with each other. but its luder than normal so i went outside to check what was going on. it lookeed like a simple boy fight between Tybalt Capulet and Mercutio. Mercutio gets up from being on the ground. He says he is fine so i walk back inside to finish baking. Little did i know was that Mercutio eventually died. and Then i find out that Romeo, my boss's son had killed tybal because of his love for his friend. i was shocked that he was capable of such a thing!

    I am sorry for romeo because tybal was one of his best friends. however tybalt being dead could release some tension between the two families. he is always wanting a fight so maybe now that he is gone, the fighting will decrease. i am scared thoguht that lord and lady montague will take out their anger for romeos behavior out on me. i will miss romeo dearly. we always used to chat and he helped me bake my bread.

    The prince's verdict was more than fair. romeo killed tybalt which was clearly against the princes order declared just days ago. Romeos intentions were good, to stick up for mercutio so it was very nice of the prince to NOT kill romeo. although he is banished and i will miss him dearly, i would rather know he is alive than know he is dead

    Giulianna Breslin- chef
    Charlotte Breslin -pd 9

  29. How might i feel upon the news of this when my own eyes had witnessed the fight that occurred between the two and the accidental yet intentional deaths that had taken place. The death of them both. Of mercutio, cousin of the prince, and Tybalt, kinsman to me were quite of horror. It was a mere fray, however that Romeo got in the way. The sword was cast under his arm and i as i had seen with my very own eyes the piercing of flesh and the wretched demise. I felt the loss of Tybalt kinsman to me. Felt the rage however for his killing of the cousin of the prince as well. Socially i will attend the funeral of Tybalt for i knew him well. He is one of fight and blood where misfortune doth dwell. The Prince's verdict as a Capulet was right as rain. For who else was there whom had more to gain. Than the montages whom had lost not one though through this fray Romeo's banishment had begun. I felt fair it was not that the one whom he'd slew had been the murderer of his friend and even though he avenged the king he had been banished as his bitter end. I feel that these events unfolded this way is much for to worry what the quarrel between houses might say.
    Annabella Haider, dueling master
    period 8

  30. Annalisa Nesheiwat (scribe)

    Oh my! I have lived in Verona for as long as i can remember and i have never seen a fight this brutal. Being a friend of the Montagues, i am upset to hear that Romeo's friend, Mercutio, has died. Tybalt on the other hand is a different story. Since the Montagues and the Capulets are enemies, the death of Tybalt doesn't affect me. I do not think that the punishment given by the Prince was fair at all. Fights similar to these have been going on for as long as i can remember and nothing drastic has been done to put an end to them completely! It's absolutely ridiculous! In my opinion, Romeo was the peace maker in the fight. He just got angry because his friend Mercutio was killed by Tybalt. He was acting hastily and made the wrong decision, but he was just trying to stand up for his friend who couldn't fight his own battle because of Tybalt.

    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8

  31. I have heard from a group of people in town talking about the deaths of the capulet by the name of Tybalt. I've also heard about the death of Romeo the montegues friend Mercutio. Im pretty upset by this because they were so young and had so much more to live for. Also do to the princes demand Romeo is banished from Verona because he was the one that has slain Tybalt. I think the princes decision will only be right if he hears the story from both sides.

  32. Wow! I sure am surprised to have witnessed the deaths of the two boys. Its a shame, it really is. They really need to calm down this feud between the families, it killed two people! I've always said that children need to be more careful, never thought it'd lead to any deaths though.
    These don't affect me to a great extent really. I always saw the boys walking by my store in the morning. Nice kids, they'd usually say hello or wave if they were in a rush. I must say though that it got annoying to hear about it. It was the talk of the town for days. Some people that were closer to the boys wouldn't leave their homes, it slowed down the stores business for a little while but everything is up and running again!
    I think that the Prince's verdict was a little harsh considering Romeo is just a young boy. But the kids around here always cause trouble outside my store so we'll just have to see, it may be beneficial.

    Sarah Greer (Baker Angelo) period 8

  33. As I was walking in the town of Verona, I spotted a group of young men bickering. I approached the group of people and saw Romeo jump in the middle of the fight and next thing I knew Mercutio was kill by Tybalt sword. I watched amazed to see what happened. Then Romeo ran after Tybalt, and not much longer I heard that Romeo killed him! I have witnessed some of the fights between the Capulets and Montagues but this is like nothing I have seen! Lady Capulet was furious! I agree! Me and my husband were so angry! The Princes verdict was not fair at all! Romeo should have been killed!! He killed dear Tybalt and should pay!

  34. I am a baker and I take my job very seriously. And Romeo's banishment and the death of Mercuttio also leaves me gloomy by the day. Socially I am great friends with both Mercuttio and Romeo and I do not feel in my point of view being a citizen watching this brawl go on I believed that the prince's verdict was not fair because Tybalt killed Mercuttio and Romeo killed Tybalt it is a life for a life death and Romeo was avenging his friend. His best friend.

  35. I saw only Tybalt’s death. Suddenly Romeo was running from somewhere and fought against Tybalt. There were many friends of Romeo and Tybalt around them. At first, I thought Tybalt would win but surprisingly, Romeo killed Tybalt. He looked unusually mad about Tybalt. After the fight, I heard that Tybalt killed Mercutio, Romeo’s friend. That motivated Romeo to fight against Tybalt.
    The death of Tybalt affects me emotionally. Although, he likes violence and fight, He was nice guy too. When I visited Juliet’s house, I saw him several times and he talked to me very kindly so I’m so sad about his death. I actually don’t know about Mercutio but many people in the town felt sad about Mercutio’s death. I think he had many friends.
    From my point of view, I think the Prince’s verdict was fair. The first one who kills others was Tybalt. He had to be punished. Also Mercutio was the relative of the Prince so he had to feel some hate for Tybalt for killing his relative. However, Romeo also killed Tybalt whatever the motivation was, So he had to be punished. It was the fair punishment.
    Anna Yamamoto

  36. Allan Passafaro
    Oh my. Today I laid eyes on a most terrible sight. Both the Montague's Mercutio and the Capulet's Tybalt. It was horrible. My inn is right at the town square, and I saw out the window the small quarrel of a few of each family. Then Mercutio fell... Tybalt found his way out of the square, followed by Romeo. I ran out and followed Romeo with many other villagers. Then I saw Romeo kill Tybalt.

    They both had been in the inn every now and then, and I had enjoyed serving them. However, I didn't know them personally, and all I know is that the Prince was not very angry.

    However, I think that the Prince should not have been swayed by Lady Capulet's mind, and should not have banished Romeo. He killed Tybalt for the repayment of him killing Mercutio, which is the legal penalty anyway.

  37. Today as I walk to the market, I witnessed Romeo and one of his friends fighting Tybalt! I walked over to see what all of the commotion was and then I looked down and Mercutio was dead! Then I looked up and saw Romeo running after Tybalt. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw with my own eyes Romeo KILL Tybal! Oh my goodness I couldn’t believe it! So I went to the market and got what I needed as fast as I could and ran right back to the Capulet house. There I saw the Nurse explain what had happened today and Romeo’s punishment. She said that Romeo had been vanished from Verona. Right then and there Juliet fell to her knees crying hysterically. Although I do love Juliet dearly, I feel Romeo’s punishment was reasonable and understandable.


    Tori - Period 8

  38. I was shocked at both deaths but I did not feel pity for Tybalt. But I did for Mercutio becaus ehe was Romeo's friend and a nice fellow.
    The deaths dont affect me emotionally and physically, but finacially and socially. This is because socially, everyone is talking about this topic because it causes controversy. Also, finacially, Lord Montague is upset so it is affecting all of the jesters because we spend time around him. I think the Prince's verdict was fair because Romeo should not be put to death because he was honoring his friend by killing Tybalt. But he should be punished.
    Sophie Major Cecila the Jester, period 9

  39. As I was walking around town I over heard a couple of guys laughing and joking around. I looked at them and I noticed that it was the Montague and the Capulet boys. They were all just talking and laughing. I saw Romeo going to his boys but I didn’t think anything was serious. I talked to one of the by standers around there and all of a sudden when I turn around I saw Mercutio on the floor. I didn’t know what was going on. All I heard him say was that he declared a plague against both families. Then I saw Romeo crying and I knew that he was dead. I saw Romeo chasing Tybalt . I knew something was going to happen. I left town and headed home. Once I got home I heard that Tybalt and Mercutio were both dead and Romeo was exiled from Verona. I was shocked. I felt bad for young Romeo . I thought that the prince was fair enough to not kill Romeo since the Capulets wanted him dead. The prince’s verdict was fair.
    Renaldo Figaro
    Emily Jaramillo period 9

  40. I was in the Capulets house jestering, and i hear the nurse talking to Juliet, I later find out what had happened and immediatly got a little nervous. I felt bad for Julliet because there had been rumors spreading that she had loved him and for him to be banished must have been hard. In addition i hadnt seen Juliet out of her room latly, other then that i wasnt effected to much. Tybolts death had had a huge effect on me because most of the Montegue household had been emotionally disturbed, and even my jestering hadnt helped very much. Mercutiosn death didnt really have any effect on me because i had nothing to do with him. When i found out about Romeos punishment i felt upset for Juliet, but it was a fair punishment

  41. As I was leaving the Capulet's residence, I happened to overhear Lord Capulet screaming at poor Juliet. Although I left as soon as I heard the brawl between the two family members, I was able to overhear that they were arguing about the arranged marriage between his daughter, and my dear friend Juliet with young Paris. I understand that we live in a time period where you parents are the ones who decide who you are to marry, but I don't agree with this proposal at all. It's not right, and Juliet has a right to voice her opinion on a man who she is going to be spending the rest of her life with, her father blew it out of proportions, he immediately started screaming without even discussing the topic with her. When I reached the courtyard, I heard the Nurse tell poor juliet that she should now consider marry Paris, I think that was very selfish of the nurse. She was always the wingman of the relationship, she should of never gotten involved if in the end she is going to be totally hypocritical, and then in the end tell Juliet she should now marry Paris.

  42. My bad! By accident I put the recent blog in here!

    As I was walking around town, I saw my ex boyfriend, Mercutio with his friends, and joking around with Tybalt and his crew. I never liked the Tybalt kid, I would always see him at the market and he would treat everyone with such disrepect and he acted as if he were better than everyone. So when I saw a simple conversation go to a sword fight, although the group of boys thought it was a simple joke, I knew that something was going to go down. And when I literally saw, Mercutio go down, I knew he was dead, and I couldn't accept it. Although we were broken up, it was hard to grasp that my ex boyfriend, who I was still best friends with, was now dead. It really hit me emotionally, so Tybalt dieing, I really didn't care. When I saw the prince give his verdict, I thought it was somewhat fair because he didn't take Romeo's life, but I really think they should of at least locked him up or something! I know if the prince saw his cousin mercutio being in a sword fight, he'd immediately go after tybalt!

  43. I could care less about the fact that Romeo is gone. I did not care for him as well as he did not care for me. Nobody cares for me. I am a street cleaner that has no friends. I was forced to clean up the blood from Tybalt when he was stabbed. Obviously if he were to not have been killed than my job would have been less and easier. But of course these people in this town have to fight amongst themselves about dumb nonsense. Good ridence Romeo.
    Noah Platte

  44. Good work guys i do not know you and you are all graduated, you were in 9th grade in 2011, if anyone ever sees this you can email me. I was 7 when you all wrote this and I hope you all are doing great things but I am 99% sure nobody will ever see this, due to the fact that this is a random website that your school doesn't even use anymore, If anyone sees this you have to contact me.

    1. Email me at the date is november 28th 2018
