Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Act II scene iv

You have seen the Nurse and Peter around the town. Describe them. (92)


  1. Whenever I run errands for the Montagues, I always come across the Nurse and Peter. The Nurse is a plump, round women, but she has a rocking bod nonetheless! Peter, on the other hand, is a scoundrel who takes the Nurse for granted! He never protects her and I can't blame her for beating on him when he does something wrong! If IIIII were her body guard, I would treat that fine female like a queen! As you can see, I have a litt'e gentleman's crush on her. My lord, I would just absolutely LOVE to bed her one day!! Her raucous humor adds to her stunning personality! I know she works for the dreaded Capulets, but I JUST CAN'T CONTAIN MYSELF ANYMORE!!! The next time I see her in the town square, I MUST start a conversation with her. My word, I'm starting to sound like young Romeo! I think I'm starting to understand what he feels like. :O

    Fabio Lanzoni, Servant
    Rob Sperduto pd. 3

  2. I pass by the Nurse and Peter several times a day on my daily routes I take. Each time I go by I see Peter lagging behind the Nurse as somone even lower than a servant. She order him all around and I place simpathy on him. No Capulet deserves to be treated as such. Only a Montague should be given this punishment. I once saw the Nurse kick Peter when he was on the ground. I had no business there, so I kept on walking, but I wanted to know why she did that to him. I went back and helped Peter up confronting the Nurse about why she did it. She said some Montagues just ruined her honor and Peter didn't keep it. The fat goose gave no reason besides that to treat him as such. My views changed about the Nurse that day. She went from crude, funny woman to hatred goose.
    - Deven Jacobi (Squire Colombo Moretti) Pd. 3

  3. There have been many instenses where i have encountered the nurse and peter. Peter is a servent to the nurse who is ordered around constantly by the nurse. the nurse comes off as a hardworking stressed person with a very full life. from what i have seen she is a motherly figure to Juliet Capulet when lady capulet cannot be there. Though the nurse is hardworking and strong willed she is constantly ridiculed by people.
    Guisseppe Stein Priod 3

  4. Though i do not get out of the house much, when i do i make sure that i make my way to the town market. I can cheaply buy food and meet up with friends and family. It is the center of life in Verona. As far as seeing the nurse there, i see her very frequently. I find it very funny that she is constantly being followed by this man named Peter. He is basically her servant, maybe more of a helper. The nurse cracks me up, she is large, round, and wider than she is tall. She seems nice though, I wouldn’t have wanted a nurse growing up. I enjoyed having a real mother. As far as Peter, I would hate having his job, he is the servant, of a servant. He is constantly being beat by the nurse who mocks him for everything that he does. I wonder how he landed that terrible job. I would rather clean the streets of Verona than have ti be bossed around by that nurse! But times are tough, and man must do whatever he can to scrape up a buck or two here and there. Whatever floats his boat. He probably is payed poorly also, i cant get over how lame his job is! I am most likely going to write some jokes about him now, cant wait!

    Bruno Esecedore
    Ben Adler

  5. Not many a time do I see Verona's market. Nevertheless, when I do, I never fail to see the large Nurse running errands for lady Juliet, while bossing and beating around her poor servant, Peter. I try to keep out of their business, but the Nurse stirrs up quite a ruckus with her crude and sexual humor. If she sprung a joke like that towards me, I would bite my thumb at her.

  6. The Nurse and Peter are servants of the Capulet house, are they not? I have just seen them while I was talking a walk to visit a friend. Peter is a servant to the Capulet family, but I get the impression that Peter obeys Nurse as well. The Nurse is a stout and robust woman, who I always see draped in several robes shielding her head. She is Juliet Capulet's nurse, who I know has looked after the girl for years. She is known to be crude and often delays many conversations, because she has opened her mouth and filled them with unnecessary words. Peter seems to be Nurse's own personal dog, who bows down to the woman, even in public – he should be a man and protect Nurse, old as she is! Peter is the lowest of servants! He waits on Nurse as if she is Lady Capulet herself! Peter is thin, and scrawny. When I passed by, Romeo Montague was beside them and Nurse was beating the poor man to the ground! I can only imagine Peter has done something, excuse me, maybe NOT done something that would have Nurse angrily torturing Peter. She was hollering something about scurvy knaves, and how she had suffered at someone else's pleasure. Romeo was there beside them, but I know that he is a fine gentleman. Was it he who had upset Nurse so? Or was it someone else who had left the scene? Nevertheless, the true question is why Romeo Montague is associating with servants of the Capulet family? The Nurse of Juliet Capulet in particular? It must be an important matter – no Montague or Capulet would be seen in pure daylight together unless something is happening. I wonder what it must be? I must inquire into this. I am sure someone throughout Verona has a bit of gossip for me to enjoy. This is truly very interesting!

    Duchess Alessandra De Luca
    -Julia Ng pd 3

  7. i don't see the nurse and Peter very often throughout my day. When I do see Peter and the nurse, I notice that Peter is following the nurse around and following her orders. I feel bad for him because he has to work with the nurse, she is something. Every time I see her she seems to making sexual jokes and running errands for Juliet. Despite the fact that she is a nurse, she seems to be like a mother to her. It seems they have a very close relationship.

    Antonio the baker
    Shannon Roman Period 3

  8. I see the nurse and Peter sometimes throughout the day. When I see them i see the nurse giving him orders. I always see her on his tail because she doesn't want he to mess up and she wants him to get work done. Since I had I nurse like Juliet's I am use to her jokes and her actions. But the nurse and Juliet have a very good relationship better then Juliet has with her mother.

  9. Ive seen Peter and the Nurse strolling in town before. The nurse is this very boss like woman and on the other hand peter is somewhat of her "slave". Peter must be ready on command for the nurse at any second. The both of them annoy me because I hate seeing the nurse boss him along like a queen and Peter obey everything like his life depended on it. Ive not yet been able to really seen there true personalities but all that I know from apperance, i dislike the Nurse and Peter. The nurse is a mother figure to Juliet since she was a baby too.
    charlie florio pd-3

  10. I often see the nurse and Peter in town. Sometimes they even come to my bakery to buy bread or food of that nature. It's quite comical seeing them together. I mean to cause no offense, but watching that large women scold and kick Peter around like a slave is very much to my amusement. I rarely ever see him speak, unlike the nurse who I hear talk nonstop. He follows the nurse in her shawdow while she parades forward. Though, i am not close to the servant Peter, I do in fact know much about the nurse. She had been a wet nurse and a mother figure for Juliet when her own mother was off somewhere else. Also, she has a great sense of humor, although they can be a little too sexual for my liking.
    -Viviana Baker

  11. Every day or so I see the nurse pass by my shop and that dog that follows her is often not too far behind. They occasionally come to buy my goods but I drive up the prices for a pair as putrid as them. I don't know who's worse. The bossy, plump and annoying nurse or the idiot that follows her around without question. It makes me sick even thinking about what that lady makes him do, nobody should be treated with as much disrespect as him. One day as the two walked by, Peter bumped into the nurse and she threw him on the ground and kicked him relentlessly. It was hard to watch or at least it would be if it wasn't so hilarious.

    Matteo Bruzzano Pd 9

  12. I see the Nurse and her slave thing when I go to collect Lord Capulet's taxes, and when I collect hers. She is so disgusting that she makes me cringe. Why would Capulet trust his daughter with such a piece of work (not that she deserves better)? The nurse just rattles off sexual jokes to Juliet, and orders to Peter the slave. I feel bad for Peter, having to work for the nurse without question and perfect obedience. I'm not surprised that he didn't kill her or himself yet. It would make his job easier, and mine. The nurse is always behind on her taxes, and gives me BS excuses when I ask her where my money is. She has so little money that I CAN'T raise her taxes and rip her off. She may be the worst person in Verona.
    Benito Saviano (Brett Saviano) - Period 9

  13. I don't know the Nurse and Peter but I feel that the Nurse is very controlling over Peter and tells him what to do. He is sort of a side kick in a way to her. Peter is a lovely boy. He is quiet and shy but I see that he is a very bright boy. Now Nurse, she is a fiesty one! She makes crude and sexual jokes that I certainly am NOT fond of! It is very disgraceful for her to be talking like that in front of poor Peter!

  14. I don't know the Nurse and Peter but I feel that the Nurse is very controlling over Peter and tells him what to do. He is sort of a side kick in a way to her. Peter is a lovely boy. He is quiet and shy but I see that he is a very bright boy. Now Nurse, she is a fiesty one! She makes crude and sexual jokes that I certainly am NOT fond of! It is very disgraceful for her to be talking like that in front of poor Peter!
    Sophie Major period 9 (cecilia greco the jester)

  15. Peter and the Nurse are servants in the Capulet household. They had two very opposite personalities. The Nurse is very loud. She is a large girl who is uneducated. It would be a fib to say that watching her is not comical. She controls a boy named Peter. Peter is very quite. He's a shy boy who deals with the Nurse constantly yelling and him. I see both of them many times when i visit the Capulet household.

  16. Whenever I happen to be in town I manage to see the Nurse and Peter. I know the Nurse is very close to Juliet Capulet as well as with Lady Capulet, and I don't really associate with her for that reason. Another reason you won't find me in contact with the Nurse is definitely because she doesn't have manners or respect to others around her! She always shouts out unexpectedly sexual and disturbing comments to her helper Peter. Peter is always a few steps behind the Nurse, perhaps because she walks at a faster pace or maybe because he doesn't want to talk to her directly.

  17. I have seen Peter and the nurse in town from time to time coming by my shop through the window and in the market. Peter is a complete imbecile for listening to the nurse's crude sexual humor over and over again. I can't lie, the nurse is an imposing figure, tall, wide and tough. She bosses Peter around and without a choice or idea to do otherwise, he does exactly what she asks of him. The nurse is for the most part rude with her jokes, and I feel extremely bad for Peter who has to constantly deal with her obnoxiousness. I have heard that the nurse is closer with Juliet than Lady Capulet herself.
    Nico Baker (Matthew Baker)
    Period 9

  18. For the first time in a long time I decided to take a long walk around town. I happened to stubble upon the nurse and Peter. I noticed them right away because the nurse is quite the distint person. She is quite short and wide. While Peter is skinny and tall. It is funny seeing them walk togther because they are such complete opposites. Peter was walking a few steps behind the nurse and seemed a little scared of her. The nurse was talking the entire time saying some crude and sexual jokes to whoever would listen. The nurse seems like a nice lady an interesting sense of humor though. Peter seems like he would protect the nurse if he had to which is always good to see. Although he probably does it on command, because the nurse controls what Peter does most of the time.

  19. Because I am a butler for the Capulet family who is constintly working every day, I know about every other worker or servant to this wealthy family. And yes, I especially know the nurse and her servant Peter, but that doesnt mean that I like them. In general, I am a very nice, sympathetic, mannored man who usually seeks out the best in many of the people that I see, whether Capulet of Montague. The only exception to my kindness is of only one person; the nurse. For years have I spent my days with that woman and have seen only but rudness and an immanered human being. I especially do not like her sexual jokes that she is always cracking; they were funny when I was around 13 but now I just find them annoying and a woman her age should not be acting so naive. My sympathy then kicks in but only for Peter as I feel sorry that he has to always be following the nurse around; hearing her constant blabber every second. He is a nice gentleman too so the Capulets must have assigned him to her because he is the only one who wont say rude comments back to her. He doesnt even talk back when the nurse taunts him or hits him for being foolish, out of the way or useless. He even told me that one day when the nurse had to discuss with Romeo, she threw him on the ground and aggresivly stomped upon his scrawny body. It's too bad that there are people that think they are so amazing, when there not even close.....
    Lucas Pettinato (Vincenzo De Luca)
    pd. 9

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Well i have definitely seen the nurse. We talk sometimes. but not all the time. We both have our specific tasks for each day given by Lady Capulet. What i do notice about the nurse is that she always has Peter on her back. (not literally) what i mean is Peter's always asking questions, and annoying the nurse. He doesn't do this because he wants to get the nurse angry, he does it because he's clueless. The nurse is a hard-working, relentless woman. She never settles for less, and always tries, in a practical but serious way. Her physical feature isn't what you'd think she is. The nurse is a plump, chubby,circular shaped woman. She is also sort of hunch-back. Peter on the other hand a thin boy who doesn't shut up! he'll constantly talk and ask questions. I have sympathy for the nurse in that way only because i feel her pain in having to deal with such an outcast like Peter. Don't get me wrong, i don't love the nurse i'm just saying whenever i see her she's always working and putting all her effort in. But her jokes aren't funny. Seriously , being sexual around a mother and her daughter just isn't right. It's not only rude, but it's disgusting in the way she thinks she's being funny.

    Giuseppe Smolev
    Period 8

  22. After half a day of work I usually get a half hour break, in which I go down to town to browse. I usually see the nurse from the Capulet house and Peter, her side kick. The nurse is a loud women who is not afraid to say what she wants. Peter is a small boy, who I think is intimidated by the nurse. The nurse doesn't treat him very well at all. The nurse has a foul sense of humor, in my opinion. I think that Peter wont leave because he is afraid that the nurse will do something to him, which she has done before. She is mean to him.
    Daniela Samad
    (Rula Samad) period 9

  23. Although I do not usually see the nurse and Peter outside the Capulet house, I did see them recently walking through the town. Peter, whom I have come to know as a servant, is very thin boy that seemed to be following the nurse as if he was anxious or nervous. Well, I can't blame the poor kid. The nurse can be a bit scary looking at times. She is a large, stout woman who is not afraid the express how she feels. The scariest part of her is that she is most definitely not afraid to express her feelings through force. I wouldn't be surprised if Peter was bullied into going on this trip to town.
    Francesco Dattero
    pd. 8

  24. As the chef for the Montagues, I am constantly in town picking up food to cook. While I am out. i Do see the nurse and Peter. The Nurse for the Capulets is a big round butterball. Just by listening to her and hearing what people have to say about her, SHe says very innapropriate things at the wrong time. Peter is this small fellow who seems to me that he is the servant for the Capulets. heis always behind the nurse following her orders. The nurse is very rough so i would imagine that peter would get bullied by her and not stick up for himself.

    Giulianna Breslin
    Charlotte Breslin -pd 9

  25. I have seen the Nurse and Peter walk by my baker a couple of times, and have also even have came in. Peter fallows everything the nurse tells him to do. I feel bad for Peter since he is with the nurse all day and she can get very obnoxious and loud with her sexual jokes. Peter does not talk back to the nurse, he just answers with a yes or no mam. I would not be surprised if the nurse does anything to Peter, like she has done in the past. He does not and cannot stick up for himself.
    Guisippina - Monica nole period 9

  26. i see the nurse and peter when i go out to go buy food for the capulete house, i also see her at home because she works for the capulets as well. she is a chubby mid aged woman that is loud and funny, she always makes me laugh whenever i talk to her.

  27. I usually see the nurse everyday around the house along with her little helper/servant, Peter. The nurse is round and short and Peter doesn't seem to look anything like that. It is funny to watch them interact because the nurse makes humorous jokes towards Peter and in general. Peter may or may not understand. I pity Peter sometimes because he has to shadow the nurse everyday constantly and although she is working he still has to be by her side. Peter also should be kind to the nurse because he works for herbut he doesn't even defend her!

    Sarah Curtis
    Period 9

  28. I often seen them in the Capulet’s house when I visit Juliet but I see them in the town too. Usually Peter seems like a servant of Nurse although he is a servant of the Capulet. He always walks behind Nurse and obey her. Sometimes they buy foods and dresses in the market of the town. When I saw them in the town recently, Nurse took her anger out on the poor Peter. There was Romeo too. She was angry for being abused by Romeo’s friends. I think his friends didn’t know that the women in Nurse. If they knew that, they should be very reckless. Sometimes, I feel so bad for Peter but Nurse doesn’t hate Peter for real. She just wants to tease him sometimes.

  29. The Nurse and Peter are ones i have seen around, running errands for us Capulets and the lords of Capulet and kinsfolk. Peter is a wee lad whom has much nervousness and fear for the nurse beats him in regularity for her misgivings. The Nurse has her crude humor and awkward speech of tongue however she has her wisdom, however small it may be. Her advice of life comes in due time when in quarrel with Juliet. The Nurse's stout small and fairly roundish stature is what i regard with amusement. For such a lady her self esteem is very high. Peter, her scrawny though however counseling in affairs, supposed "body guard" is always on her tail. I would say a 'Good morrow' to the nurse with the reply of her remembrance of me and Juliet as young'uns, and the crude humor intertwined in the mix. Such is how the Nurse and Peter's goings be around the town.
    Annabella Haider (Amna) dueling master period 8

  30. Annalisa Nesheiwat (Scribe)

    Although I don't get out of the house much due to the fact that I'm constantly working on my books, I happen to see the nurse and Peter often. Peter tends to follow the nurse around a lot, as if he's her servant! I don't know the nurse personally, but rumor is that she's very inappropriate. I heard the nurse tends to make jokes towards Peter a lot. To me, peter seems to be somewhat clueless. He's constantly asking the nurse questions and always talking to her and she always looks very annoyed.

    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8

  31. Although I know not of their personalities and only of their appearance, I can tell you that the nurse and Peter play major roles in the Capulet household. The nurse is a plump woman. She is uneducated, obviously. She raised young Juliet, she did everything that her mother should have done! Peter is a servant to the nurse. She orders him around to do things for her, I feel bad for him!

    Sarah Greer (Baker Angelo) period 8

  32. I do see the Nurse often when I run around for errands in the town near the Capulet house. I saw the Nurse and Peter when they came to tell Romeo something but I wasn't sure exactly why they were there. The Nurse is someone that isn't the swiftest person and she can say things that can harm or scare people at times but she means good at whatever she does. Peter follows the Nurse around whenever she goes somewhere. Peter seems to not know what to do with himself when he is around the Nurse. He gets beaten up and taunted by her as what I saw and I truly felt bad for him.
    -Caterina Petriello (Kristen Petriello) Per 8

  33. I know the nurse of the Capulet house due to my personal relations to the family. She is a very plump woman with a very humorous side to her. She has done a very great job of raising Juliet to her womanhood. Peter has just always been awkward and treated poorly by the family. I feel terribly for him, he is a good person with a big heart. Both are uneducated but entertaining!

    Ashleigh Colon
    period 9

  34. I have not seen the nurse and peter many a time on my way to the market but whenever I do I always see Peter following her like a dog an it's owner. one time I saw her kicking and beating peter which I thought was just horrible. My thoughts on the nurse have not changed since the first day I saw her which was a fat mean lady who cannot control her feelings and has to take it out on poor Peter. The next time that I see her and Peter I will confront her and speak my mind because I think she is wrongly treating Peter just for her own amusement.
    -Billy Pilarinos

  35. Wow. What to say about the nurse and peter. Well I basically spend every day of my life with them and what a joy ride it is. The Nurse is very crazy and perverted in so many sick ways. But you got to love her. Because she is with Juliet for a lot of the day, I also get to spend time with her too. So I have a pretty close relationship with her. Peter is just a crazy as the Nurse just not as perverted. He runs around behind the nurse just like a little rat doing everything she asks it is just a great show to see the two of them together!


    Tori Period 8

  36. The only two times I have seen the nurse for the Capulet family and her left hand peter has been in town. As a matter of fact I think I saw them today when I went into town to grab a bite to eat. The nurse is always sweating because of her long and heavy outfit she always wears. Even on the hottest of days she has it on. Then, as always, right behind her holding her headpiece is peter. A sad looking fellow until someone cracks a joke. People always make fun of the nurse for her appearance, and even though it is true, sometimes I feel sorrow for her. Next time I see her being made fun of maybe I will step in. (Royal Guard William Sheppard) (Josh Kaidanow p.9)

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I personally know the fat nurse and her little understudy. They both annoy me to a great extent. The nurse has a harsh attitude and just is a overall pain to be around and her understudy is a very small and weak kid, not a threat what so ever and fun to make fun of. :)
