Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Act II scene iii

Like everyone else in Verona, you know Friar Lawrence. Describe him from your point of view. (79)
What kind of relationship do you have with Friar? Do you confide in him as well? Why or why not? (81)


  1. Friar Lawrence is a good man of the Church. He is always true to his word in every way and knows much about science. I once saw him fussing with some herbs, so I approached him and asked him about them. He said that some herbs may be used to fight disease and cure them, which is incredible. No one else had I known knew what could really cure an illness. They said to pray and give thanks to cure it. Friar's method is the real deal. He also said that some herbs are poisonous and could cause death if consumed. That Friar Lawrence is someone you could always go to and get advice from. My relationship with the Friar is mentor to pupil. Whenever I seek advice on a problem, I go to the Friar for help. He's always willing to help out a young lad. Our bond is mutual in that he is alright with me asking him all the time for guidance. I place my full concidence in Friar Lawrnce and no one else.
    - Deven Jacobi (Squire Colombo Moretti) Pd. 3

  2. Friar Lawrence is one of the wisest men in Verona. Religion is a huge part of my life and I always make sure I attend church every Sunday. If anybody ever has a problem, the person to go to in Verona is usually the Friar. I can't imagine how many times he has guided me through my dark times. I remember when Bruno (Ben Adler) broke my heart and I had nobody else to go to. Friar Lawrence took me under his wing and pretty much brought me back to life. He recommended I work for the Montagues and I couldn't be any happier because of him. He is pretty much my mentor and I don't think I'd be functioning as well as I am now if he wasn't here for me.

    Fabio Lanzoni, Servant
    Rob Sperduto pd. 3

  3. I believe Friar Lawrence is the most popular or known citizen of Verona, although he is slightly awkward. He is thought of as the wisest man because of his vast knowledge in the field of science and honesty. Sometimes I think he is crazy for focusing his life around these set of herbs. Friar tells the citizens of Verona that the herbs have the ability to cure illnesses and save lives. Despite that he gives the field hands advice on how to tend to the crops. That helps me financially because I often make an increase of money. My relationship with Friar is very complicated because we do no take part in each other’s social life but he helps me with crop tending. His advice on how to increase harvest production and how to properly tend to my crops with care is irreplaceable for he too experiments with life altering herbs. Other than that, we do not seem to interact similar to a boss-employee relationship. I enjoy a bit of liquor after work but he just seems to indulge himself in knowledge. I hope to improve our relationship and create a friendship between Friar Lawrence and I.
    Roberto Ricci, small land owner (Daniel Maldonado)
    Period 8

  4. The Friar is a most dependable man. He has dedicated his life to the truth and to the church. He also has taken his own time to experiment with herbal remedies and poultices. I attend church every sabbath, and I usually talk to him afterwards. I am a devout Catholic, I seek pennance once a week. I trust him to bless me with the word of the lord.

  5. Friar Lawrence is a benevolent, wise, and generous man. He has a vast knowledge in the power of herbs and is a fine apothecary. He once told me about the how herbs have fine qualities and healing powers – even ones who seem to be the most fatal. He said that too much of anything, even something good, can be dangerous when misused. It is hard to believe that our Mother Earth can produce so many plants that can both aid and destroy us! Friar Lawrence's intelligence is astounding; his exceeds mine, even with the amount of education I have received in my earlier years. Friar Lawrence is the most selfless man I know. Whenever I call upon him, he always seems to have time to listen to my worries and advise me on such matters. He never does anything in haste, and I can only believe that he is truly the best person to visit. I have called on Friar several times throughout my lifetime – he has always managed to lift me out of any conflict I have had. I know that he will never share any of our secrets. He is trustworthy and never have I witnessed an act where he has violated one's trust. Almost every citizen in Verona knows the Friar, and I am sure all of Verona will agree with me as well on Friar's character.

    Alessandra De Luca
    -Julia Ng pd 3

  6. To me Friar Lawrence is not a priest. I think that it’s wrong for priest to accept Romeo and Juliet’s marriage without they parents consent, and that he told them that he would keep it a secret. Even though I don’t agree I still trust I’m him since he is a priest and that he can hide that Romeo and Juliet are going to get married. And I trust him to bless them two.

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  8. Friar Lawrence is a very intellegent priest to the church and always tries to do whats best for the people. He also explores with herbs and other natural items to try to heal and cure the sick. He is also a very popular and household name to the people in society. I feel like Friar Lawrence might disagree with people but in some way he is never wrong. When I go to confession, he has a way to him that allows me to express myself openly to the church. When i dont agree with him i think to my self that he is a very smart guy and deffinatley knows what he is talking about. Me and Friar have became very close over many confessions ive been too. These are my words of Fraie Lawrence.
    Charlie Florio pd-3

  9. Friar Lawrence is man of God. He’s an honest man who has the faith of many people. Often many come to him for guidance in their time of weakness and he shares his knowledge and wisdom with them, in hopes of putting their troubles to rest. Also, not only does his knowledge extend to people, but he in fact, has a great deal of information on being an apothecary. The herbs and plants that he studies are thought to be able to fight diseases and cure ailments. I don’t know much about this subject, but I believe Friar. If he says that certain herbs have the ability to save, then it must be true. I also believe him when he says that the plants have a bad side as well and can be used for harm. Though, I often speak with the Friar, we do not have a close relationship. He just views me as another child of God, but I still go to him for comfort and guidance every once in a while.
    -Viviana Baker

  10. Friar Lawrence hasn't changed a bit since I saw him last. Even before I left Verona he would help me out at the shop and spread word of me and in the short time I've been back he's already stopped by to chat a few times. A man of God he is though, I've never been much of a church goer but Lawrence never really bothered me about it. The only real time I've confided with him or anybody else is after about five drinks. The drinks always was my downfall.

    Matteo Bruzzano Pd 9

  11. Friar Lawrence is very intelligent. He knows what to do in any situation, and gives great advice. Though I am not the most religious person, I still go to see him if I need advice about how to do something. The best advice he has given me is that everything, good or bad, can be harmful if misused. It was he who introduced me to my future wife, and married us years later. I go to him for confession (which is not often), and he never seems disappointed or mad at me for my sins. His herbal remedies can cure anything, which is his best quality. He saves lives and doesn't even know it.
    Benito Saviano (Brett Saviano) - Period 9

  12. I like Friar Lawrence! he has very good intentions and is nice to Romeo about marrying them. I actually do confide in Friar. THis is because he gives great advice and he tells the truth. He does not lie to my face and I know he gives respect to me. We are good friends.
    Sophie Major period 9 (cecilia Greco)

  13. I hear that Friar Lawrence is a very wise man of the church. I have met him once or twice at important events. What I hear is that he is very intelligent. He also has faith in many people of Verona. He is an honest man who is there for anyone in need. He supports many people and shows respect towards everyone he meets.

  14. Friar Lawrence is a very respectful man, I've known him since I was young from going to the church with my family. He is a very peaceful man of the church and gives good help and advice. I know many people as well as Romeo have chosen to confide in him with many personal details. On the contrary, I do not tell him all of the details about my life. Although he is very honest and trustworthy to everyone, I am not the person to tell just anyone my secrets and very personal life details!

  15. Friar Lawrence is a very wise and helpful man. He performs his craft with herbal medicines perfectly and has helped my family and I out many times with medicine for sickness. Friar is helpful in all situations and is very trustworthy. I go to him to confess things every once in a while, because stealing money from your own shop can take a toll on your conscious. I trust Friar with certain things and as a religious leader, but to no one person will I tell all of my secrets about myself. Nothing against Friar, he is a great man, but I wouldn't tell him everything that he can possibly know about me. Friar is a helpful and religious man who is beneficial to most people if you give him a chance to help.
    Nico Baker (Matthew Baker)
    Period 9

  16. As I am also a man of the Church, I have a lot of respect for Frier Lawrence. Not only is he a wonderful priest, but he is also very educated in the field of herbs and medicine. As you, know, education is the most important thing for me, so Frier Lawrence earns bonus points for being educated in two subjects!
    I do not usually confide in Frier for personal problems. I don't have time for intimate issues. I'm too busy learning about everyone else's! However, he has helped my daughter when she experienced a serious burn on her hand helping my wife in the kitchen. That man knows what he is talking about, and I am thankful for that.
    Francesco Dattero
    pd. 8

  17. As I have said many times, I am a butler of the Capulet's kingdom and I mostly stay within the castle unless for purposes of running errands. Even though the Lord and Lady Capulet allowed me to education and a good living environment. However, since I am always working, I never really get the chance to practice my religion within the church and to see many of the religion's leaders. So to that being said, I have yet to meet Friar Lawrence but so far in my life, I have heard many things about him that were positve. He is a responsible, generous and extremely religious man who goes through the toughest things in order to make others happy. He is always donating himself and his money to the poor and in most of his spare time, he is in the garden fixing up his flowers and growing many vegetables and fruit. I wish that someday I will be able to meet him because I believe that it will be such an honor. I love even hearing that people today can be as nice as him and how just one person is able to change some many people's lives physically, mentally and definatly religously.
    Lucas Pettinato
    Pd. 9

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  19. Friar Lawrence is a great man. He does whats right to help restore order throughout Verona. He is also very smart and knows alot about various herbs. Father Lawrence married my husband and I. It was a great day. We couldnt find any other priest to wed us so we went straight to Father Lawrence who everybody said was great, now I know what they mean. I do confide with Father Lawrence. I can trust him with anything and can tell him whats going on in my life and I know that if I dont want him to he will never tell a soul.
    Daniela Samad (Rula) period 9

  20. Friar Lawrence is one of the most respectful person i know. When i was a young lady in Verona i would go to him and confide in him because i knew i could trust him. He married me and my husband and i will go to him on a weekly basis because he brightens my day with his genius, and compassionate qualities. One time he was playing with some herbs and he said we could treat diseases using them! i thought that was very interesting. it made me want to cook with different herbs. Friar Lawrence also wants there to be peace amongst the town of Verona, he will do anything to ensure that happens.

    Giulianna Breslin-chef
    Charlotte Breslin- pd 9

  21. Like everyone else in Verona, you know Friar Lawrence. Describe him from your point of view - he is a very nice man, and does his job well, he would never do anything to harm anyone and is always trying to help others.
    What kind of relationship do you have with Friar? Do you confide in him as well? Why or why not? i dont see him too much only at church on Sunday's, he is very nice.

  22. In my point of view, I think that Friar Lawrence is a very kind and trusted man. I think he is very gving to people too. I have a good relationship with the Friar because I have confided in him before and he gave me excellent advice. When I go to church, he is always there which to me, seems very good and I know that he is a good man. Good vibes are sent from his attitude and the way he lives.

    Sarah Curtis
    Period 9

  23. I know Friar Lawrence. He is an honest man. All people in Verona like him. He is very dependable and supportive too. He has a lot of knowledge about the plant. He knows various medical uses of plants. He teaches the uses to people to cure diseases. He is the priest of the church where I go every Sunday. I confide in his as well as everyone because he knows lots of solutions for problems. He helps people in the city.

  24. Yes Friar Lawrence is know by many and by all. He is a kind man whether Montague or Capulet, to all. His meddling with herbs and constant knowledge of how the ways to be always intrigue me when ever passing by. He is one whom i have visited for many times, for as swordsmen and duel masters, knowledge of herbs and as well as religious points are of importance. I do not confide in him for as even though his intentions are of the upmost sincerity i feel that as he is of none i really refer to in terms of health, but rather knowledge. His kindness reaches out and to an extent my confiding grows but as a friar and me being a women, talk is one thing not much of should be done. Though he is one whom has married many within my family. I believe of him as a kind man and one worthy enough in my standards of importance.
    Annabella Haider (Amna) dueling master, period 8

  25. Annalisa Nesheiwat (Scribe)

    Like everyone else in Verona, I know Friar Lawrence personally. He was the priest who married my husband and I! He's a very wise, kind, generous and religious man. He gives me very good advice about my relationship with my husband and is always there for me. Although I don't get to see him as much as i want too, I know if I ever need to talk about something, I can go to him and he'll listen and help me out. He is a very dependable and supportive man and I think highly of him and his wonderful family.

    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8

  26. Friar Lawrence is a wonderful man! So respectful and kind and without a doubt, holy. Many people trust them and have faith in his works. He has great knowledge of the religious beliefs and also in the citizens of Verona.
    My relationship with him is close. I will go to him whenever I need help. I meet with him every so often and bring him freshly baked bread every time. I definitely confide in him because he is an intelligent, honest man.

    Sarah Greer (Baker Angelo) period 8

  27. Friar Lawrence is a very smart and intelligent man. He knows how to handle anything even if it is the most drastic situation. God is very important in my life and I go to see Friar if I ever need anything. He helps me believe that God will always come through and that good people will get things in return. I go to him for confession every time and trust him with everything I say. He is a great man and priest in this world and more people should be like him.
    -Caterina Petriello(Kristen Petriello) Per 8

  28. Friar Lawrence is a much sympathetic and intelligent man. I respect him very much, for his honesty and beliefs. I would say I would confide in him with my sins and decisions. I have grown to know and adore his character over the years. He is also very intriguing considering his curiosity and thirst for universal knowledge. I have a close relationship with him and even with the trust issues I deal with, I have much trust in him. He is the voice of reason in my life.

    Milania Salici - Crier
    Ashleigh Colon period 9

  29. I have known friar lawrence for many years and I can honestly say that he has been the kindest man in Verona and if anyone would challenge that they would be a fool. He is a loving soul who would protect anyone even if he would not survive because he cares more about other people and their safety than his own. I do not personally know friar Lawrance since I barely go to church however I know that he does not judge you based on how many times you go to the church or hoe faithful to the church you are. For this reason I would confide my most horrifying secrets with him for I know that he would never dare to tell another soul because he is the most trustworthy human being on this Earth. He has such a big heart that he would not judge someone

  30. I do now Friar Lawrence. He is a priest at the church. He is a very nice man I have worked with him on making some medicine and studying the plants. We are very close. I always go to him to tell him my problems and we work together very frequently. I do confide in him . He is a very nice man .
    Renaldo Figaro.(emily jaramillo period 9)

  31. Friar Lawrence is the man of peace in Verona. People look to him for guidance and support when things are down. Out of all the people in Verona besides Juliet, Friar Lawrence is the one I know I can go and talk to whenever I need to. He is a great man!


    Tori Period 8

  32. Since I am not married and I only go to church once every two weeks, I barley know Friar Lawrence. From the couple of conversations I have had with him I know he is a true man of g-d, I respect his opinion as both a priest and a scientist, he runs experiments with plants, and that I could go to him for help. When I think of him I think well of him and have no problem with him. I confide in him as I confide in the church. Trustworthy but I am still cautious. (Royal Guard William Sheppard) (Josh Kaidanow p.9)

  33. Friar Lawrence is a great and helpful man. He is there when you need him, just like he is there for Romeo and Juliet. They come from rival families, but they are in love and he will marry them. Friar Lawrence and I have a close relationship, I know I can go to him for whatever I need. I do confide with him, he is there for me when I need him the most. I know that he is listening and will help me through my problems.

    (Shannon Roman period 3)

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  35. I don't like our friar so I go to the town over's church our friar. He's a nice guy it's just that I don't think he is a good religious man.

  36. If I were in a dire straits situation and desperately needed a religious man's help fast then I would probably trust him enough to confide in him and pay attention to his advice.
