Friday, April 15, 2011

Haste: "Mom Drives into River"

Haste is defined as "great speed: especially in situations where time is limited. Synonyms: speed, swiftness, rapidity, alacrity, rush, hurriedness, quickness". Haste is one of the major themes in our play "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare. YOUR TASK: Read the links to the articles below. What is the problem with one acting in "haste?" as seen in this article? How could this situtation have played out if the mother hadn't acted so hastily? How have Romeo and Juliet acted hastily? What would be other possibilities for Romeo and Juliet in handling their love?,_Killing_Herself,_3_Kids


  1. The mother of four children in those articles acted hastily when she drove her minivan into the river with her children inside. She acted quickly to kill them and herself at once, without thinking of the consequences, the outcome or what she was truly doing. If she had though before, this mess could have been avoided. This relates to Romeo and Juliets actions in rushing to get married. They have just met and know nothing about one another, and their families are enemies. However, they live in the moment and act on reation and decide to take on a lifetime together without thinking of the outcome, their families, or anything else except themselvse during the current time.
    Jennifer Drogin pd 3

  2. People often do not know how to react to certain situations when dramatic events occur. Many people panic and choose to do dangerous things without thinking it through very well. The story of the mom driving her children and herself into the Hudson River is good example of not thinking twice before acting. She had obviously just experienced a very sad and painful event. Other than trying to calm herself down and collect herself, she acted hastily and did what many would do; try to escape the pain. Unfortunately the only way she thought she could do this was to kill herself along with her children. If the mother did not act so hastily, she could have saved herself and her children. Romeo and Juliet also acted hastily in that they chose to marry each other after first meeting each other. They should have understood the results of their relationship before they chose to marry. They did not even take time to meet each other before running off to marry, leaving their families alone and worried. Romeo and Juliet should have spoken to their parents and arranged a safe way to marry without leaving their families helpless.

  3. Acting hastily never is the right answer. acting hastily almost always ends up in a bad situation for you and people around you. If the mother hadnt acted hastily she and her family would not be dead and would not have had such a bad effect in the people around her. Romeo and juliet have acted hastily because they are getting married after only knowing each other for one day. other possible outcomes for romeo and juliet would be to wait and see if their love lasts.

  4. When someone acts in haste, they are not thinking. When they're not thinking, they do stupid things. When they do stupid things, they end up hurting others. Others can be family or friends, or anyone who is touched by these events.
    Romeo and Juliet act in haste. They met each other once, and get married the next night. They could have run away or talked to their parents.

  5. The problem with acting in 'haste' is that someone could make unhealthy decisions that they will regret later in life. The woman in this article made a very haste decision by killing her whole family when whatever problem she was facing could have probably been solved hrough safer means. If she was depressed or had a mental problem, there is always help for that and it doesn't mean that death should have to occur. Romeo and Juliet have acted hastily by marrying each other and then killing themselves when they are not allowed to be together. Even though they don't want to hide and sneak around, they felt helpless since they were supposed to hate each other. But, they didn't have to kill themselves and could have at least talked to somebody who could possibly help them so they could be together and live happily. One person they could have talken to was Friar Lawrence. Since he is very respected, he could have talked to the Montagues and Capulets and possibly could have ended the feud through Romeo and Juliet's love.

  6. The woman did not stop and think about what she was doing. If she had really weighed her option and though about the consequences she may not have done what she did. She could have gone for help with her depression instead of taking such drastic measure. She could have gone to a doctor for her problmes. ropmeo and Juliet rushed into their marriage because they felt they had no other choice. If they had stopped and waited maybe they could have come up with another idea. People who act too quickly often make rash decisions which effect the people around them. If they slow slow many issues can be ressolved.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. could this situtation have played out if the mother hadn't acted so hastily? yes, i do believe so because if the mother decided to think of a different way to deal with her anger she and her kids could have moved on to have an amazing life.
    How have Romeo and Juliet acted hastily? Romeo and Juliet went into getting married way to fast as much as i believe in love at first sight its not good that they decided to get married too quickly. You really don't know who you can be getting involved with.
    What would be other possibilities for Romeo and Juliet in handling their love? Asking their parents first if they can get married and explain why they want to get married, and actually try to go out and see if it works, maybe Romeo is putting on a act or same thing with Juliet.

  9. Shown by the sudden drowning of this woman's children and herself haste can often result in tragedy. After a dispute in her household, she was obviously angry and upset and wasn't thinking about what could result from her actions. She wasn't thinking about how her parents, brothers, sisters and other family members would feel either. Because of her sudden decision to act, she wasn't able to see the horrible consequences of what was happening around her. Instead of acting so suddenly the woman could have taken her kids to maybe a friend's or other family member's house to cool down. She could have even tried to see a therapist for depression. Unfortunately she was caught up in the moment and didn't stop herself until it was too late. Romeo and Juliet have shown hasty behavior as well because they got married only a day after they met. Instead of going against their parent's in secret they could have waited maybe until a better time to bring out their love instead of rushing into marrige.

  10. Acting hastily can cause alot of problems, and dont think of the affect it has. The mother acted hastily and ended up into the river with 3 of her kids dead. You don't no the causes it will set on you and others. Romeo and Juliet act with haste by just going off and getting married after people each other a day before. They knew no one would want them to be married because of their last names. If you think it out, you wont end up with the same outcome.
    - Monica Nole per 9

  11. Haste is a very dangerous thing. It can lead people to make decisions in life that they will later regret but can never undo. This women made a decision out of haste that cost her the life of her three kids and herself. This is sad because whatever led her to this decision most likely could have been resolved and this whole disaster could have been avoided. She may have been dealing with hard times in her life but that is no excuse to kill her children. Romeo and Juliet have acted hastily in a couple of ways throughout the story. They meet eachother at a party and instantly fall in love without barely talking to eachother and before thy even know eachothers names. Later the two feel helpless similar to how the mother in the story felt and ended up killing themeselves when they couldn't be togethor. There was other ways of dealing with this but they tragically decided to just commit suicide.

    Matt Bruzzano Pd 9

  12. Acting with haste can be real issue because it doesn't allow for one to think about all of the consequences on oneself and it how it will affect the lives of the people around them and who they care about. The mother was so caught up in her problems that she didn't weigh the options and just decided to kill herself along with her children. If the mother would have thought about her decision, she could have just left and went to a relative or a friend’s house to cool off and handle the problem maturely. It would have saved her life and those of three of her four children. Romeo and Juliet acted hastily because they met each other at a party and within hours were vowing their love to each other and speaking about when and how they were going to get married, even though it would be unpleasing to their families. Romeo and Juliet thought they didn’t have many options because they thought that their parents would automatically dismiss their marriage even though they are in love with each other. They maybe could have tried to prove to their parents that they love each other and that the families could work out their differences.
    Matt Baker- Period 9

  13. Acting hastily can not only harm yourself, but the people you love. You dont know what your doing when you act hastily and it could ruin your life. In this case it ruined a family, killing 4 and leaving a boy and his father alone. Sometimes when you act hastily, you dont realize what youre doing until its too late. If the mother hadnt acted so hastily, then she, her 2 sons and her daughter would have still been alive. Romeo and Juliet did act hastily. They thought they were madly in love before getting to know eachother. After a day they wanted to be married. They didnt know what they were doing. Romeo and Juliet couldve gotten to know eachother before getting married, and before taking everything too quickly.
    Rula Samad period 9

  14. I think that the mother who drove her mini-van into the river acted extremely hastily. The woman drove her 2 children into the river without thinking of the consequences of what she was doing, as well as taking the children in with her. Just like in "Romeo and Juliet", when our main characters decide to get married without knowing anything about eachother, or about the rivalry between the Montagues and the Capulets.

  15. Acting hastily never is the right answer. Many people panic and choose to do dangerous things without thinking it through very well. This relates to Romeo and Juliets actions in rushing to get married. They have just met and know nothing about one another, and their families are enemies. This situation could have been prevented by talking it out with the person she was mad with or talking to a counseler who could have helped her understand her life and why it's not good to commit suicide.Romeo and Juliet should have spoken to their parents and arranged a safe way to marry without leaving their families helpless.

  16. The problem with acting hastily is that there is always a negative outcome that comes out of it. When acting hastily you make a bad descision which always have an even negative outcome in the end, as you can see with this woman driving her car into the lake. Instead of dealing with her depression & getting help, she decided to not only take her life but others as well, her own children! Romeo & Juliette acted hastily by marrying eachother without there parents knowing, if there parents truly did love them they wouldn't of let there rivarly get in between there kids love. They should of told there parents how they felt about one another, the negative relationship is between the two Lord's, they shouldn't get the kids involved!

  17. When a person acts haste, they act very quicky and don't think about their desicion. If the mother thought about her desicion, she would have deffinately had second thoughts and would not have blamed her children for something they didn't do. If she had thought about it, her and her kids would still be here today. Relating back to Romeo and Juliet, they acted hastily by fally in love at first sight without even getting to know each other, then the second time they meet they are getting married. Because of their families feuds and their forbiddon love, they immediately react to this by deciding to kill themeselves without thinking it through. Taking their own life was a mistake and left everybody whom they loved behind. Other possibilities of handeling their love could have been by explaining to their parents and the fact that they have nothing to do with the feud. They should be aloud to love without coflict since they are so passionate about each other. Despite the arranged marriages, their parents can't control if they are in love deeply with another and they just have to accept it.

    Sarah Curtis
    Period 9

  18. Actinh Hastily isnt the right thing to do. It always leads you to a bigger problem.The mother of these kids just put them into the van and frove them into the river. By her acting Hastily she died and so did her kids. Luckily the 10 year old got to survive. If the mother was upset at something that her husband did she could've just left her house with her kids. But she acted Hastily and sadly she died and so did her kids.Romeo and Juliet have already acted hastily thoughout the book. They met and they didnt even know each others name till after everything happend. Soonly after the ball Romeo heads to Juliets house and then they just decide to get married.Romeo and Juliet could have actually enjoyed their lives being in love if they wouldnt have killed themselves. By acting hastily things always end up bad. Thats why you should always think before you do something.
    Emily Jaramillo period 9

  19. Acting hastsily usually turns out into bad situations. The mother was rushing and not thinking of the consequences of what she did. If she didn’t act hasily her family and her would of still been alive today. There are other solutions then to commit suicide. Romeo and Juliet also acted hastily when they got married without even knowing eachother that well. They only knew eachother one night. They should of dated first before getting married, to get to know eachother.

    Sal Blaiotta Pd.9

  20. There are many problems to be seen with acting with the trait of haste. Haste is a quality described by quickness, impatient,swiftness, ect. that can make many bad things occur in situations where you wish you would have thought through before you are acted. And that is the main problem. When you act with haste, you are not thinking about your actions and how they could effect yourself or others around you. In this article, the mother ended up acting too hastly and ended up with the problem of killing herself and all but one of her kids, who which had luckily escaped out of the open car window. The mother had already decided that should would kill herself and her kids, not knowing that she was making a huge mistake and not even thinking it through. If she hadnt acted with such haste, this situation could have turned out much better with all family memebers living, and the mother and father working out their problems in order to maintian their relationship. As seen in the dramatic play, "Romeo and Juliet", their love for one another also goes in much haste either becuase they are deeply in love with each other, or that they are afriad of letting it settle out too long that people will find out about their love before they become married to each other. Instead of acting so hastily, these pair of lovers could have taken it with a more steady approach so that maybe even their family could become used to it. It could possibly convince their parent's to stop this extreme rivalry becuase they have shown that love between two rivals can really actually happen.

    Lucas Pettinato (pd.9)

  21. This is a trajic story which has been told before with other unluckly families and I am truly sad for this one. There could have been many other wasy of handliling this situation because many parents get mad at there children but most of them would have seeked help immediately or just calmed down for just a second to think about what she was about to do and the effect it would have on her friends and family. it is not every time that a mom would kill herself and her children just because she got a little mad at them and think that she would never get over that fact. This can be translated into Romeo and Juliet when they had decided to become married after only a couple hours after meeting one another. Other possibilities for Romeo and Julit's love is to bet to know eachother for atleast more than a year and then tell their parents about getting married so they atleast know about their plans and not have to hide it anymore.
    -Billy Pilarinos
    Period 9

  22. The problem with acting hastily is that you have no time to think. If you have no time to think, you will make poor decisions, and they will affect you forever. In this article, the mother of the 4 kids got into a fight with her husband about him cheating on her, when she hastily chose to kill herself and her kids. She succeeded, except for her 10 year old son, who managed to escape. If she had acted less hastily, she might have realized what she was doing. She also could have saved her life and the lives of her kids. Romeo and Juliet acted hastily. They chose to get married just hours after they met each other. They did not consider their families’ reactions, and this could lead to trouble. Also, they barely know each other. How could they know they love each other when they met just once? Romeo and Juliet could have taken it a bit slower. They could have thought about their decision before tying the knot for good. Their decision will affect them in the long run.
    Brett Saviano – Period 9

  23. Many things can happen if one acts in haste. When someone does act in haste their mind is in a millino different places, so their judgment is niot correct. As the adrenaline gets pumping, the person doesn't even know what their doing or even why they are doing it. The USA Today article explained that police may never know why the mother did it. Maybe she did it because her acting in haste caused her bad judgment. Even those with good judgment is changed when they act in haste. If she didn't act in such haste, her and her kids would still be alive. An alternative would be to sit down and think what to do before doing it. If she did this, she may have acted differently and not in such haste. She could of went to a therapist or counseling, so lives can be spared. Romeo and Juliet acted in haste when they agreed to marry in about 5 minutes in the balcony scene. Juliet even brought haste up because she was worried things were moving way too fast. She had no joy in making the wedding plans so quickly. A way to combat this haste, is for them to get to know each other for more than a day to get married. Take it slow so love can develop into what it is really supposed to be. In most cases, love at first sight doesn't end well. They could decide to marry at a later time.
    - Deven Jacobi Pd. 3

  24. When you act in a hasteful manor, you most likely do little to no thinking about your actions at all.The problem with acting like this, is that you could make decisons that you would regret for the rest of your life. In this mother's case. she ended her life. Acting hasily could result in death dependind on the situation. After the mother was in a fight, she decided to drive her minivan off of a dock with her kids just 10 minutes later. This was acting in a hasteful manor because 10 minutes after a fight, she decides to end her and her kids life. If the domestic disturbance infact did happen 10 minutes prior, the mother should have called the police or leave the situation, or bring her and her children to someone they trust's house. The least she could have done was to sit and think about what just happend and how she should act upon it. Instead she let her anger and adrenaline get the best of her and she killed her and her kids my acting hastily.

    Romeo and Juliet got married just hours after meeting eachother. that is acting hastily because they arent considering what their parents and community have to say. Romeo and Juliet didnt have to get married to be together. They could still be together and try to convince their families to put aside their differences and let them be together. Getting married right away doesnt solve anything. it is just a mistake waiting to happen. they should wait and really get to know each other before geting as commited as husband and wife.
    Charlotte Breslin - pd 9

  25. If someone acts in haste there are usually consequences just like how there were consequences when the mother was mad and drove her car, with her children in it, into a river. If you act hastily you don’t think things through which is what you should do so you do not make mistakes. Instead of acting hastily you should think your actions through and if you need to talk to someone then talk to someone about it. If the mother hadn't acted hastily and talked to someone or asked for help she would still be alive as well as all of her kids. This relates to Romeo and Juliet acting hastily. Romeo and Juliet act hastily about their love and marriage. They know the consequences of their decisions so they quickly continue with them so they don’t have to think about it. Instead they could have addressed their families about it.

  26. If someone acts in haste there are usually consequences just like how there were consequences when the mother was mad and drove her car, with her children in it, into a river. If you act hastily you don’t think things through which is what you should do so you do not make mistakes. Instead of acting hastily you should think your actions through and if you need to talk to someone then talk to someone about it. If the mother hadn't acted hastily and talked to someone or asked for help she would still be alive as well as all of her kids. This relates to Romeo and Juliet acting hastily. Romeo and Juliet act hastily about their love and marriage. They know the consequences of their decisions so they quickly continue with them so they don’t have to think about it. Instead they could have addressed their families about it.-Josh Kaidanow pd.9

  27. The problem with acting in haste is that there is no thought process, no time to evaluate one's decisions. Not that every decision needs to be thought out so thoroughly, but for Lashanda Armstrong, things might have turned out differently if she had considered the situation more. Because of a dispute, the mother immediately thought that the only way she could solve her problems and take away the pain was to kill herself and her family. She took the lives of innocent children with her because she didn't think. If the mother hasn't acted so hastily, all her children might still be alive. If she did happen to have a mental problem, then she could be receiving treatment at this moment. The tragedy would never have happened if the mother had just sought out help. Romeo and Juliet have acted hastily because they got married to each other just after a day of meeting each other. Although their love for each other runs deep, they are also from rival families in Verona. Therefore, if Romeo's and Juliet's families found out, they might have forbidden the marriage – which is probably why Romeo and Juliet married each other in secret and haste. However, the marriage was too soon. The couple should have taken more time to get to know each other and find out if they were truly meant for each other, instead of binding themselves together for life. If Romeo and Juliet loved each other enough, their love would still be as strong as when they first met, even after waiting it out and taking time to evaluate their decisions.

    Julia Ng
    Pd 3

  28. People who act in haste aren't thinking and in the end it will end up bad. If the mother hadn't acted so hastily her kids and herself could still be alive today. Romeo and Juliet acted hasty in the play. A way which they have acted hasty is that they got married after a day of meeting each other and not knowing a single thing about each other. They didn't tell anyone about their marriage, only the Friar, the nurse and themselves knew. Romeo and Juliet could have handled this in many other ways, they could have runaway or they could have talked to their parent and see how they would react.

    Shannon Roman
    Period 3

  29. The problem with one acting haste is that they do not think of what will happen to themselves and how it will effect others. She acted hastily by driving her minivan into a river with her children inside despite the fact that her husband was cheating on her. If the mother didn't act the way she acted she could have reached out for support and it all could have been resolved in a healthy humanly order. Romeo and Juliet acted hastily by determining that they would become married so quick meanwhile they are from rival families and they barely got to know eachother. Rome and Juliet could have thought there relationship through and could have seen that they were not to be to be togeather or they could have kept it secret but nothing severe enough to take there own lives.

    Charlie Florio pd 3

  30. Acting with haste is never the answer to anything. This is when you make a decision and act upon it without even thinking about the consequences or result of the action. This mother acting with haste by driving her car into the river with her children just because she thought that there was no other way to deal with her husband cheating on her. If the mother did not react this way, the situation would have been tremendously better. The parents could have worked things out or could have easily had a divorce. That choice probably would have been made due to the fact that the wife was obviously hysterical about this problem. In the story Romeo and Juliet the couple acts with the same haste as the mother in the article by deciding to get married and by declaring their love for each other. Before the couple made those huge decision they should have gotten to know each other better and think about the life changing obligations that they are going to make. The decisions that Romeo and Juliet made within the time of a few hours should have been made with more time.

    Olivia Pagano
    Period 3

  31. The problem with acting haste is there is never a good end to it. The mother in the article acted haste when she didn’t care about anyone but herself and took the lives of a 5 year old, 2 year old, and an 11 month old baby. She could have brought the kids to her parent’s house so she could think everything over and probably would have gotten over it. Romeo and Juliet acted hastily when they only cared about how they felt and didn’t care that they were hurting their families. They could have told their parents that they were seeing each other and that was that.

  32. When a person acts in haste, they don't stop to think things through and because of this panicking feeling of needing to get things done quickly, people often make rash decisions. Without even stopping to consider the repercussions of her actions, the mother of these children had driven to their demise. With so many things running through her frantic mind, everything is jumbled and it must have been hard for her to even form a coherent thought and she acted on impulse; if she had stopped for a moment to collect herself, no one would be dead and she could've received the support she needed. Just like this woman, Romeo and Juliet have acted in haste when they got married. Instead of marrying so quickly, they could have waited a while to see if their love would last or at least taken more time to get to know each other. Their lust for each other had blinded them and because of this they couldn't see the consequences that they're actions would bring.

  33. When someone acts in haste consequences are removed from the mind. All of the stuff needed to be taken into account goes wrong. My 3rd grade teacher introduced me to the common phrase "haste makes waste" and that was what had happened. When one acts in haste everything is done in a rush and one small thing gone wrong or mistake can ruin the toppling tower of blocks. Sometimes things need to be thought through before rash and irreplaceable consequences take place. In this article the mother acted hastily by driving into the water to drown herself and her kids. The haste in doing so never took the kids opinion ( whom i'm sure did not want to die) and also the haste never let time for anything to resolve out, if it could have. If the mother hadn't acted so hastily the children could have still been alive as well as her. The family could seek aide from someone to help with their trouble and the society wouldn't have been impacted as well by this tragic event. How Romeo and Juliet acted hastily in in their love for each other. They saw each other only once, fell in love, never really got to know each other, didn't even consider that they were of opposing houses, continued to meet, and eventually even marry. Romeo and Juliet's haste in marriage is what is so unpredictably taken into consideration. Other possibilities that romeo and juliet could have taken in handling their love, is to tell their parents or someone else first. They could have waited until the violence matter and anger of Tybalt was at a halt. They could have married at a bit of an elder age. Much choices could have been done, but they chose the one of hate, leading to their own demise.
    ~ Amna Haider
    period 8

  34. Those that act with haste or briskness are often too distracted to comprehend their actions and think about their action’s consequences. The mother was flooded in emotional and physical distress that caused her terrible haste action. She was not able to handle this pressure and responsibility and decided to end her life. However, she acted hastily and took the lives of her children along with her. The thought of driving into a river itself is one that should not be supported. Several other actions could have been committed to prevent the death of those innocent souls. For example, the mother could have seen a close friend or family member to express her feelings and cool down. She could have also attended stress counseling or other professional help to relieve her emotional distress in positive manners other tan acting hastily. If this happened then several lives would have been saved and the mother could have pursued happiness even in her darkest moments. Romeo and Juliet acted hastily in their relationship because they were blinded by love and did not take time comprehend their actions. They rushed their relationship and got married in the matter of days. The lovers could have controlled or not love rapidly to feel the sensation of their life. If they loved accordingly then they wouldn’t have rushed their marriage and still feel a spark. Acting hastily or hurried will always alter someone’s lifestyle.
    Daniel Maldonado Period 8

  35. If one acts in haste, they are not giving themselves enough time to correctly process their actions. This usually results in a poorly thought out plan of action. For example, if this mother had thought out what she was doing, she might have realized that killing her children and herself was not rational. She might have reported the domestic violence to police or moved out instead. Romeo and Juliet also acted in haste by getting married the day after they met. They had not even gotten to know each other yet. Their marriage was out of lust, not of love. If they were thinking rationally and not out of haste, they would have at least gone on secret dates together learn about each other morals and beliefs. That would have been a lot of a better decision on their part. They could have also told their parents before being wed. If their parents found out, Romeo and Juliet would never be trusted again. More importantly, more tension would be caused between the families.

  36. Acting hastily can cause alot of problems without thinking before acting. When you don't think before you act, you don't think about what will be the hurt on others . Romeo and Juliet act hastly by getting married only a couple of hours before they met and while no one knew but the Nurse and Friar Lawrence. If anyone else knew they were married, there would be a serious issue toward the Capulets and the Montagues as well as cause drama in the city of Verona. People don't realize what the mistake is until after the mistake is made and that quote symbolizes this article as well as Romeo and Juliet.
    -Kristen Petriello Per 8

  37. The biggest problem that can come out of someone acting in haste is that the person doesn't get a chance to view and think about alternative solutions. When acting for the moment, people tend to make the wrong decisions. The first option that comes to your head is not always the right one. If the mother hadn't acted so hastily, her and her kids would most likely still be here today. She should have thought about what she was going to do before she did it. Romeo and Juliet rushed into things. I understand that they are madly in love, but because their families are rivals, they could have thought of something else, instead of getting married right away.

    Rana Nesheiwat
    period 8

  38. The mother of four acted hastily in different ways. One way was because before she made her decision she was involved in a domestic dispute. So instead of thinking what she was about to do over, she just did it, which ended in herself and three of her kids dying. Romeo and Juliet act hastily when after four hours of meeting they decide to get married. If they were to think over this decision they would have realized that getting married would just worsen the feud between the families. But they ended up no thinking and going forward with the marriage.

    Tori - Period 8
