Thursday, April 14, 2011

Essential Questions

How do the friends, family and community influence the characters and impact the action of our play? Be sure to speak to all three influential groups in your responses. Use evidence from the text to back your answer.


  1. Friends, family and the community around Romeo and Juliet influence the action involved in the play. Benvolio and Mercutio are Romeos good friends, their relationship consists of constant joking around and not taking eachother seriously. These specific friendships lead to the distrust between the men, Romeo does not tell them of his love for Juliet knowing how they will feel and react. They will not take him serious and they could potentially run to Lord and Lady Montague. His families feud with the Capulets influence his decision in marrying Juliet in secrecy, which is the first main point of action in the play. Lastly, the community, The Friar agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet in hopes that it will end the feud between the families. He is a main man in the community and takes on the responsibilty to try and help.
    Jennifer Drogin period 3

  2. Society influences the decisions of the characters in Romeo and Juliet. This happens especially when it comes to marriage. Lady Capulet tells Juliet that Paris would be a good match for her daughter, even though Juliet wasn't interested in marriage. Though Juliet would not have considered Paris as a match before, now he is an option, heavily favored by her parents. If they were not in such a good financial situation, or did not truly care about their daughter, they would have married her off to Paris. Romeo's friends convince Romeo to finally go to the party, after he said he didn't want to. This happens many times in today's world. The community contributes to the outcome of one's decisions as well. This happens when someone has a reputation that they feel the need to upkeep.

  3. Friends: In Romeo and Juliet, the actions of Romeo are heavily influenced by the guidance and opinions of his friends. They are his support team, his advisors, and for certain circumstances, his mentors. Everywhere that Romeo goes other than to Juliet, he is with his friends. They have his back and he seems more comfortable with them then without them. All friends are against the Capulet’s, and they would most likely not approve of Romeo’s relationship.
    Family: The conflict of this play is heavily caused by the opinions and relationships of the parents. The Capulet’s and Montague’s hate each other. This makes the entire town of Verona choose sides and divide the society. This allows for the main conflict of Romeo and Juliet’s relationship possible. If the parents did not hate each other, there would be almost no issue with their relationship.
    Society: During this time period, the idea of an arranged marriage was not uncommon in society. As it was stated in the play, Juliet was supposed to be wed to Paris. To contradict an arranged marriage would make Juliet seem disrespectful and very un-lady like. Women had no say in who they were supposed to marry, and Juliet had no right at the time to choose a spouse. Also, the relati0nship of Romeo and Juliet will heavily influence society in that there will be less tension between the Capulet and Montague’s.

  4. Friends:
    Friends have a big impact on Romeo and Juliet throughout the play. For example in Act I, without Benvolio and Mercutio, Romeo would never have fallen in love or met Juliet. It was their idea to crash the Capulet party and Romeo was very hesitant to go. Mercutio and Benvolio were the ones to convince Romeo to finally go. If these two had not been in Romeo's life, then Romeo would technically have never even met Juliet and fallen in love with her.

    Family influences the opinions and actions of Romeo and Juliet throughout the play. Because the Montagues and the Capulets are supposed to hate each other, Romeo and Juliet are also supposed to be enemies. Romeo and Juliet don't care or understand about the rivalry and they just want to be together. They had to sneak around and pretty much risk their lives just to be able to see each other. If the Montagues and Capulets had never hated each other, Romeo and Juliet would never have killed themselves because they would be allowed to be happily in love and never sneak around.

    The community influence Romeo and Juliet's actions in the play. In Elizabethan times, tradtions were different than they are today. For example, children had no rights and parents were supposed to make all of the decisions. By sneaking around to see each other, Romeo and Juliet were taking an even larger risk because it was completely unheard of to go against the parents' wishes. Also, parents decided who married their children. Juliet was supposed to marry Paris, but she was in love with Romeo. Through fear of being severely punished, Romeo and Juliet were forced to hide their love and is what also drove them to their deaths.

  5. Friend community and family all impact Romeo and Juliet in some way. Romeo and Juliet are from rival families and there love is somewhat hidden to them, but for juliet the Nurse is her mother figure. When Juliet reveals her love for Romeo to her "mother" AKA Nurse, the nurse is very happy and excited for Juliet to get married the next morning. This made Juliet feel that this was a great idea and something she should deffinetley do. Romeo and Juliets friends also impact them greatley with there desicions. When Romeo thought he loved Rosaline, his friend Mercutio told him to go to a dance to meet other girls. Romeo was very defensive towards Rosaline but he finnally gave in and went. At the dance was where Romeo met Juliet. If his friend hadn't influenced him he would never have met his true love. There community also has an impact on them not neccisarely for the better. The communities view is that they are from rival families and they should not be togeather. This makes Romeo and Juliet be sneaky and only see eachother at night. This is how the community, friends and family impact Romeo and Juliet.
    Charlie Florio pd 2

  6. Freinds Family and the community have a significant impact on the play. Friends impact decisions people in the play make. Romeos friends went to the party with him and basically were the reason Romeo and Juliet fell in love. Without Romeos friends there would really be no story because Romeo would still be chasing Roseline and Juliet would be marrying Paris. Also the Friar impacts Romeo because he is trying to tell him that he is moving too fast. one day he loves Roseline and the next Juliet. The friar beleives that he is moving too fast. Juliets family impacts her because they want the best for her. much more lord capulet and the nurse than lady capulet who is not much of a motherly figure towards juliet. Lord Capulet wants Juliet to marry paris but he also wants whats best for her and wants paris to make Juliet fall in love with him instead of forcing her to marry him. The nurse also wants what is best for juliet. She wants her to love but wants wants her to be safe along the way. Though they are enemies the nurse meets with Romeo so Romeo and juliet can marry. The montagues influence Romeo because they would forbid him of marrying a Capulet if they knew about it. finnally the community influences both romeo and juliet because if people in the Montague and capulet family were to find out about the Romeo and Juliet being together there would be a huge outbreak. Because of this Romeo and Juliet have to keep there love secret. that is how Freinds, family and the community effect Romeo and Juliet.

  7. The friends, Mercutio, Benvolio, Nurse, and Friar Lawrence influence Romeo and Juliet. Mercutio influences Romeo when he persuades him to go to the party. If he didn't, Romeo would not have gone to the party and not met Juliet. He also influnces him when Romeo runs back into the Capulet gardens. He yells at him to run back to Rosaline, which only gives Romeo more reason to search for his true love, Juliet. The friends, Mercutio, Benvolio, Nurse, and Friar Lawrence influence Romeo and Juliet. Mercutio influences Romeo when he persuades him to go to the party. If he didn't, Romeo would not have gone to the party and not met Juliet. He also influnces him when Romeo runs back into the Capulet gardens. He yells at him to run back to Rosaline, which only gives Romeo more reason to search for his true love, Juliet. Benvolio assists Mercutio in perusading Romeo to the party. The Nurse influences Juliet by bringing her the news of the marriage. She says for her to go to Friar Lawrence's cell to be wed. If she didn't, Juliet would not know where to go for her beloved Romeo. Friar Lawrence influences Romeo when he agrees to marry them. Romeo rushes off after this to bring news to the Nurse.

    Romeo and Juliet's family influence them in many ways. Romeo' parents want him to marry an arranged person, but Romeo doesn't think this when he meets Juliet. He comlpetely throws out his parents' ideals by marrying Juliet. The same with Juliet's parents. They want her to marry Paris, but she is meant for Juliet. They both go against their parents' views by marrying from opposite, rival families.

    The community could incluse the Friar's infulence to Romeo, even though he is a good friend.
    - Deven Jacobi Pd. 3

  8. Romeo and Juliet are influenced by many different people that surround them in their everyday life. Friends make a huge impact in a person's life because they can pressure you and make you act a different way especially if you want to be friends with them. Romeo is influenced by his friends to act a certain way when the nurse arrives to speak with him, because everyone else was making fun of her so he just tagged along. These friends were Mercutio and Benvolio in particular. Another friend that influenced Romeo was Friar Lawrence. He decided that it was the right thing for the young couple to get married because it may affect the way the families treat each other. Juliet's one friend is really the nurse that has been raising her all of her life. She influenced Juliet because she allowed this marriage between the two. Since the nurse raised her since she was a baby, she affected her whole entire life because of the teachings and lessons that she taught her. This one character made Juliet who she was when she fell in love with Romeo. The two characters are also influenced by family for the same reason. There is a rivalry between the Capulets and the Montagues. This influences who the two children communicate and associate with. This rivalry developed a sense of pride in their background. This rivalry also influenced the fact that they are getting married secretly. The community life is basically has the same reasoning for their families. This couple has been affected to make many decisions because of their surroundings and background.

  9. In our play, the main characters Romeo and Juliet are influenced by several people in their lives. Romeo’s friend, Mercutio is outgoing and sometimes very obnoxious. Although Romeo is generally the opposite of Mercutio, gentle and romantic, Mercutio influences him to do certain things during the play. For instance, before Romeo knew that the Nurse was actually Juliet’s messenger, Mercutio mocked the Nurse and bashed her in public. Romeo, of course, then went along with Mercutio and did the same, until he realized who Nurse actually was. This goes to show that Romeo may be a known gentleman, but because of his friends, he can act out of place at times as well. The Nurse is Juliet’s only friend, and although the Nurse acts as a motherly figure to Juliet, she is often too forward in her sexual references. During the conversation between Lady Capulet, Juliet and Nurse, Nurse and Lady Capulet were pushing Juliet to marry Paris, even though she was not interested. Juliet fell in love with Romeo almost instantly. Maybe she proposed the marriage between Romeo and Juliet, because Nurse is so forward in the possibility of intimacy between two people. Maybe she proposed the marriage to “prove Romeo’s love”, because Lady Capulet wanted her to marry Paris so much. Juliet doesn’t like Paris at all, so by marrying Romeo, their marriage is also a form of escape for Juliet. In Verona, the town is split up between the Montague and Capulets where almost everyone favors one family over the other. Therefore, Romeo and Juliet planned to marry in secret because they would not only defy their family’s feud; they would shock the community beyond belief. They may love each other passionately, but the couple knew what the consequences of their actions were. They also probably didn’t want to cause any other uprising, because there have been so many fights and both of the family’s lives were in danger if another fight ever broke out, especially because Tybalt had already made a vow to hurt Romeo since he showed up at the Capulet’s banquet.

    Julia Ng
    Pd. 3

  10. How do the friends, family and community influence the characters and impact the action of our play? Be sure to speak to all three influential groups in your responses. Use evidence from the text to back your answer.

    Friends and family make a big part in peoples lives, if your friends are doing something you might try to gdo it too because you what to fit in, or fir example in this case Romeo and Juliet knew they couldn't be together but they knew they wanted to be anyways. some times when your limited on things you can do you do them anyways. Juliet for example doesn't even know her mom that well and she doesn't relly care what she has to say, her mother figure is the Nurse and she is allowing her to get married to Romeo.

  11. Romeo’s friends influence him in both positive and negative ways. A negative way in which they influence him is that they convinced him go to the Capulet’s party when Romeo had a dream that something bad was going to happen that night. A positive way in which they influence him is that they were there for him when Rosaline broke his heart. Romeo’s family influences him in a negative way because they control who he marries, so Romeo can’t marry anyone he wants without the consent of his parent. A way in which they influence him positively is that they try and help him get over Roasaline. The community influences Romeo in a positive way because the Friar marries him and Juliet, which the Friar thinks will end the feud between the two families.

    Juliet doesn't have any friends which can influence her in any way, but since she doesn't have any friends she talks to the nurse. Juliet's family influence her in negative way because her mother tries to convince her to marry Paris because he is handsome and rich. Her father influences Juliet in a positive way because while her mother encourages her to marry Paris her father says she is to young and she needs to be happy. The community influences Juliet in a positive way because the Friar agrees to marry her and Romeo in hopes to end the feud between the two families.

    Period 3

  12. The Friends, Mercutio, The Nurse, Friar Lawrence, and Lord Capulet Influence Romeo and Juliet as a couple and as individuals. Mercutio influences Romeo when he convinces Romeo to go to the party. He said that Romeo needed to get over his love for Rosaline by going to the ball to see other women, and if there are no other women that appeal to him than he can go back to Rosaline. Fortunatley for Mercutio and Romeo, Romeo meets Juliet who he falls in love with and marries. If it wasnt for Mercutio, Romeo wouldnt have met juliet and fell in love with her.
    Friar Lawrence influences Romeo when Romeo asks to marry him and juliet the friar is shocked. 1 night ago Romeo was madly inlove, crying over Rosaline but now 24 hours later he is madly inlove with juliet, a Capulet no less. He tells Romeo that he is fickle and does not truley know the meaning of love just yet, but Romeo insists that they get married in the morning. The Friar agrees and pairs two lovers for the rest of their lives.
    Lord Capulet influences Juliet because when Paris wants to marry Juliet but Lord Capulet(Juliets Father) says that Juliet is too young to marry. He tells paris to wait a couple of years and then they can marry but now Juliet is too young to be in a serioius relation ship.
    The Nurse influences Juliet because she was like a second mother to her. Ever since she was born the Nurse has been taking care of Juliet in every way possible. She tought her everything she knows now and raised her like her own. She wasnt even against her marrying Romeo even though he is a montague. The nurse might have been the biggest influence to Juliet
    The community could include the frair to influence Both Romeo and Juliet because he married them Both
    Sam Mandell Period 3

  13. In our play, Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare heavily emphasized the influential aspects of character’s friends, family, and society itself. Friends such as Friar Lawrence, Mercutio, the Nurse, and Benvolio largely influenced the life of Romeo. The Friar influenced Romeo’s life agreeing to marry him to Juliet thus allowing him to pursue happiness. Friar Lawrence believed this action could hinder the tension that arose between the Montague’s and Capulet’s. As a result of that, the love and adoration between the star-crossed couple grew significantly. Both Benvolio and Mercutio became influential counterparts when they attempted to get Romeo out of his love-based depression. The friends impacted him in order to get him to attend the Capulet masquerade. If this event did not occur, Romeo would have never laid eyes upon Juliet thus the love connection would not exist. The nurse influenced both Romeo and Juliet because she helped in arranging the wedding. She also attempted to convince Juliet in marrying a finer representative of the male species like Paris (she was unsuccessful). Family was also an influential factor in the play Romeo and Juliet. Juliet’s father, Lord Capulet, impacted Juliet’s life by allowing her to marry the man she truly loved or acknowledged. He also did not get rid of Romeo from the Capulet party because of his respect towards him. Due to that action Juliet met and instantly fell in love with Romeo. Despite that, the families negatively impact the lovers by not allowing them to see each other due to hatred between them. This may cause Romeo and Juliet to be blinded by their love. Society largely influenced characters in the play such as Juliet because of arranged marriages. Juliet was arranged to marry Paris though she did no love him. Society during this time period often supported arranged marriages because love was a misunderstood concept. Although influenced by this arranged marriage, Juliet loved Romeo to the fullest and allowed the plotline to continue. Friends, family, and society largely impacted and influenced the play of Romeo and Juliet.
    Daniel Maldonado Period 8

  14. How our family and friends impacting influence our characters and the action of the play is that who you are in relation to is where your loyalties lie. For the montages, romeo being a montage felt rebellious as a teenager for loving juliet whom is of the opposing house, impacting and setting the main theme for the story. When it came to the house of the capulets, Tybalt being Juliet's cousin has strong ties of Capulet loyalty and just seeing Romeo as a montage angered Tybalt for only his loyalty impacting his characteristic of fighting. Mercutio is in power for relation with the prince. However he was friends with Romeo. In order to keep the honor of Romeo, mercutio stood up against Tybalt. Resulting in his death. If Romeo wasn't his friend then he wouldn't have done what he had done.
    Annabella Haider (dueling master)
    period 8

  15. Friends have a big impact on Romeo. If Romeo never became friends with Mercutio or was close with his cousin Benvolio, Romeo would have never met Juliet. When Romeo was in pain of his breakup with Rosaline, Mercutio and Benvolio convinced Romeo to go to the Capulet masquerade and there was where he sees Juliet for the first time. If Mercutio and Benvolio never were close with Romeo, his pain and suffering would have never went away and Romeo would not be love sick about Juliet. Family is very important to Romeo and Juliet. The Capulets and the Montagues are mortal enemies, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet are supposed to be enemies but they fell in love for each other. If their families never had a rivalry, then Romeo and Juliet could be in love with no obstacles. The community influenced Romeo and Juliet very much. Juliet's parents wanted for her to be wed to Paris which is an arranged marriage. Children were accused of not being mature enough to make decisions such as choosing a husband of their own. If the community was less strict on arranged marriages, then Romeo and Juliet would have no problem of being able to be wed.
    -Kristen Petriello Per 8

  16. The friends, family and community influence the characters in Romeo and Juliet and impact the action of the play in many ways. I think it's safe to say that Romeo and Mercutio are exact opposites. Romeo being the sensitive, romantic one is greatly influenced by Mercutio, the loud and obnoxious one. For example, Mercutio convinced Romeo to go to the Capulet party. Romeo went to the party despite the fact that he had a bad dream about it. Although Romeo met the love of his life there, something bad could have happened. Families also influence different characters in the play. Due to the fact that the Montagues and the Capulets enemies, Romeo and Juliet could get into a lot of trouble if there were to get caught. Because Romeo and Juliet are deeply in love, they try to ignore the fact that they are technically not allowed to be together as much as they can. Lastly, the community influences Romeo and Juliet simply because going behind your parents back and doing something as rebellious as what Romeo and Juliet are doing was unheard of back then.
    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8
