Thursday, April 14, 2011

Essential Question applied to "Romeo and Juliet"

How do the friends, family and community influence the characters and impact the action of our play? Be sure to speak to all three influential groups in your responses. Use evidence from the text to back your answer. Ex: The FRIENDS of Juliet influence her... The FAMILY of Juliet influence her.... The COMMUNITY influences Juliet by.... The FRIENDS of Romeo influences him... The FAMILY of Romeo influences him.... The COMMUNITY influences Romeo by....


  1. Romeo's friends influence him in a negative way by persuading him the sneak into the capulet's party. Also they influence him into making fun of the nurse. On the positive side they help him get over rosline. Romeo's family has a big influence over him. They ultimately decide who he will be married. this is negative because romeo can't choose for himself the women he loves. They also help him to get over Rosaline and his sadness. The friar influences Roemo because he marries Him and Juleit in secret. In juliet's life she doesn't really have friend, but she has so be secretive around everyone because neither her or romeo can trust their friend. juliet's family influences her because they control who she marries and who she can be with. They try to turn her against the Montague's. In the society they must be very secretive and they don't trust anyone. The society want to turn them against each other because they are fmaily enimies. But some such as the friar helps them get married.

  2. Fammily, friends and community have a great impact on the decisions and actions in the characters in our play. Romeo and Juliet's family hate eachother and have been in a fight for as long as anyone can remember. This is what caused Romeo and Juliet to hastily marry because they were scared what would happen if their parent's found out about their love for the family's enemy. In the play Romeo's friends also influenced him to forget about his old love, Rosaline, and to find someone new to get him out of his depression. Taking his friend's advice to look at other girls, Romeo fell in love at first sight with Juliet. As well as family and friends, the community especially has an impact on Romeo and Juliet's decisions. The community was divided according to family so Romeo and Juliet had a lot of pressure on them and if anyone, even a inferior servant found out, it would somehow get back to one of their parents and would destroy their relationship. This constant pressure is probably what made them believe that a quick marrige was the best decision for the both of them.

  3. The fued between the two families influenced the friar that getting them married could stop the never ending fight. The nurse influenced/ told them that sneaking around was acceptable, regardless of what the family she worked for would have said. Juliets family influenced the to find love, and fast because they wanted her to get married and have children. The fued influences Romeo and Juliet to sneak around without people knowing.
    Rula Samad period 9

  4. The family, friends and community in Romeo and Juliet have a drastic effect on the story. Juliets mother and father want her to be happy but also want the riches she will get from marrying Paris. When she defies them they turn against her making her rethink what she's doing. Romeo's friends convince him to do some bad things like annoying the nurse and sneaking into the party. The community on the other hand is the main reason why this play takes place. It's all about the divide between Monatagues and Capulets that keeps Romeo and Juliet apart, eventually convincing the two that death is the only escape.

    Matteo Bruzzano Pd 9

  5. Throughout this play, the two main characters, Romeo and Juliet, not only are influenced by their ideas and action shown in the play, but are also mainly influenced by their friends, family and community. Romeo friends play a huge influence on him by the fact that they tease and comment on Romeo's ex-love Rosaline. Fore even though they do not know yet that he has gotten over her, they constantly tease Romeo that Rosaline will never love him, which may have influenced him in some way to find a new love. Romeo's family also seems to have a huge influence on him in this play in the way that his family is natural enimies with their his lover's family. This causes Romeo to become very cautious about what he doesn't with his new lover fore he knows that their love will never be allowed as long as this rivalry continous. Romeo's community also has a huge influence on his life in ways that the community is full of Montagues and Capulets which would also never allow the romance between the children of the two rival families. And also, his community probably suggest that he finds some other lover, besides the Friar who believes that this could be a good impact throughout marrying Romeo and Juliet. The other main character in this play, Juliet, also has these same influences in her life that can sometimes determines her actions and thoughts. Juliet's friends (nurse) influences her life in which she wants juliet to marry a rich man, but also prefers Romeo because of his characteristics and also to end the rivalry towards the two families. From this character, the marriage between the two main characters is possible in order to sustain their love for one another. Juliet's family also plays a big influence on her life in the same way in which it does for Romeo, but in a different manner. Not only is the rivalry between her families effecting her, but also her mother is determined that juliet marries a rich man like Paris instead of a poor boy, while her father just wants Juliet to be happy. Finally, juliet's community also plays a huge significance in her life in the same way in which romeo's does, that the members may not allow it but the friar will in order to maintain possible peace between the two families.

    Lucas Pettinato (pd.9)

  6. Romeo :
    Friends- they influenced him in a negative way by having him go to the party after he had a bad dream that something was going to go wrong in the party. They influenced him in a positive way when they helped him after his break up with Rosaline
    Family- they influenced him by because of the family feud, since they couldn’t be together they had to sneak around.
    Society- the Friar influenced him because he let them get married and kept it a secret from his family

    Friends- her nurse influenced her because she kept the secret as well.
    Family- they influenced because they controlled who she would marry
    Society- the Friar influenced him because her let them get married and kept it a secret from his family

  7. The Friends, Mercutio, The Nurse, Friar Lawrence, and Lord Capulet Influence Romeo and Juliet as a couple and as individuals. Mercutio influences Romeo when he convinces Romeo to go to the party. He said that Romeo needed to get over his love for Rosaline by going to the ball to see other women, and if there are no other women that appeal to him than he can go back to Rosaline. Fortunatley for Mercutio and Romeo, Romeo meets Juliet who he falls in love with and marries. If it wasnt for Mercutio, Romeo wouldnt have met juliet and fell in love with her.
    Friar Lawrence influences Romeo when Romeo asks to marry him and juliet the friar is shocked. 1 night ago Romeo was madly inlove, crying over Rosaline but now 24 hours later he is madly inlove with juliet, a Capulet no less. He tells Romeo that he is fickle and does not truley know the meaning of love just yet, but Romeo insists that they get married in the morning. The Friar agrees and pairs two lovers for the rest of their lives.
    Lord Capulet influences Juliet because when Paris wants to marry Juliet but Lord Capulet(Juliets Father) says that Juliet is too young to marry. He tells paris to wait a couple of years and then they can marry but now Juliet is too young to be in a serioius relation ship.
    The Nurse influences Juliet because she was like a second mother to her. Ever since she was born the Nurse has been taking care of Juliet in every way possible. She tought her everything she knows now and raised her like her own. She wasnt even against her marrying Romeo even though he is a montague. The nurse might have been the biggest influence to Juliet
    The community could include the frair to influence Both Romeo and Juliet because he married them Both
    Sam Mandell Period 3

  8. In Romeo and Juliet, as well as any society, many characters are influenced by those around them. Juliet's family influences her decisions by telling her who to marry. Lady Capulet tells her that it would be a good match for her to marry Paris. On the other side of the feud, Romeo's friends influence him to go to the Capulet party. Society influences both main characters to hate the opposing family.

  9. In our play, Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare heavily emphasized the influential aspects of character’s friends, family, and society itself. Friends such as Friar Lawrence, Mercutio, the Nurse, and Benvolio largely influenced the life of Romeo. The Friar influenced Romeo’s life agreeing to marry him to Juliet thus allowing him to pursue happiness. Friar Lawrence believed this action could hinder the tension that arose between the Montague’s and Capulet’s. As a result of that, the love and adoration between the star-crossed couple grew significantly. Both Benvolio and Mercutio became influential counterparts when they attempted to get Romeo out of his love-based depression. The friends impacted him in order to get him to attend the Capulet masquerade. If this event did not occur, Romeo would have never laid eyes upon Juliet thus the love connection would not exist. The nurse influenced both Romeo and Juliet because she helped in arranging the wedding. She also attempted to convince Juliet in marrying a finer representative of the male species like Paris (she was unsuccessful). Family was also an influential factor in the play Romeo and Juliet. Juliet’s father, Lord Capulet, impacted Juliet’s life by allowing her to marry the man she truly loved or acknowledged. He also did not get rid of Romeo from the Capulet party because of his respect towards him. Due to that action Juliet met and instantly fell in love with Romeo. Despite that, the families negatively impact the lovers by not allowing them to see each other due to hatred between them. This may cause Romeo and Juliet to be blinded by their love. Society largely influenced characters in the play such as Juliet because of arranged marriages. Juliet was arranged to marry Paris though she did no love him. Society during this time period often supported arranged marriages because love was a misunderstood concept. Although influenced by this arranged marriage, Juliet loved Romeo to the fullest and allowed the plotline to continue. Friends, family, and society largely impacted and influenced the play of Romeo and Juliet.
    Daniel Maldonado Period 8

  10. How our family and friends impacting influence our characters and the action of the play is that who you are in relation to is where your loyalties lie. For the montages, romeo being a montage felt rebellious as a teenager for loving juliet whom is of the opposing house, impacting and setting the main theme for the story. When it came to the house of the capulets, Tybalt being Juliet's cousin has strong ties of Capulet loyalty and just seeing Romeo as a montage angered Tybalt for only his loyalty impacting his characteristic of fighting. Mercutio is in power for relation with the prince. However he was friends with Romeo. In order to keep the honor of Romeo, mercutio stood up against Tybalt. Resulting in his death. If Romeo wasn't his friend then he wouldn't have done what he had done.
    Amna Haider period 8 ( previous comment as well.)

  11. Perhaps the most obvious example of influential forces playing a role in the behavior of the two main characters in the play would be the main conflict between the two feuding houses, the Montagues and the Capulets. Each house influences their respective children to avoid associating with the enemy, and even to detest them. Although neither of the children possess the hatred found between their parents and relatives, the animosity between the two houses does play a large role in their urgency to get married. They feel that they won’t be permitted to marry one another with the consent of their parents, so the feel the need to do it secretly and quickly, which causes future conflict in the play. I would, however, consider the ongoing feud between the two rival Houses to be a community influence on the main characters, Romeo and Juliet, and not a family influence as many would think. It is not solely their parents that encourage the young teens to be weary of the opposing family, but all of Verona as well. However, it is true that both families do have an effect on the lives of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo is very close with his cousin Benvolio, and it is through Benvolio’s wise advice and sympathy that Romeo gets over his love for Rosaline, and thus gets over the depression and strife it causes him as a result. Similarly, the Capulet family has presence in Juliet’s life, which is most noticeable through her relationship with her mother. Although she is not particularly close with her mother, Juliet still takes her opinions and orders into account in her daily life. When Lady Capulet informs Juliet of Lord Capulet’s conversation with Paris, she obediently agrees to ponder the possibility of a marriage, even though it would not be her choice. Lastly, the friends of Romeo and Juliet also influence the play and each of their roles as well. One of Romeo’s dearest friends, Mercutio, has an attitude that differs greatly from his own. Mercutio enjoys long exaggerated tales and the fun of life, while Romeo is more romantic and keeps mostly to himself. However, when Mercutio begins taunting the Nurse, Romeo joins in without a second thought. Mercutio’s actions clearly impacted Romeo’s, just as the actions of the Nurse clearly impact Juliet’s. The Nurse practically raised Juliet, so she is a very influential role model in her life. Because of this, Juliet clearly adopts her unorthodox behavior in some respects, for although she is obedient of her parents wishes, she is still a strong willed girl, as demonstrated by her persistence in marrying Romeo, with was unusual fro a girl at the time.

    Lily Lindsay- Period 8

  12. Tori

    There are many aspects of family, community and friends that influence both Romeo and Juliet. The Nurse would be Juliet’s closest friend; she tells her everything, even about Romeo. In the beginning of Romeo and Juliet’s relationship the Nurse was encouraging Juliet, but towards the end she started to second guess her actions fearing she may lose her job. Lord and Lady Capulet influence Juliet as well. Because her parents are strict she is afraid to tell them that she does not want to marry Paris but wants to marry Romeo. The community does not influence Juliet very much because she doesn’t leave her room very often. Romeo's friends have a large impact of his actions. Benvolio and Mercutio both cater to Romeo and do as he asks. With doing that he feels superior which is what started the huge fight. Romeos family also has a large impact on his actions. Because of the huge fight between both the Montague and Capulet family it added to his anger ending is a bad situation with Tybalt killed. The community added to the fight encouraging them to fight! If they would have stayed out of it the fight may not have happened.

    Tori - Period 8
