Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Act III scene v

You have overheard Capulet's remarks to Juliet, do you agree with this position? Why or Why not?

Is the Nurse wrong for telling Juliet to be with Paris? Explain.

**Be sure to think about BOTH sides. Capulet lives in a time where respect from a child is demanded and parents determine who their children marry. Juliet is a "rebel" for going against his decree.

* Remember the VOICE of your persona! You are not simply answering the questions- you are ALSO demonstrating your ability to take on voice and character!


  1. I do not believe what lord capulet did what right for many reasons. I think this was wrong because he did not listen to her side or her perspective or even if she like Paris. I believe in my time of age people should be able to make there own decisions for themselves. I believe this because im a grown man and I can make a decision for myself. Juliet is a smart girl who should be able to make her decisions and it is not her dads responsibility even if he is a lord.

    Juliet is completley wrong because you do not go against your parents even when you believe they are not right. This is unnacceptable in our society and you never go against your family. Juliet has to be taught respect even to her own family members. Withoput respect she cant have trust and trust is what you need in a family. She should 100% marry Paris.
    Charlie Florio pd 3

  2. I think Capulet is wrong for what he is doing. he should not have gotten that mad a juliet for wanting to make her own decision. I would be mad to if i arranged juliets marrige and she refused but it was wrong for capulet to get that mad.
    The nurse is wrong for telling juliet that she should be with paris because she already knows that juliet is married to romeo and doesnt want to be with paris.

  3. I agree with my Lord Capulet because Paris is a much better suitor for Juliet than some Montague. He makes many valid points throughout his stance saying that no child is allowed to choose who they marry. The parents always have the right of way in my book. As I said before, Paris comes from wealth is a proper gentleman, so he should be wed with Juliet. Parents are the more wise and experienced position in this argument, so Capulet his position is the correct one.

    The nurse is alright in telling Juliet to marry Paris. The nurse is also coming from the more wise and experienced position in telling Juliet to be wed with a young, handsome, and rich noble. She's trying to reinforce the arranged marriage to Juliet by telling her to take Paris. The nurse had always told Juliet to take Paris even before the marriage had been set. If the nurse knew, however, that Juliet had already been married to another man, then then she's wrong to tell Juliet to marry Paris. By this she's trying to save her job because is she knew about a previous marriage and didn't tell the Capulets she would be fired or maybe even killed.
    - Squire Colombo Moretti (Deven Jacobi) Pd. 3

  4. Oh ho ho! I strongly agree with Lord Capulet for arranging this marriage without Juliet's consent. I thought he was going soft there for a moment, what with thinking about her happiness and "her wants and needs" earlier. Children are supposed to respect their parents and they have absolutely no say in what their parents wish for them. She should be grateful that her father found her a RICH and RESPECTABLE man! She's so selfish to deny this offer and should definitely get banished from the house for not obeying her parents. Also, it'll get her away from Romeo, she's caused absolutely nothing but trouble for him and my family! Her family had him banished for crying out loud; she needs to stay far, far away from him! If I was in that position, I would demand Romeo to never see her again.

    The Nurse is not wrong at all for telling Juliet to marry Paris. Did you see how Lord Capulet reacted when Nurse only said a few words of input? Sure, she should be able to say what she believes, but she works for them and anything she does to disobey the Capulets would get her into serious trouble. I mean, imagine if I helped Romeo be with Juliet against my master's wishes. I'd be killed for crying out loud! In this position, Nurse should think for herself and her safety instead of the love Juliet has for Romeo.

    Fabio Lanzoni (Servant)
    Rob Sperduto pd. 3

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. No, i don't agree with my Lord Capulet's statement towards Juliet. I believe that a successful relationship should be with someone who the child thinks is the person who he/she loves. I don't believe that a setup marriage is correct because the children being married might not want to be together with each other. I know that it's not my decision in any circumstance and i am speaking the truth not just disagreeing with my Lord. This is my honest opinion about the situation because it might seem better if the children choose their own partner in life. I believe it's not because there's a difference between the two. Loving someone and "loving" someone aren't the same. When you love someone you dearly love them and want to be with them forever. When you "love" someone you either love them because they have money or your set up to marry them.

    Well i believe that the nurse is wrong in trying to reinforce the marriage between Paris and Juliet because she knows that Juliet is married to Romeo. I believe the reason for her decision is because she thinks that the marriage isn't going to wok out anymore since Romeo has been banished from Verona and if he's ever seen again in the city bad things could happen. I also think that the decision by the nurse to change her mind about whether Juliet should be wed with is very unintelligent because she already knows about their marriage and that they both love each other, and it'd be wrong to break-up their love for one another. It also could be jealousy. The nurse doesn't have a husband and maybe she feels that she's being left out and wants to make others miserable. Personally i know the nurse and i haven't a clue about what's gotten into her mind...

    Giuseppe Smolev
    Zack Smolev Period 8

  7. Today I was on my way to hand a finished book I wrote to Lord Capulet when I overheard some yelling. I heard him yelling vigorously at her to marry Paris. I always thought Juliet was a sweet little girl, but her disobediance to her father was revolting. I think Lord Capulet's anger did get the best of him, and his comments were far more hurtful than they needed to be, but Juliet should have done what she was told. She seems to think that she has a say in this matter, but in reality she was just being difficult. I think the nurse was completely right to tell her to marry Paris. Not only should Juliet obey her father, but defending Juliet could lose the nurse's job. I think that Lord Capulet should have given Juliet more time to get used to the idea and to really start to fall for Paris. I think his reaction was really over the top also.

  8. As a women I understand the events and difficulties that Juliet is going through now. But it is unacceptable for a young lady especially a Capulet to disobey her parents. Lord Capulet made it clear that Juliet would marry the countyman Paris. Juliet's behavior to her father is absolutely disgusting. Lord Capulet's comments however were very unnecessary. He made his point but then went way overboard. Anger took the better of him and he went to an extent that nobody should ever do.

    When I was a child I did get upset at the fact that I could not choose who I am married to. But as time went on I ended up really liking Vincenzo, and I think the same will happen for Juliet and Paris.

  9. Bruno Escedore (Jester)
    Ben Adler

    These are some crazy times! Sometimes i wish i did not have such close ties with the Montagues, i feel like i am always caught up in the awful feud with the Capulets. To make matters worse, i recently overheard Lord Capulet screaming at Juliet. If i thought things were tense already, i had no idea what was about o happen! He was screaming at juliet for not wanting to marry Paris, who she is arranged to marry. Who does she think she is? Does she not understand that she must obey what her father says? While she should not protest her father’s choice, i never like to hear a daughter being yelled at so violently by her father who is supposed to love her dearly. They should have spoken about it and maybe come to an agreement; a postponing of the marriage, or a chance to meet Paris more in depth. I then heard the nurse telling Juliet to marry Paris despite having feelings for someone else? This sounds like a scandal, something i would only think of making a joke about. I do not know who she loves but the nurse should definitely be against it. If Capulet finds out she knew about the other love and didn't say anything about it, she would be killed. Also, it is simply for Juliet's best interest. It would make her rich and married, not to mention well respected as an adult. Well, thats all for now, Lord Montague is calling my name.

  10. I think that what happens behind closed doors should stay behind said doors. However when I come across a piece of information such as this, I must speak my mind. I’ve heard many a people that what Lord Capulet did was inconsiderate of Juliet’s wishes. But today’s primary concern is wealth. The key to keep money in a family line is to marry off women to rich men, and to marry the men to women who will bring a great dowry to the new family.

    The Nurse is wrong in the sense that she had helped Romeo and Juliet come together and get married in the first place. So why would she go and turn against their marriage and encourage Juliet to marry Paris? She did this only to keep her job with the Capulet family.

  11. I don’t agree at all because even though they have to pick who she marries I think that they should at least like the person and since she doesn’t I don’t think she shouldn’t be able to marry him. I think that we as women should be able to choose for ourselves. Also I think it’s wrong that her father is being so mean and saying that he is going to slap her on the face sis wrong.
    I think the nurse was wrong because she held Romeo and Juliet with the whole secret marriage and for her to turn her back on her now when Juliet and Romeo can’t even live in the same city, and now the nurse is telling her to marry Paris. I think that it’s wrong that she turned against her just because her parents are yelling t her. If the nurse was Juliet’s true friend she would have stuck up for her.

  12. I do agree with Capulet in his opinion towards Juliet. Besides, Paris must be one of the finest suitors in all of Verona. I cannot even begin to think of where Juliet had ever gotten the notion that she could marry another that her father has not chosen for her. Capulet has been through much, and I believe he is not a man who would marry Juliet to a man who is unsuitable. Paris is described as the perfect gentleman; one who I believe will not disappoint Juliet in their marriage. Capulet is the man of the house, and by having that title, he has the power to choose Juliet's groom, not her.

    I do not believe that the Nurse is wrong for suggesting that Juliet marry Paris. She had already gone against the Capulets by aiding Juliet in her secretive acts with Romeo. Romeo had murdered Tybalt, and because of that, was sentenced to banishment. By marrying Paris, not only would she acquire a husband who would be present, he is a wealthy and extremely eligible man. Nurse's loyalty can only go so far with Juliet; otherwise her life might be in danger. I do not think a life with Paris would be so vile, and Nurse is only attempting to salvage any chance that she has to keep her life and her job. Juliet is being a tad naïve, in my opinion.

    Duchess Alessandra De Luca
    Julia Ng pd 3

  13. I always believed that Lord Capulet was a kind man, but for him to have raised his voice at young Juliet as he had is quite shocking. I mean no disrespect to my lord, and I do agree with the matter of Juliet marrying Paris, but for him to have lashed out so harshly towards her was something unexpected. Lord Paris is a lovely gentlemen, with a great social ranking, a man fair to the eyes, what more can a young maiden want? On another note, for Juliet's disobedience towards her parents is unheard of! A young lady of her social standing should obey the word of her parents and treat these words as law. Lord and Lady Capuelt, all they want is for her happiness and for Juliet to reject Paris is a great disrepect to both parties. I may not know the workings of higher class families for I am nothing more than a humble baker, but I do know that we, as women, must always be loyal to our families; even if that means doing things that we may not necessarily agree with. As for the matter about the Nurse and her sudden decision for Juliet to be with Paris, I must agree with her logic. It would be much better for Juliet to be with someone else. Romeo is a playboy, at least that's what many other girls have said in the kitchen. She may not love Paris now, but her feelings may change and she can come to love him. I see no faults in the Nurse for trying to push Juliet towards this man. All she is doing is showing her loyalty towards the Capulet family by following the will of the Lord and Lady.

    Viviana Baker

  14. I believe that Romeo and Juliet are a very fine couple, however Paris is a much better fit for a young woman from such a wealthy family. Paris and her should be together and start a family and continue on the tradition of rich family members. Also, being enemies with the Montagues it would cause less of a controversy between everyone after the death of Tybalt.
    From an outsiders stand point I understand why the Nurse would turn on Juliet and try and get her to marry Paris, and I believe for her own sake she made the right choice whether that may seem selfish or not. The Nurses life was in danger if she continued to lie to her masters and try and protect Juliet. Her job is under The Capulet rule and she owes them her respect and loyalty. However, I understand that Juliet is upset with her sudden change of heart and feels betrayed.

  15. I am not one to feel sympathy. In fact, I hate when people give others sympathy. However, Juliet is the only acceptation to my moral code. I really do feel bad for her. Not only can she not marry the one she loves, but she has to marry Paris or else she will be shun by her father. Although it's sad for her, she must have left her sense of reality in some other world. Because in this world, it doesn't matter if you love your husband or not. The only thing important is that your parents pick the husband, despite any rebellion. Juliet knows that her father only wants the best for her. That is why he set her up with Paris in the first place. Juliet now has to respect the fact that Lord Capulet tried so hard to make her happy and marry the man. I really am a romantic that loves to see a couple in love, but I also care about respect. By Juliet saying that she doesn't want to marry Paris, she is not respecting her father's wishes, which is a "big no no" in my rule book. For this reason I feel that Capulet was justified to say what he did.
    I also feel that the Nurse was right to tell Juliet to marry Paris. Look, I love putting others first as much as the next guy, but there are times in life that you have to forget about everyone else and think selfishly. That is exactly what the Nurse did here. She was so frightened from Capulet yelling at her that she worried for her own personal safety. At least if Juliet married Paris, Lord Capulet wouldn't be so furious. It might also hide the fact that Juliet married Romeo secretly with her own help. This marriage would just put a cover over everything that happened the past few days.

  16. I can really understand the position that Lord Capulet is coming from, right now parents are arranging marriages and the children listen to the adult. If one of my children went against an arranged marriage I would of also been pretty upset. Respect of elders, especially parents is an important value to continue and understand. So, growing up with similar respect values, I would have to agree with Capulet. Juliet should indeed listen to her father and not go on and marry Romeo without anyone knowing. Capulet is trying to pick the best man for his daughter, and Juliet should be able to see that and understand his point of view as well.
    In the nurse's case, I do not think that she is wrong to try to tell Juliet to marry Paris instead of staying with Romeo. This is because she is hired to work for the Capulet family, and if she defies their ideas by aiding Juliet marry Romeo serious consequences can occur. She seems like she loves Juliet a lot, but her own life and personal safety. The nurse is frightened after hearing Capulet yell at Juliet by refusing a marriage with Paris, and if he knew that she had married Romeo bad things would happen to her and it is smart for the nurse to try to avoid herself being involved.
    Nico Baker (Matt Baker)
    Period 9

  17. I so happen to marry the one whom i loved so i understand hwy juliet doesnt want to marry paris. however, Lord Capulet demands respect from Juliet and juliet should probably be a bit more obidient. i am a mother myself and i would not appreciate to be disrespected. i do agree with the nurse. Juliet should marry Paris. otherwise, she would be kicked out like lord capulet said. No child should want to be kicked out of their own family

    Giulianna Breslin-chef
    Charlotte breslin-pd 9

  18. I overheard Capulet's remarks to Juliet, and I agree with him. A child must listen to her father, and acknowledge that he has the right and responsibility to choose her husband. Juliet disobeyed this by disagreeing with Capulet, and marrying Romeo. She should have just given up on Romeo and married Paris to cover it up, but she acted hastily and didn't weigh her options, and disobeyed her father. If she keeps this up, she will be kicked out of her house because of her marriage to Romeo.

    The Nurse was right to tell Juliet to Marry Paris. The Nurse wants her to so she will cover up the marriage to Romeo. The Nurse helped Juliet marry Romeo, so she will be punished severely if they are caught. Also, if the marriage is covered up, it probably won't be found out by Capulet or Montague. I also want Juliet to be unhappy. It was she that caused Romeo to be banished, so that is her punishment. Juliet needs to move on from Romeo, whom she will never see again.

    Benito Saviano-Brett Saviano-Period 9

  19. Oyez! Oyez! You there! Young servant of Capulet, is it true what news has reached my ears? Hast thou Lord informed the young Juliet of her betrothal to Paris? What a smart match 'tis! Am I surprised it was one that was not made sooner, for she is a maiden approaching a certain age at which most are already with child. But she is a youthful girl, and I am certain she will make a fair bride, and do her parents proud. What's this? She does not want to marry you tell me? Ah, 'tis true, I forgot of her love for that Montague. What a scandal! Has she not told her parents? I would hope she hast not, for if 'tis so, I swear to it she shall never again see the light of day, for no one can escape the wrath of the Lord Capulet. Of course he is not one easily moved, but I would suspect that that shall change for a matter as important as this proves to be. i hope that the young Juliet is smart enough to comply with her father's wishes, for that is what all young girls should do, and must. It is not within her place to tell her father who she does and does not want to marry, especially when the reason behind her true feelings happens to be the spawn of Capulet's only mortal enemy, that Romeo Montague. Well, much to my surprise it seems to be that the young maiden's Nurse has found it within her to speak to Juliet of the wise match. For once that woman has made a smart decision, for usually she gets caught up in the moment and acts is haste, much like the young Juliet herself. Quite honestly, I do not care for either of them in the least, but I do wish them well in the events to come. I pray to thee, give my congratulations to your master. God Save the Queen!

    Lorenzo Lindsay~ Town Crier
    (Lily Lindsay~ Period 8)

  20. Twas daybreak when I emerged from my land in order to purchase new fertilizer and seeds for my crops, when I heard the despicable Capulet holler at her young daughter Juliet on the basis of marriage. He pleaded and begged Juliet to marry the young gentleman Paris. However, the hardheaded girl refused stating that she hated his living being. I agree with Lord Capulet because Paris is a levelheaded man that can solve the conflict between the rival families. Since he is a third party he may find compromise between the warring people of Verona. Despite that, if Juliet feels so strongly against the marriage, Capulet should at least acknowledge that fact. The nurse as immature as she is turned into a grave woman when telling her to marry Paris despite not loving him.. However I believe it is wrong for someone like her, which is a mother figure to Juliet, to destroy her dreams and not support her through troubling times.
    Small landowner, Roberto Ricci
    Daniel Maldonado Pd. 8

  21. Ay by the names of Capulet i must but agree on the face in front of Capulet. For as brought up in such ways it is my duty to agree, yet however on my truth of intentions my agreement is short-lived. I have much heart for Juliet and how she feels her marriage should be arranged. She doth be a wonderful girl and of the finest of manners. That if she should be wed, her name upon all Verona banners. However I disagree with old Capulet whether she disrespected as a wench. For that language to a girl never crossing a barrier of disobedience and always as courteous i feel this rebellious nature is one rare if at all for her to have. Parental decree is all it may be and when it comes no excuse is taken However upon this i must insist that dear Capulet must be forsaken. The Nurse, oh that nurse, one to care much for her enjoyment she be. Not a thought of the distraught that Juliet faced nor heart for the trauma to be. Paris be a lad quite nice and strong be-fit for a lady of Capulet. However i see in the heart set stone and set is none of the love from Juliet. She has her heart elsewhere and i must say how dare the nurse talk in her selfish way. As she has the choice of house abandonment or not for being a Capulet is not for me to say yet, A child can only be a child for some way, until the reality must be listened to and not with haste. For that only results in waste.
    Annabella Haider, dueling master
    period 8

  22. Annalisa Nesheiwat

    I can't beleive what i just heard! Juliet was being extremely rude to her father. If you ask me, she's acting very rebellious! He is her father and he knows what is best for her. Paris seems like a fine young man and i don't understand why she doesn't see that.
    Although the nurse is a close friend to Juliet and is always there for her, she is being selfish. The nurse knows that if Romeo and Julie get caught together, she will be in trouble too. If she didn't want to get in trouble, she shouldn't have helped them in the first place.

    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8

  23. As the afternoon approached to which started out as a good day, I was casually tending to my cares that I do daily, when I catch Juliet running down the hallway. As I turned around she had slammed into me, showing that she really was in a hurry to get somewhere. I knew, however, that Juliet was a curious one and she always had things going on now that this Romeo had been in her life, which I had promised to have kept a secret. So, saying this, I quickly blocked the doorway that would lead to the outside courtyard. I kindly asked Juliet to explain herself before she would be taking off. And she knowing that she could not aviod the conflict, accepted

    Juliet explained to me that a living nightmare had just happened between herself and her father while her mother gave her dirty looks on the side. Lord Capulet had been furious of the fact that Juliet was rufusing to marry the person that Lord Capulet had assigned to her (Paris). I was deeply surprised at Juliet's sense of rebellion! Today, it was usually made that people, especially of royalty, where given someone by their parents to be married to with no regards what-so-ever. I am not saying that I agreed with his position, but Juliet should know better than to refuse her father. She was already married to Romeo, so I asked her why she didnt already tell her father. She replied saying that she was too scared at that moment to tell the man anything, but I still believe that Lord Capulet may have been trailing on a good point, just not in a good way. I allowed Juliet to pass as she rushed to whatever destination she was excited to go to.

    I walked back into Juliet room fore Lady Capulet had ordered me to re-arrange Juliets room so that it was tidy. She had sent the nurse, whom I do not like at all, to help me with this task. Because I was still curious with what happened with Juliet, I asked the nurse if she had anything to do with Juliet's commotion. The nurse replied saying that she was there, and she after told Juliet just to get rid of Romeo and marry Paris for the sake of their family. I, now, had felt pity for poor Juliet as she is now not even supported by the woman who helped her marry Romeo. I believe that rather than going that route, the nurse should have comforted her and help her through her tough times.

    After finishing the room, I retreated back to my corridor only to hear an outburst coming from Lord Capulet himself, probably still raged from the Juliet scene

    Lucas Pettinato (Vincenzo De Luca- butler of Capulets)
    Pd. 9

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I think the nurse has no right whatsoever to tell Juliet who to love and be with for the rest of her life. Juliet should remain with romeo and it should be like that is Juliet wants it like that. its her life, not the nurses or anyone, let her do as she pleases.

  26. My oh my! Capulet is on fire. I have overheard the remarks he made to Juliet in regards to her marriage. I can say that I both agree and disagree with him. From my personal experience, and it is hard to speak cause my children are both so young, but I just don't think that I could ever speak to them that way or threaten them so harmfully! It was scary. I know that he reacted the way most fathers would, he felt disobeyed and that Juliet was not being loyal, but that is no way to treat your daughter! Threatening to kick her onto the streets! ; disgusting. Brings tears to my eyes.
    I can say that the nurse is quite hypocritical by telling Juliet to marry Paris, but i can understand. Times are tough, jobs are hard to find. Working for the Capulets is a great honor and helping to raise their daughter is a job thats worth it! If they ever found out that she was behind 'Operation: Romeo' FORGET IT! She'd be on the streets in a second!

    Sarah Greer (Baker Angelo) period 8

  27. I need to go with Lord Capulet on this one, I usually don't agree with him on anything really but no child should pick who they marry, that's what we are here for! Besides, Paris would be a great husband. He's rich! What more does she want?Juliet and the other children who think they know what love is don;t know what they're talking about. These decisions should be made by old and wise people. Speaking of which, I also agree with the nurse for telling Juliet to wed Paris. She also wise and experienced so she knows what she's talking about. She probably was forced to say this though, if she disagreed with Lord Capulet she might have been fired.
    Matt Bruzzano Pd9

  28. I don't agree with Lord Capulet because he should let his daughter be happy. Juliet should at least have the chance to get to know Paris before they go any further. I think Lord Capulet might have overreacted, but he had the right to because Juliet's refusal was not accepted in the household. That is considered not respecting her father.
    The Nurse isn't wrong for telling Juliet to marry Paris because if Lord Capulet were ever to find out that she helped Juliet get married with the family enemy there would be trouble. She is doing what is best for her, she could suffer bad consequences. The Nurse is right though, because of Romeo's actions he won't be with Juliet so somebody will need to be there for her.

    Shannon Roman
    Period 3

  29. While I was baking as usual as usual news go around the city of Verona quickly and I overheard the Capulet's remark to Juliet. I do agree to this position and this also makes me more cautious about my son or daughter. Because if someone does that it is considered disrespect and when I have a child and this happens again I will know what to do. I do not think the Nurse is wrong for telling Juliet to marry Paris because even though the Nurse was just trying to save her job she also was saving Juliet from her parents and try and give her the best advise. Which were the remarks of marrying Paris which is no crime at all because the father is the one to chose and for Juliet to disagree with that is just wrong even though I do hate the Capulet family this will be my only time I will ever agree in what Lord Capulet has done.

  30. I was in the Capulet's house for breakfast, and Lady Capulet entered Juliet's room. She then got into a conversation about the fight that occurred yesterday. Lady Capulet promised Juliet that Romeo will die! She is coming up with a plan to poison him! Although I think it will be risky, and if the Prince finds out, she may get into a lot of trouble. Other than that it is a great idea, Romeo does not deserve to live. When Lady Capulet went downstairs, I used the restroom next to Juliet's room and heard the Nurse telling Juliet to be with Paris! I think it is great that she is trying to encourage her to be with a respectful and handsome man.

  31. I have heard about Lord Capulets dispute with Juliet from a lady in town. I was upset from childs point of view because nobody should be forced to marry someone they do not love. Thats one reason i disagree with Lord Capulet. On the other hand, from a parents stand point, they want her to marry. I know that the Capulets were married young so they probably want the same for their daughter. They think that Juliet is old enough to get married and start a family.
    I dont think it was right for the nurse to change her mind about Paris. First she told Juliet that marrying Romeo was okay and now shes telling her to marry Paris?! That lady is crazy for so many reasons. She was doing it for the wrong reasons too, and not truly because she wants Juliet to be happy. She doesn't want to be killed. If I were Juliets nurse I would simply tell her to follow her heart no matter what, but to make wise decisions, and to not act quickly!
    Daniela Samad
    Rula Samad pd 9

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Having overheard Lord Capulet's argument between him and his daughter, Juliet, I can understand where he gets his anger. He is absolutely right to feel angered and disobeyed by Juliet because of her rebellion to what society says. Especially in this time, where parents are supposed to be given the most respect it is very rare that a child should outright disagree with something as large as an arranged marriage. Lord Capulet may not be a friend of mine but if I was a father making an arrangement for my daughter I would demand their cooperation. Juliet in this situation does not have the right to say no to marrying Paris. She is lucky to even have a man as charming as Paris to be given to marry. Even my parents arranged a marriage for me and I was lucky too as they found the perfect man for me. However, Lord Capulet has the right to be mad at Juliet because she simply does not have the power to disagree with her father's wishes.
    In my opinion I thought the romance between Romeo and Juliet would not be a lasting one. I thought oh, perhaps it is young love and it will fade away shortly. Even though it didn't if her parents hadn't chosen Paris to wed Juliet maybe the secret romance would have diminished the hate between the two families. But I am only speaking in "what ifs" not in reality. The nurse was truly right to tell Juliet that she should decide with her father and marry Paris. If I was in the nurse's position, I wouldn't want anyone to find out that I had been a part of this dangerous secret otherwise I might be killed! The nurse just want's the safest decision for Juliet although it is not one that Juliet agrees with.

  34. Allan Passafaro
    I overheard Capulet's remarks to Juliet, and I agree with him. A child must listen to her father, and acknowledge that he has the right and responsibility to choose her husband. Juliet disobeyed this by disagreeing with Capulet, and marrying Romeo. She should have just given up on Romeo and married Paris to cover it up, but she acted hastily and didn't weigh her options, and disobeyed her father. If she keeps this up, she will be kicked out of her house because of her marriage to Romeo.

    The Nurse was right to tell Juliet to Marry Paris. The Nurse wants her to so she will cover up the marriage to Romeo. The Nurse helped Juliet marry Romeo, so she will be punished severely if they are caught. Also, if the marriage is covered up, it probably won't be found out by Capulet or Montague. I also want Juliet to be unhappy. It was she that caused Romeo to be banished, so that is her punishment. Juliet needs to move on from Romeo, whom she will never see again.

  35. I feel sorry for Juliet, but I agree with this position. Like my dad will choose my partner, in all the rich families, a master arranges his son’s or daughter’s marriage. We can’t against that and I believe it’s wrong for being against to parents. Also, it’s better for Juliet to marry Paris because Romeo is the family enemy. Also he banished from the town so it’s impossible to see him unless he come to the town illegally. I believe what the Nurse said about the marriage is right. I believe he thinks about Juliet’s future. Also, Paris is a good male so Juliet won’t be feel bad for having him as a husband.

  36. As I was getting ready to leave Juliet to go home I begin to overhear a conversation between Lord and Lady Capulet and Paris. They are discussing when Juliet will marry Paris! I quickly run up the stairs to the nurse and tell her what I had just heard. She quickly tells Juliet. As she is telling her Lady Capulet comes upstairs. Lord Capulet comes in her room moments after. They started talking about the marriage which then soon becomes a heated conversation. Lord Capulet says to Juliet that she will do as he tells her to do and if she disobeys she will be forced out of the house. I felt bad for Juliet, already knowing that she had married Romeo, she was set on her love for him and was not willing to change. Having that attitude on the other hand would be considered very disrespectful to your parents so she is stuck in the middle and doesn’t know what to do.


    Tori- Period 8

  37. As I was heading to the Capulet home I over heard Lord Capulet screaming at his daughter. He sounded very furious I wasn’t sure if I should have stayed or not. Young Paris does not seem like a bad man. It seems like he can give Juliet a good life since he is related to the prince. I agree with lord Capulets position. Juliet should be married to Paris because its not what she wants it what can give her a good life . A good financial life. Juliet is lucky that Lord Capulet picked someone nice for her to marry. I think the nurse isn’t wrong about telling Juliet to be with Paris. Even she knows that Paris could be a good man for her. And he will be able to provide a good life for her.
    Renaldo Figaro
    Emily jaramillo period 9

  38. I do not agree with Capulets remarks at all, he was way to agressive and overbearing. He didnt even give Juliet to say any of her feelings. YES the nurse if wrong for telling Juliet to be with paris becuse she is a two face, when Juliet is alone with the nurse she wants Juliet to be with Romeo. But when HER job is on the line then all of a sudden tables turn and she agrees with Capulet. That is not right.

  39. As I was leaving the Capulet's residence, I happened to overhear Lord Capulet screaming at poor Juliet. Although I left as soon as I heard the brawl between the two family members, I was able to overhear that they were arguing about the arranged marriage between his daughter, and my dear friend Juliet with young Paris. I understand that we live in a time period where you parents are the ones who decide who you are to marry, but I don't agree with this proposal at all. It's not right, and Juliet has a right to voice her opinion on a man who she is going to be spending the rest of her life with, her father blew it out of proportions, he immediately started screaming without even discussing the topic with her. When I reached the courtyard, I heard the Nurse tell poor juliet that she should now consider marry Paris, I think that was very selfish of the nurse. She was always the wingman of the relationship, she should of never gotten involved if in the end she is going to be totally hypocritical, and then in the end tell Juliet she should now marry Paris.

  40. Great Job everyone!

    Ms. Morrissey (Period 9)

  41. I was forced into cleaning all of the floors in the Capulet Mansion prior to the wedding on Thursday afternoon. I had come in very early to start on my days work. In the middle of the day I came upon Juliet getting abused by her father. I listened to the entire argument and knew that Mr. Capulet was wrong. But for Juliet to be hiding her secret from him, now that's just plain wrong. Now shes being forced to marry this Paris guy and have two husbands at once for the rest of her life. I think the nurse is wrong for telling Juliet to be with Paris because she wanted him more than Paris and married him first. If she wants to be with him just let them be and tell your parents. Wow this crazy town is messed up big time. I can't believe I haven't gotten into any incidents yet.
    Noah Platte

  42. I have indeed heard the horrid remarks Capulet made to Juliet. I do agree with his position because he went through the trouble to find a good man to marry Juliet. Capule could have handeled the situation in a more mature way rather than to hit his daughter and to yell so loud. Juliet was being awfully stuborn and she should do as her father reuquests. I do agree however Juliet should be allowed some independence. The nurse was right in telling Juliet this because she is trying to do what is best for the family not just Juliet with is an unselfish thing to do however the nurse may want Capulet's riches so she may just be doing this for that.

    Sarah Curtis
    Period 9
