Thursday, March 17, 2011

Persona Blog: Act I scene i

Respond to the questions below from the point of view and voice of your persona! Be sure to write your profession and name in front of yours for credit!
For example: Chef Alicia Luigi (Tara M. Period 1)

Where are you this morning? What are you doing? (pg 23)
How would your persona react to these puns, insults, and sexual references? (24)
How did the events in the square affect you? Where do you fit in the action? Do you take sides? (27)
Do you know Romeo? Have you noticed a difference in your behavior lately? (30)


  1. Afro Van Tongeren(Gold Smith)
    And today around 7 am i am having breakfast with my wife and kids. we are having toast with jam. i have no sympathy for people that use foul mouths. The affects that happened in the square did not affect me because i work for a very wealthily family. i do not take sides for any one except for my family. in my work i do stubble upon Romeo he is always smiling acting like he is in love with something or someone?
    -charlie Van Tongeren

  2. This morning I was in the Capulet household minding my own business and tending to those of the family. Once I heard about the fight breaking out I ran to join the action. My persona would laugh at theses puns and references and probably say some of his own. A squire from the Capulet family would be the one telling the best sexual references and even better insults at the Montagues. I was a part of the events in the square so I was fully in the action. I was obviously fighting for the Capulets and taking out all I could see from the Montagues. We have such a bitter and violent rivalry, so I thought why not add to it? I know Romeo is some cry-baby little son of Lord Montague who cries all the time. He wasn't even fighting in the square, the little coal carrier! M behavior has been more active in my hatred for the Montagues, so I have seen a change in it. I can't wait for another fight to show those Montagues who the real top family is in Verona.
    - Squire Colombo Moretti (Deven J. Pd.3)

  3. This morning I was in the Montague household cleaning the dining room when I heard about the outburst in town. Young ruffians these days do not know how to talk politely with manners nowadays. Your ears would bleed if you heard how many times these kids use words like "naked weapon" and "pretty piece of flesh." Disgusting! The events today do not personally affect me in any way, as I'm just a servant. However, I fear this may cause a huge problem for the Montagues. The Montagues would win in any fight of course, unlike those cowardly Capulets. As I think about it, Romeo has been acting quite strange lately. I overheard him talking about being madly in love with a woman. As long as this doesn't start problems for this family, we have nothing to worry about.

    -Fabio Lanzoni(Servant)
    Rob Sperduto pd. 3

  4. This morning I was serving breakfast as usual. When suddenly at about ten in the morning, a stranger bursted in saying that some members of the Montagues got in a quarrel with some of their feud members, the Capulets. I wanted to witness it first hand, but I had matters to attend to at the inn. So I told the man to recount what happened. He told me that many insults filled the air between the gentlemen, and they started to get rough. The insults, the man said, were unspeakable. One of them even bit their thumb at the other. After the matter was settled, I continued business as normal, as it does whenever the two families fight. I personally think they have no business fighting with each other. It drives away all my customers, and does me bad business. I hear a young lad named Romeo is lovesick. Now I look back upon it, he did seem... off.

  5. Charlie Florio pd-3
    Today is a marvelous day to me even though it is raingng and very windy out. I woke up and jumped out of bed with a smile on my face with the goal to cheer up as much people as i could, by whatever means possible. Right now I am eating a bagel with cream cheese and purposely smeared cream cheese on my face to cheer up my neighbor. I think these puns are kinda uncalled for but whatever cheers them up is whats right. The actions in the square do not affect my job but i need to make sure to treat both families equal so i keep business, make people happy is my job. No if, ands or butts. I have seen Romeo a few times but he doesn't acknowledge me very much, he's a quiet guy.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. On this particular morning I am eating a delicious breakfast made by our chef. My husband and I love spending time together, and by sharing a piece of toast with jam is wonderful. I did hear about the argument and fight that occurred in the square today, but it personally did not affect me. The remarks towards women did offend me immensely. Men should not treat women with such disrespect and as a Dutchess I find it unacceptable. The inappropriate language is disgusting. I do know Romeo Montague, but not very well. I do not associate with him very much so I would not know a difference in his behavior. Although I have seen him being very weepy, and staring into space, other than that, I have seen no more changes in behavior.

    Gemma Guadagnino (Dutchess)

  8. Like any other morning I was down at my bakery baking my pastries and food of that nature, when out of nowhere yelling and the clashing of swords could be heard in the air. The sounds shattered the peace that was created by the sweet silence. As another fight between the Montagues and the Capulets broke out, Father ran out of the bakery to join in the fight and told me to stay inside. These riots often occur so it doesn’t really bother me, though I truly hate how these two families always resort to violence and drag everyone in Verona down with them. I find the feud petty so I choose neither side; anyway both noble families are my customers so it would not be wise of me to choose a side, lest I wish to lose their business. Also, the language of the men belonging to these two families is quite vulgar. Though, in some cases it truly does make me laugh. As for knowing Romeo, I don’t know him personally, but I have seen him around town. Recently he seems more depressed and gloomy. He kept sighing to himself as he walked past by my shop. I hope whatever that is bothering him can be put to rest soon because a smile suits him much better than a melancholic frown.
    Viviana Baker (baker)

  9. Today I was in the square, when my eye came across the two Capulet servants, Sampson and Gregory. As I came closer to get some dirt, I found that they were talking of the Monague's. Excited to tell of another fight, I crouched around the corner and listened. They began talking about killing the Montague maids and of course, being as immature as they are, took an inapproapriate spin on the conversation. What foul words the uneducated use! I would never stoop so low as to talk of a woman that way! Have they no etiquette!
    Anyway, Abraham then approached along with Romeo's friend, and finally a brawl began. How I love drama in this town! It gives my life such purpose. The Prince of course had to intervene and threaten to kill both families. I'm not surprised. With all of the issues these two groups cause, it's no wonder that the royal family is mad.
    I am concerned on the whole Romeo issue. Not for his well being, but because of the fact that I do not yet know what is going on. That is my next project. I must find what is behind the misery.
    -Francesco Dattero
    Town Crier
    Period 8

  10. This morning was very amusing yet a significant event for all the other landholders on both sides of the conflict (the Montague’s and Capulet’s). This morning I was inspecting my land and looking over the serfs that work upon it when I heard ruckus yonder by the town square. I took my golden brown stallion and headed off into the distance trying to see what was happening. Unsurprised, I found two Capulet servants named Sampson and Gregory and Abraham and another of Romeo’s friends in combat. It was quite interesting to their power struggle. However, it added tension to the conflict between both powerful families. In a split second a crowd gathered around the boys. Each carried a weapon of some sort or a torch. The townsfolk are often bothered by these pointless brawls. The actions at the square do not directly affect me but in the end my job or life is at stake. If Master Montague is killed or has his power overthrown, I would not have the power over my land. Therefore I would lose money and my food will deteriorate. I do not often take sides in these frivolous affairs but I do want Master Montague and his allies to be friends and slightly more in power than others. I also do not comprehend how this dilemma started. Diverse criers have altered tales of the story. One crier just mentioned the fight erupting over having diverse masters. Another one tells a tale of the boys exchanging rude comments towards each other. These comments were immature and insulting but they amused me. The uneducated etiquette carried out by these people brings me a sense of joy and confusion at times. Due to being a Montague employee I do know Romeo but not his private life. The boy has been slightly mysterious and shy at times. I hope for the best for him and the rest of the town.
    Roberto Ricci, Small Land Owner
    Daniel Maldonado Pd. 8

  11. Giuseppe Smolev Pd 8
    This morning I am in my bakery upon the Capulets house. So far I’ve made canoli's for tonight’s party. I do not tolerate such acts. It makes me feel embarrassed to see that within our town. I don't take sides because either side is right. There's no reason for this violence. No i don't. I ahven't seen Romeo because i work for the Capulets. I haven't met him i've only seen glimpses of him and heard abouy him and his personality.
    Zack Smolev

  12. Giuseppe Stein (Matt Stein period 3)
    This morning while i was walking through the town square i witnessed the foul puns and insults of 2 montague and capulet men. I avoid these confrontations due to the fact that i do not a take a side in the montague and capulet fight. Romeo has come to my shop for tools but not recently.

  13. Chef Angelo (Sarah Greer period 8)

    This morning I am in my bakery beginning to bake the bread for todays customers, If I had over heard these sexual references and insults I would just think "kids these days", I would also think that they are lower class and their parents didn't raise them to have respect for other people because of the things they are saying. The events in the square don't necessarily affect me personally but it can harm my business when the fight in the square is the main center of attention and no one is worrying about going to pick up or purchase their bread. When I stepped outside to see what caused the commotion it looked pretty bad. As I said before, I do not like to take sides just because my business needs to stay neutral so that I can sell to people from both families. The Capulets are every day customers though and I know them very well. I do not know Romeo nor have I ever had any direct contact with him other than him passing by my bakery.

  14. Dueling master Annabella Haider
    Upon this morn i was walking through the village searching for decent wares to hold my taste. A sort of 'window-shopping' thou might say. How i would react o such puns and insults is that they are atrocious by any means and quite unfitting for a lady to hark. Although they may have slight amusements as commoner speak i fear that as my own fellow capulets nonetheless it is quite the norm and for me indifferent. When the fighting in the square broke out however, i unsheathed my sword and engaged in the brawl for those Montegues had no right to speak in such manner to us. I felt that i had done the right thing of engaging those Montegues for us Capulets are dominant in battle. I have heard of the lad Romeo, son of Montegue 'tis he. I believe our paths may have crossed, if not by only a glimpse, he is but a forlorn boy who is nothing grand in my eyes. My behavior on the contrary i feel as norm although the recent events stirred the heart of the brawl, yet for the thoughts i have recently are not quite much. I look forward to the feast tonight at the Capulet's abode for surely a lot of converse and fun shall be held.
    Annabella Haider (Amna H. pd.8)

  15. This morning was just as normal as always. I was entertaining Mr. Montague as well as some of his men. We were all enjoying ourselves and laughing a lot. All of the sudden, we heard screams and loud noises coming from the town square. We all understood what was happening, another brawl between our noble men and those of the Capulets. All of the men in the room jumped to their feet and ran to the door grabbing their weapons and screaming. I stayed where i was for i am in no shape or size to fight against the strong Capulet men. Though i cannot battle myself, I wish the men luck every time they head to battle. I am as noble to the Montagues as any other of their noble men. I worry every time the men go off to brawl, i have become close with them and hope for their safety. As far as how the brawl began, sexual comments, I do not mind them. I am a Jester and therefor find most comments intended to be humorous entertaining and comical. I frequently make sexual jokes in my comedy routines and mention the Capulet women in these jokes. The men seem to enjoy them almost as much as I enjoy telling them. Though i do not agree with all of the fighting, I am a noble Montague and side with them completely. I hate how the Capulets walk around acting as though they own the streets. Since the fighting has increased, i have noticed that Romeo has become much more quiet. Rather than joining in the fights, Romeo goes for long walks and talks to me frequently about this girl who he is in love with. The whole thing has made him sadly depressed and unlike himself. I hope that everything works well for him and that he returns to be his normal self once more.

    Bruno Escedore - Jester
    Ben Adler

  16. This morning I was in my house, having breakfast with my husband. I find that these puns are a part of daily civilian life; I have no opinion of them. Although I would not personally ever use this type of language (I was not raised to do so), I can only believe that it is only banter between two servants and nothing more. After all, it is not something I, even in my power, am able to change. The events in the square today were foolish. I cannot fathom why the Montagues and Capulets continue to have this ongoing feud. It is the third time by which the town crier has come across the streets to report this incident. Neither I, nor any other civilian in Verona should have to endure this ongoing conflict. No one knows what the reason behind it is anymore. I am on neither side, and wish that peace would emerge. I side with Prince Escalus. It is distressful to know that the rivalry between the Montagues and Capulets are causing such fatal injuries. A frivolous insult turned into a fully fledged battle with weapons-swords! The two families must at least attempt to avoid the other for goodness sakes! Although, I feel that if the conflict shall ever end, something very momentous will occur. I do not personally know Romeo Montague, though I know of him. Anyone would know a son of the Montague family. I have heard rumors that Romeo has been sorrowful these days, but I have yet to find a chance to verify this gossip. I will take great pleasure if Verona will be able to function without these daily brawls between the Montagues and the Capulets. It is not proper or safe to have civilians to be involved in these events so often. I can only wait and see how things take its course, especially with Romeo. He just might be the solution to ending this ongoing problem.

    -Duchess Alessandra de Luca (Julia Ng pd 3)

  17. Today I was in my house, having breakfast with my husband and my kids. I was in the square and I saw Sampson bit his thumb to Abraham and Gregory. This affect me because now I had more to tell the towns people. Since I am a crier I can’t take sides so I just told the towns people what happened. I actually am I really close to Romeo and I notice that he was in a really down mood/ sad mood. I asked him but he wouldn’t tell me because he didn’t want me to the people.

  18. Today I was baking for the Capulet's at the Capulet's house doing my job. The insults that I heard from the Monatgue's were unacceptable and disgusting. It affects me because I am on the Capulet's side when it comes to these fights and it's hard to be in these fights. Since I am the Capulet's baker I have met Romeo many times and yes I have seen a difference in him because now he has much more depression and looks a bit down.

  19. This morrning I was doingas I always do, preping for my speach to the citizens when I heared a fight going on between the montagues and the capulets. My first instinct was to go out and fight, however since am not on any side in this fight I decided not to partake in it. I would have laughed at these jokes and sexual refrences but not because they were funny but because they were so idiotic and childish. This spontaneous fight didi not affect me at all because I do not take sides in these types of arguments. I cannot say that I have noticed a change in Romeo Montague because I do not pay much attention to the individual citizens when I am speaking.
    -Town crier Armando Fabbrici (Billy Pilarinos)

  20. (Claudio Platte)- Street Cleaner

    This morning I had been gettin dressed in thy house when I eared the ruckus outdoors. Thou Capulets and Montagues were at it again with their long, sharp, and shiny swords. When the prince arrived in the square to break it up I knew my day was going to be a long one. I had been assigned town square cleaning today and was forced upon thy oneself to clean every spot of thous blood off the streets. I shall never take ones side in this outrageous action but, I shall take myselfs side in staying out of everyone's way. Thrice weeks ago Romeo approached me and asked if thy needed help with cleaning. I responded no but he did so anyway. He was a very nice boy who seemed very lonely and depressed but I stayed out of his way because I knew he was a Montague. I dispise those people with a great passion.

  21. (Giulianna Breslin)-Chef

    This morning i was baking bread for the Montague family when i had heard screaming and raucous outside. I went to go outside to see what had been going on. The Capulets and the Montagues were arguing again. I think that the sexual comments made were innappropriate and i choose not to be involved in the rivalry between the two families because it doesnt involve me. The Montauge servants were getting food for me to cook. i do not wish to take sides but ultimatlely i am on the side of the montagues because they pay me BUT i do believe that both families are at fault. Lately Romeo has been down in the dumbs, rarely coming down for a snack or meal. i have tried to get him to speak or eat but he is reluctant in telling me. Normally we talk alot while im working but it has lessened.

    Charlotte Breslin
    Pd 9

  22. Nico Baker (Money Maker)
    This morning I was molding coins in my shop when I started to hear a ruckus from a few people so I went to see what was happening. I stepped outside to see some boys from the Capulets and some from the Montagues in an argument of silly insults and other things. My persona would have listened to the insults and sneered something back being the confident person that he is. I really didn't fit into the action, but since people were running everywhere, I decided it was smartest to stay back in my workshop and make sure that no one tries to go in during the fight. I favor the Montagues at the moment because I have done the best business with them getting supplies for my money. This is my only encounter with the family. I don't see Romeo often or lately, so I haven't had the opportunity of seeing if anything has happened to him.
    Matthew Baker Period 9

  23. Benito Saviano (Tax Collector)
    This morning I was walking to the house of a villager who hasn't paid his taxes in 5 months when I heard screaming coming from the square. I ran to the square to see what happened when I heard the insults being said by the Capulets. They are disgusting to say things like that. They shouldn't talk so poorly if they can't back it up. I quickly jumped in when the fight really broke out and fought with the Montagues. I am friendly with them because Lord Montague tips me heavily when I lower his taxes by a good amount. I am used to fights between these two families, so I wasn't that surprised, but I was surprised that those Capulet mutts dared challenge Montagues. What were they thinking? I have met Romeo a few times. He always seemed nice, but he is acting strange. I have heard that he is locking himself up over a woman he likes, who happens to be chaste.
    Brett Saviano - Period 9

  24. Annalisa Nesheiwat (Scribe)
    This morning started out to be a normal day. As I was finishing up my book, I heard some chaos outside, so I got up from my chair to look out the window and see who it was. I assumed it was the Capulets and Montagues die to the fact that they are basically enemies, and I was right. From behind my window, all I could see was a huge fight, but after listening closely, i heard vulgar language,insults, and sexual references coming from both families. They was quite disruptive and i couldn't concentrate on my book. Being a close friend of the Montagues, I couldn't help but be on their side and hope that they "win" this fight.
    Speaking of the Montagues, I have noticed a change in Romeo. He seems... heart broken. Rumor is that he likes this girl but she's not interested. I hope it all works out for him.

    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8

  25. Adriana Goldstein- Duchess (Marisa G period 9)
    This morning after eating a mean prepared for me by my chef, I was taking a walk with Duke Lorenzo. We were recently married and all is going very well. I was in a haze and was not really paying attention to anything in particular but we suddenly heard loud, rude, sexual puns and insults. When we walked to the town square to discover who it had been, it was clearly some men of the Montagues and Capulets. Sometimes this talk is humorous but not always and can be gross too. This kind of talk doesn't bother me that much. It wasn't shocking at all to see the two sides fighting yet again, they have disrupted the peace before this occasion. Being family friends with the Montagues I obviously would choose them over the oppenents, the Capulets. This particular fight grew until almost everyone was involved in the square. Thankfully I rarely go down into the square and usually look from the safety of above. Personally these fights don't effect me but the servants of my family carry out orders that require them to go down and receive things on a daily basis, so it can interrupt their tasks. Speaking of going places, I haven't seen Romeo anywhere lately. I heard that he has locked himself in his room so he can sulk about a woman who does not love him. I'd think a boy like Romeo would be able to get any girl his age with his power. Romeo should not be in a depression, it is ruining the mood of his family!

  26. Matteo Bruzzano- Merchant
    This morning I was selling some clothes in the town square when a fight broke out between the capulets and montagues. I thought of joining in on the fight but after the last fight I got into I don't want to worry my wife anymore. My character would have thought that these jokes were funny because he has a sick sense of humor. Sadly during the fight my entire setup in the square was destroyed and many of my things looted. It was probably the capulets since the montagues have been paying me to steal business from capulet merchants. Romeo, a boy that has been help spread the word about my shop has stopped turning up to buy things recently, I don't know why.

    Matt Bruzzano Pd9

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Anna Yamamoto- a daughter of a lawyer
    When the fight was happened during that morning, I was at home. I was eating the breakfast with my family. I heard that the insults between servants from Montague and Capulet started the fighting, but I was taught not to use these stupid jokes so I would just ignore them. When my family heard about the fight, my older brother went to the fight against Montague. By the way, my parents are friends with Mr. and Mrs. Capulet so I’m a friend with Juliet too. I don’t feel like to be in the fight but if I have to, I will take Capulet’s side. I haven’t seen Romeo before since he is a Montague but I have heard that he is a quiet guy.

  29. Guiseppina Nole - Baker (Monica Nole)
    This Morning i am in my bakery in the town of Verona, Italy and i am preparing a cake and pastries for the ball tonight. I try to avoid the insults and puns made between the Capulets and Montagues and the sexual references were not needed. When the fight in the square happened i needed to stop making my cake and see what was happening for their was a big ruckus. I took the Capulet’s side since they come to my bakery the most. I some times see Romeo through town but i do not no him, for he is a Montague and i was a Capulet.

    - Monica nole period 9

  30. Isabella Migliaccio- Crier (Breana Coash)

    This morning I was delivering the Princes messages for the day when I learned about the fights breaking out in town. I was shocked that people would make such puns, insults, and sexual references because it is in a controversial manor. The event in the square caused me to have to go another route to the castle. I never take sides or interfere with activity like this because i could loose my job if the Prince finds out. I do know Romeo because I’ve delivered a few messages to him in the past. I recently gave him a message and I noticed he was very quiet and sad. I do not know what has happened to him but it seams that it has effected him greatly.

  31. Royal Guard William Sheppard, 23 (Josh Kaidanow-Morrissey Pd.9)
    This morning I woke up late and escorted the Prince to his horse when we were called to guard him on a trip into town. He was to break up a fight between the Capulet’s and Montague’s. It was my first dangerous situation in which I would be protecting the prince. I was the first to arrive, in front of the princes escorts. I heard ridiculous and sexual insults being yelled, which cause complete chaos. I pity the men who started this. I restored order when the prince came into the square. I would never take a side on either the Capulet or Montague families.

  32. This morning I was enjoying breakfast made by my chef at my house with my lovely husband and children. I have no sympathy for those with foul mouths. After the fight many of my friends like Lady Capulet informed me on what happened. I also heard that Romeo has been upset lately. In fact, the other day as I was taking a stroll I saw Romeo walk to the market look down at his feet.

    Jennifer MacIlvane

  33. This morning I was preparing breakfast for the family when I heard news of the brawl. I suddenly contacted the cooks from the town to here more about the conflict. If I was insluted like that I would be highly offended and take one of my freshly made pies and throw it in the face of the person insulting me and the flavour of my pie would not be a good one! The fight was the talk ofthe Capulet household so I was hearing tons of gossip about the brawl. I am ofcourse on the side of the Capulet's being a loyal cook. I certainly hope the Montague family will gain some class. I do not know Romeo personlly but I have heard word that he has been highly depressed and lovesick for some odd reason.

    Sarah Curtis Period 9

  34. this morning i am in town getting some laughter out of the early birds!!!
    I would make even more dirty jokes!!!!
    They affected me because they made me laugh when they are obviously being so silly and holding this grudge against eachother!
    I do not know Romeo and I dont notice a difference in my behavior lately.
    Sophie Major period 9 (Jester Ceceila)

  35. Where are you this morning? - I was in the home of the Capulets.

    What are you doing? - Making Breakfast for the family.

    How would your persona react to these puns, insults, and sexual references? - she would probably be laughing.

    Kristina D'Onofrio
    period 9
    (Bella D'Onofrio)

    How did the events in the square affect you? - not really at all just hearing about them in the house of the Capulet.

    Where do you fit in the action? Do you take sides? Yes i am all for the CAPULETS!

    Do you know Romeo? Have you noticed a difference in your behavior lately? No i do not know Romeo just herd about how hot he is, and i havent not noticed any difference.

  36. I work up early in the morning to a loud argument.I overheard someone bitting there finger at some one, so i got prepared for a fight. As the Montagues and the Capulets fought every one in town started brawling so me and my guild grabbed our rapiers and joined in. As we brawl we trained hunters stayed together. One of our brothers got hit Dominic, so we fled. I took no side but i love to battle.

    Roberto Del Carranza Soldier
    (Diego C. period 9)

  37. Maid Caterina Petriello(Kristen Petriello Per 8)
    This morning, I woke up very early and helped clean up around the house and make breakfast for the people in the castle. I see insults and sexual references are unnecessary for many situations. When I was younger, I had a bad mouth and my family never did anything about it. Eventually I changed my ways of speaking and realized that insults, puns and sexual references are unprofessional. I am not involved with what happened at the square because I was at the house while it was going on. I believe that there should be peace toward both families but if I had to choose a side I would choose the Montague family of course. As part of my job, I have to take care of everyone in the house and I do know Romeo very well. He is a very kind and loving kid. He has been very upset because his old girlfriend broke up with him. I tried to comfort him to the best of my ability but it didn't change what he felt.

  38. Vincenzo De Luca, the Capulet's butler (Lucas Pettinato pd. 9)
    I woke up this morning feeling just pleasant and nothing else as a new, summer day would begin to unfold. As I was cleaning up, Lady Capulet had called me to see her immediately. When I approached her, she requested that I go down to the main market square and retrieve a fresh supply of lettuce, since they had run low. I changed into my regular tuxedo and strolled down many curvy streets until I reached the market. While I was picking out the lettuce (and some other things that I would like), I had heard a couple of people from my side of the kingdom saying crude, sexual jokes and taunts towards the Montages. I may be of the Capulet's family and will support them to the end, but I never liked rude citizens. Especially sexual jokes because unlike most men, I am someone who sees more potential and care towards woman and others should appreciate their loyalty they have given to men all these years. Expecting this too occur, a fight started to break out from both sides of the kingdom. Since I was so prepared, I was able to hide in the shadows (small alleys) where I could avoid the fight and not be injured; which means that I missed the brawl. When I heard about it from others, I decided that I wouldn't bad mouth any side of the kingdom for I believed that each had done wrong in this act. But I was curious about one subject, where had the son of the Montague’s', Romeo, had been all this time. I haven't seen this young boy too many times, but I've heard from many others that he had been emotionally depressed lately, reasons only the Lord and Mistress Montages know about. Meanwhile... I am still wondering.
    Lucas Pettinato

  39. Melania (maid)

    Just like every other morning I was in the Capulet house tending to Juliet. I had already made her bed and brought her breakfast to her room. But as I walking back down the stairs all I hear is yelling. I figure yet again it is another fight between the families, and I was right. It didn't bother me much; after I heard it I just continue to go about my business doing my job. Obviously if I were ever to be involved in one of these silly fights I would be one the Capulet side because one I work for them and two Juliet is my best friend. Although I don't really know Romeo, I head he is different from the rest of his family. Hmm... I wonder what is he is like?

    Tori Period 8

  40. On this particular morning, I woke up to the thought of the days gossip. As I was organizing through my tasks, town people delivered the news of an out breaking fight. Knowing the history of the Capulets I wasn't very surprised of the fight and the sexual references. The rivalry between these two families has a very strong past so it didn't come at me as a shock. Working about my day, I was asked to bring news to the Capulets pertaining to the fight from a baker. I knew the news couldn't be something pleasant and I was worried for my dear Capulets, as they are good friends of ours. Hrm, I do not know Romeo but the talk of the town is that he's full or sorrow lately. I shall figure out the reasoning!

    Ashleigh Colon
    period 9

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I'm taking a walk around Verona and I heard people arguing and I heard the sexual comments and I had a good laugh. Then I heard my brother Tybalt try to start a fight and you better believe i was there getting ready to fight with him. Of course I know Romeo he is the son of that homewrecker Montague and yeah I've realized he's less present then usual mre in his own world then ever, exactly why I hate those dreaded Montagues they always think the world revolves around them.

    Raffeale Capulet

  43. Daniela Samad~ secretary
    Today I got up early and went to the Montague's household to answer their phone calls. I was about to answer a phone call when I heard screaming and yelling coming from the public square. I wasnt sure what it was, but then Lord Montague ran outside with his sword. I knew this couldnt be good, so I peeked my head out of the house and could see all of the fighting going on between the two families. It was out of control, that was until the prince came and threatened them. I couldnt hear all of their conversations, but then Lord Montague came inside and told me. But what i could hear was very disturbing and rude. The sexual jokes made were not funny, in my opinion. Its sad to think that little comments like that caused a fight that big. Atleast I wasnt in the fight, but it felt like I was because after that I kept on getting phone calls from other people asking to speak with Lord Montague regarding what happened. I told them that he didnt do anything wrong and that it was not his fault. I need to side with him, he's my boss, and his family is nothing but kind to me.
    Romeo, o Romeo, that boy, there's been something wrong with him lately. I used to see him all day long in the house, but now I barely see him. He never bothers to come down. He looks depressed all the time too. Romeo's a strong boy though, he'll get through the problem.

    Rula Samad pd 9

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  45. After having breakfast with my wife and daughter i went out to town to pick up some items. I bumped into one of my pals .While we were talking about how he was feeling in the town square I suddenly saw the Capulet boys and the Montague boys arguing and fighting about who’s better. Suddenly a fight breaks out in town between them. While I was hiding I saw Lord Montague he seemed very upset with the fight that had happened. I decided to leave so I could avoid having problems with him. I do not take any sides although I work at the Montague house I don’t approve of their behavior against the Capulet’s. I’ve seen young Romeo when I went to visit the Montague home. He seemed pretty upset. I heard about his broken heart and it seemed to me like he is very young to be heart broken. Romeo seemed very upset and he’s just been on his own. He hasn’t seen like the lad that I know.
    Emily Jaramillo Period 9
