Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Persona: Act I scenes ii, iii

Act I, scene ii
What does your persona know about how the feud between the families began? (36)
The invitation list was very long. Was your name on it? Was your families? Were you working? Why or why not? (39)

Act I, scene iii
Would you be in favor of a marriage between Paris and Juliet? Why or why not? What are your thoughts and feelings? (44)
Assume you know one of the three women in this scene. How do you her and what is your opinion of her? (45)


  1. I know very little about why the Capulet and Montague family are fighting, all that i can say is that the feud goes back many years ago and neither family is willing to let go of it. Unfortunately I am not on the list because I am not of high enough stature in order to be recognized by the capulet family.I was working because the queen wants me to make another announcement about the evenets that occured between the two families and I stayed up until the morning trying to get it done for her. I would not be in favor of a marriage between Paris and Juliet because it is almost a forced marriage and if they were to be married Juliet would not have any say in the decision. I know Juliets' nurse by meeting her on the street when she is buying everything that juliet needs and when I do see her I go over to her and try to talk with her that's if i could ever get a word in. I think that she is a huge conversationalist and every time someone talks to her she has to either bring up a story about her past that usually end in sexual remarks. Despite all that I believe that she has a huge heart and the Capulets could not have chosen a better nurse to take care of Juliet.
    -Town crier Armando Fabbrici (Billy Pilarinos)

  2. (Claudio Platte)- Street Cleaner

    I do not know when this so called "feud" began in this once quiet town of Verona. My father once mentioned something about the beginning of the feud but I did not pay close attention. My name shall never be writ on that list and neither have my ancestors either. I do know one thing though, my name along with a bunch of others is on a list of workers who will be thy servant to those nasty Capulets. I shall be cleansing thy floors at the parties end. I have heard very little of this matter of marriage because I myself am not interested. People shall live their lives the way they want to especially Juliet.

  3. I irritates me greatly that I do not yet know what caused the feud between the Capulet's and the Montague's. All I know is that these families have been arguing for generations now. But I am pleased that they are at odds. Talking Capulet and Montague dirt is one of my favorite things to do! Although I am a fairly wealthy man in Vienna, I have not been invited to the party. Even if the Capulet's did know me personally, I probably wouldn't have been invited anyway. With all of the juicy things I have told others about them, they would strongly dislike to have me at their celebration.

    Although I do like new drama to talk about, I am not in favor of Paris and Juliet being wed. He is so much older than her that it almost seems inappropriate. Besides, Juliet isn't even ready for marriage; she is only 13. It would be a shame for her to lose her virginity until at least 15.

    I have to say that Lady Capulet is some crazy woman! I feel this way because not only does she not have a relationship with her daughter, she didn't even breastfeed her as a child! Isn't that maddening? I feel such grief for Juliet. She was never able to have a strong bond with her birth mother, but only with her crazy, inappropriate and uneducated nurse.
    -Francesco Dattero, town crier
    Pd. 8

  4. (Giulianna Breslin)- Chef

    I do know that the Capulets and the Montagues are both very equal in how much money they have so i assume they compete for power. Lord and Lady Montague do not fill me in a lot on their personal lives. I was not on the Invitation list because i am the chef for the Montagues. no one closely involved in with the Montagues was invited

    The marraige between juliet and paris doesnt consider me at all. i dont work for her i wont be invited. i have no logical reason to care. if i was one juliets mom, i would want her to marry paris but i wouldnt want to put that pressure on her if we we did not have a close relationship. If i had been juliet i was have felt awkward when people are making innapropriate comments to me at 13 years old

    Charlotte Breslin
    pd 9

  5. Benito Saviano (Tax Collector)
    I know that the Montagues and Capulets have been fighting for a long time and that it is over power in the town. The families themselves only know the exact reason, and the stories get taller depending on who you ask. I was not invited to the Capulet party because I openly support the Montagues and side with them no matter what. I also charge the Capulets a little more tax then needed and keep some for myself (though the Lord doesn't have a clue). I would go if I was allowed; just to steal some of the Capulet's stuff, then leave.

    I personally don't care whether Paris and Juliet get married. I would like her to wait awhile and suffer a bit, but I really don't care, as long as her dad doesn't find out about his taxes. I know Juliet's nurse a little. I met her one, and all she did was tell sexual jokes. Typical Capulet. If only her Lord would teach her how to act, I might think a little better about her. I can’t believe that Lady Capulet would trust her daughter in such inappropriate hands. Lord Montague would never hire such an animal.
    Brett Saviano - Period 9

  6. Nico Baker (Money Maker)
    My persona doesn't know very much about the feud between the two families except that they are both very wealthy and have a lot of influence and power over the civilians of the town. My family was not included on the list because I don't deal with them very often and haven't been able to conduct business with the Capulets. I guess I will work that night because I don't have much better things to do. I am not really sure whether I am for Juliet to marry Paris or not because I know neither particularly well and therefore I am unable to make an accurate judgement. But if Juliet likes Paris, then I see no harm in her marrying him. It is her decision and I cannot let that impact my life. I have heard of the nurse and have come to the conclusion that there might be something wrong with her in the head. She makes crude sexual jokes that really aren't humorous.
    Matthew Baker Period 9

  7. I know a little bit about the feud between the families, as i am jestering sometimes i overhear what is going on but i am never told specifically. My job is to jester, not get into other peoples business. Yes i was on the long list, me and other jesters are to make the crowd laugh, but we do get to eat the food the Capulet's are eating and also have a good time while we jester.
    I feel Juliet and Paris should not be wed, he seems much older then she is and i think it might seem awkward. Also i think that 13 is to young to get married. She is still a child. I feel that The nurse needs to simmer down with her jokes, i feel that she is nt acting appropriate for the people she is with. She is talking to lady capulet and juliet who are both very classy people and she is talking to them in a classless way. But i do like her sence of humor and how she is a happy person.

  8. I am aware that the families are involved in an ongoing feud which has gone on so long; no one really knows the reason behind it anymore. How it began, how it came about, is an unknown subject and I am sure the Montagues and the Capulets do not know themselves. The two families are both very wealthy, they have healthy children – they are essentially the same except for their feud. I have probably been invited to the banquet. My husband and I are prominent figures in Verona's society, and it is a courtesy to invite us. We are neutral and the company of either family is my pleasure. I am also certain that my family and my husband's shall be invited as well – both are of wealth and status. I was not working, because I had already finished my daily errands and partly as I do not need to do much in my days. My husband takes care of most affairs, and because we have recently been married, things are early yet.
    A marriage between Paris and Juliet would be lovely! Only, I do wish that it is what Juliet desires herself. There is no reason to rush into such a marriage. Surely the Capulet family can afford to hold out for a few more summers, for Juliet to find someone to her liking if Paris does not please her. She will be making a life changing decision in agreeing to the marriage. After all, I had waited to marry, and I feel that I will be happy with my husband. It is not right to force Juliet if it is not necessary. I am familiar with Lady Capulet – I have attended functions with her as we are in the same social circle. Lady Capulet is a fine woman; she is distant at times and very proper. She can be awkward at times with her daughter, but all in all, in the conversations I have had with her, she seems to do what she believes is right. She does what is needed, but I do feel that sometimes she could at least attempt to inject some feeling into her actions.

    Duchess Alessandra de Luca
    (Julia Ng) pd 3

  9. Squire Colombo Moretti
    My persona knows nothing about how the feud started between the Montagues and Capulets. I do know that the rivalry stretches way back and is still very alive. My name was on the long list of invitations because I am sided with the Capulet household. As I am still looking for a spouse, my family hasn't been invited because I am yet to start one. I was working at the time because I tend to those about inside the household and learn the noble way of the lord. I would love to see Paris and Juliet wed because a woman of her age is due to marry and Paris is the perfect match for her. He's handsome, wealthy, and can support a future family. If she married a Montague it would be a total disgrace to both families and the hatred for each other would be heightened. I see the Nurse all the time around the household and each time I see her she's telling a joke or making a sexual reference. If she was younger I would be after that like a town crier running around town telling the gossip. She is a hilarious, inappropriate woman whom I like very much.
    - Deven Jacobi, Pd. 3

  10. Chef Angelo (Sarah Greer, period 8)
    Although I personally don't know either of the families, I have heard through customers that the Capulet's and the Montague's fight over power. Other than that I don't really have much interest in what goes on between the families, its just pure entertainment since it doesn't affect me. I am not invited to the Capulet's party this evening because as I said, I don't know them and i'm not in a high enough class for them to invite me. The Capulet chef did come into the bakery this morning though, to purchase dough for the night's dinner.
    I don't have a major preference as to whether or not Paris and Juliet should get married. I do think she is a little young though, at least for him. I did not marry until I was 18 and my wife was 16. Their age difference is definitely a little bit odd for a marriage.
    The nurse to the family is very troubling… I know she isn't of a high class and she wasn't educated..but neither were my wife and I and we sure don't go around making inappropriate and sexual jokes at the wrong time.

  11. Oyez! Oyez! Have thou not heard the news? This morning there seems to have been a great skirmish between the house of Capulet and the house of Montague. Immense turmoil ensued, and soon the whole town was involved in the act. Blows coming from every which direction, forceful counterattacks defending the… oh? What is that you say? I have spoken of this already? How terribly forgetful I must be, a man of my age. I have a very little brain, and that which I have, I barely use! Well, as I was saying, the Prince had to come once again to put an end to the madness, and he warned both of the lords that he would have their heads upon the occurrence of yet another brawl. I am still pondering the origins of this ancient rivalry, however, it seems to be that it is one of those truths lost to the hands of time, for I am afraid no one in this fair city of Verona knows how it all began. No matter the reason, these two powerful houses have been battling at each other’s throats for centuries it seems, and I am doubtful that there will ever be an end to the hatred. Speaking of Capulet, have you heard of the feast being held by the lord himself? Why yes, Lord Capulet is indeed holding a celebration tonight for his circle. Ah, dear me, no I have not been invited myself; Capulet has not been a fan of mine since his was educated of my recent encounters with the Montague family. Of course he is petty with his anger, as it is clear that a government worker such as myself would never take part in such a trivial rivalry. Although I myself will not be attending, I do plan to hear all about the festivities on the morrow, once those lousy fools can pry themselves out of bed in the morn that is.

    I did hear, however, that the lad Paris was searching for young Juliet’s consent to marriage. What astounding news! I heard he will be attempting to win her heart tonight during the feast. Personally, I have no preference to her response; however, her agreement should make for an interesting announcement. Ay, how dull this town is becoming! I am indeed surprised that her mother has not married her off already to be honest. I am fairly well acquainted with Lady Capulet, and she is not the sort of woman to wait for such an event. It must be that wretched nurse of hers who is putting such silly ideas in her young head, for I heard it to be that Juliet Capulet does not look to be married at all. Indeed. it is that nurse who is spoiling her god upbringing, what with her vulgar puns and ignorant humor, it is a shame that a woman of such high stature as Lady Capulet would leave her daughter in such unsuitable hands. Oh dear me, look at the time! I must be off! God’den my good fellow, I shall see you on the morrow. God save the Queen!

    Town Crier Lorenzo Lindsay
    (Lily Lindsay- Period 8)

  12. I of the Capulets have a faint thought of as to why the feud of families within the houses of Capulet and Montague commenced. Although i am in close proximity with the lords and king himself, i have only small talk, as the main reason is quite hidden and in cases unknown and forgotten. Power is one in the murmurs deemed close to reasons. My name was in hidden amongst the scrawls for as my brother is of County Anselmo and me and my sister being his sisters. My dueling skills are of what i hide, for they are frowned upon in society and only used when in need of safety or apprenticeship. As for my work, yes i did happen to be. i was helping an apprentice into knighthood. The young squire of my father, while he was off. I have heard Juliet's remarks as to marriage, and to Paris, a man of his age, she is nay to young indeed. I feel her youth to be soon for marriage at her status. if she feels for Paris, i hath no objections, however her maiden head at commoners is norm and late, however for nobility it is early and too young. I have grown with Juliet and she doth be subtle, as for the nurse i be aware of her whims. As we used to play, the nurse as us young, should walk up and speak in her crude manner. As for i am 7 years Juliet's senior my understanding of the nurse's words were quite improper, its a wonder Lady Capulet has tolerated her such length.
    Dueling master Annabella Haider ~ pd.8 (Amna Haider)

  13. I dont know the exact reasons of why the Capulet and the Montague's families are fighting, but i do know that is goes back many generations before. They have been angry with each other for a very long time, and neither one wants to settle their differences. They really despise each other and I know this from living within the castle. I actually was invited to this grand party because i do live and get the benifits of being in the castle. Although I am invited to this party I am not really involved with the family affair, and that is why i am not really aware of the main differences between the families. I do not have a strong point of view of whether Juliet and Paris should get married. Although that kind of money would be great for the family they don't really need it. In that case I hope Juliet can have more of a preference of who she marries because of the fact that the family is already well off and doesn't need the marriage. I also think she is a little young to be married, and I think that she should take some time before she settles down to be married. I don't know the family all too well, but I have had a few conversations with the nurse. Which I have to admitt have been quite troubling from my perspective. Her sense of humor is, well very inapropriate and I don't approve of the manor of which she talks in.

  14. Being a servant, I am very aware of the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets. However, it is impossible for me to say when it started except that it was many many years ago. My name was sadly not on the list since my status is so low; I practically don't even exist to the wealthy folk! Obviously the family I work for - the Montagues - are not on the list since it is being hosted by the Capulets. I have recently heard that Paris is interested in Juliet Capulet through gossip. I honestly don't care about it at all. As long as those dreaded Capulets stay away from my family, the better! There is really no reason to start trouble, now is there? How I know about this, you ask? Well, I happen to know the nurse who works for the Capulets and we exchange gossip all the time! She has a hilariously foul mouth, although it can tend to get her into trouble sometimes. Oh well, at least none of that will affect me, right?

    Fabio Lanzoni (Servant)
    Rob Sperduto pd. 3

  15. I am unaware of the history behind the Montague and Capulet families. However, I am aware they have a constant feud between the two, it is clear that neither families feel the need to end the tension. I have not been invited to this event for I am good friends with members of the Montagues. This however does not affect my parents who do not associate with the despute between the two families. Also, there is news flying around that Paris has interest in wedding with Juliet Capulet. I have no interest in the marriage between the two. Although, I do believe fourteen is a bit young to be wedded and consider children. I find the age of 15 and above more appropriate. I know of Lady Capulet, she seems to be a very respectful women. She however as many wealthy women living around do not know their children as well as the nurse, having very little to do with the raising of their children.

    Jennifer Drogin period 3.

  16. Adriana Goldstein (Marisa G period 9)
    I cannot say I know exactly why the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets really began. I do know that it has been going on for many years back. Even my father does not know exactly why it began but my family has been with the Montagues from the start. Why even excite over a Capulet party, of course my family's name was on it. The question is will we go? Of course not! We are very known but with respect towards our friends we despise the Capulets and will not associate with them. Rumor has it that Paris wants Juliet's hand in marrige. I hear a lot of rumors from people around the castle this is no different to me then much of the other gossip. I could care less about this but Paris is a very powerful and rich man. Him marrying Juliet would give their family more riches, I don't know what makes either family more powerful but having more money can not be good. I'm sure Juliet's mother would love for the pair to get married as she doesn't know her daughter because she barely talks to her! What a mother, not speaking to her daughter. She is probably only concerned with her husband's duties and power. I'm only saying this because I know she had a nurse raise Juliet and taking no part in it whatsoever. I think a mother should have a part in raising their child not just sending it aside for someone else to do!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Well for centuries my family has been close friends with the Montagues, the majority of my missions are for them. They are great people and they pay me well. Unfortunately i was not born when this great rivalry started and my parents or grandparents didn't even tell me, they didn't want me to be involved in this. My name was not on the list, simply because it was made by the capulets, they do know of my presence but i have no interest what so ever to go to this party, i would never dare to go to anything held by the Capulets. I have recently heard that Paris has asked Juliet's father if he can marry his daughter, he said no because she is too young. But in the end it only matters what Juliet wants, after all she is the one that decides whether to say yes or no, if she doesn't feel love for Paris then the marriage was never meant to be. I happen to know Juliet, she is a very kind and sweet young girl and wants nothing to do with this rival at all. She has good intentions and has all the potential in the world to become something great and influence this world. I really do hope that she is happy through her decisions.
    Leonardo (Emissary)
    Sam Mandell period 3

  19. Matteo Bruzzano- Merchant

    The feud between the montagues and capulets is starting to annoy me now the two have constantly getting into fights in front of my shop and I don't know how much more of this I can take. The other day one of them shouted that one of my kids got invited to the party tonight but I'm not sure which one, it doesn't I guess. I also heard that some capulet girl Juliet is getting married but that won't affect me so who cares.

    Matt Bruzzano Pd9

  20. I don't know a lot about why this outburst occurred. I do have a very well-rounded relationship with the family, being employed by them for so long, but i don't get involved in their personal business, i just make them desserts and treats. Yes, the list was very long and no unfortunately my family will not attend because i am working that night with the cook to construct an unbelievable magnificent cuisine full of many new foods for everyone to enjoy.

    Well i've seen Juliet grow up. I believe that it's not anyone else's decision. I believe that it's not anyones decision other than her own. Her parents are barely involved in her childhood, and solely this decision belongs to Juliet. I know Juliet and she is a very kind and has potential. She had a rough childhood being raised by a nurse not her mother, none the less most mothers wren't involved in their child's toddler years. I hope she makes the right decision to get out of the situation she's in now. I hope she marries the right guy, approved by herself.
    Giuseppe Smolev
    Zack Smolev
    (Period 8)

  21. the feud between the families is getting out of hand. many people everyday get into rumbles in town and no one can stop them from fighting. about the marriage people have been talking about between those two kids in opposing families, I can care less about them and im happy I was not invited. I really don't want anything to do with those kids, and neither anybody I know wants anything to do with them. there drama can be settled somewhere else and some other time.

  22. Anna Yamamoto- a daughter of a lawyer
    The only thing I know about the fight between these families is that the feud goes back many, many years ago. My parents said that they have been fighting for so long that only little people know the reason. My family members are all on the list of the invitation. Mr. and Mrs. Capulet are both friends of my parents. Also I’m really good friend of Juliet so I am invited too. I was talking with Juliet about marriage and she looked like she is no interest for it. But I will be in favor of a marriage between Paris and her. Paris is said to be a really nice guy Juliet may like him if she meets him. I know Mrs. Capulet and Juliet’s nurse, but I know Juliet most. She is my friend and very kind and nice girl. Also she is very beautiful. It’s very good of being a friend and I like her very much.

  23. Isabella Migliaccio- Crier (Breana Coash)

    I know nothing of the sorts about the feuds between the families. I only involve myself with the Prince and the Prince only. I was invited to the party because I am known through out the land. I decided not to go because I have no need to go. I want to stay in my home with my family.

    I would be in favor of the marriage of Paris and Juliet because any marriage is a blessing. I wish for her that the marriage is out of love like mine is. I know all the women in this scene and I think they are all great women.

  24. Guiseppina Nole - Baker (Monica Nole)
    I would not be in favor between Paris and Juliet, i talked to Juliet before and i feel like she does not love Paris and she should be married to someone she sets sparks with. If they get married i would have sympathy for Juliet due to her not marrying her true love. I know the nurse, she has came to my bakery a few times. She is a very kinda lady yet she is someone that makes very sexual jokes all the time which makes me think she is less educate and respectful.

    - Monica Nole (period 9)

  25. I actually worked for both the Montague's & Capulet's. I'm not so much familiar why they have such hatred towards one another, although one day when I was working in the Capulet's house hold, all Sir Capulet talked about was his anger toward the Montague family, oh well! Not my problem. It really doesn't concern me, but it's starting to annoy me, espiecally that one time where in the town hall this whole outburst was occuring & of course the day I was building a chair for the Queen, it gets ruined because stupid kids we're to busy fighting one another ! Immaturity, ridicilious I tell you. Ah, yes! The mascarade party, I am very exicted to attend. For me and my family have kindly been invitied, and are very looking foward to attend such an event. When working in Juliet's house hold, I began a great friendship with the little girl, she's like my little sister, she is very kind, very gentle and sensitive, not yet fully matured, but aware of her surroundsings but who is yet not fully bloosomed and to see her marry, at such a young age, to me it's absurd, but the society we live in today, that's totally common. I have yet not met this Paris fellow, so I am no one to judge, but I defintely think they should wait. And this whole arranged marriaged thing, just as stupid. Juliet should spend the res tof her life with one she wants too, not who her mother who I might say is quite disrespectful wants to see her so called child with.

    - tamilaaaa garayo :D

  26. I dont know much about this feud but all I know is that the Capulets and the Montagues hate each other. I am deffinetley trying to stay neutral throught the fighting so i can get buisness from both sides. If I make both of them happy I get paid more and thats good for me. I am so happy that my name was on the list becasue now i am going to be sourrounded by very rich people who are willing to pay money for a little laugh. I also think its fun to laugh with others as well, it keeps me known around in town. My familys name was not on it because they dont have a unique job like I do but they are not angry over it. I was working my job at the party and recieving great tips as well.

    I would only like a marriage between Paris and Juliet if both sides were happy with it. Yes Paris is a great guy for Juliet, love can not be forced and others dont know what her true feelings about him are. Paris wants to be with her but he has to prove to her that he is the right guy. If i was the Nurse i would tell her to stop being such a baby and go for it. I would also state that you have to grow up one time in your life and it might as well be now. Juliet is extremely close with the nurse and almost like a motherly symbol. This is why they shouldnt be togeather if both sides are not happy.

    Charlie Florio pd-3

  27. I know very little about the feaud but I have heard many rumors that it has been a feaud btween these two families since the begining of time. My name was on the invitation list because I am cooking many meals and pastries for the party. I would not be in favour of Juliet and Paris getting married if they are not in love. If they meet and the arranged marriage works out then that is wonderful but a person should not be forced to love someone. The nurse to Juliet has been working for them since Juliet wasa baby. I think she is a responsable, funny and positive person. Juliet's mother on the other hand is not very fond of her daughter, Juliet. She is afraid to be alone in a room with her own daughter which is quite an awkward situation.

    Sarah Curtis Period 9

  28. I am slightly unaware of the feud between the Capulets and Montague. I know that they are rival family's, but the reason why goes back decades from now. Me and my family are invited to celebrate with the Capulets because I am dear friends with Lady Capulet. I think that Juliet should see if she would like to marry Paris. If she is not inlove with him, she should not marry him. I know many of the women in my town, and they are all sweet women. Many of the women in the low class are more disrespectful then others in higher classes, but they are all very nice people.

  29. Viviana Baker (Baker)
    Unfortunately most don’t know what the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets are and that includes me as well. This rivalry between these two opposing families have been around for so long that none of us can recall what sparked the hatred that flows in their veins. All that I do know is that they have the greatest dislike for each other. As for the invitation, I was not included for I am not of great social ranking because after all I am just a baker and yes I was working. The Capulets had requested pastries for their party so I was in my bakery preparing for the celebration. All day I had spent baking tarts, small cakes, pies and quiches; oh how I enjoy preparing these foods for others to enjoy. Also, recently word is that Paris had asked for Juliet’s hand in marriage. I can’t say I’m in favor of their marriage, but I also can’t say I’m against it. As the hopeless romantic I am, if love were to develop between these two, then I can give them my blessings, but it doesn’t really matter what I think. It’s Juliet’s feelings that are most important and if she regards him in high esteem then by all means let her wed Paris. As long as he can genuinely make her smile and laugh, then I’d accept their marriage. Juliet’s wet nurse is a close friend of mine, even though we both are so different, like night and day. She can be crude and perverted, her sexual comments usually offend people, and she tends to be very blunt and doesn’t beat around the bushes, and for these reasons is why I truly like her. She is so diverse from the women of Verona. She has a sense of humor, something that I lack, maybe that’s why I like her so much; I admire her “out there” personality.

  30. I have no idea how the fued started! I'm n\too young to know!
    My name was not on it nor was my family because I don't have a family. And my job isn't to assist at parties.
    I would not because Juliet does not care for Paris!
    Juliet is okay. She is nice and passionate.
    Sophie Major period 9(jester Cecilia)

  31. i am well aware that the two families have been involved in an ongoing feud. Although this is true i do not know the reason for the fighting in the first place. I do know that the fight this morning was caused by one of the sides using inappropriate language or gestures. These people are very headstrong and will fight for there side no matter what. My name was on Lord Capulet's list for his banquet tonight. I will be attending as a guest, although the servant he did send to deliver the messenger pronounced my name completely wrong. i do understand that Juliet Capulet has been offered to get married to Paris. I would not be opposed to this proposal because he is very handsome, and loving. He is also very wealthy which is always a plus. Juliet would be set for life especially because she has money from being a Capulet. I do know the Capulet's nurse because she delivered my first child when I did not have a nurse of my own at my house. She was very nice, but i thought that she would be more professional because she isn't my own nurse. The nurse had a few inappropriate comments, but I just ignored them. She is a little insane, but very helpful with the delivery of my first child Nicholas.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. What does your persona know about how the feud between the families began? - No really much.

    The invitation list was very long. Was your name on it? Was your families? Were you working? Why or why not? No we werent on the list to be invited because im working at this ball.

    Would you be in favor of a marriage between Paris and Juliet? Why or why not? What are your thoughts and feelings? I would be very happy for her but it wouldn't effect me in any way.

    Assume you know one of the three women in this scene. How do you her and what is your opinion of her? I know Juliet, she is very nice and i know if she doesn't marry paris she will find another man.

    Kristina D'Onofrio period 9

  34. My character has no clue how the feud between the Montague’s and the Capulets began. However, he does know how violent they have became due to men returning injured from brawls. Also, men around the house frequently talk about the “dirty Capulets”. My character was definitely not on the list for the party. He is just a Jester and is not very high in society. He is used more around the house than in parties.

    My character does not care much about the marriage between Paris and Juliet. He is not a Capulet and does not care what goes on in that house. So far Romeo has not met Juliet yet so he does not even know who she is other than the daughter of Lord Capulet. Otherwise, it is typical to marry at this age. He has met the nurse once before but is not friends with her. He met her in the market and found her to be very funny and inappropriate. She made a joke to Juliet about one of the men in the square. She seemed nice and caring.

    Ben Adler

  35. I know very little information on how the entire Montague and Capulet family commenced. A squire that has remain neutral in these feuds once mentioned it starting due to the fact that both families are influenced by crime centered in the same place. I happened to hear about the get together Capulet’s house. However, I was not invited to the party because I pledge allegiance to the Montague family. I don’t mind that party would be filled with higher classed people with diverse humor and decisions. I can careless about the Paris and Juliet union. I do not care because she is a Capulet heir to the wealth and power. If I did care I would be against the marriage due to the fact that I dislike arranged marriages and that a marriage should bond people in love. This is because I am in the average or middle social class. If they did not marry then the man who takes over the Capulet wealth may be weaker than a man such as Paris. I happen to know Juliet’s nurse due to the fact that she often buys herbs and other crops from my fields. These herbs then become a medicine or formula that she can use. I think she is a very sexual and classic styled woman although she is of lower class than me. I wish her well because her jokes may hurt or confuse people.

    Roberto Ricci (Daniel Maldonado)
    Period 8

  36. Alice Franco (Town Crier)
    Since I am always everywhere I know that the feud between the two families have been going on forever and the way they solve it by fighting. My name and my family’s name were on the list because I am really good friends with both families.
    I disagree with the idea of Paris and Juliet being together because she is 13 and he is so much older than her. I no Juliet’s nurse and the whole time she was saying sexual jokes. I love her to death I think she is really funny but sometimes it’s too much. I think it is amazing that she treats Juliet like her own child. I think the reason I have such a great bond with her is because I had a nurse just like her.

  37. Which persona and student are you responding to?
    Viviana Baker (Stepheny O)
    Do you know this person? How?
    Yes I no Viviana because I go to her bakery and I our families our friends.

    Was your reaction to the events similar or different? React to this!
    I agree with her because if Juliet ends up loving him then its love that really matters but if not she shouldn’t be forced to marry him if she doesn’t love him.

  38. Maid Caterina Petriello(Kristen Petriello Per 8)
    I don't know the reasoning for the feud of the Capulet's and Montague's. I would suppose that it is just a competition of who is more superior than the other but I don't know the real reason. I am not on the invitation list because I am not part of the Capulet household. During that night, I was working like any other day. I heard that Paris and Juliet might be getting an arranged marriage and I don't agree with the decision because marriage is a symbol of love and Juliet doen't have those feelings right away so she shouldn't be pressured, she should choose who and when to get married. I know the nurse at the Capulet house from being neighbors a while back. I think that she is not a professional at what she does because she does have an inappropriate mouth that never stops for one minute. She is definatly not the best person to be around at all times but I believe that she has a huge heart and takes care of the Capulet's.

  39. As I had said before, while the fight had broken out, I was not there to see it for I knew that I would be stuck in it and could possibly get hurt. However I did know the cause of this treacherous occurrence. A fellow man from my kingdom's side (Capulet) had created rude and sexual jokes that the Montages had found offensive. Out of much yelling and shouting, the brawl had broken out between these families, disrupting peace and injuring innocent bystanders. As I headed home with the groceries still by my side, I had first reported to lady Capulet that I had successfully gotten the item that she needed, which pleased her greatly. As I walked away towards the kitchen ti give to the chef, I had overheard the Capulet family talking about a royal banquet tonight in their hosting honor. As usual, I would be a serving during this party, watching as others enjoyed the night that would be very exciting. As I quickly stopped back at my room, I headed back towards the kitchen. As I was walking down a flight of stairs, I had heard lord Capulet talking to a young, rich fellow named Paris who was asking the lord advice on asking Juliet (Capulet's daughter) for her hand in marriage. After hearing this, I was curious of what Juliet might think of this proposal; whether she wants him for the rest of her life or not at all. So for those reasons, I hope Juliet picks the right decision on what makes her happy for the rest of her life. After they were done talking, I arrived at the kitchen, dropped off the lettuce and went back into the main hall of the home. There, I say another conversation between lady Capulet, the nurse and Juliet, regarding her means of marrying Paris (which seemed to have gotten around quickly). This conversation upset me as I watched for one reason only; the nurse was involved. As I have said before, I am a fan of humor but not crude humor and rudeness as then I become intolerant. The nurse, also being a worker for the Capulet's, is a crude woman who is always cracking sexual jokes that no one seems to find funny, so I am not a fan of her and wished she had not had gotten involved. I wondered how the conversation ended because I had been called before Juliet was able to speak her mind.
    Vincenzo De Luca the butler of the Capulet's (Lucas Pettinato, pd. 9)

  40. Me Personally don't know much about the feud between the Capulet's and the Montague's other than it goes back very far. I was not on the list the servant read because I work for the Montague's and because of that the Capulet's hate me as well. I am not for the marriage because as a Montague worker I am against everything that goes for happiness for anyone in the Capulet's which include's Juliet. In the conversation between the Nurse, Lady Capulet, and Juliet I know the Nurse of the family. All I know about her is she thinks many sexual things.

  41. Melanina (maid)

    I don’t know much about this long lasting fight between the Montague’s and the Capulet’s. What I know is what little Juliet tells me. And of that little information I know that both families despise each other and are always competing at every little thing happening in Verona. Recently Juliet was telling me about some invitation list going around town. She said she and her parents names were on it, but I was not. Oh well not a surprise. I am a maid, not royalty. Because if I was royalty, I would defiantly not have a job fallowing someone around all day picking up after them. This marriage between Paris and Juliet is absolutely appalling and should not continue. Juliet absolutely does NOT love him and feels she is being pushed into something she does not want to do. Out of the conversation between lady Capulet, Juliet and nurse I obviously know lady Capulet and Juliet. I also know the nurse as well. I know her because a long time ago my family used to work for the Montague’s. My father was their chef and my mother was their maid. But one day my father got into a huge fight with some of the other workers for the family and came looking for work at the Capulet house, and we have been a part of this family ever since. But this nurse used took care of me once and all I remember about her is she tried telling me all of these jokes I just didn't understand. I am not too fond of that lady, never was.

  42. I have never seen the likes of a Montegue in my tavern. However, I hear traces of tales from the Capulets that stroll in from time to time, that there is quite the bloodfeud between the families. From the citizens that stop by, I have learned that the feud goes back for generations, and continues for the sole reason that their fathers had fought. I heard of a Capulet party going on tonight, which I sadly have not been invited to. I hear that young Paris wants to marry young Juliet, when she is of age. They would be a suitable match. Juliet's nanny stops by the inn every now and then, and talks of Juliets love life. Today she told me of the Juliet and Paris arrangement, and she is favorable of the situation. She is a nice and caring woman, however her humor can be a tad inappropriate some times.

  43. What do I know about the Capulet-Montague feud, well I am a Capulet and I for one hate the Montagues and my brother Tybalt knows whenever there is a fight going down I'm the first one other then himself to know. Romeo is the only Montague I can stand because he is a nice kid, his family should learn from him.This feud started generations ago and I think it's stronger then ever and it's because of hatred between who's head of the familes. Of course I was invited I was one of the heads of the parties, I am a Capulet remember, I saw Juliet talking to Romeo and I think they would be a good couple but I doubt any other Montague would approve.

  44. Daniela Samad- secretary

    This feud between the two families is effecting everybody. I wish we knew what triggered their tension, maybe then could we stop it. The families dont even like to talk about each other, so I am afraid to ask Lord Montague.
    Today in the sfternoon Romeo called the house sounded very content. The told me to tell his father that he would not be coming home tonight. I didnt question him and told him that i would deliver the message. Earlier that day I heard the town crier speak about a party that a man named Paris is throwing. That's probably where Romeo is going. I'm not sure if its a good idea though. I mean the Capulet's dont welcome the Montague's, which is probably why they werent on the invite list. I wasnt invited because I work for the Montagues, so tonight I will be answering phones.

    The man who is throwing the party, supposedly wants to wed Juliet. I dont really have a view on this idea, because I dont know either one of them personally, but if she wants to marry him they should do it. I heard that her parents want her to wed too. Her mother was married and had children at her age. I hope her mother and nurse dont force him onto her by stating his great qualities. If I were her I would feel very forced into marrying him. But I dont know her side in the story. Maybe she's happy, in which case good for her. I dont think her mother cares what she wants. She doesnt even really know her own daughter because she didnt raise her.

    Rula Samad pd 9

  45. Annalisa Nesheiwat (Scribe)

    I'm a very close friend of the Montague's so I know a little bit about their feud with the Capulet's. I happened to hear about the get together at the Capulet’s house from someone around town. I knew instantly that I wasn't going to be invited. Sure enough, I was not invited to the party because I am such good friends with the Montague family. After hearing about Paris and Juliet, I would not be in favor of a marriage between the two simply because she seems like the perfect girl for Romeo! Too bad neither of the families would approve of the two together. I have heard of the nurse and have come to the conclusion that she is a nice lady. I don't know too much about her to say more.

    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8

  46. I do not know the reason why the montages and Capulet’s do not get along. I’ve heard from the town folk that they have been enemies since years ago. The story must have begun so long ago that not many people know. Workings in the Montague house I’ve over heard the comments they have made about the Capulet’s to me both families seem very nice. Lord Capulet was having a ball for His daughter Juliet and Paris. My name was on the list. Many people’s names were on the list. I was more than glad to attend the ball that night. I attended the ball with my wife while someone took care of my daughter. Im not very much in favor of the marriage between Paris and Juliet. I think that Paris seems older than Juliet. Juliet is very young for marriage. But around town it seems very common for marriage to take place at that age. Paris seems to be related to the Prince which means Juliet would be in very good hands. I’ve Known Juliet since she was young. I’ve visited the Capulet home when they have been sick. Juliet seems like a very nice girl. But to me it seems like Juliet does not want to marry Paris.
    Emily jaramillo period 9 ( Renaldo Figaro)
