Thursday, March 24, 2011

From one persona to another....


1.Explore a classmates persona and response to Act I events.

2.Write/Converse with ONE classmate through blogging to him or her!.

3.For your blog response:

Which persona and student are you responding to? (Chef Valencia M/Ms. Morrissey)
Do you know this person? How?
Was your reaction to the events similar or different? React to this!
Use evidence from the play to support your responses (when applicable)

(minimum 5 sentences)


  1. I am responding to Amando Fabricci (Billy Pilarinos) on what he has to say. do know him because i see him in the streets sometimes when i walk to buy the food for the House of Montague. We exchange a conversation about 3 or 4 times a fortnight. Amando is quite correct in that both the House of Montague and the House of Capulet is not willing to let go of their continuous rivalry. Amando raises a good point when he says that the marraige between Juliet and Paris is almost forced amongst Juliet. This made me re think my idea of their marraige. Yet Lord Capulet is not forcing Juliet to marry unless she is in love with Paris. I havr run into Juliets nurse. we dont really talk because we are very close with the adversaries of verona.

    Giulianna Breslin
    Charlotte Breslin pd.9

  2. Which persona and student are you responding to?
    Gemma Guadagnino

    Do you know this person? How?
    i do not know her. i have seen her around tho.

    Was your reaction to the events similar or different? React to this!
    i agree 100%, men should NEVER treat woman like that!

    Kristina D'Onofrio
    period 9

  3. I am responding to Servant Fabio Lanzoni (Rob Sperduto) of the Montague household. I see Fabio maybe once a week because he isn't let out of that awful Montague household much. We never speak to one another because he is of the Montague family, I of the Capulet family. Each time I see him on the streets I say, "Servant move off the wall for a passing squire!" He has to move for me because he is such a lower status than I, squire if the mighty Capulets. It's hilarious! I disagree with his views on puns and sexual references, it's probably because Montagues have no sense of humor. I also disagree about Romeo, he thinks he'll rebound from his sadness, but I hope he pens himself in his room for the rest of his life. He's of no use anyway. We do share the same views on the Montague/Capulet rivalry, neither of us can tell when it started or how. Unlike Servant Lanzoni, my name is on the list to the masquerade because I am of a high status and part of the Capulet family. I would love to see Juliet marry Paris, disagreeing with Fabio. We both love how the Nurse tells great jokes, but he thinks it will get her into trouble. That will never happen...of course it won't.
    - Deven Jacobi (Squire Colombo Moretti) Pd. 3

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am responding to Chef Angelo (Sarah Greer). I know Chef Angelo from prior meetings, however we are not very close and have no formed relationship. We both have similar feelings on being involved with the war between the Capulets and Montagues, and remaining distant from the drama. When walking through the village if it is possible to avoid getting into a fight with the higher class families brawls, we both clearly walk along avoiding the action.

    Jennifer Drogin pd 3

  6. I am responding to Armando Fabbrici (Wild Bills<3). I do not personally know him but he is the crier that I always stop and listen to for recent events. I see him every time I go out to purchase items for the Montagues. Our views on the Capulets are neither similar or very different. Personally, I don't care who Juliet marries, as long as she stays away from my family. I'm still extremely outraged about the recent brawls between our families; the Montagues don't need any trouble! However, I do agree with Armando that true love is a wonderful thing, and she should at least be able to choose. I'd be a hypocrite if I said that Romeo should be able to choose someone and that she shouldn't.

    Fabio Lanzoni (Servant)
    Rob Sperduto pd. 3

  7. Dear Fabio,
    I too am a loyal Montague and i too do not care for the fighting that occurs between the two families. As long as it does not cause me trouble, I don't think it matters too much. I also am low in society but due to my job involving being close to rich men, I know a lot about society and how the two families interact. I too am not on the list, and thank god i am not. I would be killed if i entered that party. I find it funny that you too find the nurse to be hysterical. her mouth is that of a young boy!
    Bruno Escedore

  8. I am responding to
    Duchess Alessandra de Luca (Julia Ng pd 3). I do not know the Duchess because she is too high in power for me to acquaint with her. My reaction was similar because we both dont remember what the feud is about and think it is very stupid! I believe and so does the Duchess that it is very out played and silly. It needs to end and come to an agreement once and for all.
    Sophie Major period 9 (Cecelia the Joker)

  9. I am responding to Duchess Gemma Guadagnino (Olivia Pagano). Gemma and I are good friends, we often see each other every few days, if only for a quick conversation informing each other of our lives. After all, her family and mine are involved in business dealings together – Gemma and I grew up together and spent many of our childhood days playing in the gardens. Both of us agree that the outburst in the town square did not affect us much, as we were not there at the time and we do not favor one of the families over the other. The ongoing feud is ridiculous, when Gemma, neither I nor anyone else even knows its background any more. However, while Gemma found that the servants' haughtiness and their comments pertaining to the mistreatment of women unacceptable, I believe that it is harmless banter. We both find their language disturbing, but then again, we cannot really change this matter and there is no reason to delve further into the subject. Gemma and I are both invited to the banquet – we are a part of the same social class, it is only expected. Though the servant may have been illiterate, he had gotten his job done. Although it would have been pleasant if the servant could have read, but he is only a servant – of course he would not be literate. We both agree with the idea of marriage between Paris and Juliet. Gemma agrees with Lady Capulet – Paris is the most eligible gentleman for Juliet to wed. He IS caring, and wealthy. I disagree with Gemma a little bit, because I feel that if Juliet should not take liking to Paris, she should not be forced into a marriage by her mother. Lady Capulet is distant with her daughter and does not truly want to know how Juliet really feels about the marriage. It is ideal that Juliet should have an arranged marriage, but at least let it be someone who she favors as well. After all, the Capulets are extremely wealthy in their own right. A marriage for Juliet at this age is not necessary for her and her family as it is for other lower class civilians in Verona.

    -Duchess Alessandra De Luca
    (Julia Ng pd 3)

  10. I am responding to Servant Fabio Lanzoni (Rob Sperduto). Because i am a messenger of the Montague family i see everyone in the house everyday so i do know Fabio, just about everyday i see him and maybe i will even talk to him, he is very polite, kind and a good person. We mostly share the same views on this rival and the fight that just happened. We both agree that those jokes were childish, rude, disgusting and completely inappropriate. If that language was not used there would have been no fight. I wish you the best of luck Fabio and farewell
    Leonardo (Emissary)
    Sam Mandell period 3

  11. Oyez! Oyez! Ay, dear lad, I am talking to you. It has seemed to me to be days since we have last spoken, however, I have recently heard from a companion of your words spoken earlier in the morn. My fellow crier, Francesco Dattero (Erica Dattero), what madness you speak of! Surely you are not in thy right head since you have deemed it to be not right for a woman of 13 to marry. ‘Tis as certain as the sunrise that many of woman have been wed at younger an age, and quite successfully, too! It would be a disgrace to the entire House of Capulet, should their daughter remain chaste at such a late age of 15. For a noble woman of her stature, she should not only be wed by such an age, but a mother as well. Especially to a man such as Paris. A lovely lad he is. Such a match would do that young girl well, and I am surprised, dear Francesco, that you do not join me in my views.

    And what a shock! To hear one speak such ill of one so esteemed as the Lady Capulet! She is a fine woman, indeed. Or at least as fine as a woman should be. It is not of her place to nurse her child, nor should it be! She has done young Juliet well in preparing her for the burdens and responsibilities that come with marriage and child bearing, but I am with you, as this is with no help from that insubordinate nurse! Young Juliet’s mind must be so corrupted with such unseemly humor.

    I must emphasize once again, dear Francesco, I find it crucial that you check your sources of your information, for I believe you to be false on many an account. It is you job as Town Crier to accurately educate these ignorant civilians of the daily happenings of Verona, and of all Italy, and it is foolish to let such petty and selfish views shade your thoughts which are conveyed to these people. I wish ye all of the best… God Save the Queen!

    -Lorenzo Lindsay- Town Crier
    (Lily Lindsay- Period 8)

    **** This is nothing against you personally Erica!!!! Hope you know that!!!! <3*****

  12. Carlo Florio - Jester
    Charlie Florio pd-3

    I am responding to Claudio Platte, the street cleaner. I have met Noah once or twice in the streets when I am performing and he is cleaning. He is usually more in the middle of the street where most of the waste is and i tend to scurry along the sides of the buildings. He is ussually out early in the mornings or late at nights. I agree completley with Noah when he says "People shall be able to live their lives the way they want to especcially Juliet". I agree because both sides of a relationship should have the same feelings for one another, so it is fair and successful. If one side has different feelings then the other the relationship will be unbalenced and unsuccessful. I think the Nurse should stop urgeing her to do so because she is being impulsive and not thinking about the longrun of Juliets life, also she does not know truely who Paris is.

  13. I do know Alessandra (Julia Ng) due to the fact that we grew up together, like she said. Alessandra De Luca and I have basically the same outlook on everything that has happened in the last few days with a couple exceptions. Alessandra and I do agree on the fact that we know the feud between the Capulets and Montagues have been going on for a long time and honestly too long. I personally think that the behavior of the men at the brawl is appalling to women and men should not talk about people in that manner. Dutchess De Luca thinks differently, she think that it is pointless fighting and that people should just ignore it because it will never change. Although that is a valid point, I still think it is a disgusting quality a person can posses. We do have different opinions on whether or not Juliet should marry Paris. Although it didn't seem like it, I did not mean that love shouldn't be involved in her decision. That is also important. But the opinion on the overall decision is different. I would like Juliet to marry Paris and Alessandra does not.

    Olivia Pagano
    Period 3

  14. I am responding to Alice Franco (Renata Diniz). Our families have been long time friends and they have been long time customers at my bakery. I see Alice every couple of days because she usually comes by to say hello or buy some bread. We both have very similar views. We are both neutral when it comes down to taking sides for the feud between the Capulets and Montagues. We also agree that love is most important in a marriage. There’s a rumor going around that Paris wishes to take Juliet’s had in marriage. We both want what’s best for Juliet so we don’t wish for her to feel as if she’s being forced to wed this man, but marry him because she actually loves him. Also, we both wish for Romeo’s melancholic feelings to disappear.

  15. I am responding to Royal Guard William Sheppard, of 23 years. (Josh K.) How i know this person is that our swords have crossed many times and as i know the royal families our paths have crossed in our training within our swords. Our agreeing of the terrible words which were uttered and the quite worse of sexual jokes stated were very crude and disdainful to the ears, yet thou must realize. These be just the folks of common rounds. This is their fun when they haven't the extravagance such as ourselves.Our reactions were on the contrary quite different to the events which occur. That of Montagues and Capulets.Our violence is which who started you pity? for my liege of Capulets you disgrace as such. The violence was nay not terrible and the fighting not much danger for protection. For the prince need not interfere within the quarrel for no one dares to befall harm upon him. It was not thee either whom restored order for it was the prince. I feel there wasn't much order at either to be restored. For those treacherous Montagues deserved the brawl; and was another way for us (Capulets) to withhold our ground. For your choice of not taking up a side, whether Montague or Capulet is in entirety up to thou, however the Capulets are forever onward the better of the two and my allegiance lies there forth.
    ~Annabella Haider (dueling master)

  16. I am responding to Fabio Lanzoni (Rob Sperduto). I somewhat know Fabio. I have met him a couple of times when I came to collect Lord Montague's taxes. My reactions to the events happening are similar to his. We both are die-hard Montagues and totally against the Capulets. We both want them to stay away from us and stop bothering us. Both he and I know Juliet's nurse, and thinks she is crazy. How can you rattle off sexual jokes to a 13 year old like their life lessons? If she was a Montague, she would treat us with respect Romeo and behave well, or be set out on the street. I hope she does some harm to Juliet, so her problems can distract Lord Capulet and we can defeat him. I'm sure Fabio would love that; no more trouble to worry about from the Capulets. If this time comes, we will both be ready to defend the Montagues.
    Benito Saviano (Brett Saviano) - Period 9

  17. Maid Caterina Petriello(Kristen Petriello Per 8)
    I am responding to Fabio Lanzoni(Rob Sperduto). I know this person because we both work for the Montague household. Our reactions were some the same and some different. Fabio is very into the Montagues defeating the Capulets. I am neutral in the situation so i just want peace in both households. We both know the nurse in the Capulet house and we both agree that she is a little unprofessional. He does think she is a terrible fit as a nurse there but I have to tell him that she means well in everything she does. She seems to take care of Juliet because she is doing fine and thats all that matters in the end.

  18. I am responding to Alice Franco (Renata), the town crier. I know Alice because she comes into my bakery few times a week before and after she is makes her announcements to people. We aren’t very close, but we do get along well. We have similar thoughts like we both view Juliet’s and Paris’s marriage wrong because we think she should be married to someone she truly loves. Also, we both now Juliet’s nurse, we find her jokes funny at times, but sometimes they are too much, but she is a loving and a great nurse to Juliet.

    Shannon Roman (Antonio)
    Period 3

  19. I am responding to Vincenzo De Luca (Lucas). Vincenzo have been working together in the same household and we have become very good friends by working together. Although I am usually in the kitchen, he usually always comes in to take the meals I have created to the family. When we are on breaks or he we are waiting for a food item to be done cooking, we will socialize about many things. For example the gossip in the town or about the feud between the Capulet Family and the Montaugue Family. Our reactions to the events that have been taking place are similar. For example because we both work for the Capulet Family and are very loyal to them. If a brawl or verbal fight were to happen, we would ALWAYS defend the Capulet side.

    -Sarah Curtis (Rosabella Ienco)

  20. I am responding to Benito Saviano (tax collector/Brett Saviano). I have met Benito from time to time coming by my shops or coming around the area or my home to collect some taxes. Even though I am usually in the shop, Benito pops in every once in a while to see how things are going. As for our reactions to the proposed marriage of Juliet and Paris, we do share a similar opinion. Unlike him though, I do not care that she suffers because even though I favor the Monatgues, the Capulets have never done much to harm me. The similarity is that it doesn't really affect me therefore I do not really care all that much. My view is that as long as she can live with her decision it is fine with me. Benito and I have known each other for a while and we are both siding with the Montagues.
    Nico Baker (Matt Baker)-Period 9

  21. I am responding to Giulianna Breslin (Charlotte Breslin). I have met Giulianna once or twice from being at the Montague's estate. She is their chef and has been for quite some time. I can see how the fights in the town can effect Giulianna's work because she can't cook if she doesn't have food right? My opinion of the situation is unlike Giulianna's, she does not take sides completely and believes both families are at fault while I believe the Capulets are more to blame. I know my view may be biased but of course both families contribute to the trouble, I just believe it is more on the Capulet's for constantly bringing up the fighting. However she views the situation is her own opinion so I don't really have any other opinion of her other than the Montague's chef.

  22. I am Responding to Fabio Lanzoni (Rob Sperduto) we have never met before due to the fact that he works in the montague house and rarley leaves it. We share similar opinions about the outbreaks between the families. he and i both agree that the people who are starting the fights and who are in the fight are foolish though i am not part of either of the families unlike he is. also we agree on the fact that there could possibly be a problem inside the two housholds because of the confrontations between them.
    Guisseppe Stein (matt stein) period 3

  23. I am responding to Fabio Lanzioni's blog (Rob Sperduto), a servant of the Montague family. Although I am responding to his blog, I do not know who Fabio is at all. The town crier pays no attention to poor servants. I have better things to talk about than the poor and uneducated.
    I do not agree with Fabio's reaction to the Paris and Juliet problem. I live and die for gossip like this. I care immensely about this issue. To have no desire to know about gossip like this is crazy to me!
    -Francesco Dattero (Erica)
    Period 8

  24. I, Vincenzo De Luca (Lucas Pettinato), was down one day in the kitchen, gathering together a dish from which Juliet had requested. While down there, I had heard from a very good cook, Rosabella Ienco (Sarah Curtis) talking about the news of the brawl and how it had started that yesturday morning. So I decided to join a conversation with her to also express my opinion to what had happened that day. She being a fellow cook, I already acquaintance with her for we were such good friends. Afte discussing with her, our reactions to this brawl were mostly the same in the fact of what we thought of the fighting. However, like almost every other worker in this building, she agrees more with that it was more of the Montegue's fault. I on the other hand am also a Capulet, but I feel that it wasn't right for taunting of the Capulet's to occur. I wasn't surprised or upset at her reaction because everyone else in the kingdom is always agreeing that the Capulet's are always right. I think people on both sides of this brawl should look more at why the brawl occurred, with an unbiased feel, and see why this happened and how it could have been preventing. I bid farwell to the fellow cook and carried the dish to the dinning hall.
    Lucas Pettinato
    Pd. 9

  25. I am responding to Catrina Petriello (Kristen). Catrina and I work under the same house hold and see eachother a lot. Everyday she would come downstairs to clean the office and I would try to talk to her about what's going on, but she is a very shy person. She's still nice though. I agree with Catrina about what she thinks of Juliet and Paris. We both agree that they should love eachother if the want to get married and they shouldnt be forced, because as Catrina puts it "marriage is a symbol of love."
    Daniela Samad
    Rula Samad
    Period 9

  26. I am responding to Tamila Garayo (occupation not listed)
    I do not know her that well but I have heard her name and of her carpentry business before. She constructed a few things for my bakery a couple of years back. Her and I have similar views towards the feuding between he Montagues and Capulets, its becoming very ANNOYING and the immaturity coming from the children of the families is quite ridiculous. We also think that the early marriage between Paris and Juliet should wait until a later time for she is just too young!

    Sarah Greer period 8(Baker/Chef Angelo)

  27. I am responding to Benito Saviano (tax collector/ Brett Saviano). We've never met before, and honestly i oppose all of his ideas and his thoughts about the Capulets. Many of his comments are based on what he's seen, and a lot of it is based on the hatred between these two rival families. Since he collects the Montagues taxes, he obviously favors them. I would to since they pay a lot more than any other of his customers. Since he collects the Montagues taxes, i don't use him. I believe that we are similar in our approach of it being Juliets opinion, but i'm not involved in the families personal life. I said before i only make them pastries and deserts, so our opinions on the marriage proposal are similar in the way that it's Juliets opinion because she's the one that's going to live with Paris. I also believe that right now she's to young to wed at 12, and she should wait until she matures more to be able to voice out her beliefs about the marriage and why it should/shouldn't happen.
    Giuseppe Smolev
    (Zack Smolev)
    Period 8
    **There's nothing against you Brett it's just that i work for the Capulets and you favor the Montagues so we have different views.**

  28. I am responding to the dueling master, Annabella Haider /Amna Haider. I know her because she is a friend of Juliet too. I met her when I visited the castle of Capulet. After I know that Annabella is also a close friend of Juliet, I am being a friend of her too. She is nine years older than me so she is a very nice, mature, and strong woman. My brother told me that he saw her in the fight. So her and my reaction was different because I was staying home during the sight since it was very dangerous. I heard that there were many people unsheathed their swords during the fight. She is a very good dueling master, so she must be really good for fighting with fences.

  29. I am responding to Annalisa. I do not really know her in person but I am a fan of her work as a writer. Our reactions to the events are probably different because I am not very involved in the feuds with the Montague's and the Capulet's I do not know about her.

  30. i am responding to Bella D'onofrio, The cook
    (Kristina D'onfrio)Yes i do see Bella sometimes when i am jestering for the capulets and she coooks for me when i eat with them. I never have long conversationgs though, i know her enough to say hello. Yes our reactions are somewhat similar because we both are fans of montegues because they pay our bills and are nice to us. We both would agree that this fued is getting very annoying because everyone isnt acting themselves latly and most onversatiosn are negative now.

  31. I am Responding to Fabio Lanzoni. I dont really now Fabio but i have defiantly heard about him but i saw him for the first time outside in the square when the fight between the mongtagues. and the capulets. Our reactions was different because even though i work for montagues i don't really have a care for them i do what i am told to do and thats pretty much it.
    -afro Van Tongeren (Charlie Van Tongeren)

  32. Melania (maid)

    I am responding to Viviana Baker (stephany o). She is the town baker who I know fairly well. I travel to her store front once a week to buy the baked goods for the Capulet family. We both have the same views on the fighting. We both don’t care for it at all and it doesn’t affect us in any way. So guess you could say we are similar in a way. I like her a lot; she stays out of all the nonsense just like me!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. I am responding to Chef Angelo (Sarah Greer) Although I may not know her well, I have carried news over to her bakery before. She has also baked for the Capulets, I reckon. We have opposite views on the feud. Although the brawls disturb the peaceful streets, their rivalry has heavy history and will not end until something tragical occurs. I agree, perhaps the immaturity is out of hand, but also, out of our control.

    AshleighColon (Crier)
    period 9

  35. I am responding to Rob Sperduto’s persona, which he named Fabio Lanzoni who resides alongside me in the Montague household. However, he is of much lower class and it is often embarrassing to be seen with him in public. I don’t see Fabio in the morn but at times I may see him yonder doing simple tasks for the Montague family. At times he may come to my home and collect payments or the new harvest when its season time. Through town gossip I have come aware that we have the same reactions towards all the events that have occurred in town. We both have limited information on the feud and how it started. We were both not invited to the Capulet festivities, although for diverse reasons. We also have no interest in the personal affairs Juliet and affairs. However I am not his equal in any way shape or form. When the nurse uses sexual terms such as “She will fall on her face sometime” she may humor lower class people but disgust others.
    Roberto Ricci (Daniel Maldonado) Small Land Owner
    Period 8

  36. (Jester/Ben A)

    It seems that Ben's character is on the opposite side of the family feud as mine is. My character does not know his, because they are from opposing families. Ben's character is a jester, and does not know much about the feud between the Montagues and Capulets. Therefore we both reacted in quite a similar way, because I am not a member of either family, and know little.

  37. I am responding to Roberto Ricci (Daniel Maldonado) I know Roberto because I worked on his will for the land that he owns, he is a nice guy a pleasure to be around, if it was up to me he would have been invited to the festivites thrown by us Capulets, and I will definitely try to get him on the guest list for the next. I know he barely knows about the feud so I try to fill him in although I undoubtebly am a biest source.

    Raffaele Capulet - Lawyer

  38. Annalisa Nesheiwat (Scribe)
    I am responding to Melania, a maid (Tori F). I don't know her personally but I seen her around town helping out with the Capulet household and tending to Juliet. We had complete opposite reactions when it came to the fight. This probably has something to do with the fact that she spends most of her time in the Capulet household and is used to the fighting between them and the Montagues. She wasn't really bothered by the fighting and didn't pay much attention to it, while i was. I was trying to finish up my book and they disturbed me!

    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8
