Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bloom's Taxonomy Questions

Here is your task for tonight:

STEP 1 - POST # 1

Include ONLY 1 original question from each Bloom's Taxonomy category.


Respond to the question(s) posed by your peers. You need to reference the question and the person who posted the question when responding. Responses should be thoughtful and respectful in nature.

Please note:

You have completed this assignment if you have 2 posts (one with QUESTIONS and another with answers


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1) Which events could have happened if the mixed prom never occured.?
    2)What would happen if no white kids went to the interracial prom?
    3)Is there a better solution to the racism that occurs in this school?
    4)Could this racism happen at our school today?
    5)How would you feel if your parents would not allow you to be friends with a person from another race?
    6)Who do you think would most hate the interracial prom?

  3. 1. Do you think prejudice, and racism is a bad thing? Why?
    2. What is a possible answer for the racism although it is an integrated school?
    3. Why have these changes started in the 21st Century and not when many other schools began to integrate all activities with both races?
    4. Can you tell why "Billy Bob" didn't want to show his face to the camera, and why he didn't attend the prom?
    5. What do you think might happen in the near future? In the distant future? Do you think the town will finally decide that they've been proven wrong and they need to apologize for their actions?
    6. If you had any say in changing this situation what key factors would you change and why?
    Zack Smolev
    Period 8

  4. Response to Billy PIlarinos
    Question 4
    Well i have different outlooks on this question becasue im in the middle of it. For me it's yes and no for a few reasons. Yes, it could happen becasue no one knows what other students think about. It could happen where a few students could start being prejudice to a group or a couple students and than a whole group forms and the next thing you know... the schools split in two.
    I don't think it could happen because we are a school in the north where there never was high segregation percentage against race. I also believe that we are not acustomed to that way of living where one race is superior to another.
    Zack Smolev
    Period 8

  5. 1) What was the underlying theme of integrating proms?
    2) What would happen of no white kids were allowed to the integrated prom?
    3) Do you think integrating their proms is a good or bad thing?
    4) What happened after the prom ended?
    5) What do you think might happen as for continuing integrated proms in their school?
    6) Do you know another instance where integration took place?
    - Deven Jacobi Pd. 3

  6. Response to Zack Smolev

    Question 2) According to the students the reason some people a racist is because of thier parents and faculty. Since the parents make racial comments around them, the kids have a sense that it's a common thing to do. Therefore they act this way during school and think that anyone who dosen't act like they do is inferior and isn't able to be as cool as them. overall I don't think that it's the students fault for being racist.

  7. Questions:
    1. If Morgan didn't pay for the prom, what would the ending have been?
    2. What would happen if the white kids refused to go to the prom?
    3. Is there a better solution than an integrated prom to erase racism in the school?
    4. Who spoke to the kids?
    5. What do you think would happen if less white kids went to the integrated prom?
    6. What questions would you ask of the parents of the white kids who won't let their kids go the integrated prom?

    1. Do you think prejudice, and racism is a bad thing? Why? - Zack Smolev
    I think that racism and prejudice are bad because they restrict people of their rights. People are given these rights by the constitution, but can be taken away by prejudice. Also, if everyone believes in a prejudice, it can become backed by the government and really hurt people (slavery, holocaust...). If everyone was viewed as equal, none of these problems would arise, and prejudice would disappear.

    4. Can you tell why "Billy Bob" didn't want to show his face to the camera, and why he didn't attend the prom? - Zack Smolev
    Billy Bob didn't want to show his face because he would get in trouble if he did. His parents must have been the kind of parents that believed in racism, so if he did show his face, he would get in serious trouble. He also couldn't attend the prom for the same reason. He had to hide his identity to show his point of view, or else his parents would go crazy.
    Brett Saviano - Period 9

  8. Response to WILD BILS: Question 5
    I would feel terrible if I couldn't be friends with someone I wanted to friendly with. It's like taking your child's joy and keeping it from them. This makes your child sad and angry at your decision. I would agree with being angry because it's not my parents' decision to make. They only made this decision because this kid was a different race than me, and that is unacceptable. I should be allowed to hang out with who I want. My parents don't know this kid at all, so they only want me away from him because of his race. Racism today is not tolerated in today's society, especially here, and neither do I tolerate it. I would be mad at my parents for not doing the right thing because all it shows is racism. I could compare myself to T.J. and Jessica from the video because her stepfather told her not to hang out with "niggers." Her stepfather clearly shows his racism and she thought it was wrong to say that. She did, like I probably would, still stayed friends with Calvin in spite if her stepfather's words.
    - Deven Jacobi Pd. 3

  9. Questions:
    1. Why did the parents of the white kids not want them to go to an integrated prom?
    2. What do you think would have happened if the offer that Morgan Freedman made was not taken by the school?
    3. How would you handle this issue?
    4. How would you feel if you were friends with African Americans and your parents didn't approve of it?
    5. Who made the biggest impact on Mississippi and how?
    6. What questions would you ask Jessica if you had the opportunity to do so?

  10. 1.Can you tell why white people won't attend the prom?
    2.Who were the key characters for planning the prom?
    3.Could this have happened in the north?
    4.What were some of the motives for creating the prom?
    5.What would happen if the white parents were in charge of the decision?
    6.Judge the value of changing tradition?
    Matthew Baker- period 9

  11. Question from Kristen "Why did the parents of the white kids not want them to go to an integrated prom?"

    I believe that the reason why the parents of the white kids did not want them to go to an integrated prom was because that is how they were raised to not be apart of anything with black people that was there tradition in most families so they want there kids to be the same that they were when they were that age. Also they always had separate proms that what they did and they thought this was normal so now they think this is all right to.
    -Charlie Van Tongeren

  12. Questions:

    1. What are some of the problems of the white parents disapproving of their children attending an integrated prom?

    2. Can you see a possible solution to the fact that very few kids attended the first integrated prom at Charleston High School?

    3. How would you have handled this situation if your parents wouldn't let you go to an integrated prom with your boyfriend or girlfriend just because they were a different skin color?

    4. Who spoke to the camera under a false name? Why was that so important?

    5. What differences exist between the white community and the black community in Charleston, Mississippi?

    6. Could this have happened here in Harrison? Why or why not?

    -Lily Lindsay
    Period 8

  13. Answer to Deven question 6
    Another place where integration took place in a high profile situation is little rock 9 integrating schools in the south. It took on a similar protest but at a much more extreme amount. It was brought to government levels but it is a situation where it was breaking tradition and starting new things and leading for a better future in the area. In little rock 9, education was unequal and it was unfair to have unequal opportunities The prom was not as a large issue, but it was a matter of fairness towards students who are mostly separated by parents just in the case of the education. The parents have always made a huge impact because of beliefs and traditions and have in some ways slowed down change for the better.

  14. 1.If it wasn’t for Morgan Freedom’s outstanding offer, what might the ending have been?
    2.What would happen if a black person would go to the white people’s prom and what would happen if a white would go to a black prom?
    3.Do you think courage is a good or bad thing?
    4.What happened after Morgan Freedom’s first offer?
    5.what was the main idea of prom night mississippi?
    6.What questions would you ask to the kids of prom night Mississippi?

  15. 5. What do you think might happen in the near future? In the distant future? Do you think the town will finally decide that they've been proven wrong and they need to apologize for their actions?- Zack Smolev

    In the future, I believe that the town in Mississippi will finally come to an end to the two separate proms for good because after 2008 which was when their first integrated prom was, they continued to have integrated proms for 2009 and 2010. The amount of people who attended the white prom in the last 2 years was not compared to the integrated prom. There was a significant amount of white people in the integrated prom then the only white prom. I think that the town will be proven wrong because in the future, I believe people will realize that racism is all wrong and that all blacks and whites should truly be integrated. The town took 16 years away from an opportunity of being integrated and that is for too much time. People will realize at some point that 16 years is just way too much for the situation that was going on at the time.

  16. Response to Matt Baker's question: Could this have happened in the north?

    To be honest, there is no real reason why something of this nature could not have, or still couldn't, happen in the north. The decision to have segregated proms wasn't made by the state, instead, it was made by the citizens. Therefore, there is no reason why the government could get involved. There is nothing preventing this from happening anywhere, including in the north of the country, other than the small presence of racism. However, if a group of prejudiced people got together and decided to hold a segregated event, there is absolutely no reason why it couldn't happen, and that is a ver frightening thought. Hatred can spread so easily, however acceptance takes years to cultivate as made obvious through the documentary Prom Night in Mississippi.

    -Lily Lindsay
    Period 8

  17. Questions:
    1.What were some of the motives behind continuing to segregate proms?
    2. Can you write in your own words what does integration mean?
    3. What would have happened if Morgan Freeman never made his offer?
    4. How would you feel if you were one of the students at this school?
    5. Can you tell why Morgan Freeman made the offer?
    6. What are some of the problems with trying to hold an interracial prom?

  18. Questions:

    1) If Morgan Freeman never offered to pay for the prom, what might Charleston's society be like today?
    2) What ideas can you come up with to make your school/town change for the better?
    3) How would you feel if someone criticized and discriminated you because of your appearance?
    4) Describe what happened at Charleston's first integrated prom.
    5) What differences exist between the children and the parents in the town of Charleston?
    6) From reading the article, can you develop a set of instructions to make a change in your life?

    --Rob Sperduto pd. 3

  19. My response to WILD BILLLLLLLSSSSS!

    5)How would you feel if your parents would not allow you to be friends with a person from another race?

    If my parents would not allow me to be friends with a person from another race, I wouldn't listen to them. I would honestly feel betrayed by them that they would hate someone because of their appearance or ethnicity. Unless the person is a harm to me in any way, then I would not listen to my parents because of their stupid reason. If it got to the point where they threatened me, it would be hard, but I would try and talk to an adult at school. It's easy to say that I would actually talk to someone about something like that, but it's a lot harder to actually do it. I would at least try my best to talk to someone about it because I wouldn't ever listen to my parents if they didn't want me being friends with someone of another race.

    --Rob Sperduto pd. 3

    Also, Billy is extremely wild.

  20. Questions:
    1) Which character in the film do you believe understood the importance of the integrated prom the most?
    2) Would the event of two separate proms occur in Harrison, how would people react?
    3) What was the biggest influence on the separate proms continuing for so many years?
    4) Do you believe parents have the right to chose who their 17 & 18 year old kids could be friends with?
    5)What was the reasoning for a student on the film to keep his voice, name and identity a secret?
    6)What was the significance in one of the young white girls fathers accepting her colored boyfriend for who he was?

    Jennifer Drogin Period 3

  21. Answer to Rob question 3:
    3) How would you feel if someone criticized and discriminated you because of your appearance?

    There is a difference between bullying and discriminating, bullying is a huge conflict that occurs all around the United States and although everyone believes discrimination ended years ago, it hasn't.
    If had to currently live in a situation where i was discriminating against based off my appearance and not my personality I would be hurt. I believe everyone has different opinions and those are what should affect a friendship and relationships, I would be devestated and embarrassed to be myself.

    Jennifer Drogin period 3

  22. Answer to Kristen:
    1. Why did the parents of the white kids not want them to go to an integrated prom?

    I feel that the parents of the white children were afraid of change. Since their time in high school and the years before it, it was always proper to segregate the student proms. Changing this would not be supported, being that you would be ruining years of tradition. Keeping tradition and customs the same must be really important in this town in Mississippi.
    Parents might also be fearful of what might happen if there is an interracial prom. By keeping separate proms, the white families in the community are able to almost control the substantially bigger African American population. If the prom is integrated, the Black families will then have more power then they did. They might start to discriminate against the white families.

  23. Questions:
    1. What do you see as other possible outcomes?
    2.If you had access to all resources how would you deal with the parents of the town?
    3. Judge the value of the prom to the town
    4. What is the main outcome that this prom brings?
    5. Can you define a definition for pride?
    6. Could this have happened in To Kill a Mockingbird?

    Sam Mandell period 3

  24. Questions:
    1. What was the problem that the kids saw coming from their parents attitudes?
    2. What would people looking in on this event think if no whites went to the dance?
    3. How would you have handled the situation of separate proms and lasting racism?
    4. Who was it who reached out to change what was going on?
    5. What key point were the kids trying to get out to their parents and community?
    6. Do you know another time and place where racism effected the whole community?

  25. My answer to WILD BILLS

    4)Could this racism happen at our school today?

    Racism can happen anywhere at anytime, with warning or without warnings. But it is very very improbable that any racism will start in our school. Today not many people have the same views as people did 50-60 years ago. Society today is a much more tolerant and open minded society than it was back 50 years ago.Views have changed drastically since the civil rights movement. Now people from different parts of the world are integrating with people from the USA let alone people of a different skin color. People are much more open minded and are willing to try new things and is willing to accept the change that could be near. Although racism could happen in our school it is very very un-likely that it will happen.

    -Sam Mandell period 3

  26. Matt Stein Period 3
    1) What would have happened if no one went to the integrated prom and went to the all white prom?
    2) Is an integrated prom a good or bad thing for the parents of the students that go to charlestown?
    3)How will an integrated prom effet the future of charlestown?
    4) Does this change set an example for others?
    5) why was everything but the prom integrated?
    6) Could this ever happen again?

  27. Response to Jen Drogin
    3) What was the biggest influence on the separate proms continuing for so many years?
    The parents of the children going to the high school played a major role in the separate proms continuing every year. The adults continued traditions passed on from their parents to be prejudiced towards people of other race. The adults were raised to believe one thing so some of their opinions didn't change as they got older. Besides holding separate proms the parents were also extremely racist despite the changing times around them. If it was up to the kids, they would have had integrated proms before because they don't care as much about the race of others. As a result of the parents being racist and not being able to adjust to the times like the rest of the country has their children and much of the community continued to be racist. Without the generous offer and encouragement from Morgan Freeman it's possible that the segregated proms would still be held now.
    -Marisa Goldstein pd. 9

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Should the success of the prom be given to Morgan Freeman or to the student body of Charleston high school?
    2. What are pros and cons of staying with tradition?
    3. How easy or hard is it to contradict what your parents teach you to do?
    4. Is racism a problem that can ever be solved?

  30. questions (:
    1)If the school had accepted Morgan Freeman's offer the first time, what might have happened differenlty?
    2)Can you develop a proposal that would have persuaded the school to have an integrated prom earlier?
    3)Can you defend your position behind whether you would prefer integrated or segregated prom?
    4)Did the whites & blacks get along at the integrated prom?
    5)What was the main idea of the article?
    6)Could this have happened where you live?

  31. Matt Stein Period 3
    Billys question- How would you feel if your parents would not allow you to be friends with a person from another race?
    I think that i would feel mad because race should not determine how you feel about someone and you should not discourage people from being friends with other people just based on their ethnic group. I would also not trust the judgement of my parents because they would be racist and have a bias against people that are not like them.

  32. Questions:
    1. Why did the changes to segregation in Charleston eventually occur?
    2. What do you think would have happened if Morgan Freeman had never made his offer to Charleston High School?
    3. If your parents had wanted you to go to the white prom instead of the integrated one, even though you'd rather attend the integrated one, what would you have done?
    4. Why did some students go to the white prom instead of attending the integrated prom?
    5. Who do you think was the real catalyst behind the first integrated prom?
    6. Do you know of another instance where there was a major change in a community, one where social tension was an obstacle?
    Julia Ng
    Pd. 3

  33. Response to Jennifer Drogin:
    5)What was the reasoning for a student on the film to keep his voice, name and identity a secret?

    In a town where tradition has been around for years, what a child learns and experiences in his early childhood depends heavily on the teaching his/her parents. In the south, where racism has been an issue since colonial times, the parents of these students most likely were prejudice against African Americans. It takes enormous amounts of power and courage to stand up to ones parents about an idea that they feel very strongly about. Students most likely chose to keep their names and identity's secret to keep their parents from hearing what they said. I would never risk my relationship with my parents for the making of a movie. For many of the students who chose to hide their identity, it was probably a matter of saving themselves from being looked down upon in their family.

  34. Response to Wild Bill question six (:
    This could have happened in the north; who's to say it couldn't? The only reason people associate the south with racism against negroes, is that in the 1800s the south was home to large farmable fields of cotton and rice and wheat that were in need of slaves to tend to them. The north did not rely on farming so much as factories and mining. So the north was a safe haven for african americans. Therefore there has not been as much racism in the north through the years.

  35. Respond to Erica's Question:
    3. What would have happened if Morgan Freedman had never made his offer?

    If Morgan Freedman had never made his offer, I don't think that the tradition of having segregated proms would have ever been broken. Freedman's first offer to have an integrated prom was rejected. Even this time around, it took a great deal of effort to convince the school district to agree to the event. Although the integrated prom was a relative success, a separate white prom still occurred. Some white parents were set deep in traditional values and prejudice. The majority of the white students in Charleston would have agreed to an integrated prom long before 2008, but because of their parent's beliefs, it restricted them from making their own decisions. Of course, if Morgan Freedman had never made his offer, I think that an integrated prom would have occurred at some point, but probably not as soon as it did. If there was a group of students who strongly wanted an integrated prom, I think they would have fought for it themselves. But all in all, an integrated prom would not have even been considered without Morgan Freedman because of the underlying traditions and fear of change in Charleston.
    Julia Ng
    Pd. 3

  36. Questions:
    1) How do you think the black student trying to get into the white prom with his friends left getting escorted out?

    2) What was the real reason for keeping separate proms for so long?

    3)How did this change/affect the community?

    4)Who would appreciate what Morgan Freeman did the most?

    5)If the prom didn't succeed, would they go back to the "tradition" of holding segregated proms?

    6)Can you connect? Is there any segregation at school for you?

    2. Can you write in your own words what does integration mean?- Erica
    I think that integration is the act of mixing two different racial groups together. Whether it be on a bus, at a school or in this case a prom, it was when blacks and whites finally were able to attend the same events.

    -Sarah Greer, period 8

  37. 1)What were some of the motives behind creating just a white prom?
    2)What would have happened if no white kids appeared at the integrated prom?
    3)Can you defend your position of integrating a prom?
    4)What is the percentage outcome of blacks and whites in the Charleston, Mississippi high school?
    5)What do you think might have happened after the integrated prom?
    6)What questions would you ask of the racist parents?
    Lucas Pettinato

  38. questions:
    1.) what would happen if all the parents of the white students had all of the children not go at all?
    2.)is there a better solution to the problem of the separate proms?
    3.)what were some of the motives behind the project of the integrated prom?
    4.)can you provide a definition for this integrated prom?
    5.)What do you think might happen next to the community?
    6.)What was the problem with the integrated prom to the parents?
    amna haider
    period 8 :)

  39. 2. Can you see a possible solution to the fact that very few kids attended the first integrated prom at Charleston High School?-Lily

    I think that there could be a possible solution to the fact that barely any people of the senior class of 2008 at Charleston, Mississippi highschool attended the integrated prom. The solution, I believe would soon come along in the form of baby steps. As more and more integrated prom continue to be preformed at this highschool, there is a possiblility that the parents and students who used to not be fans of it may start to go. This may seem like a rare possibilty but it could happen. If the parents and students see that this part of integration is still going on, they could lose their racial comments and opinions and just go with what the right thing to do is. It may be very hard to break this tradition for the white people since it has been used as a form of expression in their generations of families, but they could break this tradition to begin harmony and peace with all the people in their home community.

  40. Questions

    1. What was the problem with having an integrated prom?

    2. What would have happened if these children didnt have an integrated prom?

    3. Can you name the man who sponsored the integrated prom?

    4. Can you provide a definition for the words integration and segregation?

    5. Do you think an integrated prom was a good or bad idea? Why?

    6. What questions would you ask the kids who went to the integrated prom? What questions you would ask the kids that didnt?

    Rula Samad period 9

  41. 1)What were some of the motives behind the decision of attending a segregated prom?
    2)How many ways can you promote the integrated prom?
    3)How would you feel if people were excluding you from a certain group you wanted to be a part of?
    4)Which is true or false- Students attend the Segregated proms because they want to, or because they are forced to?
    5) What do you think might happen next after the integration of the Prom?
    6) Would this information be useful if you had a plan to integrate an event for both black and whites?
    Charlie Florio - pd 3

  42. well...i typed up a whole long response for each one and they all got deleted and didn't post so i must respond again....(grrr)
    Answers to questions:
    3. Why have these changes started in the 21st Century and not when many other schools began to integrate all activities with both races? - Zach Smolev
    Why these schools have decided until the 21st century to integrate is because they had got an extension from the government of 16 years. in my opinion 16 years is just way to much. their claim was that a lot of fights would occur and therefore the people would need more of a power to control it and get it together. Although it was really long you must think about the fact of how the north had ever since the times of the civil war had been different than those from the south. They had promoted and helped out egalitarianism and equality more than the south and the south had threatened and started the civil war on seceding from the union and all upon factors such as this. Now i don't want to get all historic and political, but the southern states had it more rough when it came to integration and the length until the 21st century is why they are later. but 16 years? pfft still too long.
    2)What would happen if no white kids went to the interracial prom? - Bill Pilarinos (wild bill)
    What would happen if no white kids had went to the interracial prom is that then, well it wouldn't be interracial. pretty obvious. However besides that if no white kids had went it really would then mean it would take a longer time for the complete integration to occur. I feel that even if only one white kid were to go then there would be a chance of a spark of a quicker integration. Even Ms. Morrissey said that in 2010 they had so little kids at the white prom for it to even occur (yay for them!). If no white kids had come then i feel that, as it happened, sometime in the future there would still be integration to occur. i mean this is the 21st century people, anythings possible.
    1. If Morgan didn't pay for the prom, what would the ending have been? -Brett Saviano
    If Morgan Freeman did not pay for the prom i think that there would have been an integrated prom anyways. It would have been later but still possible. They might have had it this year considering times change and they had acquired a new board of directors and a new superintendent. (haha then we would have learned about it as it currently happened) The tradition of the people would have eventually broken and then the ending would be that later a prom would occur integrated. If Morgan had not paid for the prom after the prom had already occurred then that would be a huge economic and governmental issue amongst the state, but it would have also opened their eyes more to how the possibility of the integration of proms are possible now-a-days without a fight. The ending would have been that life in the community would have been as drastically affected by all the fancy-ness they had received but none the less eventually the time would have come and it would have happened eventually. People are naturally rebellious, but even in little ways people are in acceptance to change and even if morgan didn't pay then i think the town still, in due time, would have had an integrated prom.
    -amna haider
    period 8 :)

  43. Questions...
    1)What was the problem with the integrated prom?
    2)What happened after whites found out prom was integrated?
    3)What was the main reason for Morgan Freedman coming?
    4)Do you think the black and white prom is a good or bad thing?
    5)What would happened if Morgan Freedman never sponsored a integrated prom?
    6)What factors would you change if this happened in the time of

    - Monica nole. period 9

  44. Answer to Amna's question 6...
    6.)What was the problem with the integrated prom to the parents?
    Most of the parents were brought up thinking that segregation was a good thing. This thought was etched into their brains, so when they heard about the integrated proms they didnt know how to react. Most of them would never have thought of this idea, and they werent comfortable with their children dancing/talking with others of a different race because their parent taught them it was wrong.
    Rula Samad period 9

  45. 1)What were some of the motives behind creating just a white prom?

    I believe that creating an all-white prom made whites feel more superior than blacks, and they tried to create the image that it will always be this way and nothing will change it. But a change of ideas has happened and this all-white prom is no longer "superior" but less of the student population go there because the rest of the students have moved on to the integrated prom. Parents also claim that this prom is still on and will always be on because of tradition, that its been happening for so long that its become a regular thing.
    Charlie Florio - pd 3

  46. 1. What was the problem with having an integrated prom? - rula

    The problem with the integrated prom was the parents not wanting/ supporting having a same prom for blacks and whites. Many parents of students would go against the integrated prom when most of their children wanted the integrated prom.

    - Monica Nole, period 9

  47. Questions:
    1. What were some motives behind the white parents throwing their own prom?
    2. Can you design a prom that is integrated but still satisfies the needs and wants of white parents?
    3. Could this have happened in a northern city such as Harrison?
    4. Do you think throwing a white prom is a good or bad idea?
    5. What happened after the first integrated prom?
    6. How would the Charlestown community change after the first integrated prom?

    Daniel Maldonado
    Period 8

  48. 1.What are some of the problems of racism?
    2.Can you see a possible soltion to seperate proms?
    3.Are you a racist person?
    4.Who was it that organized the joined prom?
    5.Who is the key character in To Kill a Mockingbird?
    6.What questions wold you ask of the kids in Prom Night in Mississippi who went to the black and white prom?

    Who spoke to the kids?- Brett Saviano
    Morgan Freeman spoke to the kids at a Charleston,Mississippi highschool about having an integrated prom. This was becase he thought the idea of having seperate proms was outragous and stupid.
    If Morgan didn't pay for the prom, what would the ending have been?- Brett Saviano
    I think if Morgan Freeman didnt pay for the integrated prom then I believe the kids would still have the prom because it was what they wanted. Also, it came into a lot of thought, so I dont think they would just give up on the idea.
    Sophie Major period 9

  49. Questions:
    1. What were some of the motives of the African Americans who wanted an integrated prom?
    2. How effective was the interracial prom in trying to bring together the races?
    3. How is what happened in TKAM similar to the movie?
    4. What happened when the interracial prom was announced?
    5. Why did some people want a white's only prom?
    6. What did you see as a possible outcome when the parents of the white kids asked to end the interracial prom?

    Response to Wild Bills Question
    (Could this racism happen at our school today?)

    No the racism that happened in the movie could never happen in our school because we live in a more modern area. We have many different races and are all integrated with each other to the point where the races really don't matter. Even if someone tried to segregate the proms here, the kids would speak out against it.

  50. 1. Which events could have happened if the people of Charleston accepted Morgan Freeman's first offer?
    2. Can you see possible solutions to the prejudices in peoples minds? (mostly parents)
    3. How effective are the thoughts of the parents in making the decision to go to either prom?
    4.Find the meaning of why the proms stayed segregated and why nobody except Morgan Freeman offered to change it?
    5. What was the main idea emphasized in having the two separate proms?
    6. What questions would you ask of the school board to make the change happen before it actually did?

  51. Questions...
    1. What are some problems with the two proms?
    2. What do you think would happen if the school never took the offer?
    3. What do you think about having two separate proms?
    4. Who was it that approved of the two proms? Why?
    5. Who was a key character in this change for the integrated prom?
    6. What factors would you change if this happened in Harrison?

    Answer to Monica's question...

    1)What was the problem with the integrated prom?

    A)The problem with the integrated prom was that the parents didn't accept it because they weren't use to change like they were afraid of it. They wanted to stick with tradition. But some kids wanted to go when there parents didn't want them to.

  52. Response to Wild Bill’s question number 2:
    I believe there would be several diverse results to the community if white kids did not attend the prom. The aim of the interracial prom was to abolish racist feelings held between races in the community and to help diverse people mingle with each other. Despite they’re not being several white people at the interracial prom; it left a large impact on that community. Students and there parents slowly began to adjust themselves to the new generation and but racist thoughts behind them. Therefore, more students began to attend yearly interracial proms and created friendly relationships wit each other. However, if white students did not attend the prom the results would have been diverse. There would be no changes within the social system of the town. This is because different races would not integrate themselves into different social cliques and the school would be separated. Racism would also still be retained because change and retaliation against stereotypical white parents would not have occurred. Waiting for large changes within a society that has existed based upon racist ideas is not common so smaller steps are necessary. If no one attended the interracial prom then people cannot adapt to the an integrated society thus creating political, economic, and social problems throughout the area.
    Daniel Maldonado
    Period 8

  53. Question: Do you think throwing a white prom is a good or bad idea? - Daniel Maldonado

    I think that throwing a white prom while the integrated prom is being planned is ridiculous. It is defiantly a bad idea. Throughout the whole documentary I thought that Charleston was stuck in the past and needed to accept people for who they are. By throwing this prom it is clearly shown that they don't at all. I understand why this did happen though. Most people in Charleston grew up there and it is what they are used to. The way people were raised affect how their children are raised, therefore the remarks about the other race are passed down. Due to having these racist thoughts the white people of Charleston thought it would have been disgusting if their sons or daughters are dancing with black people. It all comes back to being racist.

  54. Questions:
    1. What was the problem with the white parents not letting them go to the interracial proms?
    2. Can you see a possible solution to the community's problem if Morgan Freeman's offer wasn't offered?
    3. How would you feel if your parents wouldn't let you go to the interracial prom?
    4. Who spoke to Charleston High School to have an interracial prom?
    5. What do you think will happen next, now that the interracial prom has occurred?
    6.What questions would you ask the kids who weren't able to attend the interracial prom?

  55. 1) Which events could have happend if no white person attened the intergrated prom?

    2) What would happen if there had been a fight at the integrated prom?

    3) Do you think an integrated prom was a good or bad thing?

    4) Can you name the person who paid for the integrated prom?

    5) What differences exist between the white prom and the interacial prom?

    6) What questions would you ask of the white parents?

    Charlotte Breslin- pd. 9

  56. Questions:
    1. What are some of the problems of having an integrated prom?
    2. Can you design an integrated prom that everyone will attend?
    3. If you were in this situation, how would you feel if your parents didn't allow you to attend the integrated prom?
    4. What happened to the relationships between the students after the integrated prom?
    5. What do you think would happened if Morgan Freeman never sponsored an integrated prom?
    6. Could this have happened in Harrison?

  57. Answer to Rula's question:
    3. Can you name the man who sponsored the integrated prom?
    The man who sponsored the integrated prom is Morgan Freeman. He did it because he knew it was time for change. He knew that the kids wanted an integrated prom but were scared to rebel against their parents. Even though most of the white students didn't attend, Morgan Freeman knew this was a step in the right direction.
    Period 8

  58. Question: 5. What differences exist between the white community and the black community in Charleston, Mississippi? (Lily)

    A main difference that exist between the white and black community is that the black community doesn't real mind the fact that both white and black were in the same room. It was said in the video that when a black would enter into a white store, the white would make the black costumer feel like they weren't welcomed and that they didn't belong there. On the other hand when a white would enter a black store the black would make the white costumer feel welcomed and they would smile and give nice gestures. You could tell that the whites were bothered with the situation, but the blacks didn't care and they were sort of glad.

  59. 1)If parents refused to send their kids to the interracial prom how might this event have ended differently?
    2)Can you see a possible solution the end the segregation in this town?
    3)How would you have handled you parents not allowing you to attend the interracial prom?
    4)Describe what happened at the prom.
    5)What do you think the next step with be for this town?
    6)What factors still need to change for integration to be a success?

    Answer to Rula's question #5...

    I think that this was a good idea to have an interracial prom. I think it is a step in the right direction, and things were going to have to change eventually. With the majority of the world integrated it only makes sense that they would too. Although change never seemed like an option to these people it was way overdue for it to come. The school was already integrated so it only backs sense for relationships to be integrated next.

  60. Response to Renata Diniz's Question -What do you think about having two separate proms?

    I think having two seperate proms is pointless. The idea of a prom is to have the senior class come together one more time before they graduate. why split up when you want to be brought together one more time? and there is no point in having seperate dances. They go to school as one anyways

    Charlotte Breslin- Pd 9

  61. Questions:
    1. Why are some problems of integration?
    2. Can you see a possible solution forth integrated couples?
    3. How would you feel if you had integration at your school?
    4. Describe what happened at the integrated prom?
    5. What questions would you ask about the white parents that yell at their kids?
    6. Who do you think will be the most successful?
    Allan Passafaro period 8

  62. Answer:
    4. Can you tell why "Billy Bob" didn't want to show his face to the camera, and why he didn't attend the prom? - Zack Smolev
    Billy Bob didn't want to show his face because he would get in trouble if he did. His parents must have been the kind of parents that believed in racism, so if he did show his face, he would get in serious trouble. He also couldn't attend the prom for the same reason. He had to hide his identity to show his point of view, or else his parents would go crazy.
    Allan Passafaro period 8

  63. 1) What was the problem with having an integrated prom from the beginning?

    2) What would happen if Morgan Freeman never made his offer to pay for an integrated prom?

    3)Are you a good parent by making your children stick to your traditions?

    4)What happened after Morgan first made his offer?

    5)Who do you think had the most courage that attended the integrated prom?

    6)Could this have happened in New York?

  64. Answer to Charlotte, number 3 "3) Do you think an integrated prom was a good or bad thing?"
    - I think the integrated prom was a very good thing. This prom showed people in the south that it is ok to have integration and for blacks and whites to be friends. This prom might seem small, but it change the mids and touched many people. We are in the year 2011. In 2008 There were still segregrated proms? No one would have ever even imagined this would go on in the world. This prom showed people all over what was really going on in the world and it made a change. The prom was definitely a good thing.

  65. 1)what drives people to be racist?
    2)why are some areas in the south not up to date with racism?
    3) what are the consequences in most cases when the parents down south see interracial couples in there kids?
    4) what would have happened if morgan never offered them money for the proms?
    5) what makes the kids want to even attempt having an interracial relationship when the parents are racist?
    6) why would the school district even deny having an interracial prom?

    Response to Paige's question
    if the parents didn't send there kids to the interracial prom i think the racism would end up being a problem for many more years to come.

  66. Questions
    1. What are some problems with having a segregated prom?
    2. Can you design an integrated prom without having controversy from white parents?
    3. Can you see a possible solution to segregation because of this integrated prom?
    4. Who organized this integrated prom?
    5. Why is segregation is still present?
    6. Could this have happened in Harrison, New York?

    Jennifer MacIlvane

  67. 1)Could this have happened in another state not just southern ones?
    2)What difference would it make if the school accepted Morgan Freeman's 1st offer?
    3)What difference would it make if Morgan Freeman never made an offer? Who else would do so?
    4?Who was more of a key character? The students, The faculty, or Morgan Freeman? Why?
    5)How was this similar to the 1st inter racial prom in the south?
    6)How would you feel if you were taken away while you were with your friends at the white prom?
    7)How would you feel if your best friend was against the inter racial prom? What would you do?
    8)If you had access to all resources how would you deal with the parents that are against the inter racial prom?
    9)Can you develop a proposal which would persuade a parent thats against the inter racial prom to let their child to go?
    10)Who do you think made more of a difference in persuading the faculty in allowing Morgan Freeman to pay for it? The documentary man or the new staff?

  68. Answer to Shannon question #1
    1. What was the problem with the white parents not letting them go to the interracial proms?

    The problem with the white parents is basically they are still racist and they like to follow tradition. Tradition is something they have been doing for many years and the parents who lived there wanted their children to live the way they did. They also believe that if they were against inter racial things maybe their children would follow onto what they believe in.

  69. Answer to Sarah Greer's question " 2. What was the real reason for keeping separate proms for so long?"

    The reason of why there were two separate proms for so long was because white parents wanted to keep the tradition of having two separate proms. The white parents were also brought up to be racist so they wouldn't want their child associated with african americans.

  70. Questions...
    1. What was the main idea of having the integrated prom?
    2. What factors would you change if you were the principal of the school in Charlesten?
    3. What changes to the school would you recommend if you were in a high leadership role?
    4. Can you name the town the prom took place in?
    5. Why did the changes occur for the prom?
    6. What do you think would have happend if the school didn't have the integrated prom?

    Sarah Curtis
    Period 9

  71. Answer to Elizabeth Question 3

    Can you defend your position behind whether you would prefer integrated or segregated prom?

    If I had to chose between going to the integrated or segregated prom, I would go to the integrated one. Not only does it show importance but it signifies change. The more diverse the proms are, the more popular they will become. Thus, it may eliminate all prejudice and judgments of people in the town of Charlesten. Having two different proms is already pointless enough and if there were less people who attended the segregated prom then that may mean those people attended the integrated prom. The fact that these people in charge created two proms and get away with it is just sick. Nobody should be insulted based on what they look like. Just because you are born a certain way, it does not classify your personality.

    Sarah Curtis
    Period 9

  72. 1) If the school had allowed Morgan Freeman to pay for the dance when he first offered, what might the ending have been like?
    2) What would happen if it was mandatory for all students to participate in the dance?
    3) How would you feel if you were a student attending the segregated proms?
    4) What happened after Morgan Freeman offered to pay for the dance in 1997?
    5) Who do you think played a main role in the segregation of the dances?
    6) Could this have happened in a school in New York?

  73. 1) What were the motives behind having an integrated prom?
    2) How would you feel if you had a separated prom?
    3) What happened after having the integrated prom?
    4) Do you think they’ll have integrated proms again?
    5) Could this have happened in Harrison?
    6) What would happen if we have a separated prom?

  74. Answer to Rula’s question #1
    What was the problem with having an integrated prom?
    The problem occurred with having the integrated prom was white parents made their own prom although they have the integrated prom. White parents didn’t want their children to go to the integrated prom so they made their own. I think it made some African American feel bad. Also many white parents didn’t allow their children to go to the integrated prom even though the children wanted to.

  75. Question 3: How would you have handled your parents not allowing you to attend the interracial prom? -Paige

    In all honesty I would have been outraged. I wouldn't have agreed with their decision at all. If my parents told me I wasn't allowed to go to an interracial prom I would still go. I would sneak out, not because I would really want to go to the prom, but because it's an absurd reason for not letting me attend. I would try to make a bold move to show my parents that a reason like that is ridiculous. Even though I do everything my parents tell me to do, this would be an exception to that. Not allowing me to go the prom because it's interracial is wrong and immoral.

  76. 1. What would happen if Morgan Freedman did not pay for the integrated prom?
    2. What differences exsist between the white parents and their kids?
    3. What is the point of Morgan Freedman paying for the prom?
    4. What questions would you ask of the parents and principal about the sperarte proms.
    5. Do you think an integrated prom is a good thing or a bad thing?
    6. Describe what happened at the prom?

  77. 1)Why didn't the white parents want integrated proms?
    2)What do the kids think of the genereal topic of racism?
    3)What is a possible explaination for the prejudice in the town?
    4)Why did they finally accpet Morgan's money?
    5)Is there any tension between blacks and whites?
    6)What did the white kids think about integrated proms?

  78. 1)how many people went to the intergrated prom?
    2)can you tell why most kids went to the intergrated prom?
    3)what do you think will happen after this prom?
    4)what would you ask to the princepal now that the prom is over.
    5)if the parents were in charge what would have happened?
    6)what would happen if they never had this prom

    1)Why didn't the white parents want integrated proms?
    They didnt want integrated proms because they didnt want to chnage, they thought just because a long time ago blacks weren't accepted they shouldnt be accepted now as well.

    Kristina D'Onofrio
    period 9

  79. 1) Judge the value of freedom and equality.

    2) If you had access to all resources how would you deal with not being able to be with someone you love due to their race?

    3) Are you a judgmental person?

    4) Is judgment natural in modern today?

    5) Who do you think was most opinionated?

    6) How was this is similar to TKAM?

    What would have happened if these children didnt have an integrated prom? -Rula Samad

    If these students had not had an integrated prom, they would never leave Charlestown and be successful. Our whole nation is revolved around freedom and equality and the racist traditions throughout the families had instilled nothing but judgment into their children's minds. Everyone wants the best for their children but keeping them from a having an opinion on integration and love between two races will get them nowhere.
    Ashleigh Colon
    period 9

  80. 1. Do you think prejudice, and racism is a bad thing? Why?
    2. What is a possible answer for the racism although it is an integrated school?
    3. Why have these changes started in the 21st Century and not when many other schools began to integrate all activities with both races?
    4. Can you tell why "Billy Bob" didn't want to show his face to the camera, and why he didn't attend the prom?
    5. What do you think might happen in the near future? In the distant future? Do you think the town will finally decide that they've been proven wrong and they need to apologize for their actions?
    6. If you had any say in changing this situation what key factors would you change and why?

  81. Having two different proms is already pointless enough and if there were less people who attended the segregated prom then that may mean those people attended the integrated prom. The fact that these people in charge created two proms and get away with it is just sick. Nobody should be insulted based on what they look like. Just because you are born a certain way, it does not classify your personality.

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