Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mixbook Viewing

Mixbook Viewing...
(you will be making 2 posts today!)


1.Explore a classmate's Mixbook.

3.Add information to your G.R.A.P.E.S. graphic organizer.

4.For your blog response:

Which Mixbook did you view?
How did this individual's Mixbook further enhance your understanding of Elizabethan England?
What did you like about the Mixbook?
Any other observations - maybe even shout out, a thank you, to the classmate for allowing you to gather information.

Use the websites in Miss Maricevic's margin on her blog ( to assist in the specific research of William Shakespeare. This webquest is due Monday at the beginning of class along with:

1) KWL chart on Elizabethan England

2) the G.R.A.P.E.S. graphic organizer

3) KWLH chart for Shakespeare

4) Author Study - movie notes.

Be prepared!!


  1. For this blog, I viewed Lily L.'s mixbook on Elizabthan England. This mixbook was very intellectual and informative on many of the G.R.A.P.E.S. topics about England and life under the rule during this era. From this book, I was able to enhance my undestanding about Elizabthan England in many way. First of all, I was able to learn new things about the religion of England, besides the fact that there was a lot of "witchcraft." I learned that during that era, there was an argument over what the state religion was going to be: Catholic and Protestant. The religions kept on changing because new rulers would have different opinions about religions as new rulers took the throne. Also, I was able to learn more about social classes in the society section of her book. There were many classes in society showing that there was much diversity in classes meaning that there was different lifestyles in each classes. One more thing I learned was about the money that was used in the economy and also how domesticating animals was necessary for farming in trade.
    good job LIL!
    Lucas Pettinato
    Period 9

  2. I viewed Deven's mixbook. His mixbook taught me that the Elizabethan English people believed in ghosts, not just witches. I also learned that musicals were first crated in this time period, and that Scotland was not part of Elizabethan England, as Wales and Ireland were. Also, I learned that the saying god bless you was from this time period because of all the superstitions of the era. Deven's mixbook was professional and informative in the way that the information was presented. It had good pictures, too. I liked how everything was neat and professional.
    Brett Saviano - Period 9

  3. For this blog i viewed Deven Jacobi's mixbook. This mixbook further enhance my knowledge of Elizabethan England because it went into detail about how the physical aspect of elizabethan england was made up of. It also goes into detail about how the government kept plays censored and how shakespere kept the queen and any laws out of his plays. Finally it went into detail about the imports and exports that flourished in elizabethan england. I liked how their were a lot of pictures and detail so you could really picture what elizabethan england looked like. I also like how shakespere is brought into it so you can imagine shakespere living in this time. This is why i liked deven jacobi's mixbook.
    Matt Stein
    Period 3

  4. I viewed Rula's mixbook for this blog. This further enhanced my learning because I didn't realize that people were so superstitious into believing stirring a pot the wrong way would bring bad luck. Also, her mixbook helped me understand more about how there were many laws made for religion and that it was very controversial during the Elizabethan era. I really liked how Rula added so many pictures because it gives a great visual aid for better understanding while reading the passages. Also, I like how she went beyond GRAPES and added a page dedicated to a law to show us more about what life was like during that time period. I recommend looking at Rula's mixbook!

    --Rob Sperduto
    pd. 3

  5. I viewed Deven's mixbook about Elizabethan England. Deven's mixbook exhibited both facts that I found that were obvious, but also went into deeper facts with several different ideas. Such as one that I didn't realize was that more than England was occupying the land during Elizabethan Era, Wales and Northern Ireland were too, but not Scotland. Also, I knew the superstitions of the people, but did not know that they believed in ghosts as well as witches. The most intriguing fact that I came away with was that during the time the people became doctors and were able to perform surgery. Although it was probably not the most sanitary or successful procedure it was a large advancement in health care. I enjoyed how Deven's mixbook had a good balance of both pictures and informational text, and he also explained the pictures if they were not self-explanatory. It was well written and gave a lot of good and useful information.
    Matt Baker period 9

  6. I viewed Aya's mixbook about Elizabethan england. Her mixbook helped me to understand basics and important key ideas of the Elizabethan england within a certain topic. When explaining about a topic, she placed an Asterix (*) at the side or beginning of that part which explained the importance and relevancy to the main topic.What i liked about her mixbook is that her information explained along with her pictures and the decorations in her mixbook heightened aesthetic appeal to her project. Although the information was much which i had, there were a lot of achievements i was able to learn and as well as the political and religious problems. i think that in all in all it was an awesome project! It was great Aya! :) Thanks for the info. T'was a lovely mixbook!

  7. I viewed Lily's mixbook. Her mixbook presented the information in a way that was balanced with the visuals. I learned a lot of things from the book. For instance, I learned about Henry Tudor's part in the War of the Roses and how he merged the House of Lancaster and the House of York. I also learned the roles Elizabeth's predecessors played in religion and Catholicism. I didn't know about Queen Mary or her nickname of "Bloody Mary" because of the way she persecuted Protestants. I really liked Lily's use of visuals, especially when she used pyramids to show levels in social class, or government. The color scheme is great, and on each page there's a lot going on but it isn't overpowering anything at all.

    Julia Ng
    Pd 3

  8. For this blog, I viewed Lily's mixbook. It further enhanced my knowledge of Elizabethan England in sections such as religion and achievements. I learned that the conflict between the Catholic Queen and the Protestants was going on during this time. I also learned that this was the time of exploration of the "new world" and they were able to bring back new foods and spices. I absolutely loved the way she put it together, its appearance is great and the information is very helpful in the understanding of the time period.

    Sarah Greer
    Period 8

  9. i have viewed Deven's mixbook that was outstanding. and i have learned much more than i learned doing mine. such as the religion on the Elizabethan era such as there were beliefs that there were ghost not just witches and witchcraft. Also i have learned that there achievements also consisted of also oil painting and also Leonardo De vinci who was a famous inventor. That is most of the thing i have learned form his mix book.

  10. I viewed Rula's mixbook for this blog. By reading her mixbook, I further deepened my understanding on how music and art were such huge parts of the Elizabethan Era. I never knew that the Globe theatre was one of the most famous theaters in England at this time.
    I also never knew of the poverty during this period. I learned that it was so bad that in 1601, the Poor Law was passed to provide help to the people who needed financial support.
    I really appreciated all of the pictures Rula used in her presentation. By having these pictures, she helped me to further understand what this era really looked like. I also appreciated that the different pages were divided in a way that each page told me of a different part of Elizabethan. This format made the book more organized and easier to read.
    Erica Dattero, Period 8

  11. i viewed Rula's mixbook. I learned more about the religious beliefs of people during this time period. Religion was the most difficult thing for me to research and i was glad to see that Rula had a lot on it. I never knew that people say "God Bless You" when you sneeze so the devil does no enter their body. I also learned that it was bad luck to stir a pot clockwise. Rula's information really benefitted my understanding of the superstitions the people believed in
    Charlotte Breslin, Period 9

  12. I read Matt Baker's mixbook and it really added a lot to my GRAPES chart. After viewing it, I had learned much new info on Elizabethan England. I found out more info on Shakespeare than i did mine. He wrote plays obviously, but I didn't know that he wrote a special type of poem called a sonnet. He became the most influential person of the Elizabethan Era by writing plays and writing them about rarely expressed themes and concepts. As for society, I learned a strict class system was followed and it defined jobs and life as they knew it. From monarchs, nobility, gentry, merchants, to laborers, the classes were associated with certain people. For example, the monarch of England at the time was Queen Elizabeth I and she was at the very top of the class system. I also didn't know that it was heavily based on education, so the smarter you were, the higher up you were in society. This is true because education had tremendous value to them back then. Before I read his mixbook I was unaware of many things, but now I know much more about Elizabethan England. I liked how his mixbook incorporated many pictures with captions. They really firmed up the writing in each category of GRAPES.

  13. I viewed Robert Sperduto’s Mixbook on Elizabethan England and the stupefying play writer William Shakespeare. His Mixbook addressed the task in a very straightforward and comprehensible manner that brought large amounts of knowledge to me and other reader’s. Rob also used comical feeling in his writing or he used humor to present the information better. His Mixbook was compromised of both obvious information and detail that took great amounts of thought and research. This included facts such as Queen Elizabeth’s mother being accused of being a witch and the government’s censorship of certain plays or scenes. There was a good balance between pictures and informational texts. I mainly enjoyed the hilarious picture on his back page. Rob’s Mixbook was well written and presented important information.

  14. I viewed Robert Sperduto's mixbook and Elizabethan England. I found the information very useful as well as new to the information i had already gathered. I had not known about the various forms of traveled around England such as boat and horse. Also, i was not aware that this was during the time of the bubonic plague, which could have greatly impacted the plays that Shakespeare wrote. I also wrote that Queen Elizabeth had harsh punishments while Rob said that she did not favor them. This shows the difference in sources and the inconsistency of the internet. I enjoyed how Rob was able to put all of the information together in an easy to read way. Also, the funny pictures added to the joy of reading the mixbook. I was interested the whole time and thought it was a very good job. The layout was visually appealing and at the same time the information was relevant and useful. Excellent job. Rob, you are the efing man, thanks for the great mixbook.

  15. I viewed lily's mixbook! Just from reading her information, i have widely expanded my knowledge of Elizabethan England. Some additional information i learned was that after the fall of the Roman Empire, KIng Henry VIII establised the English church which was no longer under the rule of the Pope. Also i learned the different levels of society which are lord, gentry, yeoman, jenants, skilled laborers and unskilled laborers. I learned many other things as well but those are just to name a few. Lily's mixbook is very well organized and creative and looks great! Good Job Lily!

  16. I viewed Charlotte’s mixbook. By reading her mixbook i understood more about religion and the superstitions that some people believed in. I liked how Charlottes mixbook showed alot of examples of each G.R.A.P.E.S. Her mixbook also had many photos that went with the examples she wrote.

    Monica Nole.
    Period 9

  17. In this blog I viewed Deven's mixbook. This mixbook enhanced my knowledge of Elizabethan England because in this mixbook it brought everything to one idea. This mixbook wasn't showing 10 different things in 1 page this mixbook showed what he wanted to say and in the next page it showed the pictures to make the writing and the overall mixbook more understandable. I liked how this mixbook itself used 1 page to describe something than the next was pictures to make it easier to understand because 1 page of reading will just put everything in my head and then the next page is pictures relating to the words to even make it more understandable because the words itself was really strait to the point and great. Great Job :)

    Michael Sin

  18. I viewed Brett's mixbook. I learned much more about the achievements that occurred during Elizabethan England which included the study of magnetism and the circumnavigation of the world by sir Francis Drake. I also acquired a greater understanding of what and who they traded with, I especially learned more of how they obtained money because I did not know that they would raid ships and sell the good they found. Overall Brett created a fantastic mixbook that was full of information that gives the reader about any topic that they do not understand

  19. I viewed Brett Savianos mixbook. What i learned was very similar to mine and what i had researched. Many of his main concepts in each G.R.A.P.E.S had the same meaning and was trying to show what it was like to be in Elizabethan England during the time of William Shakespeare, not only in his childhood but throughout his life. I like knowing that other people have the same ideas as me because it shows me that this is the real way and thats how it happened. What i did learn that i didn't know before was that William Gilbert had progressed with his beliefs on magnetism. I also learned that Elizabethan was one of the most influential writing periods ever. I never heard of a miniature portrait and from reading this i have a better idea of what it is. Only the wealthy had an opportunity to earn a real education, and many of the uneducated were the lower classes. Brett this mixbook is dy-no-mite, Great Job!
    Zack Smolev
    Period 8

  20. I looked at Matt Baker's mixbook and I learned a lot from it then added it to my GRAPES sheet. I had known about how influential William Shakespeare was but Matt's mixbook made me see me was far more import than I thought. I also learned more about how strict the class system was. It not only showed where you fit into society, but decided your job and responsibilities. It was also heavily determined by your education. This showed me that education had a large emphasis during the Elizabethan era. This mixbook helped me learn many new things about the time period.
    Matt Bruzzano Pd9

  21. I viewed Lilliane Lindsey's Mixbook. Her mixbook is very visual which intrests the reader as well as paint a clearer picture in there head about what she is talking about in her text. This mixbook helped me greatley because it was very descriptive and i was able to see things I hadn't seen before in her pictures. I learned in greater detail about there political levels of government from the easy to read pyramid thats presented on the polotics page. I added to my GRAPES chart that they had more political power as the land got bigger and bigger. I reccomend reading Lily's Mixbook!

    Charlie Florio Pd-3

  22. I viewed Lily L's mixbook. While viewing it, I was more educated on Elizabethan England because her information was very interesting and thorough. Her interpritation of the information was organized in a unique, fun way to make me want to read more. She had many goodimages on each page and they all went with the topic and the theme! I really enjoyed the chart she put under politics. I learned many new things and added new things to my chart. Great job LIL!!!

    -Sarah Curtis
    period 9

  23. I viewed Matt Bakers mixbook for this blog. I found that I added a lot to my G.R.A.P.E.S while going through his book. He added a lot of specific details that I didn't have as well as some great general statements. He interpreted the information that he found very well. He also put in a lot of great pictures. One of the things he helped me understand was the importance of social classes and how education and wealth could greatly impact the position you were in. He also put in a lot about geography that I didn't know. This mixbook helped me get a lot more information, great job matt!

  24. I viewed Amna's mixbook. I found that the information that she included in her work has furthered my understanding of the Elizabethan era. She had so many facts that I hadn't known about while I was doing my own mixbook. Before viewing her mixbook, I hadn't known that there were laws that censored religious and political events on stage. I found this fact very interesting because it shows how much social control the government had over the people. The knowledge i had gained from my own research was further deepened after viewing Amna's mixbook. I liked the specific facts that she included and how she ties everything together successfully. The work and effort that she put into this assigment can be clearly seen. Nice job Amna ;)

  25. I viewed Charlotte Breslin's mixbook and thought it was very informative. I liked how she wrote out her information in a bullet form and also a paragraph form. Until reading her mixbook, I never knew that in their bible they talk about witchcraft. In the achievements section I liked how she showed what the instruments from the Elizabethan time period looked like in one picture. I also liked how she made a social pyramid to show the different levels in society. I didnt know that in this period weddings were arranged. I liked the overall presentation of the information. Good job Charlotte!
    Rula Samad
    Period 9

  26. I viewed Charlotte Breslin’s mixbook. I learned different aspects of the economy that I didn't catch while I was researching. I liked how the book was organized in the order of GRAPES. There was alot of color that caught my eye and I liked that there was captios under every picture so you knew exactly what the picture was. The information was very well written and overall I think she did a great job. Well done Charlotte!
    -Kristen Petriello
    Period 8

  27. I am genuinely sorry for the late posting Ms. Morrissey! I was quite surprised when I looked on the blog and saw we only had to post the link, and I didn't even think to scroll down. Well, anyway, here is my post!

    I viewed Lucas Pettinato's mixbook, entitled William Shakespeare: Elizabethan England. This particular portrayal of the time period greatly enhanced my knowledge of the subject, and I was particularly interested in many of the facts he included that pertained to everyday life. For example, it was interesting that Lucas including that more wealthy people in society ate meat, as well as that many travels of the time had to be on foot or horse, since there were obviously no cars at the time. I also thoroughly enjoyed his use of a table of contents in the beginning, and thought the text was easily digested and not too overwhelming, thus making a perfect vehicle by which to convey information. All in all I thought it was a very well put together presentation, and just so you know Lucas... LIL thinks you did a good job too!

    Lily Lindsay
    Period 8

  28. I reviewed bens mixbook on Elizabethan england. This mixbook was very informative on all of the topics of G.R.A.P.E.S in England during the Elizabethan age. I learned many things from his mixbook such as, all of the superstitions we come to know today originate back in England during that time. Also i learned that there was very large tension between the two groups of religions, Catholicism and Protestants. Also I learned that very often the wealthy class would have large feasts and celebrate with each other. This book was very informative and gave knowledgeable information on the subject.
    -Sam Mandell period 3

  29. I viewed Amna’s mixbook. She used the specific font that reminds me ancient England so I liked it a lot. Also she indicated the main question on the first page of the mixbook so it reminds me the main point during reading the mixbook. She also put enough information to know about Elizabethan England. The one I liked it most was the background and the design of the mixbook. I used the same background as her but she changed some of them and made it more beautiful and easier to read. It was much better than mine. So I want to thank Amna for giving me enough information about Elizabethan England and teaching me how to make the mixbook easier to read. If I will make a mixbook again, I want to use these points to impove it.

  30. I viewed Lily L's mixbook. It provided a lot of information from England during the Elizabethan era. Just from reading a couple of pages, I gathered a lot of new information. I was able to learn more about the achievements of the people of Elizabethan England and their levels of government. I liked how unique and organized her mixbook was. After viewing it, I now have new ideas if we ever were to do another mixbook. It was amazing Lily!

    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8
