Monday, March 28, 2011

Act I- Final Personae

How would you feel about a romance and possible marriage between Romeo and Juliet? (55)
Suppose you overheard the conversation between Tybalt and Capulet on this and the following page. Whose side would you be on? Why? (56)
If you have worked at the party, how has your evening gone? If you’ve had the night off, what did you do? If you have been a guest, record your observations about the food, entertainment, guests, and hosts. Also, share any gossip you have heard!


  1. During the party i've had the most wonderful of times. Romeo and Juliet? for they be the kin of the feuding families, as for their marriage its quite of danger. I doth attend the rejoicing celebration and yet i did view the two of them. Romeo and Juliet were secluded and exchanging remarks of romance. I feel the youth of my fellow friend Juliet is quite early for marriage. As i have no marriage of present my mind on the subject is rather questionable. The conversation of Tybalt and Lord Capulet of the duration of the celebration was quite an exchange. I fear for if the price had not been there, Lord Capulet wouldn't have held Tybalt back. I would be for Tyblalt for Montagues, ruthless or not is how i've been raised to view them. However i feel that the lad Romeo, however self centered and of a knave he may be, his friend of the prince is why i feel to oblige with Lord Capulet for friends may converse with friends. I, naturally as a dueling master of high status, was a guest at the feast. The food was absolutely divine and scrumptious and i thank fellow bakers and chefs for their delicious preparations. The dancing and music was lively and quite of fun. i met numerous of possible suitors yet i feel none right. As my family nudging me on towards them. Other guests were comprising of much nobility and as always Capulets. Lord Capulet however with his speech on feet, caused me to not sit around for long because much women would ask if my feet were really calloused. Oh and did you here, i saw that two of cousins of Capulet had it in deep conversation, and did thou see that dress in which Lady Capulet had fitted? Much other women commented on the frills and lace, the richness of color, (yet how she wore it with such shoes?!? hideous!) I tell thee much of the ladies could barely walk, let alone dance in those shoes. Also much murmurs were said about Juliet and Romeo in their love amidst the crowd and how such could occur? Well in all it was such a wonderful feast and i thank all who prepared for it and Lord Capulet for having it held.
    Annabella Haider pd. 8

  2. I would have mixed feelings if a romance filled relationship developed between Romeo and Juliet due to the fact that they were born into diverse families. If a Montague fell in love with a Capulet problems would arise because the masters would be against the union and fights would break out. However, it is possible that the union can bring the families together and allow the people to forget their pity differences. Therefore the townspeople and all the civilians will live peacefully in the beautiful town of Verona. I was not invited to the masquerade but I still had the night off to myself. I went to the Town Square and drunken liquor until I could forget my problems. While highly intoxicated I wandered off and attempted to sneak into the party. However, the guard smelled the whiskey in my breath and escorted me outside. Although, I witnessed the events of the ball from a high window in the back. I noticed Juliet and Shakespeare gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes. Soon after I passed out and was carried home by a servant named Fabio who was also under the influence.
    Roberto Ricci (Daniel Maldonado), small landowner.
    Period 8

  3. i would have many and confusing feelings if a romance happened between Romeo from the montagues and Juliet from the capulet family. i heard about what happened at the dance when capulet and tybalt found out that romeo came to their party, truthfully i would be on capulet side the reason is that Romeo is still young and he was not causing problem he was quite and he was respectful. i was not i was not invited to this dance but i heard from my friends from the servants that worked their that night and they said it was outstanding the food the entertainment and the set up was perfect. and one of my friends when they were walking out of the party they over heard the nurse and Juliet trying to find Romeo and Juliet found out that he is a Montague.
    Charlie Van Tongeren(Afro VanTongeren)

  4. Say it aint so! A romance between Romeo and Juliet simply cannot happen. The violence that would happen because of this is simply unspeakable. The Montague’s already HATE the Capulets, but a marriage between the two children would not happen in the first place, but if it did all hell would break loose. The Capulets would never pay the Montagues dowry. Not in a million years. I could not stand jesting for people who would simply not be able to laugh with such a complicated matter occurring.

    Lord Capulet was right in this situation. As I said before, i am against all forms of violence between these two families. For a fight to break out at a party in front of all of the ladies and men, it would be a historical event. I don't know what Romeo was doing there. Through all my years of knowing him, he never came of a stupid. He was always very intelligent and this move was the complete opposite. I applaud Lord Capulet for not allowing a fight to break loose. He is obviously much kinder and sensible than he is said to be in the Montague house.

    I was not at the party that evening. I am a jester for the Montague’s, I would never be caught dead within 500 paces of the Capulet house. Instead i was at the Montague house, entertaining the guests of Lord Montague. I was wondering where Romeo was, he is usually home. I did not enjoy the guests very much this evening. They did not seem willing to laugh, must have been from the royal family. Business partners rather than friends. I went to sleep as soon as I could, i had been entertaining for most of the day and was very tired.

    Bruno Escedore - Jester
    Ben Adler

  5. Wow! Who would have thought? A romance between a Capulet and a Montague? That can't be true. Well anyway, rumor has it that it is…and I believe that it would cause unthinkable amounts of drama with the two families. Although it does not affect me personally, it affects my business to an extent. With all the violence that would be happening throughout Verona, people wouldn't even think about buying any bread!
    If I had over heard the conversation between Tybalt and Lord Capulet I would most likely agree with Lord Capulet, I am almost shocked as to how understanding he was being towards letting Romeo be there. The things he was saying were definitely true but I couldn't believe that he of all people was saying them. The whole town knows that Tybalt is a little violent and just loves to stir up drama between the families!
    I did not attend the party, but after a days worth of work, I have not heard of anything but! All my customers did was go on and on about how grand the party was and how much fun they had, they even complimented me on the bread and said it was delicious. They did say that they saw Romeo and Juliet kiss…which is definitely going to stir up the pot, to say the least.

    Sarah Greer (Baker Angelo) period 8

  6. It was finally here, the great party that the Capulet's had thrown! It may be asked why I was so excited to be there, even though I was working because I am the Capulet's butler, but I just enjoy seeing gatherings happening within this large place. The position that was assigned to me for the party was to stand by the beverage table and assist people in having drinks. It was the perfect spot to see where the commotion was going on in the distance. Before I mention what happened I must first say this: I think that it is very plesant for a fellow like me seeing people from two different sides of the rival family engaded in a possible romance. Even though I find this to be very nice, I feel that it would never work out if their parents ever came to find out. They would have to remain this a secret for if their parents ever found out, there would be mass concequences. Anyway to come back to the stir-up of what happened, there was a commotion between Tybalt and him finding out about Romeo's presence. When Tybalt had found out that a fellow Montague was in the presence of a Capulet's party, he went into a rage and offered to kill him right on the spot. Luckily, the drunken lord Capulet was able to stop him right on the spot to aviod conflict and fighting. He mainly must have done this because he remembered the fact that if a fight broke out again, he would be killed again. But I'm glad he was able to come because after hearing about how bad the brawl was the other day, I would not want to see another fight, with no way to aviod it. Overall, the night had been very good and much fun, even not being engadged in it. After it was finished I was needed to help clean up, which ended up not being so fun....

    (Lucas Pettinato pd. 9) Vincenzo De Luca, butler of the Capulet family

  7. A marraige between Romeo and Juliet will cause a lot of tension. Especially for me to witness it in the house of Montague. If i have overheard the conversation between Tybalt and Capulet, i would agree with Capulet because i am not a lady who likes drama. i would let it go and let him stay. i would not want to make a scene. I did not cook for the party because i work for the Montagues and the Montague's were not invited. I worked and cooked dinner for Lord and Lady Montaguge.
    Giulianna Breslin-Chef

    Charlotte Breslin-pd 9

  8. WHAT!? Is this some kind of sick joke!? What could Romeo POSSIBLY see in that beast of a woman, Juliet?? She's a Capulet for crying out loud; they're no good for nothing pieces of filth, I say! There are plenty of women for young Romeo to bed, why on earth must he "love" our sworn enemies? This is completely idiotic of him!

    As much as I hate those dreaded Capulets, Lord Capulet probably handled that situation correctly; and I really hate to admit it. If they crashed a party that the Montagues were hosting, I wouldn't want my party ruined! If Capulet had let Tybalt pick a fight, it probably would've ruined the night. Although, if they ever did that to us, I'd give Lord Montague some advice to slaughter them the next day!

    The night of the party was a quiet one for me. I did the usual chores and was able to go off to my room. The only gossip I have heard is that Romeo kissed Juliet. Ugh! Romeo better stop what he's doing immediately for I fear worse things are yet to come...

    Fabio Lanzoni - Servant
    Rob sperduto pd. 3

  9. This is heresay and blasphemous! For Romeo to be wed with Juliet would be an utmost disgrace, even just a small romance. The Capulets and Montagues are meant to be rivals and this isn't helping it at all. Paris is the better suit for Juliet, he's a rich noble who could support her. Romeo is just some heartbroken wimp who's a MONTAGUE. What more can I say?

    I would side with my Lord Capulet on this argument. Tybalt is a violent man who is always trying to start trouble and I don't agree with that. Even though Romeo was a Montague, no one should act in such a manner at a formal masquerade. Lord Capulet knew that if a skirmish ensued the whole night would be ruined and all the guests would leave. I know that I would leave if a fight broke out because I don't act in such a way at parties. Lord Capulet's judgment was better than Tybalt's. The funny thing is I don't even know why Tybalt was for Romeo.

    I was a guest at the masquerade because such a squire like me in the Capulet house would be invited. I am of a high class and it was fitting for me to go. At the party the grub was fantastic and the entertainment could not have been better. We danced the night away drinking our wine and having a good time. Thank God it wasn't disrupted by Tybalt. Capulet was a fine host, but some guests seemed in the wrong place and at the wrong time. I did hear by rumor that a few Montagues crashed the party and one talked to Juliet. These may have been the unforseen guests I was talking about and maybe the reason why Tybalt wanted violence. Overall, it was a great time.
    - Squire Colombo Moretti (Deven Jacobi) Pd. 3

  10. Oh I love drama. And what could possibly be a better thing to gossip about than Romeo and Juliet's forbidden love? For this reason, I have no problem with the two children being together. Besides, I never really took a family's side on this whole rivalry issue. If I ever took place in one of the Capulet and Montague brawls, I might lose my job. More importantly, I might lose all of my wealth and prosperity that I have worked so hard for! And yes, I do work hard. You try sneaking around town to get all of the gossip before anyone else. It's exhausting!
    Although I am obsessed with drama, I am happy that Capulet prevented the fight from happening. As the Prince said, if one more fight broke out, the heads of the Capulet and Montague family would be killed. I can't have all of my happy customers all depressed and upset. Although I doesn't seem like it, I do have a heart. It would be horrible for such a tragedy to be bestowed on this town.
    Of course I was not invited to the Capulet ball, so it was my duty to sneak in. How extravagant the party was! I thought I had it big! The food was delicious, everyone was in their most expensive clothes and the best part was everyone was educated (I guess you could say I have a education fetich)! Capulet looked so happy, I couldn't help but feel excited as well. But I was on a mission to find out why and how Romeo possibly crashed the party. I thought it was so romantic that Romeo and Juliet met and kissed. But you can't help but feel for the couple. They were doomed from the moment Romeo looked across the room.
    Francesco Dattero (Erica)
    pd. 8

  11. Hm, a romance between Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet sounds very intriguing, yet also very shameful. These rival families would be nothing but disappointed and enraged at their children.
    If I had heard the conversation between Capulet and Tybalt, I would've, without a doubt, agreed with Capulet. I believe that it took him every bone in his body to put it aside for his guests. Their historic brawls and feud wouldn't change in a night but I believe the Prince also may have talked sense into him.
    Although I did not attend the party, I have been hearing a lot of gossip about those two younglings. Why, I suppose this will be a very busy week delivering the news. I have also heard how superb the party was, even more exciting than last year!

    Ashleigh Colon Period 9

  12. As I am not a member of either Montague or Capulet heritage, I do not see a problem with the romance between Romeo and Juliet. I had heard that there could have been a breakout in fighting at the Capulet's party. Lord Capulet and Tybalt had a conversation about it at the party, and the Lord was right in this situation. Fighting would not be tolerated at a party like that. I was not at the party because I am not a Capulet and had much work to do at the inn.

  13. A romance between Romeo and Juliet? How odd! They are both from warring families! How is this possible! Nevertheless, a romance might actually prove to be a benefit to the city of Verona. An everlasting union between the couple could convince the Montagues and Capulets to finally lay down their arms and create peace, for the better of the people. I am definitely not opposed to the idea of a marriage between Romeo and Juliet – it would be absolutely lovely! Neither is ill-mannered, and I am positive they love each other dearly. To overcome the obstacles they couple will have to face, it is truly a feat which can be powered only by love itself! I will ensure that I receive an invitation to their wedding should it ever happen! However, there is one fault between this union. Whilst taking a rest from dancing, I overheard a conversation between Tybalt and Capulet. Tybalt had spotted Romeo at the banquet, and Tybalt, being his usual self, was outraged and felt that Romeo's presence would destroy the festivity at the banquet. However, Capulet, ever the fine gentleman, suggested that Romeo should be left alone – he is a respected presence in Verona. I feel that Capulet is correct in his decision. Tybalt would only cause mutiny and destruct the night's activities himself. He is saucy and VERY arrogant in his beliefs. Tybalt is like a little boy in a grown gentlemen's body. 'Tis Capulet's wisdom which had allowed the rest of the evening to be a success. The banquet was quite a delight! I enjoyed the five course meal, and the pastries, fruits, sturgeon cooked in parsley and vinegar, and wafers. Of course, I cannot forget the loins of veal served with pomegranate seeds! I absolutely loved the music the house musicians had played! I can never lose interest in the sounds of the viol, the hautboy, or the harpsichord. The music was so lively, I am sure everyone in the hall had at least one bout. The Capulets were modestly polite, especially Juliet. I have heard rumors that there is an arranged marriage in the works with the valiant Paris. He is a fine gentleman, I must say. But I am quite confused if Paris is to marry Juliet, but a romance between Romeo and Juliet is supposedly brewing? It is said that Romeo had even stolen a kiss from Juliet herself! I can only wait to hear the truth.

    Duchess Alessandra De Luca
    (Julia Ng pd 3)

  14. It will be really hard time for both Romeo and Juliet if they fall in love. Their parents will disagree strongly. I hope they never going to fall in love with each other. But I want Juliet to marry the person she really loves, so I will support her if she falls in love with him. However, today, I heard the rumor that Juliet and Romeo were kissing each other at the last night’s party. It’s possible that they kissed because Romeo was there yesterday. During the last night’s party, I heard the loud conversation between Mr. Tybalt and Mr. Capulet. They were argued that Romeo was in the party however I would take the side of Mr. Capulet. Although this is the party of Capulet, everyone can go there and enjoy it. If Romeo and his friend don’t disturb the party, it’s ok for them to enjoy the party. I really enjoyed the party last night. I met Juliet and my friends. There were many foods. There were many wines for adults too. Many people were dancing on the dance floor. I danced with people of Capulet’s and their friends. By the way, I really have to ask Juliet about the last night’s party and if the rumor is true or not. If it’s true, just supporting her is the only thing I can do.

  15. I would feel that if Romeo and Juliet fell in love then they should b allowed to be together despite their parents' conflict. If they got married they would possibly put an end to the feud. If I had overheard the conversation between Tybalt and Capulet, I would take Capulet's side. I would take his side because he planned this event for fun, not for fighting and also it is his house so whatever he says goes. Tybalt should have respected that Capulet did not want any tension during the party because then both of their lives may have been taken and also everybody would be so upset! During the party, I was hardworking in he kitchen creating beautiful cakes and pies, wonderful meals and making tastey drinks. I was allowed to eventually leave the kitchen for a little to enjoy myself since I had been working so hard. Once I got the rest of the night off I was very happy and very proud of my food because I believe it tasted rather splendid! I heard gossip every now and then about the feud between the two families. For example, I heard a squire saying that he had talked to the prince and the prince had made it clear that he wanted no more fighting or else serious consequences would result.

    Sarah Curtis Period 9

  16. Oyez! Oyez! Such sweet tales to tell today! Have thou not heard of the occurrence between young Montague and young Capulet? Yes, it seems to be that heirs of both houses have fallen for one another at the most recent of Capulet festivals. Such a disturbance in the defined social division of our dear society must surely have detrimental affects of colossal proportions! The two were spotted engaging in such behaviors rarely seen outside of the private household, and from such well-bred people the both of them! ‘Tis quite a shock, I am aware! I also heard it to be so that the fiery Tybalt was quick to spot Romeo’s façade, and discover his true identity as a Montague. Quite a nose on that lad, quite a nose I have always said. Apparently, the Lord Capulet had little to say upon the intrusion, and was barely fazed by the presence of his most ancient foe. Ah, if only the old Capulet succumbed to Tybalt’s will, what a story that would make for! A murder of a Montague by Capulet hands, I inquire as to how the Prince would respond to that! But, alas, no such occurrence took place, and I am fixed in my obligations to inform you of the tedious news that has truthfully taken place, and of that, there is little. Of course it had come to be of little surprise that the scandalous Mercutio was seen at the hand of many a young woman that night, although I am not too sure as to where his hands might have been! Such a disgrace that fellow! His mind so perverted by Aphrodite herself that he forgets to acknowledge the world around him. At least the young Romeo has not taken a preference to such tactics, for that would surely be a disgrace to all of Verona! Well, I am afraid that not much else took place on that fine night, and how unfortunate too! For this reason I must bid thee farewell, and God’en until the morrow dear lad. God Save the Queen!

    -Lorenzo Lindsay- Town Crier

    (Lily Lindsay- Period 8)

  17. I think a romance between young Romeo and my cousin Juliet would be fantastic and maybe it would end the feud. If I had heard the conversation between my uncle and my brother Tybalt I wouldbe on uncle's side because I knows Romeo is a gentlemen and a nice boy. I worked at the party as a greeter and it was hectic so I could imagine it if I would of been a server or something it would be terrible, those guys never get enough credit. If I had the night off I'd enjoy it somehow all I know is that I would be grateful to have the night off if I was a server. As of the party it was fantastic the food was great, the entertainment served it's purpose to entertain, all the guests got along and it was an overall good night. I did take a glance at Romeo sharing a kiss with Juliet, oh the drama!

  18. From what I have heard, Romeo has fallen in love with the Capulet's daughter, Juliet. She is probably the worst choice for him and will get his parents in a rage. However, I have thought about their potential relationship very deeply and believe it actually could turn out well if Romeo and Juliet got married. They are both very young and foolish but, if they were to get married, the two families combined would be so powerful. I am only looking at this in an outside view as a friend of the Mongatues. It could potentially end their ongoing family feud too and make peace in the city. Last night instead of going to the Capulet party, I had an exquisite dinner with the Montague family, unfortunately Romeo had tip-toed away with his friends to go to the Capulet party. I heard the Capulet party was very grand, it probably was with all of the money they can afford put into it. I wouldn't of had any fun being there as a slight enemy to the Capulet family. Speaking of enemies, Tybalt saw Romeo there! Imagine what would have happened if Tybalt hadn't run into Lord Capulet and had gone straight to Romeo instead! That would have meant the end of it for the Capulets. Thank goodness that Capulet was there to stop Tybalt from attacking Romeo.

  19. A romance between Romeo and Juliet? That may be the worst idea I've ever heard in my life! If a Montague fell in love with a Capulet there would be more trouble around here than ever. Murders robberies and thefts will ravage the city and there would be no way to stop it unless the two died or something. And really, what's the chance of that happening. Then again, if the two got along the rivalry might end and the fighting would stop all together but I doubt it. The night of the party I just went into town to get away from the family and just get drunk for awhile. I apparently wandered off to the party with some of my friends but we got kicked out because we weren't on the list or something stupid like that. I heard it was a pretty fancy party though.

    Matteo Bruzzano Pd9

  20. I believe that a marriage between Romeo and Juliet would be fantastic in many ways. First of all it could possibly end the feud because it shows each family that even if they are "mortal enemies" they can still live peacfuly together under one household.secondly Romeo will be in his first succesful relatiobnship in his life which will allow him to finally be happy and not so sad and gloomy all the time. Lastly if the feud does end because of their marriage every citizen in verona can get away from the weekly fights and choosing which side to be on and other crazy things that we deal with every day because of these two families. unfortunately that night I was crazy busy staying at home on the couch with my wife and my daughter, I wished I was at that party. I did hear that Tybalt almost attacked Romeo but fortunately he ran into capulet, what a relief because if he had not who knows what would have happened to Romeo. Personally I side with capulet and his decision not to ruin the party just so Tybalt has the satisfactionof killing someone. I believe that Capulet is a real gentelman and he made the right decision. -Town crier Armando Fabbrici (Billy Pilarinos)

  21. A marriage between Romeo and Juliet? Even though I might not be the most informed on the feud between the families, I know that Capulet and Montague couldn't let this happen. I mean they are the children of the two most powerful families who are great rivals. That just couldn't work out properly. I wasn't in attendance at the party, but if I heard about what Tybalt wanted to do. I have to stand with Capulet because he knew what the prince said about fighting and plus it could have absolutely ruined his reputation. If he wasn't doing anything wrong, then I can't imagine how you can find a need to kill a man. I wasn't at the party, so I was in the shop a little later than usual trying to get some extra coins made and then went home with my family to have a little supper. I heard about how great the party was and became a little jealous as I kept hearing about the party.
    Nico Baker (Money Maker)
    Matt Baker-Period 9

  22. Although i have very little interest in neither Romeo nor Juliet's affairs, I must admit that I would be completely and utterly against their marriage. Being a guest in the Capulet castle it is impossible not to know that the Montagues and the Capulets are huge adversaries. With that being said I am on the Capulets side for they have given me a job and a home. I do not entirely know what the fight was about but I do know that a marriage between Romeo and Juliet would be a disgrace. She could have almost any man she pleases yet she picks the man her parents detest the most. I don't think it is possible for these two people to get married, especially with the consent of their parents. I did attend the party for a mere few hours. When I was there I mostly ate and drank wine. I noticed couples dancing and I danced with my husband for a while also. I did see Romeo and Juliet dancing together and even kiss. I was shocked by this sight to say the least. I also heard a little of Capulet's conversation with Tibult. I think it very noble of him not to ruin the party by making a scene. Although Romeo is a very polite kid I can't imagine Capulet being happy with his love for Juliet. I understand why Tibult would want to throw Romeo out of the party, but I would have done the same thing that Capulet did. The party was very elegant and extravagent with the decorations. It was a very beautiful sight. I am so happy I was invited and got to attend this festive evening.

  23. If Romeo and Juliet became close,or even got married i would being completely surprised, this is because they come from two enemy families. Massive problems would arise if the two of them became serious about each other. If i had overheard Tybolt and Caulets conversation i would most definitely be on Capulets side because i feel he did what was best and Tybolt was just over reacting and starting unnecessary problems. I was Jestering for the Capulets the night of the party, Everything was going fine but some people were alittle uneasy and i felt a little bit of tension. But i tried to ease it up and i made many people laugh.

  24. Benito Saviano - Tax Collector
    I am strongly against the possible marriage between Romeo and Juliet. Romeo deserves so much better than some Capulet animal. She was disliked so much by her mother that her mother hired an inappropriate nurse to take care of her. Even her own mother deems her unworthy, and that is to be just a Capulet, not even close to the prestige of the Montagues. It would be disgraceful to have Romeo and Juliet married. I overheard the conversation between Capulet and Tybalt, and I agree with Capulet (for once). It would be awful to tarnish a reputation, and a party, by breaking out violence. Just wait to take him out later, with less witnesses, and let the party be peaceful, not hectic and in panic. Being as stealthy as I am, I snuck into the Capulet party for a little bit to see if anything about taxes came up. It was there that I heard Capulet speak to Tybalt, and saw Romeo and Juliet meet. I felt so helpless watching Romeo be taken captive by his deceiving emotions. If he was in his normal state, he never would have fallen for Juliet. I was surprised by how nice the party was. I didn't think that Capulet had that much money left after his "tax hikes" every time I see him. I spread the gossip about Romeo and Juliet right away, hiding my real identity as a Montague so I didn't get caught. Everyone I told was surprised by Romeo and Juliet's love. Many of those people disapproved of it.
    Brett Saviano – Period 9

  25. I would think that if Romeo and Juliet had a romance between each other, it would start a huge fight between the families because there is a huge rivalry against each other. The Capulet family want Juliet to marry Paris later on in her life and it would devastate her family to say she is in love with a Montague. I was not invited to the masquerade party because first of all, I am not part of the Capulet household and second, I am too deep in the lower class to be recognized important to the party. I did my usual routine like I do everyday and night in the Montague home; clean after everyones messes, wash what had to be washed and make sure Romeo is taken care of. What information I did get out of Romeo is that he wasn't all that sad anymore because he had found a new love for himself and he is sure that the girl he met is the one girl for his whole life.
    Caterina Petriello(Kristen Petriello)
    Period 8

  26. I think that it is great that romeo and juliet will be able to live happily but there will no doubt be a problem between their two families. If i had heard the confrontation between Tybalt and Capulet i would have taken Capulets side because the party was meant for enjoyment and people should not have become violent during it. I was a guest at the party. I noticed that everyone was having a good time but there was a bit of tension between people. i do not have any gossip, im not one to gossip.
    Guiseppe Stein
    Period 3

  27. How could a boy like Romeo and a girl like Juliet love each other? Their families are adversaries! This is not going to go well with Lord Montague and Mr. Capulet. I was not invited to the affair/ party that the Capulet's threw because I work for the Montagues, but while I was answering phone calls one of my good friends who also works for the Mongtague's called me from the party. She was keeping a close eye on Romeo, but also having a fun time. She said she saw Tybalt and Lord Capulet talking to Romeo. She said that while Tybalt wanted to get rid of Romeo, Capulet wanted him to stay. I was in shock. Why would Lord Capulet want a Montague at his party. This was a gracious choice though. I would have to side with Lord Capulet on this one because he was being the bigger person letting Romeo stay, and he wasnt trying to cause a fight, which is always good. Anyway, my friend also told me about the amazing time she had at the party. She said the food was great and everybody looked so authentic in their masks. She also said that the Capulets sure do know how to throw a party. Well thats all for now.
    Daniela Samad Montague secretary
    (Rula) period 9

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Well for me, it would cause boat load of business considering that i'd have to work into the early morning to be able to make the cake i'm going to have to construct for the wedding. My opinion about this proposed marriage will cause chaos between the families because the two families are adversaries. Obviously i would side with Lord Capulet. Not because he's the one giving me money, it's because he's right. Romeo deserves t stay. What has he done against the Capulets? It's not him personal, it's his crazed family. He hasn't done anything wrong. Im pretty sure there's nothing wrong with just living your life the way you want to and not having someone control it for you. Romeo didn't want to be included in the mix of people in the fight even though Tybalt basically believes that fighting is better than peace. Well i had to attend the party only because i was behind in my baking since Lady Capulet had assigned me another project that she insisted was more important than the parties deserts. Although i haven't gotten a day off in a while, i know that it'll soon come because thats why i'm working with the Capulets not the Montagues.
    Giuseppe Smolev
    Zack Smolev
    Period 8

  30. A possible romance? Well, I don't really care but I know the town would. And it would cause a lot of drama. I would be on the Capulet's side bacause making a scene is never good and I don't care for violence at all. I worked at the party. And it was fun making people laugh!! Like I alwyas do, I think i did a swell job !
    Sophie Major period 9 (cecelia the joker)

  31. I do not think Romeo and Juliet being together is a good idea, because of all the problems it would cause. I attended the party Lord Capulet had because I had to bake some pastries for the party. The Capulets and Montagues do not get along at all and Romeo and Juliet being together would definitly cause fighting to occur between the two families.
    Francesco Sanchez (Kyle Sanchez)

  32. A romance between Romeo and Juliet, it's an interesting idea. If they do come to love each other, then by all means let them have their romance. As a hopeless romantic I would love to see these two youths together, but as a citizen of Verona I cannot agree to their relationship. A marriage between Romeo and Juliet can only lead to chaos. The Capulets a the Montagues despise each other. If the two rival families were to discover a possible marriage between the lovers a war would break out. Not only would this affect their families, but would also hurt the other people of Verona. At the party Tybalt and Lord Motague had a conversation regarding Romeo and I must agree with Capulet. If Tybalt had gone after Romeo like he wished to, it would have caused a great disturbance and ruined the party. Also, it would have been bad if word had gotten to the Prince that another fight had occurred between the Montagues and Capulets. Since I was working in the kitchen helping with the preparation of the sweets and foods of that nature, I didn't get to witness the conversation between these two, but I did hear rumors that Romeo is finally over Rosaline, but the sweet Juliet has now caught his eye! I can't imagine how bad this will become. For the sake of Romeo and Juliet I hope they don't take their fling any farther than this because blood may shed and lives may be taken.

  33. Annalisa Nesheiwat (Scribe)

    Although I didn't attend the party at the Capulet household, I heard rumors about Romeo and Juliet. If the Montagues and the Capulets weren't enemies, I think Romeo and Juliet would be the perfect couple! He is a very nice, caring, and loving man and I heard she was a nice, beautiful lady. I believe the only thing that will come in between them are their families. If only the two families got along! When it comes to the conversation between Tybalt and Capulet, I would have taken Capulets side (shocker, right?). Anyway, I would have taken Capulets side because the party was thrown by a family and no one has the right to ruin it for them. People wanted to have fun and a fight would have put everyone in a bad mood. Although i didn't attend the party, I heard everyone had a good time, especially Romeo. Rumor is, he fell in love with Juliet! I personally believe it's way too early to say he's in love and that relationship is too risky simply because their families are enemies.

    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8

  34. If Romeo and Juliet were to be wedded I would have no opinion. However, being a baker in town I hear things and being good friends with the Montagues I know Romeo's parents would not approve. If I had over heard the conversation between both Tybalt and Capulet I would agree with Capulet. At this point in time I believe the feud has been going on far too long and is foolish. Capulet was very responsible and a very good party host for letting Romeo enjoy the party with no disturbance. This same evening I had a nice family dinner in my dining room because I had not been invited to attend the party. Although I did not attend the party, news travels quickly and I am sure I will be hearing interesting news soon!

    Jennifer Drogin pd 3

  35. As one of the prince’s guards I believe the marriage between Romeo and Juliet would be a bad idea because it would cause a large dispute and anger the prince. As a person in town I would love to see them get married if they truly loved each other. As I have said I believe in love at first sight, not picking a husband or wife for your daughter or son. At the Capulet party I did over hear Mr. Capulet and Tybalt arguing over whether or not to kill Romeo, a Montague at a Capulet party. I would not have bothered Romeo, respecting the princes wishes, just a Mr. Capulet did. The prince has succeeded in keeping order. Other than their argument the party went smoothly, and I even saw Romeo and Juliet together. Even if Juliet is engaged with Paris, if she really loved Romeo, she should marry Romeo. The party was magnificent, rich with dancing, wonderful food, and beautiful women. I hope there is another one in the near future.-Josh Kaidanow

  36. I actually happened to be present at the day the riot occured at the town square where the prince said he's had quite enough with this on going rivarly between Montague & Capulet , and if they were to conitnue the head of the families would be killed. So of course, a marriage between two whos families depise eachother would cause a huge disrupption. But I totally support them getting married, they're just kids, the 'hate' with the two families has to do with the heads of the families, they shouldn't involve little kids in this rivarly. So, I totally support this marriage that's going to occur, I'm totally for it, and would totally witness it. My dear friend Juliette happened to invite me to the ball, and I loved it. Me & my beloved actually happened to have a great time, I'm not really one for gossip, I try to stay away from that stuff, but the only thing I really heard was that Paris was totally intrested in Juliette from the moment he laid his eyes on her, so, i'm totally guessing that he is defintely going to get in between her relationship with dear romeo, but when speaking about the food, enterainment and guests, it was amazing ! Food was great, music was amazing, guests ; I got along with everyone. It was a great night!
    - tamilaa

  37. I absolutely love the romance with Romeo and Juliet!!! I saw them and overheard them at the party since I was delivering pastries and I can tell Juliet really loves this guy, she talks to him and looks at him a different way, not the same way she would look at Paris. When Lord Capulet found out Romeo was at the party I saw his face and he turned bright red! I am on Capulet’s side since I work for him but I am very glad Romeo had shown up. I had a very good time at the party, after I stopped making the pastries I got to have a little fun with my other bakers there. I was so surprised when Juliet needed to dance with Paris, she didn’t look at him at all and had all her attention on Romeo. I was very happy to be there and see Juliet meet someone she loves.

    Monica Nole (period 9) - Guisippina

  38. So the next day after the grand party, i waked into Juliet’s room and she was in a daze. She was so happy for some reason, so i asked her how the party went. She told me that she met a boy named Romeo. She said that she was so in love. I thought to myself, wow already you just met the boy. But she continued to say how wonderful and charming he was and how their lips came together for the perfect kiss. After we talked for a little while about this oh so wonderful Romeo, Juliet asked me how my night off had gone. I suppose it was nice, I told her. I went to the baker for my mother and helped my father on. That night I had gone for a stroll and ended seeing Tybult and Capulet from a far. But I was just close enough to hear their conversation which was about Romeo and Juliet. Tybult was very angry but Capulet seemed calm and didn’t seem like he minded he situation. I would have to agree with Capulet that in a way this new romance is beneficial to the town because it could possibly end the feud between the two families. I am really excited to see how this new found love plays out in this town!

    Tori Period 8

  39. Since I am the town’s crier I have no opinion on this even I would just spread the news even though I am really good friends with both families. If I wasn’t the town’s crier I would love the idea of them getting married because this love each other so they should get married but the only thing in their way is there family feud. I was a guest at the party and I enjoyed it. It was very fun and I had a blast, the food was great as well as the host. And after the party I spread the news to people that did attend the party.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. A romance between Romeo and Juliet? This is something new, I wouldn’t encourage it because this would lead to, too much trouble and drama between the Capulet’s and Montague’s. The parents wouldn’t approve of this romance. If I was at the party and I overheard the conversation between Tybalt and the Capulet I would be on the Capulet’s side. The Capulet is right he should leave everything how it is don’t get involved. At the moment there isn’t any need for drama or for a scene to occur. I don’t have high enough status to be able to attend the party so that night I stayed home and did nothing.

  42. This is extremely surprising to me, due to the fact that Romeo and Juliet are rivals. They cannot possibly be in love with each other. I am not opposed to this love connection at all, it may bring everyone together at last and leave Verona in a state of peace for once. While I was at the banquet at the Capulet residence, I overheard a conversation between Lord Capulet and Tybalt who is also a Capulet. It just so happens that Romeo(a montague) went to the banquet without an invitation. This was an action that was very bold especially that it was hosted on his own enemies’ property. If I had to choose a side to take I would defiantly side with Lord Capulet. This is because Romeo was doing absolutely no harm to anyone at the party, and from what it seems like he is a very polite, young man, I also have no problems personally with the Monatgues, therefore they are not an issue. I did attend the party as a guest of Lord Capulet’s and I did enjoy the banquet very much. The music was phenomenal. The musicians played the classics and the guest were more than happy to dance on the ballroom floor. I did observe a weird sight, which is the look that Romeo and Juliet gave eachother. It was like they were in love; true, passionate, love. I was just floored when Romeo stole a kiss from Juliet, it was insane. A Montague kissing a Capulet! I cannot wait to see what happens next in this love story… either happiness or a lot of conflicts and drama.

    Olivia Pagano
    (Dutchess Gemma Guadagnino)
    Period 3

  43. Ahhhhh my first true love, was the only love that I have ever had in my life. It was surprisingly my husband, Vincenzo Gaudagnino. I find it interesting that even though I fell in love with him, we were perfect strangers. On day I was on my way to buy produce at the market in the town square, when I saw this tall, handsome man standing there. He had light brown hair, and beautiful golden brown eyes, that sparkled. When we looked at each other for the first time, it was like everything and everyone around us disappeared. I remember thinking that, I had to have him. While growing up, my family was not the wealthiest family in Verona and was very far from it. This was the reason why his family did not want me to have anything to do with my precious Vincenzo. We were forbiddened to see each other, but that did not stop us. Our love was like, the love that you read about in novels or plays. Vincenzo ended up standing up to his family and the result of that was fantastic. I became Vincenzo's wife, the mother of his child and a Dutchess. My love story is very much like Romeo and Juliet's. We both have family that did not want us to be together. It was difficult for both of us to go through but we both got through it and got our man eventually. If Juliet and Romeo had a secret wedding I would be so happy because I never thought of that. The fact that they will do anything for love is amazing and respect that. People should be with the one they love, no matter what the conditions may be.

    Olivia Pagano
    (gemma gaudagnino)
    Period 3

  44. Id be very shocked if Romeo and Juliet were to get married. I think they would make a very nice couple but due to their family problems their parents would not like it. I overheard the conversation between tybalt and Capulet. I agree with Lord Capulet. It is better to avoid problems with the Montagues and Young Romeo was not causing problems. As a guest at the party I enjoyed it. I Thought the entertainment was very good and so was the food. As I was walking around the party I did over hear some gossip. At first I did hear a lady say that she saw Romeo and Juliet kiss. But I did not pay much attention to it . But as I was making my way out I did over hear Juliet ask the Nurse for Romeo’s name.
    Renaldo Figaro (emily jaramillo period 9)
