Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Act II scenes i, ii

Tell about your 1st true love. Compare and contrast your experience with that of Romeo and Juliet. (73)
What would you do or say if you heard Romeo and Juliet were having a secret wedding? (76)


  1. my first true love was my wife. as Romeo and juleit fell in love we did very early. We both felt the same about each other and knew we would be together forever. we now have 3 children that are 4, 6, and 11. If Romeo and Juliet were to have a secret wedding i would be very happy for them because i knew how much i wanted to marry my wife. Though there may be a problem because most likley someone in either of their families would find ou5t or they would have no way of hiding the fact that they were married unless they ran away. No matter what not everyone will be happy so there will be somne kind of problem.

  2. AY! My first true lover was a fine broad. She had the most silky hair I had ever laid my eyes upon. Her eyes glowed like the starry night sky and she was only a year older than I. Although my love for her was vast, her's for mine wasn't as fulfilled. My unrequited love for Servant Brooke Decker had ended tragically because she went off to Lankeshire to learn the craft of modeling. Such a sad ending to a great beginning. My heart still yearns for Ms. Decker but she's on to better things now. Like Romeo and Juliet's love, the ending was as equally tragic. We both enjoyed our times toghether while they lasted, but both romances came to an end. If I heard that Romeo was into Juliet and would marry her in secret I would report it to Lord Capulet immediately. No Montague should ever be allowed to marry a Capulet, they are rubbish! Romeo never deserves Juliet's love and it would obviously never happen.
    - Squire Colombo Moretti(Deven Jacobi) Pd. 3

  3. I am Carlito Florio, and I am the great Jester. My first love was not ver similar to Romeo and Juliets. Romeo and Juliet were both loves at first sight, and me and my first love took alot of time to express our feelings for eachother. I met her at a fair in downtown while we were playing a horse shoe game. We talked a little bit and then I later met her in town next week and we exchanged adresses so we can further meet eachother. I showed up at her house and we later realized that we were not ment for eachother. Romeo and Juliet met at a dance and were instantly in love. They knew from eye contact that they would always love eachother. I would not be suprised if they were having a secret marriage because they are from rival families and deeply in love. I think if they had a publicized marriage it would get crashed and there would be alot of fighting and just a horrible meeting. This is how my first love compared to Romeo and Juliet's and why they would have a silent marriage.
    Charlie Florio - pd 3

  4. Me first true lover was a jester. His name was Bruno Escadore (Ben Adler) He had the eyes of a thousand suns and his smile could light up a whole room. We met at Ye Old Bingo Parlor and immediately hit it off. We later went to Ye Old Ice Cream Shop and had a ball! It's hard for me to say that I fell in love with him the first time I laid eyes on him, but he didn't feel the same way. At all. He cheated on me with many fine bimbos and I never even realized it until I caught him in the act when I came home from work earlier one summer afternoon. I was a successful blacksmith at the time, but because he ripped my heart out and ran it straight into the ground, I was so depressed that I had to quit my job. That was how I became a servant, because I had absolutely nothing left. IF I EVER SEE BRUNO AGAIN I WILL HARM HIM SO PHYSICALLY THAT HE WILL NEVER WISH TO SEE DAYLIGHT AGAIN!!!! I am currently seeing Armando Fabbrici (Wild Bill) and we are so totally in love. My relationship with Bruno was not like Romeo and Juliet, but I know now thst Armando has been the one I've been searching for all along.<3

    ROMEO AND JULIET HAVING A SECRET WEDDING, SAY WHAAAAATTT!?!? I HAVE HAD IT WITH THIS LITTLE BASTARD OF A CHILD! We are supposed to HATE the Capulets; they're vile, evil, ICKY! I swear, once I must go tell Lord Montague at once!!!

    Fabio Lanzoni, Once Successful Blacksmith, now Unsuccessful Servant.

    Rob Sperduto pd.3

  5. I remember my first true love, infact it was my wife. She stood so tall with long brown hair and shining blue eyes. Her skin glew in the sunlight and made the hairs on the back of my neck standup. However, our love was easy and sweet. I asked her father for her hand in marriage and he agreed right away. We were soon wedded and to be in love forever. If Romeo and Juliet were having a secret wedding I would respect them for it for I am a believer in love and following your heart. However, I know their parents and family members will not be happy with their decisions.

  6. My first love and I was very similar to Romeo and Juliet's relationship. We met on the street in town. I was in a rush to get home so I started to jog. My name was called from one of my friends and I turned around, while running, and waved. I turned back toward my intended and bumped into this woman. She dropped her belongings and, despite me being in a rush, I helped pick them up for her. As I was handing them back to her, our eyes met and I fell for her right away. We started seeing each other and were eventually together forever. This is similar to Romeo and Juliet because there was love at first sight between the two of them at the Capulet's ball. The were stuck to each other and felt it was necessary to kill themselves if they found out the other was married.

  7. Well my first love was my wife. I had just started in a new cooking class and at first our relationship was a little rocky. Not like Romeo and Juliet, it wasn't a love at firsat sight moment. We had to work out the kinks within our struggles. Anyways my first love and i aren't like Romeo and Juliet, while our relatinship lasted and we actually talked and learned who eachother came from and what we liked, i even think that Romeo and Juliet could even get married! Wow i can't even imagine how much turnoil there would be...

    Hmmmmnnnn Well a marriage between the two most heavied rivals in the town having their children marry. Sounds like having sushi with donuts, THEY JUST DON'T MATCH WELL!!!!!! But that's only my opinion which doesn't have much respect considering that i'm the baker for the Capulets. I do think that this wedding has good things that can come from it, but again also many bad trhings that can form due to Romeo and Juliet having a wedding.

  8. My first true love was one of wonder. I only be at an age of 21 yet for me not to be married yet is quite the ither to my kinsmen. Though my first love, ahh i should say when i was but years ago by the age of Juliet. The name of his shall not be of importance for it is a love my parents shall never approve of. For Romeo and Juliet are ones of love at first sight, is it their view of truth within eachother i do not know? His hair blew in the wind , my love, and he stood tall and gallant. As for the wedding of Romeo and Juliet, i feel it is much too soon for them and their years too short. I shall not approve even if she may be my friend. 'Tis the tale of my thoughts

  9. Oh my first love. How much I adore my wife, Lucille. But to tell you the truth, it took me a while to fall in love with her. At first I was just with her to make her happy, but then I finally saw all of her good qualities. Like the way her eyes sparkled when she looked at me. And when she would laugh, the whole world would laugh along with her. There was a point where I finally knew when she was the one, and that was the happiest moment of my life. That's probably why I feel sympathy for Romeo and Juliet. I married out of love, not for a higher status. That is probably our greatest similarity. However, I didn't marry a family member of my ememy. I wish them luck on that one!
    If Romeo and Juliet have a secret wedding, I am not surprised. I know how it feels to be madly in love, I have experienced it myself. It makes you want to do drastic things. I say go for it! True love is the strongest thing on Earth. You can't fight it.
    Francesco Dattero (Erica)
    Pd. 8

  10. Ah my first love, we met while I was roaming the lands trading my goods. She was the most beutifal thing I'd ever layed eyes on in all my life. Sadly she was part of a royal family that wouldn't let her anywhere near a lonely trader like me. Similar to Romeo and Juliet though we had a strong bond and we snuck out to see eachother. We were totally in love but soon everyione in her family found out and I was attacked at the inn I wstayed in. Finally we decided to run away and get married. She was my first wife. I cheated on her with number two and three.

    A secret wedding? Not a bad idea that's how I got married to my fourth wife, or was it five? Whatever, it would be fine untill either of their parents found out. It's hard keeping something like that a secret. I hope t owrks out though, it might end the fighting between the families.

    Matteo Bruzzano pd 9

  11. Oh, such memories I have of my first love! Loved him, and still adoring him till this day. Giovanni is his name. I first layed eyes on my beloved at the town square, he happened to be looking for directions to my workshop, when finding it, he was looking down staring at his finger nails telling me what he needed done, I remeber it like it was just yesterday. " Miss, I am here today because I would like you to make me a .." He looks up at me, and stumbles on his word. Than saids nothing but a quiet whisper, " how beautiful. " I don't know how else to describe love at first sight, it was undescribable. When spending every waking moment together we found out that our parents we're amazing family friends, which made our amazing relationship even better. In comparison to Romeo & Juliette, the two families are adversaries, poor things.. My love which Giovanni, is exactly the same as Romeo & Juliette. It's undescribale love. It's amazing. If I were to find out that Juliette and Romeo we're enganging in a secret marriage, I would be totally shocked, I understand that they love eachother but they've only known eachother for such a little period of time! Marriage already! If they really did 'love' eachother, they would wait as long as it takes, to share the same last name.
    - Tamilaaaa

  12. My first love was Vincezo De Luca (Lucas). He is a butler for the Capulet’s, I meet I’m one day at the castle while I was delivering pastries for a party. He helped me arrange the food and when we were finished he asked me out to lunch and we have talked for about 2 weeks. I still love him yet I have found out he dated one of my friends, and also went out with a Montague, which sounds like very bad news to me, yet I still am in love. My love for Vincezo is like Romeo and Juliet because I have fell in love at first sight like how Romeo fell for Juliet. Sadly we are not yet together but like Romeo I will not stop until he falls in love with me. I rather be loving someone instead of not loving at all. If Romeo and Juliet have a secret wedding I will be very happy, but very sad I will not be able to bring pastries to celebrate!

    Monica Nole (period 9)

  13. My first love was Franco Del Rosa. He was a Jester too. But he died of a terrible disease. He and I were not forbidden to love like Romeo and Juliet are but we did love the other so much to do anything. I would not encourage a secret wedding because it causes drama and they should just talk to their elders about the situation.
    Sophie Major (Jester Cecelia)period 9

  14. My first love was when I was 12 years old. Her name was Elizabeth. She was my age, and we met after school one day. It was love at first sight; we kissed and stayed together for a month until her parents decided they did not want her to marry me. She then married my friend Bob. They moved and I can only imagine what her life is like with him. I have never married after that. That is why I believe in love at first sight. I also want to see Romeo and Juliet get married, and if their parents do not allow it, they should have a secrete wedding. It would be nice to see someone else be able to marry their true love.
    -Josh Kaidanow, Royal Guard William Shepard

  15. My first love was handsome and tall and I knew I loved the first time I met him. We were around 11 when we met, and looking at him made me think of rainbows and fireworks. I didnt want to be with anyone else. He came up to me one day in town after he bumped into me and i fell. I was on the ground and he pulled me up and apologized. When I was up, he looked into my eyes and i looked into his and he said his name was Matteo. After that he walked me back to the Montague house and kissed me. From that moment I was hooked. The next day we met again and later again. After dating for a while he finally asked me to marry him. I said yes and we were the married. He was working as a baker for the local bakery and worked right near the Montague house. We are still together now and more in love than the first time we met.
    If I had heard that Romeo and Juliet were secretly getting married I wouldnt tell anyone. It would be our little secret. If Romeo and Juliet love eachother then they should be together.
    Daniela Samad- Montague secretary.

  16. My first true lover has ditched me one day when i was out in the market getting bread for my home. His name was Paolo. We fell in love the instant we met. at least i had thought so. We were unseperable! My dear freinds and family had warned me that he was trouble. I chose not to believe them because my love for him was so deep. When i got back from getting bread and other ingridients, i noticed he was gone. There was a note on my bed saying, "I don't love you and i never have. Twas a year i will NEVER get back." The next day i found him with some other woman showing off his unfaithful and false charm. i warned her but she has already fallen head over heals for him. My husband now is named Lorenzo. It was not love at first sight but there definitly was chemistry right there. We have two beautiful daughters named Gianna and Talia.

    Romeo and Juliet are going to get married? There is going to be some great tention in the House of Montague. That of which I really dont want to encounter. Yet, i am happy for them because they are putting the hatred between the families aside frot true love.

    Giulianna Bresin-Chef fpr the House of Montague
    Charlotte Breslin-pd 9

  17. My first love is my handsome husband that I have with me today. It was truly love at first sight for the both of us. He saw me before I even noticed him but as soon as I saw him, I knew we were ment to be. I remember the night so vividly, like it was yesterday. He grabbed my attention when he accidentaly bumped into me and looked back into my eyes. Very similar to Romeo and Juliet, we knew our love would last forever in an instance. From that moment on we have been together again, much like Romeo and Juliet's love at first sight.

    If I were to hear of a secret marrige between Romeo and Juliet happening, I would make sure of it Lady and Lord Montague heard of it immediately. Although I can relate to the love the two young kids feel, I cannot imagine what hatred and fighting this could bring out. I have sympathy for them because they can't proclaim their love for each other because of their parent's feud. If they did get married maybe the families would get past their differences. Oh who am I kidding that would never happen! - Adriana Goldstein pd 9

  18. Annalisa Nesheiwat (Scribe)

    Ah, my first love, Adriano was his name. We were neighbors growing up and if you ask me, it was love at first sight. Unlike Romeo and Juliet, our families were very close friends. We celebrated the holidays together, threw parties together, and sometimes even ate dinner together. Adriano was a tall, dark and handsome young man. Sadly, he fell in love with another girl. I believe her name was Alessandra. Oh how I hate that name!
    I do in fact believe in love at first sight. But, even if Romeo and Juliet are in love, a weeding would irritate their parents and it will not be a happy ending. Knowing Romeo and his family for so long, it is evident that I just want the best for him, but having a secret weeding with Juliet will just mess everything up.

    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8

  19. My first true love was my wife and we were not very similar to the
    romance of Romeo and Juliet. As they are very secretive, we were very
    open about our marriage and how we felt about each other. The feelings
    are probably the only thing that can be comparable because both my
    wife and I and Romeo and Juliet are in love and have strong feelings
    for each other. We both knew that we were the one for each other and
    luckily my parents agreed and that is not the case for Romeo and
    Juliet. If I found out that they were having a wedding then I would
    probably tell my family and tell the Montagues because I am loyal to
    them. I fear that if I do not tell them and they find out later then
    they will not conduct business with me in the future.
    Nico Baker (Matt Baker)
    Period 9

  20. My first true love was my wife. We met at an early age, and never split up. We took it slow, and got married after 5 years of love. I had a few girlfriends before, but they all were shallow. I couldn’t see myself with them for more that an hour or two. We went much slower than Romeo and Juliet, and I am thankful of it. They are going way too fast. How do you know you love someone after knowing them for a few hours? If I knew that Romeo and Juliet had a secret wedding, I would tell them that I know, and bribe them for me to keep quiet. If anyone of the Capulet or Montague family heard about that, a huge fight would break out, and that will lead to the end of the families, because the prince will kill the Lords. They love each other so much that they would pay me their fortune just for their love to be true. They would never give up their love, even to keep their wealth. It would be too easy to take advantage of them.
    Benito Saviano (Brett Saviano) - Period 9

  21. When I first laid eyes on me first love, a tingling sensation ran through my veins. Emery Valienta was the most beautiful maiden in Verona. I courted her, and we were engaged to be wed, however tragedy struck our lives as she was run over by a wagon and its team of six. Twenty four hooves pounded her to death.

    My love is much like that of Romeo and Juliet's. The first time I had laid eyes on her, I knew she had to be mine.

    Romeo and Juliet getting married warms my heart, as it tells me that true love is still out there.

  22. My first love AY! my first love was the most beutiful lady i have ever layed eyes on. we meet in the streets when i took my lunch break for working on this project for the Montague family. the this women tripped on a stick in the street and i caught her falling and I looked into her eyes and in her eyes she had the most beautiful face it made me sick in the stomach then we started to get to know her and then i married her in 2 weeks the greatest desision of my life. i think Romeo should get married right away because they are the second most beautiful couple out their besides me and my wife.

  23. My first true love was quite similar to Romeo and Juliet's. The second I saw this man I knew I was in love. He was not a great deal older than me like all the men my parents wished me to marry, and I could tell by just looking into his eyes that he was a kind man. Thankfully he was as infatuated with me as I was of him, because if he wasn't I don't know what i would have done with myself. Never the less it was love at first sight, and was sat and talked the entire night. It was the greatest night of my life. Like Juliet my parents weren't head over heels for this guy because he was not one of the guys they had picked. Once my parents got to know him they ended up loving him almost as much as I did. I am so happy everything worked out if we couldn't be together like Romeo and Juliet couldn't I can't imagine what it would be like. I think that love is special and even though it is forbidden like Romeo and Juliet's. If they love each other they should be together. The feud has nothing to do with them anyway. I hope they end up happily ever after.

  24. Ah my first true love was infact my wife the ever so lovely, Rebecca Black. She is gorgeous has a great body and has beautiful silky smooth hair. But what most people dont know about her is that she has a voice of an angel and has a lot of potential to become something great one day. We met about 10 years ago at church, she was in the church choir and struck me with her beauty. She hit those notes with such perfection that it took my breath away. She was and still is such a beautiful singer. It took me a while to get her to be my love, at first she was with someone far more superior to me in social class the one and only... WILD BILL!!! But fortunately for me WILD BILL!! got into a "Tragic Accident" and Rebecca was mine for the taking. (No im just pulling your leg hes to wild to be in an accident he just moved to Rome)

    Hmm... if i heard that Romeo and Juliet were having a secret wedding i would be very happy for Romeo but disappointed after all Juliet is a Capulet. Romeo could find much more beautiful women all around Italy if you ask me i do not know why he chose her, but after all he is getting married and he is happy so im happy for Romeo

    Sam Mandell period 3

  25. I remember my first love, She was beutiful, with long brown hair and bright blue eyes. She was tall and sweet. Her name was Margeret. She was a baker but i couldnt see her because she worked for the Montegue and i was told never to go to that side. I only saw her a few times when she was in times square, if i was saw with her i would be in big trouble since she is an enemy family. If i heard Romeo and Juliet were having a secret wedding i would be so shocked! This is because they come from opposite enemy famlies and that is the last thing their families would want,It would be going against everything there family says. I would also be impressed by the amount of courage it would take to do something that drastic.

  26. My first true love was when I was 13 and my parents should me who I would love and lucky I really liked him and he liked me. It’s nothing like Romeo and Juliet because the person that her parents want her to marry she doesn’t love. I don’t really know because it would be really hard to happen.

  27. I’m not sure whether I had a true lover or not. I had the lover in the past but I’m not sure if I love him truly or not. He was the son of my dad’s friend. His father is also a lawyer. He came to the house several times with his father. It’s similar that he was older than me and Romeo is also older than Juliet. But the big difference is that we don’t face any problems or dangers. Since my first lover was also from the rich house, my father didn’t disagree. However for Romeo and Juliet, they are from the enemies so that must be big obstacle for them. I was talking with Juliet at the party. She said it’s true that she kissed Romeo and they are going to have a secret wedding today. I’m not sure what to say because these things happened so quickly. But when I was looking at Juliet who was talking about Romeo, she really seemed love him and fell in love with him. So I will support them and want to join the secret wedding if they let me so.
    -Anna Yamamoto

  28. My first love, oh how that brings back memories! I remember the day how I first met Julius. A couple of men had come by to the bakery to harass me. No matter how many times I told them to let me be, they just wouldn't leave. Julius had been across the street and saw what was going on. Thank god because as soon as he saw what was going on he rushed over to kick the men out. Ever since then we've met regularly. He was so chivalrous and gallant. It was love at first sight, just the same as Romeo and Juliet and just as passionate as their love. As for a secret wedding between these two youths, I would be very joyous. Things of this sort are romantic- a secret love that no one else can be part of. I believe that if Romeo and Juliet were to secretly wed, I'd congratulate them for being together because after all they're putting all their effort into this relationship. As long as they are happy together I have no problem with a secret wedding between them.

  29. My first love was a man of great personality. His name is William and he is a man of great wealth as well. We both have that love connection but his parents refuse him to marry someone of the lower class which is what I am under. Romeo and Juliet cannot be together as well as a normal couple because one is in the Capulets and one is on the Montagues. Romeo really seems to be in love with Juliet so I would tell them to go ahead and be together because if I was in Juliet's shoes, I would want to have a secret marriage.
    Caterina Petriello Per 8 (Kristen Petriello)

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. ello my first love was for this women who worked in the town for a guild. i said hello to her everyday i can. it was not love at first sight like romeo an juleit's relationship. i didnt hear very much about romeo and juliets wedding.

  32. I wish I could say my current wife was my first love, but it is in fact true that she did not come first. At the age 17, close to my 18th birthday, I met and quickly married the daughter of dutch and duchess. When her parents found out that she lied about my occupation, they were very angry. They did not approve of my having a lower class than she. We had to get a divorce after a short time of only 5 or so months. I can easily compare to Romeo and Juliet’s relationship because just like Maria’s parents, Juliet’s do not approve of Romeo. Although it would cause much trouble and drama in the town, I cannot say anything about them having a secret wedding. Maria lied to her parents just so she could be with me.

    Sarah Greer (Baker Angelo)

  33. My first true love that I had ever set eyes on was a young girl named Carla Defingelo. She was the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen ever since I first set eyes upon her while I was making a trip towards the market square. There was a major problem with this however, she was from the enemy Montague family and there was no chance that we would ever be together. You could sortof say that we had such of a Romeo and Juliet relationship since they ae currently in the same situation as I write. But, instead of telling you about my first love, let me tell you the story.......

    It was around 1 week before the massive brawl in the town square had occurred. I was given an order to go to the town square and reason with a fellow baker to give me a bagain on some bread that he was offerring. As I went near the store, I accidentally crashed into a nearby girl who was carrying some clothes. I quickly stumbled down, helping to get her things back up from the dirty ground, when I set my eyes upon her; never to fall for another girl again. She gave a nice smile as she thanked me. I didnt want to seem rude so I quickly apologized and explained why I had crashed into her. She giggled several times which was a good thing. I asked this girl for her name and before she could respond, an obstacle got in the way. "Vincezo, o Vincenzo," a nearby person called. As I turned around I was "welcomed" with a huge smash by Guiseppina Nole (Monica Nole)as she gave me a hug and wouldnt let go. This was a girl that I didn't want.... She was over-opsessed with me and would always find every chance to be with me. I have told her several times that she needs to give me space but she is too in love with me and does not let me go. As Guiseppina rambled on about something that she was going to get me for my birthday, the girl started to retret and lastly said: "My name is Carla Defingelo! A girl from the fellow Montague path!" This struck as a downer towards my feelings to this girl, but only for a few seconds as I broke from Guiseppina's grab and started back towards my castle. As I wandered through the palace of the Capulet's, Lady Capulet had oredered me to clean out Juliet's room, so I then sprinted in a hurry to that destination. As I was tidying her room, I noticed a diary laying under her bed. I know I shouldnt be invading privacy but I picked up the book and flipped to the last page written on... I was in shock as she spoke of a man, Romeo, a fellow Monatgue that she had fallen in love with. I also read that she may even get secretly married with him! Though I felt extremely worried for her, I realized that a marriage between two enemies may be for the best. I may even end up being in one myself. I hope that she knwos what she is getting into however...

    (Lucas Pettinato pd. 9) Vincenzo De Luca butler of the Capulet's

  34. I have never loved someone, i have come close but they left me for another girl
    I would be so happy if Romeo and Juliet would get married, then there wouldn't be anymore fights!
    Kristina D'Onofrio
    period 9

  35. Love has troubled my past for the love of someone comes and goes. The maiden that stole my heart first became my first wife. Her eyes twinkled in the sunlight and glistened in the dark. She gave my life meaning and a will to succeed in my affairs. However, our relationship was not similar to that of Romeo and Juliet’s. We were openly in love, often publicly showing our affection towards each other. We also had children that frolicked through the town. Despite that, our love for each other was equally as great when compared to that of Romeo and Juliet. Both of us would do anything possible for the ones in our heart. When my wife perished I was in turmoil but quickly found a second wife to fill the gap in my heart. Even though I work for the Montague’s I believe in the power of love over every dilemma. If I learned of a marriage between Juliet and Romeo I would perhaps keep the information to myself and allow kids in love to act like such. Sooner or later Capulet and Montague would learn how love prevails above all.
    Roberto Ricci, Small Land Owner (Daniel Maldonado)
    Period 8

  36. My first love, hm, if I have ever come close to love with someone, it would be my husband. In fact, I never really believed in love. I dont believe in putting an unkown emotion to a word if you can't even define it.

    If Juliet and Romeo had a secret wedding, I'd be shocked but quite touched by it! I adore the sight of couple that truly care about each other and I believe that a family rival should not stop them.

    Ashleigh Colon (Milania Salici)
    Period 9

  37. My first true love. How do I start? Well, what is true love in the first place? I would like to think I had a true love, but now I am wondering whether it was just excessive fondness. Up until my marriage, I had known no true affection. My nurse would take care of me, and I rarely had contact with my parents. My brothers, they usually were off on their own. Of course, I had a few friends of my own – Gemma Guadagnino was one of my only confidants. I was also fairly acquainted with my husband, Francesco. He was always kind to me and never failed in that aspect. My marriage to him was arranged, but I can say that I do not regret it. Love was not involved, but I like to believe that in the time we have been married we have grown quite fond of each other. We do not necessarily love each other with a burning passion but I am confident in saying that my well being is one of Francesco's priorities, even in his busy life. Compared to Romeo and Juliet, my "love" story is quite bland. They fell in love with each other at first sight, and the love they felt at that moment was probably a lot more than many would experience in a lifetime. Both of us do not have any complications with class differences, but Francesco and I are not from rival families either. While my love for Francesco grew with time, Romeo and Juliet's love was instant and unambiguous. Although their love story might be more exciting than mine might, I do believe that sometimes love can bring tragedy, as it blinds even the most intelligent man.
    Romeo and Juliet are having a secret wedding? My, it is quite a surprise! It is very quick, I mean, they have only met last night! How can this possibly be? Who is willing to wed the two children of the most powerful families in Verona? I would not say anything, since it is a secret for a reason. I must take the opportunity to convince the couple not to act in such haste! It is not right and I believe it will only end in sadness. Tomorrow I shall seek Juliet and tell her not to marry Romeo in such a short span of time.

    Duchess Alessandra De Luca
    Julia Ng Pd. 3

  38. My first and only true love's name is Alexandra she is my life. She lived about 3 hours walking distance and as a yound lad I wuld walk it everyday to be with her. Although I was allowed to be with her, surely we had our difficulties like Romeo and Juliet except ours was distance. Once I finished school and bought an estate, she came to live with me and everything has since been perfect. If Romeo and my cusin Juliet had a secret wedding I would help them keep the secret because of how nice of a young man Romeo is and I think he is fit to take care of my beloved cousin Juliet.

    Raffaele Capulet, Lawyer

  39. I have never experienced true love. I guess I should say it will come soon because I am starting to grow older and need to start a family fairly soon. Although I find Romeo and Juliet's romance rushed and unreasonable, you can tell it was love at first site. They fell so deeply in love with each other in a matter of minutes it was surreal. Just a few hours ago I overheard Juliet speaking to the nurse about some wedding. I was wondering who was getting married. I really hope it isn't Juliet that is already planning a wedding to a man who she had just met not even 24 hours ago. I have to see if I can find out some more details!

    period 8

  40. My first true love was at a very young age, but never lasted. I would say that compared to Romeo and Juliet's true love, mine was notnearly as close to their's. My true love was a forced true love and we never got along so as a result of our non-stop fighting and never gettig along, we were finally separated. Romeo and Juliet really care for each other and it is very sweet. If I heard that they were having a secret wedding, I would be very very happy for Juliet although the Montague's are an enemy. Despite the conflict, I believe that tue love can conquer the conflict and can conquer anything. If they got married it may end the feud between the two families. I would also be hapy to cook meals and desserts for the wedding! I hope they get married! They should not have to hide the fact that they love each other. They have/had nothing to do with the feud, therefore they should be aloud to marry each other if they are truely in love without any hate. They should get support from their families because your family loves you no matter what and should respect your decisions.

    Sarah Curtis
    Period 9

  41. As a Jester, I am not very knowledgeable in love. I do not have the opportunity to engage in love very often for I am very low in society. I mean, what woman wants to marry a Jester! I am also very immature and make jokes that many women would find offensive, causing them to dislike me. However, I do make jokes about love with my Master and his friends. Romeo however seems to never stop thinking abut love. First its one girl, then the next. He needs to relax and live life enjoyably. He talks to me frequently about his love and it can be very weird. I would hate to live a life where I am constantly worried about love. However, i do think that Romeo and Juliet’s love is very unique and cute. When i heard of the wedding, i freaked out. The entire house went wild. I am very aware of the rival and know how ridiculous this is. Of all my years with Romeo, he has never done anything so stupid. I hope that all works out well and that the two families can get over themselves for just this one day.

    Bruno Escedore
    Ben Adler

  42. Oyez! Oyez! Such news there is today! It seems that the rumors indeed are true, Romeo Montague was seen wooing Juliet Capulet at the celebration thrown the father of the latter. Ah, it seems as if it was just yesterday that I, myself, first fell in love. What a time ‘twas indeed! Must have been some twenty-eight years ago that I first set my eye on one maid in particular. What an unfortunate story it was, too! The young women’s name happened to be Gianna di Fiori, yes, indeed, the only younger sister of my present wife, Caterina di Fiori. She was a beautiful young thing too, with eyes that shimmered like the sea, skin as pale as the winter moon, and lips as red as a rose itself. How I miss that face, the true love of my life. Unfortunately, her father soon caught on to our budding romance, and thoroughly disapproved of our affair. Because of this, he refused my plea for her hand in marriage, claiming that he would not allow her to marry before her elder sister did, and it is for that reason that I find myself today married to the woman I am. Her father played a cruel trick on me, that Lord di Fiori, for the day I married his first daughter, he sent is last to the convent to pursue a life of chastity, similar to that of Romeo’s first love, Rosaline. Oh dear me, I got distracted once again, of course, back to what I was saying about Romeo. There seems to be a budding romance between the two young lovers, and how unfortunate for them, since I fear their fate will be similar to my own, or perhaps worse. Their families will never let them marry, and they will prevent such a bondage at all costs. I pray for them, I do. For my heart goes out to many a young lover who is unable to be with their desired. How I long for and yearn for my sweet Gianna, I would never wish such a pain upon any other, no matter their house or family. I hope, for their sake, that they find a way to stay together, for it is too lonely and bitter a world out there for one to have to face it alone. God Save the Queen, my dear fellow, and we shall speak on the morrow!

    Lorenzo Lindsay-Town Crier
    (Lily Lindsay- Period 8)

  43. It was ten years ago when I was walking in the market and Alessandra bumped into me, and we fell in love immediately exactly like Romeo and Juliet. However we did not do anything drastic until we knew that we were correct for each other. we waited three years to be married and her family was not happy about it, now we are happily married as they say. If I heard of a secret marriage between Romeo and Juliet I would be proud of them because they sincerely love one another and this is the only way that they could fully love each other without their parents blessing.
    -Town crier Armando Fabbrici (Billy Pilarinos)

  44. The first man I was in love with, is in fact my husband. Like Romeo and Juliet, at first sight, we were attracted to each other. I knew he might have been the one for me, but I wasn't so sure. My father saw the attraction and said that he would be the one I marry, if I approve. I waited a couple of weeks to be positive if I wanted to marry him, as those weeks passed he took my breath away whenever my eyes met his. I never had that feeling before. I was clearly in love with him. If Romeo and Juliet arranged a secret marriage it would be a disgrace of the Capulets name. It sickens me to even think about a young girl falling into the mistake of changing her beautiful last name to the vial name of Montague.
