Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Act II scenes i, ii

Tell about your 1st true love. Compare and contrast your experience with that of Romeo and Juliet. (73)
What would you do or say if you heard Romeo and Juliet were having a secret wedding? (76)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Act I- Final Personae

How would you feel about a romance and possible marriage between Romeo and Juliet? (55)
Suppose you overheard the conversation between Tybalt and Capulet on this and the following page. Whose side would you be on? Why? (56)
If you have worked at the party, how has your evening gone? If you’ve had the night off, what did you do? If you have been a guest, record your observations about the food, entertainment, guests, and hosts. Also, share any gossip you have heard!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

From one persona to another....


1.Explore a classmates persona and response to Act I events.

2.Write/Converse with ONE classmate through blogging to him or her!.

3.For your blog response:

Which persona and student are you responding to? (Chef Valencia M/Ms. Morrissey)
Do you know this person? How?
Was your reaction to the events similar or different? React to this!
Use evidence from the play to support your responses (when applicable)

(minimum 5 sentences)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Persona: Act I scenes ii, iii

Act I, scene ii
What does your persona know about how the feud between the families began? (36)
The invitation list was very long. Was your name on it? Was your families? Were you working? Why or why not? (39)

Act I, scene iii
Would you be in favor of a marriage between Paris and Juliet? Why or why not? What are your thoughts and feelings? (44)
Assume you know one of the three women in this scene. How do you her and what is your opinion of her? (45)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Persona Blog: Act I scene i

Respond to the questions below from the point of view and voice of your persona! Be sure to write your profession and name in front of yours for credit!
For example: Chef Alicia Luigi (Tara M. Period 1)

Where are you this morning? What are you doing? (pg 23)
How would your persona react to these puns, insults, and sexual references? (24)
How did the events in the square affect you? Where do you fit in the action? Do you take sides? (27)
Do you know Romeo? Have you noticed a difference in your behavior lately? (30)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Persona: Who are you?

Your Task: In a paragraph, introduce yourself to your classmates! Be sure to include information from each question in your response. Add additional information as needed to show of your personality!

For example: Chef Felicia Morrissey, Period 1

What is your name?
What is your age?
What is your occupation, title, or relationship to the Montague’s and Capulet’s?
Describe your daily job activities.
Describe your economic status.
What do you look like? Height? Weight? Hair? Eye Color?
Write three words that describe your personality.
Are you moody, calm, passive, quiet, humorous, talkative or explosive?
Write three words that describe you physically.
What are your vocal qualities (tempo, gestures, posture, and rhythm)?
Describe your clothing.
Describe your home and family.
Describe your daily meals.
How much education have you had?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mixbook Links


Click on the SAVE button on the top menu, and exit your Mixbook by clicking on the window's red close button.

You should be re-directed back to (or if you don't simply type in the address bar on your browser).

Make sure you are logged onto Mixbook and clock on MY PROJECTS tab on the left hand side of the screen.

Locate your project and click on its thumbnail (do not click edit).

Share your project's URL by copy and paste the project's internet address to the comment section of the blog.

Modified directions courtesy of Debattista, A (

Mixbook Viewing

Mixbook Viewing...
(you will be making 2 posts today!)


1.Explore a classmate's Mixbook.

3.Add information to your G.R.A.P.E.S. graphic organizer.

4.For your blog response:

Which Mixbook did you view?
How did this individual's Mixbook further enhance your understanding of Elizabethan England?
What did you like about the Mixbook?
Any other observations - maybe even shout out, a thank you, to the classmate for allowing you to gather information.

Use the websites in Miss Maricevic's margin on her blog ( to assist in the specific research of William Shakespeare. This webquest is due Monday at the beginning of class along with:

1) KWL chart on Elizabethan England

2) the G.R.A.P.E.S. graphic organizer

3) KWLH chart for Shakespeare

4) Author Study - movie notes.

Be prepared!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Your mixbook on Elizaebthan England is due on Thursday!

See sample here:

Monday, March 7, 2011

G.R.A.P.E.S. and Shakespeare

Link to Miss. Maricevic's Blog Page for resources and links....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bloom's Taxonomy Questions

Here is your task for tonight:

STEP 1 - POST # 1

Include ONLY 1 original question from each Bloom's Taxonomy category.


Respond to the question(s) posed by your peers. You need to reference the question and the person who posted the question when responding. Responses should be thoughtful and respectful in nature.

Please note:

You have completed this assignment if you have 2 posts (one with QUESTIONS and another with answers