Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Act III Scene i

Respond as Persona:

Assume you witnesses the two deaths. Record your reactions to each (111)

How do the deaths of Tybalt and Mercutio affect you? (emotionally, physically, financially and socially) (114)

From your point of view, do you think the Prince's verdict was fair? Why or Why not? (114)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Haste: "Mom Drives into River"

Haste is defined as "great speed: especially in situations where time is limited. Synonyms: speed, swiftness, rapidity, alacrity, rush, hurriedness, quickness". Haste is one of the major themes in our play "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare. YOUR TASK: Read the links to the articles below. What is the problem with one acting in "haste?" as seen in this article? How could this situtation have played out if the mother hadn't acted so hastily? How have Romeo and Juliet acted hastily? What would be other possibilities for Romeo and Juliet in handling their love?,_Killing_Herself,_3_Kids

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Essential Question applied to "Romeo and Juliet"

How do the friends, family and community influence the characters and impact the action of our play? Be sure to speak to all three influential groups in your responses. Use evidence from the text to back your answer. Ex: The FRIENDS of Juliet influence her... The FAMILY of Juliet influence her.... The COMMUNITY influences Juliet by.... The FRIENDS of Romeo influences him... The FAMILY of Romeo influences him.... The COMMUNITY influences Romeo by....

Essential Questions

How do the friends, family and community influence the characters and impact the action of our play? Be sure to speak to all three influential groups in your responses. Use evidence from the text to back your answer.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Act II scene iv

You have seen the Nurse and Peter around the town. Describe them. (92)

Act II scene iii

Like everyone else in Verona, you know Friar Lawrence. Describe him from your point of view. (79)
What kind of relationship do you have with Friar? Do you confide in him as well? Why or why not? (81)

Act II Scene ii

Tell about your 1st true love. Compare and contrast your experience with that of Romeo and Juliet. (73)
What would you do or say if you heard Romeo and Juliet were having a secret wedding? (76)

Remember: Blogs

Most of us have been doing a great job! Remember the following when blogging:

1. Make references to the text. Show me that you know what is going on in "Romeo and Juliet"!
2. Speak from the VOICE of your persona! If you are struggling with using "Shakesperian" language- DONT!
3. Look to other classmates- they help to raise the bar!
4. Be sure to include your PERSONA name with yours! See earlier posts for instructions!