Wednesday, May 25, 2011

HOW TRAGIC! Act V Final Blog

What do you think the Capulets will do about the Nurse’s involvement in these events? (193)
Do you believe that the feud is really over? (195)
How do you think Verona will change because of these events? (195)


  1. I think the capulets will do nothing about the nurse because it was not really her fault for Juliet's death, it is partially the Capulets fault. I do believe the feud is over because this is the first time people have really realized the extent of their violent behavior. I think Verona will be a much less violent place and the feud between families will be over.

  2. Because the nurse had apparently taken part of the actions that led to the death of romeo and juliet, I believe that the capulets would be furious at her for not keeping her safe as she was supposed to be doing. However, if the nurse tells the capulets that she did whatever she needed to do in order to help juliet through her rough crisis, they may understand. The nurse seemed to b as juliets role model in the story because she gave juliet all the attention that a mother would give her own child (since her mother barely bothered with her). She had always kept her company and helped her through the hard stuff that others wouldn't, but the capulets mya still see that her lack of leading her into the right direction was a bad role for her job. Also, because juliet is dead and she won't be around any longer, they will probably have done rid with her anyway for she doesn't serve another purpose.

    Because both enemy families had just lost a child as a result of the fued, they have definatly learned their lesson about making peace within their environment. However, I still feel like a feud could be possible for both sides to occurr again. They may never forgive one another for the other child's lose of their own. They could possibly believe this for a good number of many years, but they now know better than to fight about anything ever again, for it may get out of hand.

    Because of the death of romeo and juliet, I feel as though the surrounding community of verona could change drastically. This is because there had always been big or small brawls that occurred between members or associated of the other family. But now in verona, there could be a possible chance of peace to go around. There will no longer be any argument or fighting and everyone can now just live in harmony as long as possible.

  3. Since the Nurse was involved in the secret marriage and consummation between Romeo and Juliet, I feel that it is appropriate for the Capulets to fire her and ask for her to be exiled. Although I do appreciate what she tried to do to help with love, I do feel that it was disrespectful and rude to go behind Juliet's parent's backs to do so, especially because they pay her to do her job.
    Although I don't feel that the feud is truly over yet, I do think that for the first time the Capulets and Montagues are finally going to try to get along. The death of their only children is a big deal, and I think it helped the parents of Romeo and Juliet to realize that they took the feud way too far. They will at least attempt to make peace with each other, which is a step in the right direction.
    Do to these tragic and extreme events, I feel that the town of Verona will follow the heads of the feuding families and try not to fight. It will seem odd and awkward at first, but eventually I believe that the feud will finally end. It is too bad that two young teenagers had to die for the families to come to a mutual understanding.
    Francesco Dattero (Erica)

  4. What do you think the Capulets will do about the Nurse’s involvement in these events? (193)
    Fire or have her banished, for lying to them.
    Do you believe that the feud is really over? (195)
    No i do not, maybe they can pretend but i dont thnk the feud will ever be over, i feel this way because they have fought for so long, something cant change that quickly.
    How do you think Verona will change because of these events? (195)
    i think people will realize what they have all been doing, what lying does, and that people should get married to who they choose for their reasons such as love.

  5. What i believe about the Nurse's consequences will not be quite pretty. The Capulets would loose all faith in the Nurse. However much i know her, and how she took care of Juliet, she's been in responsibility for her murder and it is not well on her part. The nurse would be banished, or even maybe disowned. On the streets of Verona abandoned and left alone. The Capulets won't care, for their daughter is dead. She lost their trust when the love of Romeo Juliet was fed. The feud is not over. That much i can tell. For there would be skirmishes here and there as well. The disputes will take a while but not more than a year. For the death of these lovers that their parents hold dear. buries the strife of the families of the loss they adhere. How Verona will change is the loss of these ones. Romeo, Juliet, Montague lady, Paris, Tybalt and mercutio the of much fun. Verona will be affected but soon will learn. That the feuds that occur will never affirm, the deaths of these ones, now Verona will change for the good, and all of the world learn love's true brotherhood.
    Annabella Haider
    dueling master
    pd. 9

  6. The nurse doesn’t have much blame in this whole tragic situation. I think that its mostly all of their faults. They all had some part in this whole tragic situation. Lord Capulet and Lady Capulet wouldn’t let their daughter decide whom she wanted to be with and the nurse was just helping Juliet out so they could avoid some problems. And She probably wanted Juliet to be happy and not be mad at being with Paris. I don’t believe that the feud is really over since the Capulet’s and Montague’s lost their kids. Verona is going to be very shocked by what is going on. The whole Romeo and Juliet thing was very terrible and they ended up dead, which just makes things worse. They were both so young and they ended up dead.
    Renaldo Figaro
    Emily Jaramillo period 9

  7. I think that the Capulets will definitely won't let the nurse to work for them again. This is because she took part in a devious plot and lied to the family the whole time while covering for Juliet. You can't have someone working for you that goes and does bad things behind your back that leads to even worse events.
    I don't think that the Montagues and the Capulets will become friends and completely make up, but I think they will take into consideration what has just happened to their children and how they felt about each other to try to make something good happen out of it. Maybe they will honor Romeo and Juliet together or they could end up worsening because of the events and be furious at each other. Hopefully they will try to resolve the issue and attempt to stay out of trouble with each other for the benefit of themselves and the town of Verona.
    In Verona, I believe that the fighting in town will cease due to the feud settling down. Many of the fights in town were by members or close family friends of the Montagues and Capulets. The city should be more peaceful and that should be to the benefit of all people in Verona.

    Nico Baker (Matt Baker)
    Period 9

  8. I think that the Capulet's are usually reasonable with their punishments but bein involved with the death of thei daughter, Juliet has crossed the line. Despite the fact that the nurse practicalled raised Juliet, her real parents are her real parents and I think they will hve her fired and banished from their home and the town. They would not have expected that from one of their most trusted workers. Ithink that the feud will never fully be over and there will always be some sort of feud between the two families but as of this generation of the Montagues and the Capulets, I belive they will end the feud and possibly be friendly but not to fond of one another. The deaths of the two lovers however changed the lives forever in the small town of Verona and had a huge imapact. Everyone in Verona may actually open their ears and listen to their children and what they may want despite the traditions because every once and a while a child deserves to speak.

    Sarah Curtis
    Period 9

  9. The Nurse was behind the whole secret with Romeo and Juliet and if I was the Capulets, I would take the iniciative and fire her and seriously punish her. The Nurse could have gave Juliet better advise to go the better route but she acted hastily as well and helped Romeo and Juliet. I believe that the feud is truly over because Lord Capulet and Montage should have learned a lesson from all of this feuding causing people to die and kill themselves as well as much violence. Those 72 hours of drama and violence and deaths deeply affected the town of Verona. I believe that the Prince will always keep peace between people and other families and not allow brutal violence in the town. Verona will never be the same place ever again because of these two young children.
    -Kristen Petriello Per 8

  10. The Nurse certainly involved herself quite a bit, did she not? Not only did she aid in the arrangement of Romeo and Juliet's marriage, but she also made it possible for Romeo to consummate their marriage with Juliet! In secret, no less! The night after Romeo had murdered Tybalt! The Capulets should not end her life, but there must be a consequence for Nurse's secretive actions! She must be banished into exile. After all, she is no longer needed, as Juliet is not alive any longer. She disobeyed her masters and believed she could escape! Although her actions were a truly noble act and she truly loves Juliet as her own daughter, I do not believe she should have acted the way she has in exchange for acting against the Capulets.

    I feel that the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets is truly over. Both sides have lost something very dear to their hearts: their only children. They did not even know about the couple's relationship. Before Juliet's death, Capulet did not experience the true feelings of his daughter. Instead, he witnessed the false front Juliet had put up in order to carry out her plan. Capulet must feel extreme guilt in forcing Juliet to marry Paris. After all, it was a major factor which lead to Juliet and Romeo's subsequent death. Although society dictates that the father chose his daughter's groom, I only imagine that he wish he did not agree with society's ways. With the death of both is wife and son, Montague is left with nothing. The feud simply has to be over. I cannot imagine that the two men will be able to toss their fury at one another after enduring so much pain.

    For one, I believe that Verona will be restored to the order it was meant to have. Servants can go about their daily lives in the bustling market, and nothing will stop them. The festive streets of Verona will never be soured by the feud again. I am happy for this, as no citizen will have to take sides again. Our city can be united and violence can cease to ever exist. What a splendorous idea! I am brimming with happiness at this thought! I believe that future parents will be more willing to listen to their children and think of them. I do not believe anyone would ever want to experience what the Capulets and Montagues have experienced. Nothing is worse than losing one's children with no warning. Verona will become a better city for all after the tragedy which has fallen upon all of us.

    Duchess Alessandra De Luca
    Julia Ng Pd. 3

  11. Oyez! Oyez! Have I a question for you, dear fellow? Hast though heard of the Nurse’s involvement in the romance between young Romeo and Juliet? What news! Such a surprise, too, for, although a vulgar women by nature, the Nurse has always been very loyal to the Capulet family. Perhaps, though, her true loyalties were to Miss Juliet, and not to her Lord, for it is the young madam’s requests that she followed out so precisely. Such events, however, may lead to her misfortune, I fear. Lord Capulet will not see her loyalty in such a light, and I believe she will be banished from Verona at the very least! I am surprised he has not had her murdered in the present! Perhaps, in resolving his tension with Lord Montague, Lord Capulet was feeling merciful. Speaking of such a resolution, do you believe it will be carried through? I have a feeling the two Lords are being sincere, for their love for their children is greater than any animosity that existed between the two families. Perhaps this new age of peace will bring a new beginning to all of Verona, and the whole town can work as one once again, as it did centuries ago, before the petty feud began. One can only pray. God Save the Queen, and farewell my dear lad, for I fear this shall be my last announcement. Such events have weakened me so, and I fear I am no longer youthful enough to carry out my duties as town crier. Farewell, dear Verona, I sure shall miss thee!

    Lorenzo Lindsay- Town Crier
    Liliane Lindsay- Period 8

  12. Because of the nurse's involvement with Juliet and Romeo's death, her actions of lying and going against the Capulets will surely not be taken well by the family. For what she did I believe they will push the punishments to extremes because their beloved daughter Juliet is now gone, and that could have been avoided if the nurse hadn't been sneaking around behind their backs. I'm sure there won't even be any objection to whatever punishment they choose because the townspeople can also see how terribly the nurse acted. Most likely, the Capulets will choose exile for the nurse, as exile is a horrible way to live. The nurse will never be able to be trusted not only by the Capulets but by all who know about her actions leading to the death of Juliet. I truly believe that both families have seen how far their violent actions have pushed even their children. The feud is over, and I say this because I was told by Lady Montague but also because both families loved their children dearly and have seen how the feud has destroyed both of their families. Now that the feud is over many people who were previously involved in the constant bickering and fighting between the families can now rest knowing that the feud is finally over. However, the city has been deeply saddened over the loss of many loved ones in such a short period of time and may take a while to get over the deaths. Hopefully the city of Verona will eventually move forward and use this opportunity of a new start to help the whole city.
    Marisa Goldstein

  13. I think that the Capulets will have the nurse executed for her involvement in Juliet’s death. Juliet was the center of the Capulet’s life, and now she is gone, in a very bad way. Also, the Capulets hate the Montagues. The nurse helped Juliet make a relationship with a Montague, the family enemy. The last thing Capulet wants is to be associated with the Montagues, and Lord Montague would surely want to stay clear of Capulet. The Nurse created a huge problem that affected the whole town of Verona, so she will be executed.

    I do not believe that the feud is really over. It is hard to just end a feud that has been going on for an untold amount of time. Montague and Capulet will make up on the outside to please the town, but on the inside, they will still hate each other until their deaths. After all, each family contributed to deaths in the other, so those deaths will not be forgotten. The feud will remain dormant, until the inhumane Capulet tries to anger Montague, and the old wound is opened up again.

    I think that life will be better in Verona. The feud is ended (for now), so the fights will not break out in the street again. The people of Verona will be safer. Also, some of the procedures might change. People might be getting more involved in their kids’ lives, and looking out for them. Also, people will start marrying out of love. After they saw how happy Romeo and Juliet were while they were married, they will look for that same love.
    Benito Saviano (Tax collector)-Brett Saviano-Period 9

  14. Annalisa Nesheiwat (scribe)
    I believe the Capulets will at least fire the nurse. She betrayed them and went behind their back to help Romeo and Juliet get married. I don't think the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues will ever be over. As long as they are both rich and jealous, there will always be some tension between the families. I believe, or at least hope, that Verona will be more strict and harsh about their consequences.

    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8

  15. I believe that the Capulets will induce her into some type of punishment for her actions, i do not know based on what i have heard because i am not supposed to be involved with anyone else's business but mine. From what i have heard though i do think she might be fired or even banished from the area near the Capulet mansion only because she had to do with the killing of their loved one Juliet. I do think the fighting outbursts between the two families is over because the damage has been done with the killings and i think each family realizes what they have caused from their engages with each other. I think Verona will become a more stable area to live in and i hope they become more harsh and tough with their punishment rules because i think it will send a message to the people of Verona saying not to mess around because the consequences will be brutal.
    Giuseppe Smolev
    Zack Smolev
    Period 8

  16. I think that the Capulet's should fire the Nurse as soon as possible!! She is at least half way responsible for the death of both children! As much as I agree that everyone is responsible for their own actions, the nurses actions alone led to the suicide of these kids.
    I don't believe the feud will ever actually be over, never 100% that is. It just doesn't seem right. Its something that has been in our town for as long as i've known.
    I think Verona is going to be completely devastated for a while. So many deaths have taken place in such a short time that it is impossible for things to pick right back up where they left off.

    Sarah Greer (Baker Angelo) period 8

  17. I don't know the nurse personally, but I heard that she got caught hiding the secret about Romeo and Juliet. I think that in the beginning the Capulets are going to be furious. They are probably going to fire her, but then in the end realize that she really couldn't tell Capulet. I kind of understand i mean i was caught in the middle of this feud, working with one of the families. I understand that the nurse was probably afraid that the Capulets would be angry and then not let Romeo and Juliet be with eachother. She only wanted them to be happy and together, but shes still going to be fired. Sorry nurse.
    I honestly do believe that the feud is over. The families have something to bond over now, the bond of their children. Before they were the 2 strongest families who always fought over power and wealth. A traumatic event such as the death of both of these children has to unite them. I think it already has, I mean Montague has been very happy lately. I've seen him going to Capulets house and have seen the walking in town together. Its great! I think it has really helped Montague cope with the death of his wife and son.
    Due to the new friendship formed by the Montagues and Capulets, Verona will now be united. I remember the fight that broke out in town between the 2 families. I was so afraid that they would be killed. The whole town was divided by the feud. Im so happy for the sake of everybody that this feud is over.
    Daniela Samad
    Rula Samad period 9

  18. I think the Capulets would be furious at the nurse for keep secrets from them. BUt once she explains what happend, they may undersand because it was for the benefit of Juliet, their daughter.

    I think the Capulets and Montagues will resolve the feud to a certain degree. They will stop all of the public fighting that all of verona is involved in, but i think there will be a litle bit of tenision between the two families. at least they can be civil with each other. In being civil, it could potentioally stop all the drama that has been occuring in Verona.

    I think verona will now be more united to honor Romeo and Juliet. If the Capulets and Montagues can decide to make up, the whole town can as well

    Giulliana Breslin
    Charlotte Breslin-pd 9

  19. I don’t think the Capulet will punish Nurse harshly. The biggest reason that Romeo and Juliet were dead was the fight against the Capulet and the Montague. So they have to be reflected on their acts too. Although the Nurse was being afraid of firing, it’s true that she was the closest person for Juliet and support Juliet. Also, Juliet is my friend but it’s her responsibility to kill herself. I think the feud is really over. Both of the families felt very sad about losing their daughter and son. They should felt to getting along with each other now not to make a tragedy again. Verona will be more peaceful city without the fights between two families.

  20. The nurse is going be in trouble because she helped them get married behind their parents back and she will Probaly be banished. The feud between te two families isn't completely over but it Is for now. Verona is going to be better because the feud is over for now.
    Allan Passafaro period 8

  21. The Capulets are a powerful family and because of the Nurse’s involvement in the shady marriage of Romeo and Juliet, has it brought about the early demise of the maiden. Usually the Capulets would be very forgiving, but in this case I doubt their will be much mercy. To have lost their one and only daughter, Juliet, must have been heart wrenching. Yes the nurse had raised her like her own child, but she is a servant to the Capulet family first and raising Juliet is second. The fact that the Nurse had gone against Lord and Lady Capulet and deceived them, assisted in the marriage of Romeo and Juliet through consummation has this showed the greatest disloyalty and no doubt that she will be banished to live outside the walls of Verona for as long as she lives.
    The ancient feud between the two rival families, the Montagues and Capulets, runs deep in their veins. The fighting among them may have stopped for the moment, but the hatred felt for the other is something that burns within them and now that their children have died they shall blame the other family for it. Montagues shall blame the Capulets for the death of their Romeo and the Capulets shall blame the Montagues for the death of Juliet. Though they might not act with violence yet, it’s only a matter of time before they find an even greater excuse to jump at each others’ throats. I want to believe that the feud is over and no more blood will be shed, but Verona’s streets will be tainted with the red wine from the bodies of these two families yet again.
    Verona will face a state of relative peace; no more outbreaks in the streets, but other than the abnormally peaceful atmosphere nothing will change. The rival families will keep quiet for a while and the other people of the city will continue their daily lives. Most of them will not be greatly hurt by the loss because they most likely did not know the star crossed lovers in a personal way.
    Stepheny Ordonez per. 3
    Viviana Baker

  22. I think that the Capulet family will most likely hang the Nurse for he involvement in the marriage of Romeo and Juliet. She was one person who had a main role in the deaths of both of them. The feud between the families is most defiantly no over. If anything, this has probably caused more problems because they were the ones who caused the death of both of their children. Verona will react with mixed emotions. Most will grieve and some will not care but the hole situation will change Verona forever.

    Tori Period 8

  23. After knowing the Capulet's for a couple of years, I personally believe that they would kill the Nurse, she was involved in this shady marriage, & she should of mediated the 14 year olds, meanwhile she permitted and allowed them to do everything, when she really could of told them to slow down, in a matter of 72 hours she let a 14 year old make love to a man she just met, crazy! I think that the family feud really is over, as much as they hated eachother I think that the deaths of there two childs was a serious wake up call to the two families, that they shouldn't let a family feud get in between young people. After these events I don't think Verona will be split in half, I think everyone is going to learn from the deaths of Romeo and Juliet and realize that they shouldn't let a simple feud get in between there social lives, cause bad things can occur, like deaths as seen through Romeo and Juliet.

  24. I think the Capulets will have a punishment for the Nurse since she helped with the hiding of Romeo and Juliet, with practically caused their death since their parents didn’t know. Now that so many loves ones have died over this feud it will die down and soon be over. They will soon realize what is really important and how it caused Romeo and Juliet to die. Due to these unfortunate events happen i feel like Verona will be very quite for some time a lie low, and now since the feud will be over there will no much fighting within the town.
    Guisippina - Monica nole period 9

  25. I think the Capulets will fire the nurse because she went against their opinions but I also think she won’t get banished because she was dedicated to the family for so long and the family is morning. I think the feud is temporally over because both families lost someone close to them but I think they will find something to fight about later on. I don’t really think Verona will change due of the deaths because the deaths only effected the families of the desist and not all the people in Verona.

  26. I think the Capulets will banish the nurse from their home but not from Verona. The nurse was the Capulet's childs only close friend in life because she really never left the palace. The nurse should not be punished as harshly as Friar. I believe the feud is over because both the Capulet's and Monague's lost a close loved one who was a large part of both sides. This will make everyone realise what has happened and begin to see the problems they have caused over the years. Verona will now become a place to actually live your life because of the end to violence between the families.All people will become close friends with one another and murders will not occur each day in the center of the town.

  27. I think the Capulets will have Nurse be put to death. She went behind the back of the family which whom she's worked for as long as Juliet has lived. I do not believe that the feud is over because the Capulets will try to blame Romeo's family for Juliet's death, and the Montagues will try to blame the Capulets for Romeos death. I think that Verona will not change very much because the Montagues and Capulets are still wealthy, and will still have conflict.
    Fredrico Mizanin
    -Jarett M. Diaz

  28. I think that the Nurse will be paid for the price of her life. This is because she did so much damage for her involvement in both ROmeo and Juliet. I think she deserves that too. She caused both of these deaths so I think she should be killed also!

    I think the feud is really over because both families lost a loved one and they need to forget about the past and look on to the present and future. And that's what they did.

    I think people in Verona will think about what they chopse to share for now on. Because if ROemo and Juliet just asked their parents whatb they thought of the idea then maybe it wouldn't have caused all this madness!
    Sophie Major period 9

  29. I never knew the Capulet nurse could do such a thing. I thought she was such a funny and innocent person, but i now see who she really is. She aided in the secret marriage of Juliet and Romeo, so she basically let them kill themselves. She never even spoke up when Juliet just took the potion that made her sleep. I believe the Capulets will have the nurse put to death because she was so involved in the events. I don't think that the prince will give the same sentence because she didn't aid in the suicides. I think she'll be banished from Verona for the rest of her life.

    I think the feud is officially over because each side of the rivalry saw the consequnces that come from such violence and hate. Romeo's death will tell the Montagues to stop fighting because they may lose another one close to them. This will also occur in my lord and lady's heads as well. This has sent such a shock to all of Verona, so I hope both sides will agree to end all this madness.

    I believe that Verona will be changed forever because of these events. Violence has taken place in Verona for too long and the people want it to stop. If the feud truly ends, then most of the violence will be solved. It will become a more quiet and peaceful city because the city has put up with fighting for way too long. I hope it will change for the better and stay that way.
    -Squire Colombo Moretti (Deven Jacobi) Pd. 3

  30. I feel really bad for the nurse at this point. I think the capulets will probably blame her for what Juliet did to herself even though it's not really her fault. Juliet would have done the same thing anyway to get out of her marriage with Paris if the nurse didn't help her. All the nurse wanted was for Romeo and Juliet to be happy together. Capulet will probably have her exiled for this. I would like to think that something like this would show how bad things have gotten between the two families but honestly, I doubt it. The families practically live off the feud and won't let go of it. It's sad really, I think everything will go back to normal soon, almost like nothing ever happened.
    Verona will eventually forget what happened.

    Matt Bruzzano Pd9

  31. I think that the Nurse is going to get severely punished for what she has done. There were so many other options that she could have done that wouldn't result in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Nurse should have immediately went to the Capulet's and told them what was going on. That could have potentially ended the feud right there or even stop the kids from committing suicide. However, since she covered everything up with Friar Lawrence to save her own skin, she should be punished for being so secretive.
    I do think that the feud between the two families will finally come to an end. I think that something like this had to happen to make them finally realize what they are doing is stupid and pointless. I think that they are going to get along just fine and try to stay out of each others' ways to prevent anymore unnecessary troubles.
    I think the deaths of Romeo and Juliet are going to majorly effect Verona. I think that it will make everybody realize that fighting is pointless and it will change the views of many people in the city.

    Rob Sperduto pd. 3

  32. I think the Nurse will get severely punished for her par takings in the marriage of those two. There are so many other things that she could have done to prevent the death of those two. But in her argument no one had any idea that it would result to this. But still Romeo and Juliet are from rival families, i bet as soon as she was hired, the first thing they told her was to not do anything with or for the Montagues, and she broke that rule. But i do understand she saw that Juliet was happy with Romeo and that was what she wanted. She wanted the best for Juliet, so i do understand.
    I believe that the feud will come to an end. Death is a very very powerful force, the death of two loved ones can change a whole perspective of someone. They will realize that the feud is stupid and will end it and become allies, or nothing at all.
    I think Verona will learn to not take things for granted. They will learn to cherish their loved ones and the things they love and do everything in their power to keep them. Verona as a community will become smarter and safer
    Leonardo (Emissary)
    Sam Mandell period 3

  33. Since the Nurse was involved in the situation between Romeo and Juliet the Capulets won’t take it well. The Nurse went behind the Capulets back and helped Juliet marry the family enemy. Due to the Nurse’s actions the Capulets will have her have the worst punishment there is because both Juliet and Romeo are gone, both families don’t have their beloved daughter and son. I don’t think the family feud is really over, it will take time for any of this to happen. Time is needed because both families have experienced a tragic death. Once both families have had enough time to get over the tragic death of their children's, then they will want to make peace with their enemies for the better of both households. Verona will change because once there is peace between the two households than it will e safer to walk around the streets of Verona without any violence.

    pd. 3

  34. I am positive the Caputlets will fire the Nurse. They will probably harshly punish her also. The feud between the familys will never die. There will always be tension between the two. There will not be a day were a Montague and Capulet look eachother in the eye with serenity. These events changed Verona because it was such a shock to everyone. It also made them realize how these fights caused such tragedy.

  35. I was truly surprised the nurse was involved in the suicide of the young Juliet Capulet. Only the lord himself knows if the Capulet’s will make the nurse pay dearly for her actions. I believe the nurse should be punished the fullest extend but not killed for her actions. Despite the fact that she is a vulgar and uneducated woman, she meant the best for Juliet and attempted to save her life. I wise man once said, “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” If Capulet killed the nurse as a form of revenge or punishment for influencing her daughter’s death nothing would be achieved and it would make them seem as savages. The unnecessary bloodshed was supposed to be ended due to the courageous deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Intensive labor or relieve of her job may be a better suited consequence. I believe the feud between Lord Montague and Lord Capulet is over but the hate between the people may carry on. The Lord’s have learned much and lost the lives of their precious children but the citizens have grown apart and have incorporated the hate into their daily lives. I see servants from the two homes exchange insults every day just making the problem worse. However, those in higher positions such as Lord Montague himself may attempt to stop the fighting and bring peace to everyone in Verona. Those that live within the Verona walls will live a diverse lifestyle because of the tragic deaths. For a while, the community would mourn the deaths and people may focus upon themselves. After that, there may in fact be peace for everyone even if they belong to a different household.
    Daniel Maldonado
    Sorry for re-posting this so late every time it goes up it erases.

  36. Due to the involvement of the nurse within Romeo and Juliet's relationship I do believe that Lord and Lady Capulet will not allow the nurse to live and or work for their family. Due to the wealth of the Capulet's they have a lot of power within Verona, therefore the nurse may be even banned. She may be called the cause of the death of their daughter which makes the situation in her case even worse.
    The Capulet's and The Montague's have been rivals for as long as I could remember. I am not assuming that the feud will completley, or soon. The death of their children may cause even more conflict between the families. The possible situations could be either, who is to blame, or how the couple really died. This feud is not even close to over. I think that the people of Verona will realize that being rivals and having unnessecary conflicts only lead to more bad things. They will realize that it is complete stupidity to fight within people of their own town and anybody at all. Verona may change, but the culture of the rivalry between the actual families will not.

  37. I think the Capulets will fire the nurse immediately, because Lord Capulet flipped out on Juliet just for thinking about not marrying Paris, i cant even imagine what he would do to the nurse for helping Juliet go against him. No i do not think the fued is over, i feel if they were the Capulets and Montegues are smart enough to end it now, they would have never started the fued to begin with. I fell Verona will be vey highly impacted beecuase this story is rare, two lovers from enemy families die for one another, that isnt very common.
