Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Act IV Blogs

Act IV, scene i- Since you know both young men, who, do you think would make a better husband- Romeo or Paris? (150)

Act IV, scene ii- Assume your character is involved in the wedding. How has the date change affected you? (157)

Act IV, scene v- How does your character take the new of Juliet's death?How did you find out? (169)


  1. Paris would make a better husband for many reasons. He is very respectful and straight forward. Also he is very respectful to Juliet and her family. This will make there connection stronger and more togeather. The thing Paris has that Romeo doesnt have is that Romeo has alot of drama in his life and Paris has almost none. This wont be distracting in the relationship with him and Juliet.
    The date of the wedding that I was going to attend effected me greatly. It was changed from thursday to wednsday and this threw my whole schedule off. Wednsday i was supposed to go to the market, go clothes shopping, and pick up my book at the store. I will find a way to work around it but i wish the wedding day was never changed.

    Charlie Florio pd 3
    I was very emotional of Juliets death because I performed many times for her and her family. I was used to make her and her family happy and laughing but when I hear that shes dead and the family is devistated really hurts me. I cried for about an hour today when I heard this. I hope there is some way she can come back to life so her family can be happy again. If not I hope they get over it and see there is more to life and that death is something you have to accept.

  2. I know that Paris would be a much better husband for Juliet rather than Master Romeo. Of course, Romeo is much better looking and is way better than Paris, but Juliet is an evil, filthy Capulet and Romeo would do soooo much better!! Romeo is just the perfect man where Juliet is a filthy little girl. Since I work for the Montague family, the date change or their wedding hasn't affected in one slightest bit. I say the sooner the better for them to get married! Once they marry, the trouble Romeo and Juliet has caused to our families will finally be over.

    Woah woah woah. I just heard that Juliet died! Ahahaha, this is great! Those damn Capulets finally got what they deserved for getting Romeo exiled from Verona. I think this had to happen since Romeo had to leave because of Tybalt's death even though he was just avenging Mercutio. The Capulets definitely deserve this and as long as it's them and not us Montagues, I can care less.

    Fabio Lanzoni(Servant)
    Rob Sperduto (pd.3)

  3. Paris would make a much better husband than Romeo for Juliet because Romeo is a no good MONTAGUE. As I've said since Paris was betrothed to Juliet he would be the better match for her. He is a handsome young noble (no homo) who comes from a good fortune. He would suppoert Juliet and care for her for the rest of his life. Montagues are no good people whatsoever, so Romeo would be the worst match for Juliet. Paris would make Juliet a happy bride.

    Since I was on the guest list for the wedding the date change isn't of much bother to me. The only was it affects me is that I now have to get ready for the wedding a little sooner than before. I had to get my attire properly washed in a hurry, so that was a burden. It has also made me much more anxious to see Juliet wed. I am so happy for her that she is marrying a proper noble.

    Once I heard Juliet was dead I burst into tears right on the spot. I found out by the Nurse yelling for the Lord and Lady, so I followed the voice. I stepped in the dooorway and saw her lying on the bed motionless. That was when I burst into tears. She was about to move on into womanhoos and now she never gets to experience it. I feel deeply sorry for my Lord and Lady because they loved her very much and cared for her at every moment.
    -Squire Colombo Moretti (Deven Jacobi) Pd. 3

  4. I strongly believe that Romeo would have been a better husband than Paris for Juliet as Romeo is overall a better choice than Paris. Romeo is charming, good looking, has a lot of money, and is very well known in the town. There is no denying Romeo and Juliet's love for each other either. Obviously if you took away Juliet's true love she would not be happy and only Romeo could make her happy.

    Being invited to this wedding is very considerate of the Capulet family. The date change does not effect me except for me having to move a get together with friends to the next day. I don't have to supply anything but it may be an inconvenience for the tailor making my beautiful dress. If that dress isn't ready in time, I have backups that I could wear. It makes me upset knowing that Romeo is exiled and his true love is getting married to another man.

    Once I heard Romeo was dead I was immediately overtaken with sadness, not entirely for myself but for Romeo. I knew their secret and cannot even believe the grief that Romeo had probably felt when he found out. It's always upsetting when someone you know dies, there is a whole mood change surrounding the town so it's hard not to be effected by the sudden and unexpected death of Juliet.

  5. Even though I think Romeo is a good person, putting aside all bias, I believe that Paris would make a better husband than Romeo. Romeo seems like a headcase and can have his emotions overrule common sense and it leads to bad things. Paris seems like a nice young man who is the right person to lead Juliet. Also, Romeo can probably do better than Juliet, all of the ladies in Verona would marry him if given the opportunity.
    The change of the date really doesn't bother me. I am only helping to supply money for some preparations and I already happen to have that money made and set aside, so no worries there. I believe that the death of Juliet is quite tragic, suddenly dying on your wedding day must be a real shock to Paris and to her family.I really don't see this death affecting me, after all you are really unable to control death and have to deal with it when it comes around. I found out through members of town talking about it and being so surprised that Juliet had passed.

    Nico Baker (Matt Baker)
    Period 9

  6. I believe that Romeo would make a better husband. His love with Juliet is not one way (like Paris'), and he is rich. He could pamper Juliet with all of the money he has. Also, their marriage would end the family feud for good, which would make the town much more peaceful. Life is much harder now that every Capulet and Montague are ready to fight at any time, anywhere.

    The date change for the wedding has not affected me much. I had a few collecting jobs to do Wednesday, but they can be moved. As long as the money is still there, I really don't care. This wedding between Paris and Juliet is much more important. I want to see the look on poor Capulet's daughter's face when she is forced to marry that rat Paris. I suppose it is good punishment for getting Romeo banished.

    I am happy that Juliet is dead. Romeo needed to be rid of her as soon as possible. No Capulet deserves a happy ending, especially one who married a Montague secretly. I heard it from a man that I was collecting taxes from. He asked if I had heard about the wedding becoming a funeral, and I didn't, so he told me. I am much happier now that Juliet is gone, and now I can tax Capulet a boatload on this funeral! Hello big profit!
    Benito Saviano (Tax Collector) - Brett Saviano - Period 9

  7. I think Romeo would be a better husband. I think this because he would do anything to be with Juliet. Paris would not be willing to kill himself to be with Juliet but Romeo would. Because Romeo has this love for Juliet he will be a better husband than Paris would be.

    The change of the wedding date does not change anything for me. I own my own blacksmith shop and can close at anytime. besides many of my customers will be at the wedding anyway so i am not losing a lot of buisness.

    I found out about Juliet's death when one of my customers came in my shop and told me the news. I am very sorry for Juliets friends and family and hope for the best.
    Matt Stein Period 3

  8. A better husband? For Juliet or in general? I would say Romeo for his love with Juliet is shared amongst both with Juliet's feelings returned. Paris i feel is all over Juliet but doesn't really give her a chance. He asks Lord Capulet for her hand without regarding his previous statements of "wooing" her in. Romeo is a dashing man with his power, though now banished the worthiness beneath tricky. Juliet i've heard says that she would die, and rather marry Romeo than Paris, which has already taken place, so i be all for this Romeo of the Montague. However Paris being a county isn't half bad. (just saying)

    The date change was sudden, but i feel it is for all the more better to put these sad times behind us. I was originally supposed to be with Juliet on the day. Helping her carriage of Capulets to the Church, however this sudden change, i find no trouble at all. I hope that this wedding would be fun for all. How Juliet feels about this concerns me. Isn't she married to that lad Romeo? oh dear i hope she won't try something like a mammering tickle-brained hugger-mugger.

    Juliet oh Juliet. Why did she die? My mind filled with questions, my eyes brimming with tears, and the death for which i don't know why!!!! That poor soul, on her wedding day, lied on her bed, all cold and grey. I was sent by the nurse and good, stubborn Capulet. To have her things and dress all set. When the screams and shouts from nurse and lady rang around the manor. I ran to the room as the wedding planer. There she lay. What more can i say? Her wedding has become her funeral day.
    Annabella Haider (amna haider), dueling master, period 8

  9. I personally believe Paris would have made the better companion for Juliet but there were positives if Romeo and Juliet in fact were wed. Paris would have handled the feud between us Montague’s and Capulet’s more efficiently because he is a third party person. He does not have anything against our household and will become the head of the Capulet household and their funds. This would stop all the bickering and eventually bring peace within the walls of Verona. Paris, like myself, is also the ideal man for a woman. We both have common characteristics of being enchanting, handsome, and interesting. However, Romeo may have also brought peace to the families through the union of the heirs. Once the Great Lord Montague and the evil Lord Capulet pass on to the next world, The couple would then be in charge of the funds for the family and can put an end to the fray. I am barely involved in the planning of the wedding since I am a Montague. I may have to send bushels of crops in return for large amounts of money because the crops grown on my land are the beset in Verona. People, even Capulet’s, will pay top dollar for what is cultivated on my land. Despite that, the date change has not affected me in the slightest of ways. I would just have a messenger send over the goods a day earlier. I am deeply saddened by the death of Juliet because she is an innocent child that was dragged into the feud. No one should celebrate the death of another of r it is not ethical. One of the several town criers told me about her death previous to going to ye old tavern.
    Roberto Ricci, Small land owner
    Daniel Maldonado Period 8

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Romeo and Paris are both wonderful young men. I have known Romeo for my entire life and he truly is great. He is very passionate about what he does and seems to be crazy about love and whoever it is that he loves. Paris is also a nice gentlemen. I haven't met him personally but i have sen him around town and have heard of the arranged marriage. He seems like the perfect man for a girl like Juliet to marry; handsome, rich, and kind. I think Paris would make a better husband though. Romeo is way too effected by emotions and he can barely handle himself, let alone a wife and kids. Also, he never seems to stay in love with anyone for more than a short amount of time.

    I am arranged to be an entertainer at the wedding of Juliet and Paris. I was recently told that it would be not on thursday but on Wednesday. I cant imagine why this was changed but it surely has messed with what i must do. I still need to write jokes, practice my material, everything! I feel bad for everyone else involved in working at the wedding because one day early is like two years early.

    I guess the wedding is canceled though, for Juliet has died! Talk about bad luck for Paris! This is truly tragic, all of Verona is upset and no one knows exactly how she died. The night before she was perfectly fine and the next thing she was dead, out cold. Even the Montague’s are a little upset with the whole matter. It is impossible to be happy over the death of an innocent young women.

    Ben Adler

  12. I believe that Paris would be a more suitable choice for Juliet. Paris will be a devoted husband, whereas Romeo, though he himself is a gentleman, is banished from Verona. How can Romeo be a true husband if Juliet lives in another town? Unless, of course, Juliet was to move to Mantua, but that is not the case. However, Paris is wealthy, respectful and caring. He is accepted by Lord and Lady Capulet. Paris will make Juliet happy. Romeo is a Montague, and will forever be hated by the Capulets. I have heard that Lord Capulet nearly threw Juliet across the room when she defied his wishes for Juliet and Paris's marriage at first. Imagine what would happen if Juliet were to marry his rival's son! It will be much safer for Juliet to be content with Paris as her husband.

    The date change for the wedding has not affected me much. The servants of my house can prepare my dress sooner. It is no problem. After all, I am only a guest at the event. Of course I will have to make arrangements to be sure that my carriage will be ready, but it is not something to fuss over. I can only imagine how busy the Capulet house must be! The servants must be scrambling to prepare the house!

    Juliet has died? How can it be? Oh, the Capulet family must be scorned by fate! They were forced to endure the death of their own kinsmen Tybalt, and now their own daughter Juliet! On the day of her wedding no less! This cannot be! My, and Juliet was looking forward to her marriage with Paris! I did not know Juliet quite personally, although I am deeply sympathetic. It is not right for such a young woman to have her life ended so soon. She was about to embark on her own journey as a married woman. It is too sad. The Capulet house was bustling with the excitement for the solemnities ahead, only to find that today would be a funeral. I was informed of this distressing event when I was dressing for the marriage that morning. One of my servants came running into the house yelling that Juliet Capulet was dead. He was in the market picking up some produce when he heard the loud screams coming from the Capulet house. He later found out about Juliet's death. I cannot bear to hear of any more misfortunes in Verona. It MUST end.

    Duchess Alessandra de Luca
    Julia Ng Pd. 3

  13. It was one day when I was setting up the dinner table on wednsday evening of when I saw Paris walking through my master's castle. Trying to ignore his presence, respectivily, he soon came over to ask me a question for I was the only one left there. And of course like I predicted, he asked for where his "wife to be" was, but I just replied with a shrug while saying "I'm ever so sorry." Even though I probably had known the whereabouts of Juliet's, I didn't bother telling him for I knew Juliet all too well. I could tell that she didnt want anything to do with that man and I was doing her a favor by leading him to nowhere. I also knew that the marriage between Paris and Juliet would never work out so there was no reason to get the hopes up the it would, becuase I feel in the end that something would change and Juliet would refuse. However, in my heart I feel like Romeo and Juliet were meant to be together, but in my mind it's telling me that she is way better off with Paris. I probably see him as being a better husband to her because all he gives to her is kindness and love. The only difference between him and Romeo is that he doesnt have to run around all over the place in secret just to see Juliet's face for only a couple of minutes. Also, his father apporves of Paris while he would never think of having Romeo and Juliet within 100 meters of each other. But that decision is up to her rather than myself and I continued my work...
    The next morning, I had woken up earlier than usual because of the fact that it was time for Juliet's big day to become married to Paris (if it all had ended up well). I was assigned to obtain Juliet's dress from the hem maids and as I began to fragilly carry it to the nurses quarters, I heard a loud and obnoxious scream. After many other louds ones that began to follow, I dashed into the nurses room, but found it empty. The screech had come from upstairs so I started to walk upstairs, but I was stopped by Peter who was also consolting the muscians before and said that there was a whole change within the plan of the reception. This, didnt make me too furious to rip Juliet's dress in half but it did get me a little annoyed becuase we had prepared for this plan for a long time now. When I had asked him why all of a sudden the plans were changed, all he had said was three words. Juliet is dead.
    While the whole parade of people within the Capulet home was scattering around, many who were crying histerically if they were close to Juliet while many just had shaked their heads, I was compeled with curiousity before I had felt any sadness. So I had examined the facts in my head. Juliet just happened to die while sleeping of the day of her wedding to a man of whom she didnt like at all. This sounded very akward to me and I had the reason of doubt to check if she was really dead, but I didnt. If everyone else said that this poor girl was dead than it must have been true, no poor girl deserved that or could have possibly faked it. This is when i had felt the sadness going through me, knowing that girl for so long made her like a sister to me that I never had. I was returning back to my quarter to relax while I overheard the Friar in Juliet's room, and for some reason he sounded suspicious and akward, but I just ignored it.

  14. I believe that Romeo is a better fit to be the husband of Juliet. I know Romeo and if he wasn't serious and fully committed in this relationship, he wouldn't be risking his life and doing the things that he has been doing. He can get easily fall in love with someone but Juliet is different, she is more special to him then anyone else he has met. Also, Romeo is a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet which means that their families are mortal enemies. The saying that opposites attract does connect to Romeo and Juliet. The wedding does not effect me at all. I will just be doing my same job and routine like I usually do. I feel for Romeo more than I do for anyone else because when he figures out his wife and love of his life is dead, he will be devastated. Because Romeo is very sensitive, he will not handle this situation well in any means. I found out about Juliet's death from the criers letting everyone know about the breaking news of Verona, Italy.
    -Kristen Petriello Per. 8

  15. Paris would make a much better husband for Juliet by far. How could anyone ever even think that Romeo would be good for Juliet? Did everyone seem to forget that their families hate each other. Besides, Paris is rich, what more do you need in a guy? If he wanted to marry any one of my daughters then I would give them up to him in a minute! Most of them are already happily married but who cares, it's my money verse their happiness so they better be ready to live a sad, sad life. I do like Romeo but he's way to much of baby to support a family, Paris is a real man and would support Juliet much more.

    This change of date really pissed me off! I put aside my own daughter's wedding just to go and have some decent food for once. Other than that though I have no complaints about it. And it's only one daughter's wedding, there's four more of them. I'm also going to have to find a new way to sneak in though.

    Oh my god Juliet died! I can't believe this! My wife just ran in and told me that she could here the nurse screaming from across Verona. I never met Juliet in person but I heard that she was a pleasant girl. Oh and to die on one's wedding day just makes it that much worse. It's sad really. She was so happy to marry Paris I've been told, but now it doesn't matter, she's gone.

    Matt Bruzzano pd9

  16. Romeo would make a better husband because he cares for Juliet more, and even if he didn't Juliet still loves Romeo more which in her mind Romeo would always be a better husband. Romeo would absolutely do anything for Juliet and is crazy for her, he cant even begin to imagine life with out her. Although Romeo is a Montague the rival family of the Capulets, Romeo has great respect for Juliet's family. Romeo and Juliet make a perfect match and ever since i heard about this relationship ive always thought that. Who cares if they are from rival families, if they are in love they deserve to be with each other, just like for anyone else.

    The changed wedding date doesn't effect me at all, i will still find time to witness this glorious day, my messages never have a set time to arrive, so i can take as long as i want, since weddings are always important events of course i will witness this. Even though i think Romeo would make a better husband i think it is great for paris that they are getting married... i wonder how juliet and the friar will deal with all of this, hmmm well we'll soon find out.

    WHAT??!! Juliet is dead? Wow i could have never saw this coming this is so unexpected. I have always had great respect for both families, but something about Juliet was different, she was not the same as all the others and wanted nothing to do with all of the fighting between families. I always liked her the best. As i was sending a message to the prince, i heard the Nurses voice so i followed the voice. At first it was very hard to understand, i thought i heard Juliet's name. As i came closer to the voice i understood more and more of what happened. The second i heard that she was dead i stopped immediately, at first i was just in shock i couldn't believe what happened, I started crying a little but not much i was in way too much shock. Her death will not be forgotten.
    Lorenzo (Emissary)
    Sam Mandell period 3

  17. Well i think that Romeo would be a better husband. I don't agree with Lord Capulets decisions all the time. I think that Romeo really loves Juliet and she equally loves him back whereas Juliet seems to not love Paris if she was or wasn't with Romeo. I also believe that Romeo cares more for Juliet and has a passion to be with her. When i see Paris trying to get Juliet's attention it looks as if he doesn't know what to do. Romeo and Juliet are more comfortable around each other and they don't cringe up when they are in conversation with each other. IN other words, their relationship with one another is REAL not arranged.

    Wow have these past few dasy flown by. Capulet is pushing me to the limit. Everyday it seems as if he's pushing up the time of the wedding even closer to the next day!! My cakes have to be perfect he told me and if not i think i may be fired?!! I've been trying my best but the quality, and amount of cake i have to make is absurd. The amount of time and detail it takes to produce such a cake is preposterous. I'm a little pissed about him only thinking of himself in a time such like this. I understand it's an important time in his life but he needs to take a chill because he'd feel the same way if he was in my situation.
    When i found out about Juliet's apparent death i almost fainted. I was in a lot of disbelief and i felt like i had just lost something that was worth something priceless. I didn't know how to react and i felt like i needed to send my dearest condolences to my bosses because i know that this wasn't expected. i still am confused about how this could've happened. So many questions are appearing within my mind. I am astonished about her death and i'm just suspicious about how she died. I rarely had personal conversations with her. The last time i talked to her was when she was choosing her cake. It's a gigantic loss for all of us here at the Capulet estate. I can't deal with the feeling of not having Juliet here.
    Giuseppe Smolev
    Zack Smolev
    Period 8

  18. I believe that Romeo is the better husband. Juliet doesnt love Paris like she loves Romeo. Perhaps Romeo and Juliet being together would mend the feud between the two families.Romeo has tons of money and they would rule Verona together! Romeo and Juliet mesh together so well that they will do anything for acho other and be happy.

    I had a chef job for the wedding because Lord and Lady Montague said i could have a little break because i didnt need to erve romeo because he was exiled. the date did affect me a little bit. I didnt have the ingredients to make the food yet. so i had to rush and get the ingredients quickly.

    I was overwhelmed by the fact that juliet died in her sleep. I had known that Romeo and juliet were together and i immediately felt sorry for juliet because their passion seemed so real and effortless.

    Guilianna Breslin-chef
    Charlotte Breslin- pd. 9

  19. Oyez! Oyez! Hast thou yet heard of the news of Juliet’s marriage to Paris. Yes, indeed! The date has been moved once again, for the Lord Capulet believes the union to be of the upmost importance, which accounts for all of the haste. How unfortunate it is, however, for many of those invited shall now have to rush in order to be properly attired for the occasion on such short notice. I, myself, fear that it has not been enough notice for one to properly prepare oneself for such a joyous day. ‘Tis such a shame, too! For young Juliet Capulet shall indeed make a lovely bride, and I thoroughly approve of the match, for young Paris is a smart lad. He had quite a head on his shoulders, and will provide Juliet with a wonderful lifestyle for the rest of her merry years. I fear that this is more than her prior love, the Romeo Montague, could do for her. You see, he is too foolish a fellow to engage in such serious matters as marriage, and I do believe he shall never be ready for such an event. It would be so unfortunate for Juliet to have to tolerate her lord’s childish ways for a lifetime, so it seems to be for the benefit of all parties involved that she consent to marry early on Wednesday morn.

    What say you, my dear fellow? Lady Juliet is dead? What horrid news hast presently reached my ears. Please tell me you speak falsehoods, for such a truth cannot be. Such a young lady as she should not die the day of her wedding, God would never make it so. But, alas! It is true! I think for the Capulet Household, for all of Verona’s prayers should be directed towards them. Such horrid, horrid news, but, indeed I thank you, dear friend, for now that I am in on the news, I shall be able to sound the town bell and announce to our fair city he death of such a creature as she. Poor Lord and Lady Capulet, my heart goes out to them in their sorrow. God save the Queen, my friend, and may God be with us all in times such as these.

    Lorenzo Lindsay- Town Crier
    Lily Lindsay- Period 8

  20. Romeo because he loves her and she loves him I think that’s what really matters. If she married Paris she wouldn’t be happy and a point of being in a marriage is being happy and to love your spouse. Romeo would sacrifice his life for Juliet.

    It didn’t affect me because I was invited because I’m friends with her family. I took the death very hard because she is a very close family friends and I knew her since she was a baby. I found I by her parents calling and telling me about the tragedy.

  21. Romeo Capulet is a great catch for Juliet. I have spent many days with him and can honestly say hes amazing. Romeo passionately love Juliet and would rather die than be without her, and Juliet loves him back. Paris loves Juliet too, but Juliet doesn't love Paris back which makes this wedding very sad. I wish Romeo knew what was going on. Gosh, I haven't seen him since he was exiled.
    I have nothing to say about the date change because the Capulet's didn't invite me to the wedding. That's alright though because I don't work for them and also because the feud that has been going on has grown on me. I dont really enjoy the Capulet's, except for Juliet, the girl that Romeo loves and the girl who recently died?!
    I just heard that Juliet died! This is so untimely. She was just married to Romeo and was about to get married to Paris. I dont know Juliet personally, but I know Romeo enough to know that this is not good. He is going to be devastated. That poor boy. That poor girl too. Her life was too short. Soon ill have news on the funeral and be sure to share it.
    Daniela Samad
    English per 9

  22. In my opinion, I think that Romeo would make a better husband rather than Paris because Romeo has been so loyal to Juliet and he truly loves her more than life itself. I do agree however despite the love between Juliet and Romeo that juliet shold follow her father's orders and marry Paris because her family is important and she should obey her father. The date change of the wedding does not affect me because I have all of the ingredients I need to make food for the wedding and I could use down time to prepare an even more thorough recipe. My fellow worker has told me of the tragic news. I think Juliet's death is beyond devistating. I cannot believe she is gone and especially on her wedding day. It is just awful.

    Sarah Curtis
    Period 9

  23. I feel that Romeo would make a better husband for Juliet. He loves her to the highest extent. He will care for her, respect her, and cherish her always. However, since I believe highly in respect, I do feel that Juliet should respect her father's orders and marry Paris. Besides, he would not be a bad husband either. He is a true gentleman who seems to be into Juliet (to some extent). He also seems like a guy that will be respectful to Juliet, just like a man should to his wife.
    Oddly enough, I was invited to attend the wedding with my wife. Although I does seem rather annoying to move the wedding up a day, it does not really affect me. My spouse, on the other hand, has decided to leave her dress shopping to the last minute. Women these days! They can't seem to plan ahead.
    I cannot believe that Juliet is dead! What a horrible and hideous tragedy. She was so young, so innocent. So not ready to die. However, I do find it fishy that she just happened to die on her wedding day. Her wedding day, might I add, to the man she didn't want to marry. But she would never kill herself on purpose! Who am I kidding, SHE'S DEAD! Me and the entire town of Verona will miss her dearly.
    Francesco Dattero (Erica)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I can’t choose which man will be a better husband. I know that Paris is very gentle and kind man. However, Juliet only loves Romeo so it will be hard for Juliet to marry the person other than Romeo. So I think Romeo will be better husband of Juliet.
    I invited to the wedding of Juliet. The schedule change affected me a lot because I used to have a tutor lesson in my house. However, Juliet was my best friend so I asked my tutor to change the date and planned to go to her wedding. I was so excited to see my best friend’s wedding.
    I was told from my parents about Juliet’s death. I think Lord Capulet told about it to my parent. I was very sad. She couldn’t be dead at the day of her wedding!! I was so excited to see her wedding!! There were too much things happened on that day. I was preparing for her wedding but when I heard about her death, I cried a lot and couldn’t believe it. I changed my clothes for wedding to the black clothes for her funeral.
    Anna Yamamoto

  26. Paris would make a better husband for Juliet. He is a fine gentleman with great respect. He is attracted to Juliet and wishes to spend his life with her. Romeo is a hooligan, he has no respect for others. I don't even know why Juliet considers him over Paris! Romeo is a Montague! I cleared my plans the day of the planned wedding, and moved them all to the day before the now postponed wedding and the day off. This is going to be very stressful changing all my plans and having to move most of them back. When I heard the news of Juliet's me and my husband couldn't help but cry. We are such close friends with the Capulets and watched little Juliet grow. It is so sad to see such a young life go so fast.

  27. I personally think that Paris would make a better husband for Juliet. He's a respectable young man and unlike Romeo he doesn't cause any trouble for the town or my store. I appreciate Paris's request to marry young Juliet.

    The date changed annoyed me!! I was planning on baking all day on Wednesday for the party on Thursday, when I heard dates changed...I had to rush through the whole baking process!! The bread didn't taste nearly as good as it usually is!! THEN the best part comes next...She died!!! And guess what? All of my bread went to waste, I either threw it away or gave it out for one bought it because everyone was at the funeral.

    Sarah Greer period 8 (baker Angelo

  28. I feel that Romeo and Juliet are destine for each other. So that said, I personally think Romeo would be a better husband. I say this because if Juliet does not want to be with Paris then having him as a husband would just make her feel worse. But if she were to have Romeo as a husband she was be happy and content. When I heard that the wedding between Paris and Juliet was happening sooner than expected it did not change anything for me at all. Although I am very close to Juliet, I am not invited to the wedding. There will only be the high rollers of Verona there, no servants. I don’t mind though, I will get to help her get ready as I always do.

    JULIET IS DEAD?! When I found out about the news I was in shock and extremely upset. Juliet and I were very close friends, and to not have her here anymore is going to be horrible. I as well as her family have experienced a great lose, and she will be missed dearly.

    Tori- Period 8

  29. I think that Paris would be better suited to be Juliet's wife. Although she loves Romeo and ROmeo would be a great choice, he is not liked by the Capulets. Marrying Romeo would just create drama and problems for both families and it is not worth it. Paris is a noble, nice, and rich man who would be great for Juliet. This drama isn't much pof my buisness I just work for their family, but it would save a lot of stress if Juliet married Paris.

    I awakened this morning to screams and wails announcing Juliets death. I was completely shocked at this news. It has been common lately for people to die with no explanation, but I was not prepared for this outcome. Juliet was a very sweet girl and I am very sad about her death. SHe will be missed by all.

  30. I feel that Paris would make a better husband for Juliet. The Capulet's like Paris and he isn't a Montague, this wouldn't create any drama between the families. Paris is wealthy, handsome and kind man, this would be a great husband to Juliet, best of all Paris will be around for Juliet unlike Romeo who is banished.

    The date change of the wedding affected me by my preparation for the wedding. I was planning on taking my time when baking the goods for the party, but no I have to rush through. I'm not a fan of rushing, I like my goods to be good and well prepared. I was shocked by Juliet's death, she was very young. I heard through people coming in and out of my bakery.

  31. Paris would make a better husband for Juliet in many ways. Paris wants to marry Juliet very badly and i fee like he would do everything and anything for her, and they are in the same family. Since Romeo is not in the same family it would just not work out, and this way Lord Capulet would also get his way since Romeo is not like by the Capulets.
    Now that the date of the wedding is change i am yet very happy! I was informed a very short time before the original wedding to make my pastries, but now since there is a little hold back i have much more time.
    I was just devastated when i herd the news of Juliet’s death from the nurse calling telling me that the pastries were no longer needed and i now needed to make another plate for after the wake.

    Guisippina - Monica nole period 9

  32. Romeo would make a much better husband for Juliet, although i do work for the Capulets i have nothing against the Montegues. Paris is just oblivious to life, all he sees is Juliet and how he wants to Marry her. He isnt doing anything else, and he is also oblivious to how she doesnt even want to marry him. Romeo is truly in love with her and she is in love with him. He expresses his love and they talk and they are perfect for each other, he is also very bold and brave to love someone who his family is enemies with. The date change of the wedding had absolutely no effect to me, it only meant i work sooner then later. Either way i was jestering at the wedding no matter what day it is. When i found out Juliet was dead from the cook i was completly and totally in awe and horrified. I really liked her and she was such a nice girl who was fun/interesting to work with. I really will miss her, now i am stuck with Capulet and his tantrums.

  33. Personally, I think that the Countyman Paris would make a better husband than Romeo because he takes his time, is more considerate in ways and in general is a great young man. Romeo acts with haste and not with his head. He rushed into a relationship with Juliet instead of having permission to be with her. Although this is the opposite with Paris,(He took his time, and he had permission to marry Juliet)Romeo does truly love Juliet which is a major factor in life. Romeo has the right to be Juliet's husband but Paris deserves it because of the pre-requisite at the certain time.
    I was suppose to be a guest of the wedding and was very dissappointed to hear that the bride passed away. This does not really effect my day but it did give me a reason for a new dress. After hearing about Juliet's death, I felt sorry for my friends(The Capulets)due to the fact that it was their daughter. I also felt bad for Paris because he lost the one girl that he was going to marry and live with forever. I heard about this death by one of the Capulet's servants. This was due to the cancellation of the wedding and the delievery of the message at my doorstep.

  34. I personally think that young Paris would make a better husband for Juliet. Although Juliet loves Romeo I think that Paris would make her happier. Since Romeo and Juliet’s families hate each other it wouldn’t be very convenient for them to be together. Because their parents would be really mad and they aren’t going to agree with them being together. I was supposed to attend the wedding since the Capulet’s invited me. Once I found out that young Juliet was death I was shocked. I couldn’t believe it. She was so young and I knew that it must’ve been horrific for her family. I found out while I was walking by the church and I saw Friar Lawrence with Juliets dead body in the funeral ceremony. I didn’t know that the plans got changed since I had been busy. But her death just shocked me. I couldn’t believe that she was dead.
    Renaldo Figaro
Emily jaramillo period 9

  35. Annalisa (scribe)
    Who would make a better husband? HA! Romeo, obviously. HE actually loves and cares for Juliet. Although i don't exactly think they're making the right decision my marrying behind their parents back, they love each other. The date change of the wedding between Juliet and Paris didn't affect me. i wasn't invited and didn't approve of it. Juliet's death was an eye-opener for me. I felt bad for Romeo because he had developed very strong feelings for her.

    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8

  36. I think Paris would be a better husband because Romeo gets too ahead of himself. He doesn't slow down in his relationships. While Paris, he would take it one step at a time. And he actually really loves Juliet. He thinks she is beautiful caring and nice. But Juliet doesn't take the time to notice Paris at all. If Paris and Juliet were to marry, then everyone would be happy...except for Romeo.

    The wedding date change affected me because I was supposed to perform but now I can't. It would have been good for me. More performances means extra money.

    I was very sad when I heard from the gossiping Jester Terry that Juliet died. She was such a sweet girl and had such a great life ahead of her. I feel horrible for that family to go through a royal death like that.
    Sophie Major period 9
