Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Act V Blog #1

From what you know about Romeo, would you say that his quick decision to kill himself was in character? Why or why not? (174)

Describe the apothecary shop you go to in Verona. What do you buy there? (175)


  1. Yes Romeos quick decisions are in his character because he generally makes decisions too quickly. He marries Juliet the day after he meets her and he is always ready to kill himself for Juliet.
    In the Apothecary Shop there are many things to buy. I usually only buy materials for things I need at home. it is a big and highly regarded place.
    Matt Stein Period 3

  2. Romeo has always been a desprite, emotional young boy as his only ways to be happy and joyful in his life is to the marry the woman he loves, that woman is Juliet of the Capulets. However, there love has always been at stake for they would think that they could never be together, so, they keep their love in secret for no one to ever find out. When I was working one day in the corridors of the Capulets, there seemed to be another emergency going around in the area. And it had involved Romeo and Juliet. I was so scarred because I thought their secret was out about ehri secret love, but then I heard the news that they both had killed themselves in the emotioanal tragedy of not having one another in each others lives. After I heard these awful news, I realized that according to Romeo's character, he would do something like that because love was such a big deal in his life. HE takes love to the extreme always like it is the only important thing in his life, even though that can't be possibly true. Even on behalf if Juliet had really died, I think that she would be happier if he lived a peaceful life rather than kill himself over her. This tragedy was such a horror in all of Verona. Then I found out how romeo was able to kill himself. He hadn't used a dagger that he had with him but poison which he had obtained from an apothecary. The apothecary in town usually sells a wide variety of medical drugs to help the sick get better. It was sortof like what friar lawrence does when he is not attending to his religious responsibilties. It is truely upsetting that the rivalry of the families had caused this fatal accident, but their fate did not look bright from the beginning ever since that ball had occurred. What a pity
    Lucas Pettinato (pd.9)

  3. I should have known that Romeo and Juliet were going to plan something insane. They were just too madly in love to think straight. And now because Romeo acted in haste and poisoned himself, Juliet is dead too. It would be just like Romeo to pull such an insane trick. There have been so many times when he has made quick decisions that I don't even think that he has thought one thing through in his life! First of all, I started learning of him when he was all over this girl Rosaline. Then with one twist of the head, he forgets all about her and instantly falls in love with another girl. I mean I do get a little mushy when I see what he will do for love, but are you kidding me? I would have liked to see him think of someone other than himself for a change.
    I am honestly shocked that Romeo received poison from an apothecary. Isn't it their job to make people feel better? The apothecary in Verona seems so sweet and innocent. He wouldn't have anything like poison in his shop. The only things that I buy at the apothecary is cold and rash medicines for my family. I could never think that someone would sell an item the another person if ingesting it would result in death.
    Francesco Dattero (Erica)
    pd. 8

  4. O Romeo, that lad. His decisions of death were much expected. For he is a man desperate when it comes to love. His love was returned, and to him Juliet, was his world. His haste is much known of, and his impulsive behaviors expected. Romeo is young. A teenager at all even. Such youth and the thought of death never striking them as one they realize as permanent. How terrible this action is of his, however it be how it be. The apothecary shop? why doth thou ask of such a shop. It sells many herbs and medical remedies and liquids for tending to. I buy means necessary for the scrapes and injuries that come along during my training with swords. The man there is knowledgeable yet very poor. When someone comes, his generosity overcomes, however when the money of gold is presented, greed gleams in his eyes. Such a wonderful shop for simple things. However for the deadly things sold there. I dare not touch.

  5. Young Romeo’s quick decision just shows how haste he is. He is so young and took his life away by drinking something. If only he could have moved on from Juliet. O poor Romeo he is knows dead along with Juliet. The Montague’s and the Capulet’s lost their kids. I go to the shop down by town to get some ingredients sometimes. But most of the time I go to Friar Lawrence’s Cell. I go and buy some ingredients so I could make myself some potions.
    Renaldo Figaro
    Emily Jaramillo period 9

  6. I know so little of Romeo but from what I have heard, his quick decision to kill him self was very in character. Before he met Juliet, he was in love with the young woman, Rosaline. Before he saw and met Juliet, his attitude was very callous. Once he saw her, he immediately became happy again and in deep love. He moved on so quickly he did not even think of the fact he did not even know who she was when he married her. The apothecary shot is a tiny shop outside of town square where i ocasionally go to but natural herbs that are difficult to find. Nobody really goes there that much because one, not many people know about it and two, the people who do go there cannot stand the attitude of the owner. He is a very bombastic man. I think it's because he owns so many rare herbs and remidies that he is a little full of himself and only cares about himself.

    Sarah Curtis
    Period 9

  7. I have known Romeo for a really long time and he has always acted hastily but I would have never thought that he would ever go to an extreme and kill himself because of the love with Juliet. I heard from Balthazar that Juliet was dead and I knew that Romeo was not gonna cope with the situation well but I never in a million years would I ever think he would pull a stunt like that. He is very serious and passionate about love and sometimes he would go over the top to do anything to keep the love because of how sensitive he is but I don't understand why he would risk his life? I also heard from Balthazar that he bought poison from an apothecary. The apothecary in Verona sells different things to help the sick. It is illegal for apothecaries to sell harmful poisons and drugs but apparently, Romeo was convincing enough for the apothecary to give it to him. When I do my job, I expect Romeo to be there but he never will.
    -Kristen Petriello Per 8

  8. Knowing Romeo closely myself, I can see he is a very emotional and he sometimes even exaggerates his emotions. Finding out that he killed himself so quickly without hearing from the Friar is definitely in his character. Although it is deeply saddening to hear about his death, I can see Romeo deciding his fate so quickly because of his desperate and sensitive characteristics.
    The apothecary in Verona usually sells medicines and treatments to the families of the city. I've never heard of them selling poison! I think it's illegal to anyways but I've always known the apothecary to sell natural herbs to help with healing.
    Marisa Goldstein

  9. Oyez! Oyez! What terrible news have I for thee today! Hast thou not heard of the tragic death of young Romeo? What a pity, then, that I should be bearer of such horrid news. Yes, ‘tis true that young Romeo took his own life to join his love in the heavens above. Sad as it is, I cannot say I am surprised. Although no one could have predicted the events that have unfolded in these past few days, Romeo has always been a fairly rash young fellow, and that he should die in such a peculiar way due to his own actions is not so out of character. I heard the lad poisoned himself with a drink he purchased from the apothecary in Mantua. So strange it is that he was able to get such a mixture from the store, for I know the apothecary here in Verona would never distribute such treacherous potions to any crazy man who stepped foot through his doors. Indeed, my apothecary is a careful man, and his store always smells of sweet herbal fragrances, I could never in my wildest dreams imagine such a lethal substance being created in such a magical environment. Speaking of such errands, I must be off, for I have had a cold for a fortnight presently, and must get something for it. God Save the Queen, my good fellow, and I shall greet thee on the morrow!

    Lorenzo Lindsay- Town Crier
    Liliane Lindsay- Period 8

  10. I think that Romeo’s decision to kill himself was in character. He made so many hasty decisions in his life, and that was his downfall. His problems all started when he hastily decided to marry that Capulet rat. As his haste problem worsened, so did his life. That eventually led to him killing himself. At least he was able to pull the Capulets down with him. His actions got Juliet killed, which really hurt the Capulet family.

    The apothecary shop in Verona has many types of medicine. I only go there when I or a family member desperately needs medication. The apothecary always charges high prices, and never pays his taxes in full, which makes no sense given his income. I usually get potions that will heal my kids from life-threatening illnesses.
    Benito Saviano (Tax collector)-Brett Saviano-Period 9

  11. Annalisa Nesheiwat (scribe)

    Romeo is known to act hastily. The fact that he killed himself was in character because of what he is known for, thinking before he acts. Romeo is also known to be very emotional and over dramatic. He portrays a situation to be worse then what it actually is. The apothecary shop in Verona has every type of medicine you could imagine. I usually get medicine from there when i am sick.

    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8

  12. I love Romeo, but that child is a wreck. He has had so many problems recently, all which happened from acting too hastily. Its ridiculous. Even though I am going to miss him dearly, killing himself like that was definitely like him. He has always been like that, very dramatic and spontaneous. If he had just waited a little bit longer him and Romeo would have lived happily ever after (the friar spilt everything, all of his devious secrets).
    Romeo got the potion to kill himself from the apothecary. I go there too, but not for the same reason poor Romeo did. I go there sometimes when im sick or not feeling well. They're great for that. I just go get what I need and in a day i feel refreshed and rejuvenated. They also have herbs that help with everything!
    Daniela Samad
    Rula Samad period 9

  13. I don't know too much about Romeo as a person, but I do know about young love…could be from experience ;) When I was younger, I probably would have said the same things about my wife. I do think that three days is quite a short time to fall in love with someone, and risking and then taking your life just to be with them is an awful, haste act that I think could have been prevented in many ways by many different people.
    I don't go into the apothecary too often, he's a little weird if I must say. But from the few times I've been in there its been small, crammed and smelly. I don't enjoy it but I usually have to buy medicine when anyone in my family is sick.

    Sarah Greer (Baker Angelo) period 8

  14. I am not sure. i do not know Romeo as well as i do Juliet but as i've seen i think he was acting in character. If you think about it he does a few things a bit too quickly. First off he marries Juliet only a day after he meets her. I don't know from previous experience since when i met my wife we didn't marry until a few months later, but i think he was acting as if time was moving to quickly for him to do the things he wanted to do, and all the bad things were happening to him so maybe he wanted to try and erase his past. I believe he was acting hastily because he decided too quickly to do things. He also would do anything to protect Juliet by killing himself. I'm not sure what is inside the Apothecary's Shop. I don't go there often only because i have no reason to hang out with that nut job. He makes poisons and his personality just creeps me out. I have never really gone into drugs or anything that might affect my life and ruin it.
    Giuseppe Smolev
    Zack Smolev
    Period 8

  15. I think it was in character about his quick decision to kill himself. He didn’t think before act always. His characteristic is one of the causes that lead death of Romeo and Juliet. Also he was too much in love so it prevents him to think his life in a realistic way. But I feel sorry for both The Capulets and the Montagues to lost their important daughter and son. I don’t usually go buy something in the apothecary shop. There are many medicines there so our servants go there to buy them. Friar Lawrence gives us medicine too but there is more number of liquid or powder types of medicine than plants or herbs. I like the medicine in the shop because it works very well.

  16. I think it was in character because he acted hastely when he killed himself. He couldn't have taken sometime to think about what he was about to do before he did it. The apothecary shop is a shop with all different kinds of medicines and I bought a poison that I will die when I drink.

  17. I feel that Romeo's decision to kill him self so quickly was most defiantly in character. Romeo acts before he really thinks through his actions, so the suicide did not surprise me because he acted to be with his love, Juliet. Romeo bought poison from the apothecary shop so he could commit suicide due to Juliet's death.

    Tori Period 8

  18. I feel that Romeo descision was totally in his charachter, we've seen althroughout the play that Romeo always makes fast desicsions, He was at one point, madly in love with 'Rosaline', than as soon as he lays eyes on Juliet he falls in love with her, and seems to forget Rosaline so easily? Doesn't seem some thoughtful thinking to me? Than to ask her hand in marriage so quickly, than make love to her in less than 72 hours? It was totally in Romeo's charachter, he never thinks things through. If I were to go to the apothecray I would always buy my materials for work!

  19. I do think Romeo’s quick decision to kill himself was in character because he always makes quick decisions. He married Juliet after a day of knowing each other and then killed himself knowing he was suppose to get a letter from the Frair. I only go to my apothecary when I am gravely ill because he charges a large amount of money for one vial of medicine. The shop is in the back of the mans house and it looks like a normal barn. When you walk in there are many shelves and book cases full of medicine. The man has a desk in the front so he can see incoming customers.

  20. I feel that Romeo was quick to his decision, but that has been seen throughout the entire play through Romeo's actions. He has been completely controlled by his emotions and this was no exception. He was so devastated by the death of Juliet, that he couldn't think about what else he could do in his lifetime and what Juliet may have wanted for him. Romeo was once again controlled by his emotions and lead to the hastily decision of killing himself.
    I don't visit the apothecary shop often, but the few times I do, I don't like doing it. The shop is very small and dark. It is a cramped space and doesn't feel like you are getting anything in there that can help your sick family members. It isn't very pleasant and the worker there kind of creeps me out a little. I try to avoid going there.
    Nico Baker (Matt Baker)
    Period 9

  21. I personally believe that Romeo's quick decision to commit suicide was completely in character. Referring back to the beginning of the tradgic play, Romeo was described as very fickle. For example, we start reading the play when he is devastated over Rosaline rejecting his love. They also often describe him as "heavy" in these scenes. At the Capulet's party after he meets Juliet, he is completely over Rosaline and then proceeds to ask Juliet for her hand in a secret marriage. This was also a hasty decision. To do all of what he did in less than 72 hours show how much thought he puts into his decisions. Therefore, his impulsive suicide was expected and in character.

    Ashleigh Colon
    Period 9

  22. Yes because Romeo only wanted to be with Juliet for the rest of his life. With the people coming from outside the cell in the grave, he had to react quickly and chose right for himself because he was finally alone with Juliet and safe together for ever. in the apothecary shop you would probably by exotic medisons to cure disease and even other majic potions to cure things. I would never expect poison to be sold there!

  23. I do think that Romeo killing himself that quickly was in his character because he is very dramatic and he acts hastily. And when your that in love you would want to do anything to be with the person you love.

    The apothecarty in Verona, Italy is very famous for their herbs and poisions and poisons. There are medicines to cure all kinds of things, form metal illnesses to physical disfunctions.
    SOphie Major period 9

  24. That fickle Romeo killed himself in such haste. It doesn't surprise me though becuase for what I know about him, he makes decisions very quickly and doesn't think about them. He married Juliet the day after they met, so that is a pretty hasteful action. I spoke to the friar ans he agreed with me. He told me that in his cell Romeo tried to stab himself after a crying fit. If the friar didn't stop him, Romeo would of killed himself even earlier. It was only a matter of time that Romeo could make his quick decision and go through with it. I do feel some remorse for the Montagues because they loved him very much.
    -Squire Colombo Moretti (Deven Jacobi) Pd. 3

  25. Alas the young boy Romeo has perished under unpleasing circumstances. The boy has always been haste and never thought more than once about what actions he was going to perform. The boy was blinded by love; therefore the lust to commit suicide in order to be with the one he adored was too great. His rapid decision to kill himself was in his character because he is often the victim of negative hasty actions. Similar to all of his other bad decisions in the past few days, such as killing Tybalt, ended with more horror and gruesome impacts. However, he ended his own life in the name of love and for the prosperity of both families. This leads me to conclude that his action is honorable and deserves the upmost respect. The apothecary in town is also a very generous person but I was very surprised when I learned he had given Romeo the poison by which he killed himself. Only one question exists with in my mind, did the apothecary know she was giving Romeo the poison to die? The store is often cluttered with poultices, medicines, jars, and other objects so there may have been a mistake. I seldom enter that shop for I have no need for medicines. At times maybe the children get sick or I obtain a cut so I have to get materials from the store. I have never received poison from the apothecary.
    Roberto Ricci (Daniel Maldonado)
    Pd. 8

  26. Romeo killed himself?! That's very sad but honestly, it doesn't surprise me much. He always was a hopeless romantic. He cried for days when the last girl he liked ignored him, it figures that when he thinks his own wife is dead he would do something stupid. He always was way too emotional, he had to man up but I guess it's too late now.
    The apothecary shop I go to is a pretty nice place I guess. All I really buy is some medicine for my wife but other then that he has a bunch of different kinds of stuff in there.

    Matt Bruzzano pd9

  27. I was so shocked to find out that Romeo killed himself. He always acted on impulse but I never thought that it would ever come to this. He was such a good, innocent boy and the Capulet's destroyed him. Who would even sell a young boy poison to begin with? This whole situation should never have happened and Romeo shouldn't have acted so rash. I only go to the apothecary to pick up medicines and herbs for the Montagues. I never would have thought that they would sell poison to a young boy...

    Fabio Lanzoni(Servant)
    Rob Sperduto pd. 3

  28. Really everyone in Verona has a tendency to act quickly. No one thinks there actions through and no one thinks about the consequences of their actions before they go through with them. Although the decision was a horrible decision... yes it was in his character. Romeo has always acted very hastily, even before Juliet. He does not think his actions through which ends up hurting him in the end. The only reason i would go to the apothecary is to get medicine for me or my family, or if i am required to go there as my job but for nothing else. I never thought they would sell that poison to a person of such young age, i never thought a boy would buy the poison.
    Leonardo (Emissary)
    Sam Mandell period 3

  29. Knowing how lovesick Romeo is, it doesn't shock me that he would do such a thing. He is such a naive child. I always saw him run around causing issues. And I always heard of him to start fights and going crazy! I go to the apothecary to pick up medication or treatment every so often. I never knew that they sold poison there!

  30. Romeo was expected to commit suicide. of course i didnt know he was going to but considering he has been acting out of haste lately because of Juliet, there is no shock that he did. Its a real shame because Juliet wasnt actually dead.
    The apothecary shop sells me stuff to treat my families sicknesses. i never knew that Romeo would buy poison there. i honestly didnt know they had poison that is meant to kill you.
    Giulianna Breslin
    Charlotte Breslin pd9

  31. Romeo's character is that he is completely romantic, acts with haste, and never hesitant. The act of Romeo's suicide was in his own character because he did not think of the other options that he could take. Also, if he was hesitant, then he would have seen Juliet wake up and never would have killed himself. Therefore, this act is within his character throughout the play. The apothecary supplies poision and other potions. Romeo bought poison to kill himself, due to the love of his life's death. I would never buy something from there because I may never know if what I buy was in contact with a fatal poision.

  32. I think that Romeo’s was acting haste and I could see that because I have known him for his and my whole life and he has always made haste decisions. Romeo has made bad decisions when he was with Juliet; for example they got married a day after they met and them he wanted to kill himself because he was banished from Verona.
    In the Apothecary Shop I would buy many, many things. Mostly things for my family,, materials for my husband’s work, my kids for their school, etc. I think I would buy these things but not really trust it because you will never what is in it since Romeo got the poison from there.

  33. Yes Romeos Quick decision to kill himself was in character because in general he makes decisions quickly and with out thinking. He marries Juliet the day after he meets her, and he always is threatening to kill himself for Juliet. The Apothecary shop has many little things, but i never had to go there because everything i need is in the Capulet house
