Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Literature Circle

Respond to the following questions:

What literature circle did you read?
What did you think of it? Rate it on a scale from 1-4 (1- is like the least, 4- being the best) Explain.
What connections did you make to "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare?
If you could make any changes to this book, what changes would you make and why?


All Reading and Writing is due by June 10th. Work for this unit will be completed as follows:


Reading- Over the next 2 weeks, you will complete 8-10 dialectical journals based on your Memoir.
Writing- You will complete the Introduction, 1- TEXAS body, 2- Topic sentences for additional bodies, and Conclusion for your Critical Lens.
*If you would like to write the entire essay, you will recieve extra credit.


Reading: Over the next 2 weeks, you will complete 2-4 dialectical journals based on your Memoir.
Writing: You will comeplete your essay on by June 10th.
*You may use class time as needed for reading and writing

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

HOW TRAGIC! Act V Final Blog

What do you think the Capulets will do about the Nurse’s involvement in these events? (193)
Do you believe that the feud is really over? (195)
How do you think Verona will change because of these events? (195)

Act V Blog #1

From what you know about Romeo, would you say that his quick decision to kill himself was in character? Why or why not? (174)

Describe the apothecary shop you go to in Verona. What do you buy there? (175)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Act IV Blogs

Act IV, scene i- Since you know both young men, who, do you think would make a better husband- Romeo or Paris? (150)

Act IV, scene ii- Assume your character is involved in the wedding. How has the date change affected you? (157)

Act IV, scene v- How does your character take the new of Juliet's death?How did you find out? (169)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Act III scene v

You have overheard Capulet's remarks to Juliet, do you agree with this position? Why or Why not?

Is the Nurse wrong for telling Juliet to be with Paris? Explain.

**Be sure to think about BOTH sides. Capulet lives in a time where respect from a child is demanded and parents determine who their children marry. Juliet is a "rebel" for going against his decree.

* Remember the VOICE of your persona! You are not simply answering the questions- you are ALSO demonstrating your ability to take on voice and character!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Act III Scene i

Respond as Persona:

Assume you witnesses the two deaths. Record your reactions to each (111)

How do the deaths of Tybalt and Mercutio affect you? (emotionally, physically, financially and socially) (114)

From your point of view, do you think the Prince's verdict was fair? Why or Why not? (114)