Tuesday, February 8, 2011




  1. Tom Robinson can be characterized as a mockingbird because Atticus told his children that is was a sin to kill a mockingbird. Tom ends up getting shot 17 times when he tries to escape prison and afterwards Mr. Underwood writes an editorial about the trial. He writes that killing a cripple is the worst sin imaginable, the cripple being Tom with his paralyzed left arm. Mockingbirds only give the world sweet music to enjoy, and that's what Tom did. All those times he went to the Ewell's place he only wanted to help out, he never did any thing wrong. Tom is a clear example of a mockingbird in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
    - Deven Jacobi

  2. I agree. Tom Robinson was an ordinary African American man who just wanted to live his life peacefully and happily. He showed his gratitude and helpfulness towards others daily. The line stated in the book "To Kill a Mockingbird": "it is a sin to kill a mockingbird" is what Tom Robinson is. Tom was a nice and generous man who never did anything wrong but, everything right.

  3. In the story To Kill a Mockingbird Tom Robinson would be an example of a mockingbird. In the book it said "He likened Tom’s death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds by hunters and children, and Maycomb thought he was trying to write an editorial poetical enough to be reprinted in The Montgomery Advertiser.," when talking about Mr. Underwood. Song birds can also be mockingbirds due to the songs mockingbirds hum/sing. Mockingbirds are innocent and in the case of this trial so was Tom. Tom did nothing wrong to Mayella or Bob. Tom was wrongly accused by people who wanted to cover up the pain inside of their family. Tom is an example of a mockingbird in this story.
    Rula Samad

  4. In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, mockingbirds are used as a symbol of freedom, purity, and innocence. Atticus informs Jem that it is a great wrongdoing to kill a Mockingbird. He says, “Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.”(119). It is a sin to take the life of a mockingbird because they are not filled with evil, they sing their hearts out for those doing good or being flooded by negative thoughts. An African American man named Tom Robinson was being convicted of rape and being sentenced to death without any present evidence. The reader can characterize Tom Robinson as a mockingbird because he is an innocent man free from any crimes. He was known as respectful and even valued by his white boss. Tom preformed neighborly tasks for the Ewells and even gave Mayella company or the concept of a friend. He was wrongly convicted of rape when he was innocent of any crimes. When he lost faith he tried to escape his prison but was quickly apprehended and shot seventeen times. Tom Robinson, being crippled, did not pose a threat to the armed guards and was unfairly killed. The character of Tom Robinson, being a voice of innocence, can be interpreted as a beautiful mockingbird.
    Daniel Maldonado

  5. Tom Robinson can be characterized as a mockingbird in TKAM. One of the most common quotes in the story is, "It's a sin to kill a mockingbird," as said by Atticus Finch. Tom Robinson was innocent just like a mockingbird is. He was wrongly accused of raping Mayella and was only accused of it because he is a black man. Mr. Underwood also writes in his newspaper that it was a sin that Tom was killed and was only proven guilty because of the prejudice in their society. So, Tom Robinson is a mockingbird because he was innocent from the start and it was way more than a sin to ruin his life based on idiotic prejudice values.
    -Rob Sperduto

  6. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Tom Robinson can be considered a mockingbird because he has caused no harm and is still sent to jail and found guilty despite innocence of the accused act. Tom is a family man who has a wife and kids. In Chapter 25, Mr. Underwood wrote in the paper that it is was a sin to kill a cripple, and this is exactly what happened. Even if Tom was trying to escape, he has no chance of fighting back due to his impaired left arm and bullets therefore were exaggerating what was necessary, especially 17 of them. Just as a mockingbird minds its own business and provides music for the world, Tom minds his business doing chores for Mayella and doing his work without causing any harm whatsoever. The character of Tom Robinson can be considered as a mockingbird due to the fact that he was put on trial through a fake story and the court didn't listen to the evidence just because of skin color. Tom was an innocent man and has never done wrong to Mayella or anyone.

  7. Tom Robinson represents a mockingbird in To Kill A Mockingbird. Tom was wrongly accused of raping Mayella Ewell, a white girl. He was tried and found guilty, receiving the death penalty, only because he was black. Tom only helped Mayella, he helped her with her chores regularly and never asked for pay. Mayella accused him of rape to cover up the peril inside her family. After the trial, Tom was shot 17 times trying to escape from prison. Mr. Underwood, the Maycomb newspaper reporter, wrote an article on Tom’s death, saying that it is an awful thing to kill a cripple because they can only do good, like a mockingbird. Tom was killed because he was accused of causing problems, when he was only helping, making him a mockingbird.
    Brett Saviano

  8. Tom Robinson represents a mockingbird because in the book he is accused of doing things that he didnt even do and not many people believe him just because he is black. And he is a mockingbird because he respects everyone and to disrespect him and accuse him of horrid things makes him a mockingbird because he is as innocent as one. Boo Radley is a mockingbird because everyone says that Boo is cause of some of the problems in the book and he doesn't want to hurt anyone. Like in the book, when Scout was cold he placed a blanket over her.
    Sophie Major

  9. The novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee gets it's name from the quote, "It is a sin to kill a mockingbird." This is a very important lesson that Atticus Finch teaches his children. Tom Robinson represents the 'Mockingbird' in this story. He is an innocent negro man only looking out for the good of others. When he goes to help Mayella Ewell, asking for nothing in return, she tempts him and tries to kiss him. Although doing nothing wrong, he is tried for rape. In the end, with no evidence, the jury decides that he is guilty. This verdict came about only because of the race of his skin. If he were to be a white man, the case would have ended differently. Tom Robinson was later shot 17 times and killed. Thus giving him qualities similar to a mockingbird.

    Sarah Greer

  10. Tom Robinson represents a mockingbird in To Kill A Mockingbird. Tom was wrongly accused of raping Mayella Ewell, a white girl. He was tried and found guilty, receiving the death penalty, only because he was black. Mayella accused him of rape to cover up the peril inside her family. After the trial, Tom was shot 17 times trying to escape from prison. That it is an awful thing to kill a cripple because they can only do good, like a mockingbird. Tom was killed because he was accused of causing problems. Allan Passafaro

  11. In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, there are many different symbols referring to the intentional killing to a mockingbird. A character that symbolizes the innocence of these birds is Tom Robinson. Tom Robinson was accused of assaulting and raping Mayella Ewell. On a normal day no average person would trust a word coming out of a dirty Ewell's mouth, but suddenly when she accuses a black man of a crime her word is easily trusted. Tom Robinson is an innocent man with a good heart, he did not assault or rape Mayella, nor could he due to his crippled arm. However, Tom was shot 17 times and killed before getting an opportunity of justice during a retrial. His innocence and death easily relate to someone murdering a mockingbird.

  12. Tom Robinson can be characterized as a mockingbird in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Atticus told Scout and Jem that it was a sin to kill a mockingbird. Later Atticus reports to Jem and Scout the Tom has been shot and killed while trying to escape prison. After these series of events Mr. Underwood writes and editorial in the paper, saying that it is the worst sin of all to kill a cripple, weather he be in a chair, crutches, or in Tom Robinson's case no arm. It is a sin to kill a mockingbird because the mockingbird is one of the most innocent animals on the face of the earth, all it does is give us music to listen to and enjoy. The mockingbird never bothers anyone and it has no right to be bothered, just like Tom. Tom would go over the fence to the Ewell's place with some regularity, he never wanted to cause harm, he only wanted to help, and thats what he did. Tom Robinson is a great example of a mockingbird
    -Sam Mandell

  13. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Tom Robinson can be a mocking bird knowing that he was just a normal african american who just wanted to live his life. At the begging of the book it says its a sin to kill a mocking bird. Tom Robinson did nothing wrong but yet was shot 17 times before proving his point to justice. - Monica nole

  14. Tom Robinson could be characterized as a Mockingbird. As stated in "To Kill A Mockingbird", "It is a sin to kill a mockingbird." Tom is like a mockingbird because he is innocent and doesnt hurt anybody. Tom Robinson was an innocent man just trying to help people whenever he could, not expecting a single dime. In return for his innocense and gerenous gestures, he gets accused of rape and shot seventeen times. There was no need for any of this to happen to Tom. He is just like a mockingbird.

  15. Tom Robinson is a clear example of a "Mockingbird" in To Kill a Mockingbird. Tom was put on trial and convicted of raping Mayella Ewell despite the lack of physical evidence presented during the rial, but also the dispute of story between different witnesses. Tom had done nothing wrong in his life to Mayella and was simply a scapegoat used by Mayella to try to cover up the abuse of her father behind the closed door of their shack. Tom did bot deserve to be guilty which eventually lead to his forced suicide. Tom was innocent and to kill him is as much of a sin as to kill a mockingbird.

  16. In to Kill the Mocking Bird Tom Robinson could be a good example as a Mockingbird. One reason he could be called a Mockingbird is because he simply wanted to live his life and be with his family. he didn't know going over to help Mayella would result in him dieing. As said in the book "it is a sin to kill a Mockingbird" this is said simply because they don't harm anyone, they are meant to be there for enjoyment, they don't bother you. Tom was accused of doing something he didn't and the only reason he was charged as guilty was because he was a black man. - Kristina D

  17. Tom Robinson is characterized as a mocking bird because of his kindness and innocence. Tom Robinson is a crippled African American who is accused of rape, in the book, “To Kill a Mocking Bird”. When Tom Robinson tries to leave the hatred of the white and prejudice town, the white security shot him 17 times. Later on Mr. Underwood wrote in the paper about the incident, saying it was a sin to kill Tom Robinson, a cripple, just like it would be a sin to kill a mocking bird. Tom Robinson is a clear example of a mocking bird shown by his kindness and need to help others in need.

  18. The characters that could be characterized as mockingbirds could be Tom Robinson and also mayella ewell. Tom robinson was crippled and he also did entirely nothing wrong. he was kind in helping out mayella ewell from the goodness in his heart, yet the stereotypes of the african americans in the townsfolk's minds affected their initial thoughts on tom. Tom Robinson was a mockingbird and he was already dead the moment he set foot in the ewell household. It is a sin to kill a mockingbird, and in the end it was a sin to kill the innocence of tom robinson who was shot 17 times and still, convicted guilty. Mayella ewell could also be innocence, for she grew flowers in her yard and just wanted love, but was abused by her father and in the end on the court witness you could see inside she was still torn because she was innocent, but was also guilty.

  19. Tom Robinson is a perfect example of a mockingbird in To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus tells scout that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird because all they do is copy what people say. They do nothing wrong and they are completly innocent. in Toms scenario, he did not rape Mayella Ewell and he was still convicted and killed. Well, it should be a sin to shoot him (17 times) and kill him when he was only innocent.
    ~Charlotte B~
    PD. 9

  20. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, the character, Tom Robinson symbolizes a helpless mockingbird. In the text, Tom was accused of a crime that he did not do. As a consequence, Tom went to trial, lost and then went to jail. Although the Ewell's stories' did not make much sense, because Tom was black, he automatically at the end of the trial was found guilty. When he was in jail, he tried to escape by climbing over a fence and running away. He was then spotted and shot 17 times. As a result he was killed, just like an innocent mockingbird trying to escape a hunter during the hunting season.
    -Sarah Curtis

  21. In "To Kill a Mocking Bird" Tom Robinson is an example of a mockingbird. Tom Robinson is accused of raping Mayella Ewell when he is really innocent, and is sentenced to the death penalty because he is an african american. Tom did nothing wrong but because it was his word against a white woman's he lost. Mayella Ewell says that Tom raped her so that they wouldn't know the truth about her father abusing her because she was scared of her father and because of this Tom Robinson ended up being killed. This shows that Tom Robinson was like a mockingbird because mockingbirds are innocent and cause no harm to others and Tom Robinson did not as well.
    -Kyle Sanchez

  22. Tom Robinson is a Mockingbird because he was innocent and wrongly killed. it is a sin to kill a mockingbird because they do not do anything wrong. the only thing they do is sing. Tom Robinson is innocent and is crippled so it is even worse that he was killed. Finally Tom was shot 17 times which shows the aggression towards him.
    Matt Stein
    Period 3

  23. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Tom Robinson can be characterized as a mockingbird of the book, because he was innocent. Atticus once told Scout, "It is a sin to kill a mockingbird". Mockingbirds sing and provide music for people to enjoy, while they don't bother anyone. Tom obviously didn't rape Mayella as claimed, because his left arm was virtually useless and a leftie would have been needed to cause those bruises on Mayella's right side of her face. However, because Tom Robinson was a black person, he was convicted on no legitimate evidence that he actually committed the crime. In the end, Tom was killed when he was shot 17 times. Even Mr. Underwood defended/honored Tom in a way when he talked about how it was wrong to kill a cripple, or a mockingbird. Tom didn't actually do anything wrong, he always helped Mayella. Therefore, Tom Robinson was a true mockingbird of the novel.
    Julia Ng
    Pd. 3

  24. I believe Tom Robinson could be considered to be a "mockingbird". Tom coulds be considered a mockingbird because he is very kind and an innocent man. Tom was wrongly accused of raping Mayella Ewell, and when he was found guilty, he was convicted and put in jail. Where he then was shot and killed. To be shot 17 times is an excessive use of force and police brutality. Tom Robinson is crippled and is also a poor African-American who would never hurt anyone. This is why I think Tom Robinson is the mockingbird of the bird.

    Jarett M. Diaz

  25. The main theme of Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill A Mockingbird is the idea of innocence. Early on in the book, Scout mentions a key line that her father told her when she was young, he said, “...Shoot all the bluejays you want... but remember, it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. Mockingbirds have one role in life, to make music and nothing else. It is a sin to kill a mockingbird because they have done nothing to deserve such a fate, or in other words, they are innocent. Multiple characters throughout the novel serve as mockingbirds in different conflicts, the main one being Tom Robinson. However, there are many more innocent individuals throughout the book. The main theme of innocence can be found within the children, who both, in a way, serve as mockingbirds. Jem and Scout grow up with a good sense of what is right and what is wrong, as all children are. Most children are born without bias and hatred, and they can see past trivial matters such as ones skin color, and see the truth behind the mask. It is in this way, that the innocence of children is actually more profound then the maturity of adults. But as they themselves mature, the reality of society begins to penetrate the innocence of Jem and Scout, infecting them with it’s toxic stereotypes and prejudices. Their innocence is killed by people like their aunt, who tells them that the Cunningham’s are trash, and even by the Cunningham’s themselves, since Walter Cunningham altered Scout’s innocence the day he arrived at the jailhouse to lynch Tom. Indeed the most upsetting killing of a mockingbird, is the successful destruction of a child’s innocence.

    Liliane Lindsay
    Period 8

  26. The character the would be characterized as a mockingbird would Tom Robinson. Tom was such a nice man, and is harmless. Atticus told Scout that, it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. a mockingbird is a harmless bird that makes things more peaceful. Tom shows in the case that he is not guilty or rapping Mayella Ewell. Tom ends up getting shot 17 times because he was trying to escape prision.

  27. In To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, it is shown that many characters in the book relate the mockingbird and only seem to be showing the qualities of peacefulness, but are constantly tortured by others. It is told in the book that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird because they only seem to bring song to the world and do not disturb anything or anyone else (like the innocent characters in the book). The first character that relates to the mockingbird is Tom Robinson. He was just a hard working, crippled African American that would only help in ways of which he would perform many task for Mayella Ewell with no charge to it. He is soon put upon trial for raping Mayella, even though there is a great amount of proof that he probably didnt even touch her. He is proven to be found guilty in the trial case and is soon shot when he aparently was trying to escape over a fence and was shot by an officer. This character shows how an innoncent man was killed even when he didnt do any wrongdoing, but helped the world. Also in the book, the mysterious character of Boo Radley seems to be another comparison to a mockingbird because even though he is never seen by anyone, people in the community act as though he has come to kill or haunt all of them. Many times throughtout the book, Jem and Scout recieve many gifts such as a watch, a blanket to keep warm,etc. which were all suspected to be acts done by Boo Radley himself. The children were confused because they believed that Boo Radley was evil and wanted to cause pain to people, but he seemed to be only doing acts of kindness. These two characters were both the perfect example of comparison to the mockingbird.
    Lucas Pettinato
    Pd. 9

  28. The character from the novel that could be characterized as "Mockingbirds" is Tom Robinson. Tom can be characterized as Mockingbird because he was an innocent man who didn't want to harm anyone, but just because of the color of his skin the jury declared him guilty. A Mockingbird is a bird that just sings and doesn't do anything to anyone, so there is no need to harm them. Tom Robinson shouldn't be harmed at all either because he didn't do anything wrong, but yet as he was trying to escape prison he was shot 17 times, which killed him.

  29. In the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, we are told that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird due to their innocence and free spirit. When Jem asked Atticus if he could try out his new gun, Atticus warns him that, “Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.”(p. 119). This quote helps us make a comparison between a mockingbird and Tom Robinson. Just like a mockingbird, Tom Robinson is an innocent man that did nothing more than help a lonely and misunderstood neighbor, Mayella Ewell. However, despite his kindness, Tom is accused and convicted of raping Mayella based off of unreliable and controversial evidence. After he was found guilty, Tom was shot seventeen times in an attempt to escape the prison and, more importantly, the racism of the town. Exactly like an innocent mockingbird being shot, Tom Robinson was convicted and then killed for no reason. Just as it is a sin to kill a mockingbird, it should be considered a sin to have convicted and killed Tom.
    -Erica Dattero
    Period 8

  30. The character that represents a mockingbird would be Tom Robinson. According to Atticus a mockingbird only brings joy and happiness to whoever is around them and that it is a sin to kill one. Tom Robinson never did anything to anyone to deserve being shot, the fact that the Ewell family would accuse Tom of raping Mayella after he only wanted to be a good citizen and help her in any way she needed is despicable. Also, the fact that Tom was shot seventeen times and no one felt any remorse for him solely based on the fact that he is African American is very sinful act as Atticus said. One of the very few characters that saw this was Mr. Underwood, who recognized that Tom was a mockingbird and wrote about it in his editorial for all to read because he knew that his killing was unlawful and wanted everyone who thoght Tom's murder was the right thing to do to see the truth. Tom is the perfect example of a mockingbird in To Kill A Mockingbird.
    Billy Pilarinos

  31. Tom Robinson and Scout characterized as “Mockingbird”. “Mockingbird” symbolizes the innocent and I believed that Tom Robinson and Scout are two innocent people in the novel. For Tom Robinson, in the trial, the juries decided Tom as guilty although he was innocent. Atticus already proved that Tom couldn’t choke Mayella’s neck with only one hand. For Scout, she guarded her father by her innocent. When the group of men including Mr. Cunningham tried to kill Tom in the jail, Scout asked Mr. Cunningham and his son. Scout didn’t know why these men were so angry but her innocent make the men realized how stupid thing they planned to do. So Tom Robinson and Scout characterizes as “Mockingbird.”

  32. I think Tom Robinson is considered a mocking bird because he was scapegoated of Mayella’s lie. He was innocent and pure hearted, no desire to hurt Mayella. Tom was a kind, generous person and only because he was black he was able to be blamed for another mans crime. later to be killed trying to escape. This was all a unjust trial so Tom gave up
    -Diego Carranza

  33. Tom Robinson definitely is the mocking bird in the book. He was falsely accused for a crime that he didn't do when many people knew he couldn't really harm anyone even if he tried. Tom's left arm was handicapped because of an incident earlier on in his life. Just like a mocking bird, he only did nice things for Mayella like help her with simple tasks outside of her house, not asking for anything in return. Also like a mocking bird, his left arm limited him so he couldn't hurt anything.
    -Marisa Goldstein

  34. Tom Robinson was the definite mockingbird in the book. He was accused of raping Mayella and beating her at the same time on her right side. This is impossible because Tom had no use in his left hand since he was 12. The all-white jury also led to his dismay because he was proclaimed guity,and when he lost all hope he tried to escape and the police took advantage and shot him 17 times instead of simply one in the leg. Mockingbirds never hurt anyone and neither did Tom Robinson.

  35. Tom Robinson would be considered a mockingbirs in this novel because he's innocent of rape. Due to this occuring in the south during the 1930s there wasn't much chacne that a black man accused of raping a white girl wouldn't be convicted even with any evidence of it never happeneing. Atticus says to Jem, "It is a sin to kill a mockingbird." Why would you kill an innocnet mockingbird? Why would you kill an innocnet man? Mayella wanted to tell the truth during the trial but she knew that if she did her father would beat her for lying and saying that Tom was innocent. Tom couldn't handle dealing with the fact that he was going to die, so he tried to escape the jail and was shot 17 times in the head. This is the outcome when an innocent "mockingbird" in being charged with a crime that wasn't committed.

  36. Tom Robinson could be characterized as a “mockingbird” because Atticus told his kids that it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird. Atticus says that it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird because they don’t do anything but just mind their own business. Tom Robinson was colored man and he didn’t do anything but mind his own business. He went to work and cared for his family. When he is accused or raping Mayella Ewell his life was basically over. Once the town finds out that Tom is dead they just think that its normal. But Tom was a mockingbird because he did nothing wrong and he had a messed up arm. With his left arm being crippled he couldn’t cause any problems. Even Mr.Link Deas even says that Tom was always a good worker who did his job and just minded his business. Tom could be characterized as a mockingbird
    Emily Jaramillo period 9

  37. In TKAM, Tom Robinson can be characterized a mockingbird because he was killed for no real reason when he tried to escape just as mockingbirds are hunted for no reason. Atticus tells his kids that it's a sin to kill a mockingbird when all they do is sing. Tom Robinson only went to the Ewell's to help out and in then end they caused his death for no reason. He is a clear example of characterization in the book.

  38. I believe that Tom Robison can be characterized a mockingbird because he was not guilty from the start of this trial and wouldn’t hurt or try to rape anyone but he is still attacked by prejudice people. Atticus teaches scout and Jem never kill anything indecent because it has done nothing to you. This is a clear example of characterization.
    -Charlie VanTongeren

  39. Tom Robinson can be characterized as a “mockingbird” in Harper Lee’s TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. In this novel a “mockingbird” is someone who does nothing but help, and is pure innocence. In Toms case he is a clear example of this because he wanted nothing more than to help Mayella out by doing handy work around her house when she asked. He didn’t take any money from her because he felt bad for her. she was poorer than him and couldn’t afford to spend money. When Mayella accused him of rape she knew he was innocent but still went on with the trial just because she didn’t want her dad to beat her for kissing a black man. Tom was innocent and was sentenced to death just because of his color. Tom wanted the same chances as a white man so he “tryed to hop over the prison fence” with only one good arm. Poor Tom was shot seventeen times and left a wife and kids to fend for themselves. Tom was a helping, caring, and kind man who was a great example of a mockingbird even though having all the characteristics of a mockingbird didn’t help him one bit in his trial.

  40. Tom Robinson is a sure example of a Mockingbird in Harper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird. He is a prime example of a mockingbird because he only does good and never harms anybody, just like the mockingbird. Tom does physical labor for Mayella like breaking up the chiffarobe for free and has never harmed her, just like the way a mockingbird sings for people and never harms anybody. On page 225 Tom says "Why, yes suh, I'd tip m'hat when i'd go by, and one day she asked me to come inside the fence and bust up a chiffarobe for her." This quote shows how respectful and unharmful Tom treated Mayella, just like how a Mockingbird treats a human.

  41. Tom Robinson is the compared to a mockingbird numerous times in this book. First of all his is the most innocent and kind character in the book. He went out of his way to help Mayella even though he had many other things to do for himself. He wanted to help because he saw that no one else was really helping her, and felt sorry for her. Also he only had one working arm because his left arm was crippled. Mr. Underwood writes in an article that it is a sin to kill a cripple because he is defenseless. Not only was Tom defenseless but he was also a good person who didn't deserve what happened to him. Mockingbirds are summarized as creatures who do nothing but provide music to the world. It is a sin to kill them because they do absolutely nothing to harm anything. This is a symbol of Tom robinson because everything he did in the book was to help not harm.

  42. The novel To Kill a Mockingbird has many symbolic mockingbirds, that should not have been killed or chatsised. Tom Robinson, for one, was proven morally innocent, and was, however the jury ruled him guilty. A good man like Tom should not have been so brutally punished for the horrible deeds that the accuser, Bob Ewell, actually performed. Arthur Radley, or "Boo," was simply misunderstood. He was a good man, who saved Jem and Scout's lives, and he has been bothered and had stories told about him being locked up and a madman. This is yet another example of an innocent being accused of something hes not.

  43. In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Tom Robinson can be considered a mockingbird because he was found guilty of a crime he didn’t commit. Mockingbirds are used to symbolize innocence and Tom was innocent. Everyone knew he didn’t commit the crime because the evidence was clearly on his side. In the book, Atticus said, “Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird,”(119). By this he means that it is a sin to take the life of an innocent person. Tom Robinson was put through something horrible simply because of the color of his skin.

    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8

  44. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Boo Radley would be considered a mockingbird. His actions throughout the whole entire book have shown that he is compassionate towards others. In the book, all of the citizens of Maycomb thought that Boo was a psycho and misunderstood man, that should be locked up for eternity. A mockingbird is considered a person that means no harm to anyone, and may provide people with help. The first act of kindness that Boo showed was when Ms.Maudie's house caught on fire and Jem and Scout were standing outside. It was really cold at the time and the children were freezing. Boo noticed that they were so he came out of the house and gave Scout a warm blanket to become more comfortable. Another act of kindness shown by Boo was when Jem and Scout were walking home from the school in the dark and Bob Ewell attacked the kids. Boo helped them out and carried Jem to the house, he also stayed there when Jem was unconscience. Therefore, even though there are many prejudices against him as a person, you never really know a person until they encounter you. Boo Radley is a true mockingbird.
