Monday, February 14, 2011

Atticus Finch

Read the attached article "America's 100 Greatest Heroes and Villians" and note where Atticus Finch is listed on the "Heroes" list. After, watch Gregory Peck's acceptance speech when he won the Oscar for his role as Atticus Finch.

Why do you think Atticus' character recieved this ranking?
What do people like/appreciate about Atticus Finch?
Do you think this film can/should be remade? Why or why not?


  1. Atticus' character received his #1 ranking because he stood up for what was right, even though it was against the unwritten laws of society at the time. He defended Tom, even though the jury would find him guilty, no matter what because he was black. Atticus risked the safety of himself to make sure Tom was tried fairly. He also wanted his side to show the people that it is wrong to persecute blacks because they are different. Atticus also doesn't buy into Bob's threats and just pushes them off. People appreciate that Atticus will law for Tom, even though it isn't socially correct for Atticus to defend a black man. People also like that Atticus treats everyone well, even Bob Ewell, who threatened to kill him. People also like that Atticus puts up with everyone, even Aunt Alexandra, who completely disapproves of Atticus' parenting style. The film shouldn't be remade because the first one was filmed in the time of racial prejudice (Civil Rights Movement and post-World War II), and the prejudice in the movie cannot be replicated in a time of racial equality as well as when the prejudice of the actors was real. Also, the acting the movie greatly represented the characters' personalities.
    Brett Saviano - Period 9

  2. I believe Atticus's character received number 1 ranking in the top 20 hero's because he stood up to what was right, and he new how to get the word out that things had to change in order to make his community and the world a better place. just like how Atticus defended Tom Robison in the trail to fight for what showed clearly that Tom was not guilty but still said by the jury that he is guilty but he was still planning to fight what was right but it was to late. I think why people liked Atticus Finich so much was that he always stood up for what was right even if it is unspeakable at the time . i believe the film should try to be remade because it is always nice for someone to have a different side to the story what that person thinks and that is why i believe the film should be remade.

  3. Atticus Finch's character recieved the number one ranking because he did something that very few people would ever have the guts to do. He stood up for a cause that was very important to him, knowing that he would get taunted, teased and in the end loose the case. He did this to make a statement and to show everybody that treating African Americans poorly was wrong. People appreciate that Atticus is a great man. He is a man that teaches his kids that everybody is equal and displays his morals in his everyday life. He also shows/ demonstrates what somebody who wants change does. He shows a drive and determination that should be followed by everybody to achieve a goal. Atticus also shows respect for everybody, even to those who treat him poorly. I dont think this movie should be remade because it shows the moral of the book amazingly and represents the key concepts of the book during the time when it was written.

  4. Atticus's character received the #1 hero rating because he is the ultimate hero that the people of America should be looking up to. Atticus is wise, down to earth, respectful, caring, and believes that everyone is good person no matter what they have done. He is the perfect American, or the perfect person in general. He was ranked #1 because if more people acted like him then the world would be a much better place. His fictional character can be turned into an everyday hero. People like him for the exact same reason that they can look up to him even though he is a fictional character, he is still so realistic. This film should not be remade because nowadays Hollywood ruins classic films and novels. If they remade it than it would most likely ruin the name of TKAM and it wouldn't have the same effect on people as it originally did. The only way they would be able to remake it is if they got the perfect cast; but we all know that would never happen.

  5. As seen in the top 100 Greatest hearos and villians, it is shown that Atticus Finch from to Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, has recieved the number one rank for the heroes column. It should be believed that Atticus Finch deserved this placement because he is one of the few heroes who has been able to stand up against the greatest villian itself. Modern life. He went against all of the opinions and ideas that almost every person during that time followed and was able to fight against it. Back during that time, the villian was racism, dicrimination and prejudice towards the black race. He stood up for what he though, as even a white man, was right and should be changed in this world which showed that he had an emense amount of courage. Courage and faith from his two children were able to help him defeat this evil that was covered all around his community. He may have lost the trial case to save the poor, innocent, Tom Robinson but, he was able to make a powerful statement to the world about what racism has done to people. After all of this bravery and work, Atticus Finch has been highly appreciated and liked by many people. This has occurred because after all of the racism and awful opinions had died down during the 21st century, people have realized that he had been a true hero. He was able to tell the world his message and people were able to learn about this message in a way that they wouldnt have payed attention to back during the Great Depression. This movie can not really be changed because this actor is seen to be perfect for the role of Atticus, which he could no longer play since he is of old age. The message is clear and broad in the movie and their shouldnt be anything changed about that, since it has had a huge impact on peoples lives.
    Lucas Pettinato
    Pd. 9

  6. Atticus Finch definitely deserves to be rated as America's number one hero. In a time of racism and prejudice, Atticus stood up for what he knew and believed was right. Atticus Finch is a symbol of equality and the correct point of view; two things that have always been principles of the United States. Atticus was the perfect example of what our country was built upon. Atticus did not save any large number of lives, kill any villains or defend our country from nuclear war; he stood up for something much larger than that, the rights and freedom of the American people. People now appreciate Atticus because they understand how wrong the American people were to discriminate against a group of people becasue of their skin color. Atticus helps everybody push to be the best that they can be. Atticus also is an example of the perfect parent, perfect lawyer, and perfect husband. Anybody can find a trait in Atticus that they would like to have themselves. To remake this movie would be pointless and not a success. It would be impossible for actors to act out the feeling towards African Americans in such an effective and strong way. It would be a disgrace to remake the film and it would be impossible to do so. Why change something that has no flaws? Some things should be left alone, the film To Kill A Mockingbird is one of them.

  7. On America's 100 greatest heroes and villains Atticus finch was ranked number one under the hero section. Atticus was a hero because he stuck up for what was right against society, heroes don't always have to be jumping through windows and have super powers. By Atticus defending an innocent man against society he became a huge hero. i have to admit i was surprised that superman wasn't on this list at all but i do believe Atticus deserved the number one hero spot. People liked Atticus because he did was was right and made no big deal of it, no matter what people told him and what threats he received he knew what the right thing to do was. I do not believe this film should be remade, it is perfect the way it is and remaking it will destroy what is really was, although a remake could have better effects and more people Harper Lee thinks Gregory Peck was the perfect man to represent Atticus. She envisioned Atticus just the way Gregory Peck played his character so the remake will never be perfect.

  8. I believe that it is correct that Atticus Finch belongs as the number one hero by the people. Atticus persevered through a time of injustice and great prejudice and racism. I believe that people appreciate Atticus' courage for what he thinks is right despite the fact that everyone around him doesn't agree with his decision. He stands up for Tom Robinson because he knows that he will be killed just because of his skin color. Atticus did something beyond having powers like superman, he stood up for his beliefs no matter what the thoughts of others. People take notice of things for the greater good and Atticus is a prime example of unselfishness by doing something that could risk him and his family. I think that To Kill a Mockingbird should not be remade due to the fact that it is an American symbol of courage and correct morals. Even though it is an older film, the message is still clearly demonstrated through the characters and actions in the movie. Remaking To Kill a Mockingbird would not help people understand the story but take away from the overall image.

  9. Why i think that Atticus' character received this ranking is because of who Atticus portrays and his demeanor and actions he dictates.Atticus Finch was ranked #1. Atticus' character wasn't one like james bond, or indiana jones who were all action with firing of weapons so easily for justice. The way Atticus portrayed it, is how any other man could. He didn't just shoot anyone for he valued the life and he felt that innocence, even a song bird, shouldn't be killed for no reason. Atticus Finch was a hero in how he conducted himself as well as how he would always keep himself in check, and was able to promote peace however he tried. What people like and appreciate about Atticus Finch is that Atticus Finch was loyal. He'd always tell the truth, even to his kids. He wouldn't even be able to look his children in the eyes if he couldn't do the example he wants to set for them Even when he thought Jem had killed Bob Ewell he still felt the truth to be told, and didn't want it to be so that he looked like he'd pay money just to hide a truth. I don't think that this film should be remade. How Harper Lee viewed these characters to be, is how they were. If it were to be remade they might mess it up by adding to much action, and drama, just to turn it into a hit for profit. It would be nice if they had remade it for more graphics and clarifying on adding more parts to movie that were in the book, but otherwise i do believe that movie producers would just do it for benefits. It would be a rarity to find someone who wont alter meanings a bit. Therefore i believe gregory Peck was a good choice because even his own thanking in his speech were to everyone he cared about as well. -amna pd.8

  10. Atticus Finch deserved to be the number one character of all time for many different reasons. The main reason is that he's isn't an international spy, a treasure hunter or a marine, he's just a normal person who stood up for what he believed in. All of society was against him and he still went through with defending Tom Robinson and his rights. No matter what he was told by others, he demanded that Tom Robinson have a fair trial. He did what he thought what right and in the end, even though it failed, that was all he could do. This was a message to people saying that even though you will face obstacles in life, you have to try to overcome them no matter what. This is the reason that Atticus is the number one character. He was easier to relate to because he was just a normal person. This made him more likable as a character. However this movie should never be remade. It's one of those perfect movies that just wouldn't be the same if anything was added or taken away from it. That and following Gregory Peck's performance as Atticus would just be impossible.

  11. Atticus’ character received the top ranking for a hero because he was against discrimination and didn’t care if people thought it was wrong to go against or not. People appreciate Atticus Finch because he stands up for what is right, and doesn’t let people get in his way of thinking. I don’t think this film should be remade because the title has a message along with it saying why would you go against/ kill someone for this purpose african americans, if they have not done nothing to you and are a mocking bird. - Monica nole period 8.

  12. Why do you think Atticus' character recieved this ranking?- i think in this raking Atticus is given this because he is a very well known man that did everything he could for Tom.
    What do people like/appreciate about Atticus Finch? I think people appreciate that they can trust him, and that he will do everything in his powwer to protect the people he loves.
    Do you think this film can/should be remade? Why or why not? i think it can and should because if you use people today that can re express it, and use more of the parts from the book. Also it would be better to be in color.
    Kristina D
    period 9

  13. Atticus won because his character was not prejudices, kind and he didn’t care what people thought about him. People appreciate Atticus Finch because he fought for what he thought was right. Also because he defended Tom Robison and he was a different race and didn’t give up. And final because that he said that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. I don’t think the movie should/ or can be remade because it was really good.

  14. Atticus Finch was considered a character that was rated the top for a hero because he was strong enough to back up an African American when all of the racist people in Maycomb County was angry of Atticus's action. He was strong because he didn’t care if the people thought it was wrong to defend someone of a different race when he knew it was actually right. People appreciate Atticus Finch today because he stood up for what was right and it was an action that made an impact on others to change their mindset of being racist toward others. The movie cannot be remade the same way because Atticus shows the true meaning of the book in ways you cannot understand. The author made Atticus Finch a special character that was supposed to show the watchers of the movie that you stick up for what is right and stick with your mind.

  15. Atticus Finch won #1 on the top 100 heros chart because he stood up for an african american man in a time period of racism and inequality. Atticus stood up for this man because he knew that it was the right thing to do.I like that Atticus did not put others ideas in-front of his dreams, meaning that he didn't care that Tom was black he was defending him because he was innocent and he did not deserve this. People also respect his courage and persistence when he was going against society and willing to go through many trials when he was almost sure that Tom would be guilty.I do not think that this film should be remade because it showed every character perfectly while also showing that you do not know somebody until your able to walk in there shoes. I think they also showed how the kids matured throughout the movie and there understanding on society. This is why i believe atticus received number one on the hero chart and why the film should not be remade.

  16. I believe that the character of Atticus Finch received the number one spot on the heroes list because of his bravery, moral mind, and perseverance. Personally when I think of a hero I would hope that they would never back down from the battles they will face and do the right thing in different situations. Throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, it is clearly shown that Atticus Finch is a person who possessed these qualities, giving him the right to be number one. Atticus displays these qualities when he is defending Tom Robinson in the trial. Even though there were many remarks towards Atticus during this time period he never backed down. He knew that people thought he was insane for supporting and defending a black man but he did what he thought was right. By avoiding all of the hatred he is a true hero for doing the right thing even though it is against what society may have thought. People defiantly appreciate Atticus Finch because of his actions during the time period. At the time there was a lot of remarks and hatred towards African Americans. These people were the minority and were supposedly worse than any white male or female. Atticus Finch did not see how this was true and people now especially admire how he defended a black man during the time. I don't think that this movie should be remade because the significant timing. This was made during/post- civil rights movement. The writing and acting show true feelings because those actors and actresses have seen how people react to the minorities around them in every day life. If it was made in 2011, the acting and emotion put into the story would be completely different because there isn't as much prejudice out there and people accept how others are. If To Kill a Mockingbird was remade the effect of the viewer's reaction would be completely different and the story/moral would not be displayed as well as it was.

  17. Atticus Finch is proclaimed to be the # 1 hero,a ranking that is highly deserved. His charachter greatly shows a sense of moratlity &courage, traits that we're shown in sometimes extreme circumstances. He sacrificed his life to defend a black man, he knowingly knew that he would get taunted, threatened, harrased for being a white man, helping a man of color but with his high determination he proved the rights of Americans, and every day morals that every person should follow. I believe the film should not be made, because although it was made years ago,it may be in color, not have all the parts of the book but the key thing is the film already shows the clear message and it doesn't need the 21st century to create a remake, because in this century, they ruin America's classic movies, To Kill a Mocking Bird, is perfect the way it is.

  18. I beleive atticus got his #1 ranking because he stood up for what is right no matter what other people think. he didnt care that tom was black and that the people of the town all wanted tom to die. atticus just new that tom was inncent and stood up for what was right. people appreciate atticus because he has good morals and should be a person that people stirve to be like. This movie should not be remade because it perfectly says the book in way that is very enjoyable to watch. this is why i beleive that atticus is one of the greatest heros ever and why the movie should not be remade.

  19. I beleive atticus got his #1 ranking because he stood up for what is right no matter what other people think. he didnt care that tom was black and that the people of the town all wanted tom to die. atticus just new that tom was inncent and stood up for what was right. people appreciate atticus because he has good morals and should be a person that people stirve to be like. This movie should not be remade because it perfectly says the book in way that is very enjoyable to watch. this is why i beleive that atticus is one of the greatest heros ever and why the movie should not be remade.
    Matt Stein
    Period 3

  20. Atticus Finch's character from to "Kill a Mockingbird," by Harper Lee, recieved the number one ranking because he stood up for what was right despite the fact that most people were strongly against defending a black man. He defended Tom Robinson, an African American man accused of raping and beating a white women. People appreciate the fact that Atticus not only tried his hardest to give Tom Robinson the fair case he deserved, but defeat a great villain, prejudice. I do not think this film can or should be remade simply because the characters from the original film, especially Atticus Finch, were perfect for the parts. Trying to find people who are just as good as them would be nearly impossible. If someone ever remade the film, it wouldn't come close to how good the original one was.
    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8

  21. Atticus Finch received the title as the greatest hero because he deserved it. Atticus stood up for what he believed in, and fought for justice and equality for Tom Robinson. Almost everyone in Maycomb didn't believe that Tom was innocent because he was black. However, by choosing to defend Tom in the trial, Atticus was able to reveal the truth to the public. In a time of prejudice and racism, Atticus did what seemed arbitrary and pointless by defending Tom, but it actually wasn't because he managed to take a baby step in the right direction towards justice. People appreciate Atticus Finch because not only did he fight for his beliefs, but he also did it at the risk of his and his family's safety. Atticus was selfless, caring and patient, especially towards his children. He never yelled, and always managed to say the right thing to his children to teach them vital life lessons. Atticus was a perfect example of essentially the perfect father and man. He may not have used weapons to fight villains, but he didn't have to. By using his ability as a lawyer to defend Tom, Atticus fought a much larger problem: racism and prejudice, and succeeded. To Kill a Mockingbird is definitely not a film that should be remade, because there's no need. The film portrayed Atticus's character beautifully, as well as the children's rise from innocence. Today, I don't think people are able to reenact Atticus as well as Gregory Peck did. A remake of the film would probably ruin the storyline.
    -Julia Ng
    pd. 3

  22. Atticus is the number 1 hero because he chose to go against society to pursue what he thought was right. Despite the prejudiced views of others, he disregarded them and still followed his morals. He was also brave and pacient; his traits showed in times of trouble. He is a hero because he never went with the flow of others, he created his own way and never was confused about what he believed in. People like how he stands up for what he believes in. As well as how he keeps calm under all circumstances, even when he was threatened by Bob Ewell. Because the times have changed now this movie could be remade, but people wouldn't have the same emotions towards it. This movie perfectly shows the feelings that Harper Lee tried to express in her book and for that reason I don't think it should be remade.

  23. I think Atticus recieved his number one ranking on the heroes list because he simlply deserved it. in To KIll a Mockingbird, he says he has to do what is right and is morally correct. during a time like the 30s, he almost knew that he would not win his case, but he decided to defend Tom Robinson anyway. He wantec to make a statesment that people should not be descriminated against because of the color of their skin. People like that he views situations from other peoples perspective so he is not very biased. also no matter how much trouble and hardship he can face, he brushes it off to do what is essentially right. lastly, he doesnt take anything from anyone. For example: When Bob Ewell spat in his face, Atticus did not react one bit. he just stook there waiting for bob to leave. Gregory Peck portrayed Atticus very well because he had lived during a time of discrimination so he could somewhat relate. a remake of the film could ruin the storyline. the only thing i have to say, is make the film in color.

  24. I think he got rated #1 charicter because he chose to stand up for A black man which was unheard of at that time and he knew that he would be hated but he did it anyway because he knew it was right. I think they should remake this movie, I think this beause it desplays the courage of A man and what he did to expose the truth no matter what the cost

  25. According to the article “America’s 100 Greatest Heroes and Villains,” Atticus Finch from the novel To Kill a Mockingbird placed number one amongst other renowned heroes. It was very surprising to find Atticus at the one spot among the list because there were other memorable Hollywood characters like Indiana Jones or Rocky Balboa. However, after careful analysis Atticus is worthy of that position because he justified his actions despite going against the racist demeanor of several white residents. Atticus Finch was a notable citizen because he fought for righteous means against the menacing enemy of corruptness and discrimination. In the novel he claims that there is no hope in proving Tom Robinson free of his charges for rape but he did acknowledge the possibility of implanting a sense of awareness in the people. A hero is a person that is distinguished by exceptional courage, nobility, or strength. Atticus has these characteristics because he had to demonstrate bravery when accepting the challenge of defending the innocent man and going against the ethics of the towns white population. It took courage just to accept the challenge because it put his family in danger and his reputation in uncertainly. He battled corruptness and racism without violence and what he believed to be the correct decision. Although he lost the trial because of the corrupt judicial system, he brought unintentional humiliation to the source of the evil (the Ewells) and created a statement that impacted the lives of Maycomb’s residents. This statement abolished the evil that lived in the hearts of the community. Atticus also brought attention to the wrongfulness of killing someone who is respectful, free of crime, and innocent. In other words he proved that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. He is number one because he is the ideal role model and symbolizes the thought of being pure or fighting for the moral truth. People appreciate Atticus’ desire for truth within the unethical society by witch we live in. He is easy to relate to because he is often seen as an average father trying to set an example for his children to go by. People may also appreciate his ambition when defeat is inevitable because it influences people to never render hope. My peers believe that this movie cannot be remade but it can work out. I do agree that the characters can never be obtained again because the majority of them or dead or very feeble. The character, which played Atticus was perfect and exact replica of my visualization, he also resembles Dr. Ruck. The theme of the movie is also comprehensible and very clear but they left out several scenes that could have shown Scout’s innocence. Hollywood movies often ignore the meaning of the film and replace it with glamour, which blinds the viewer and often misleads them. Other than that and small historical details, the movie and novel are irreplaceable.
    Daniel Maldonado
    Period 8

  26. I believe that Atticus Finch was the number one hero on the list because in the situation he stood up for what it right and tried to show the people the real truth. When Atticus was asked to defend Tom Robinson he accepted it because he said that he wouldn't be able to sleep at night if he didn't. This means that he did it because he knew it was the right thing to do. Even though Atticus knew Tom would be found guilty, throughout the trial he wanted people to learn the truth. He did his job because Mr. Underwood, a very prejudiced man, wrote an article after the trial defending Tom and saying his death was the worst sin ever. I think people like how Atticus did the right thing even though it was unacceptable at the time. Taking a black man's word over a white man's was very controversial, but also revolutionary. He made one of the first baby steps to end racial discrimination and Atticus should be thanked for it. People look up to role models and place them highly in their views. Atticus Finch is a huge role model and many people appreciate him because of it. As for a remake of the movie, it should not be cast because the original was so real and well portrayed. Gregory Peck's Atticus Finch can not be replicated nearly as well as he did it, so let the original stay on its own.
    - Deven Jacobi, Pd 3

  27. Atticus reached number one on the list because he stood up for what was right no matter what. Atticus defends a black man, when he knows that he will not win the case because of the racist jury. He does everything he can to prove that Tom Robinson is innocent even when recieving threats, and hatred from others who were against Atticus defending a black man. People like how after all of the terrible things people did to him, he still treated them with respect, even Tom Robinson. I do not think the film should be remade because if were to be remade it wouldn't be as significant because the actors in the movie experienced what happens in the movie first hand.
    -Kyle Sanchez
    Pd. 9

  28. I think Atticus Finch is highly appreciated by people because of his intelligence, his kindness, and his desire to good and not let things get out of proportion. For example, when Bob Ewell spit in the face of Atticus, Atticus just drove away and didn't start a fight. I think he is very mature and a great role model. He could be ranked in the stop 10 of heroes. This movie should not be remade because there is not a better person for the role of Atticus than the one they picked. - think a black and white movie loses the specialness and uniqueness if it is remade nowadays.

  29. Atticus' character received this ranking due to the fact that he fought for justice despite the obstacles. Although the whole town of Maycomb was against him defending Tom Robinson, Atticus still fought for his freedom in the bast way he could. Atticus tried his best to prove an African American innocent, no matter how the odds were stacked against him.
    People appreciate the fact that Atticus had the courage to do something everyone else couldn't, defend a black man. Regardless of the threats and taunting, Atticus was still able to go through with such a difficult trial. Not only that, but he was also able to change the minds of many Macomb people about Tom Robinson's innocence.
    Although there could not be another actor that could play Atticus' part quite as well, I still believe the movie should be remade. I felt as though the producers cut too many parts out of the book, parts I believe deepen our understanding of the characters. If you had read the book first, the absence of scenes could become extremely frustrating.

  30. Atticus Finch's character was #1 on the list because he did something that very few people would ever have enough heart and guts to do. He fought for a cause that was very important to him, knowing that he would have a small chance in winning the case. He did this to make a statement and to show everybody that treating African Americans poorly and looking down to them is wrong. People appreciate that Atticus has guts, manners, and self control. He is a man that teaches his kids that everybody is equal and displays his morals in his every second of his life. He also demonstrates what somebody who wants change does. He shows determination that should be followed by everybody to achieve a goal. I do believe that the movie can be made because even though you can not portray Atticus the way he was perfectly made in the film, but the film missed many important parts and details that can be added to the movie to make it better.

    -Michael Sin
    Pd. 8

  31. I must admit that at first glance, it was quite surprising to see Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird named the number one hero. However, after reevaluating his character it is true that Atticus did something that not many human beings can or would ever be able to do. He stood up against the common belief in order to save a black man’s innocence and his good name. American society in the 1930s was very narrow minded, held back by the idea that ones race determined the social status. It was very rare for a man to contradict the common belief in the way that Atticus did for Tom Robinson, and it is for this reason, that Atticus Finch can accurately be titled the number one hero in American film. The unique characteristics of Atticus that allowed him to amount to acts of such bravery allow for almost every person who views the movie to relate to him and learn from his actions. The lessons that Atticus teaches throughout the story can be applied to every day life, and I believe that it is that aspect of Atticus’s character that people appreciate the most. Although Harper Lee’s story and the iconic role of Atticus Finch are so inspiring and unbelievably intricate in the way the ideas and morals are put across, I do not believe that the movie should be remade. Gregory Peck so accurately portrayed Atticus’s role in the 1962 rendition of To Kill A Mockingbird that it would be almost impossible to for someone else to assume the role in his place. I believe that the story is so powerful, that the age of the movie is irrelevant, and it’s lessons and symbolism will live on forever.

    Liliane Lindsay
    Period 8

  32. I think he recieved his ranking because he genuinley accuratley portrayed Atticus and used every emotion possible to make his role excellent. I think what people appriciat about Atticus is that he's a genuine person, he looks at the bright side in situation and does what is best for his neighborhood and family. I don't think it should be remade because I believe that remakes are worse than originals and I think if it was remade everyone would constantly compare and that takes away the beauty of the story as a whole.
    Sophie Major period 9

  33. Atticus Finch received number one ranking for heros because he deserved it. He defended Tom Robison who was African American and he defended him because he believed it was the right thing to do. If he didn't do it he wouldn't be able to live with himself knowing he didn't do what was right. People would appreciate that Atticus is a smart, brave and stood up for what was right. I don't think that the film could/should be remade. If it were to be remade they wouldn't be able to fine the perfect cast to represent the book. So the ideas and feelings wouldn't be represented or shown.

  34. Atticus' character won the top rank of heroes because he could have said no to the judge when he asked hm to represent Tom but he wanted defy everyone who was prejudice towards African Americans. Everyone who saw and knew Atticus Finch would appreciate him because of his non judgmental attitude toward everything and everyone, also the fact that he would go to great lengths to ensure that everyone has a fair trial and to be treated equally no matter who they are. I believe that this movie should not be remade because the movie was created during the early 60's so the feelings of racial discrimination were still alive and if the movie was to be remade then the actors feelings about racism and prejudice would not be as serious then it was during the 60's.

  35. Atticus received Ranking No.1 out of so many heroes in the century. I think it’s because Atticus did the right thing against his community. He fought against the predujice everyone had against Tom Robinson. As a result, he couldn’t win but I thought his fighting was worth it. People like Atticus Finch because of his courage. It took so much courage to be against the whole community even though it’s the right thing he believed. In these days, people usually don’t have as much as courage he had so they want to be like Atticus. I think this film should be remade because there were too many changes in the old movie. For example, there was no scene where Scout slept during Halloween contest. There might not enough money to assemble many people at that time. However, now, many people know this novel so there should be enough money to make this movie more similar and faithfully.

  36. I think Atticus’ character received this ranking as number one hero because he meets and exceeds all the characteristics of our ideal “hero”. The criteria for this award was to have the clear characteristics of a person who “prevails in extreme circumstances and dramatizes a sense of morality, courage and purpose. Though they may be ambiguous or flawed, they often sacrifice themselves to show humanity at its best.” Atticus shows all of these things when he stands up to the 1960’s status quote and fights for the innocence of Tom. He had the courage to stand up to racism, prejudice, and his peers and many people admired him for it. He also showed composure when Bob spat in his face, when most others would get angry and fight back. Atticus is a great example of a real life hero because he did the right thing in a time where most did not. People appreciate that Atticus was able to look past the idea that the color of your skin mattered and was able to see and defend the truth. Although he didn’t win the case everyone appreciated him anyways because he showed a sense of hope that there are good people in the world. I do not think this film should be remade because the old movie is a good representation of the book. In our current time period I don’t think people would see the message behind all of the technology and new ideas that would get put into the film.

  37. I think Atticus received the # 1 ranking for heroes because he took a chance on what was right at the time and it shows who Atticus really is; an honest, well-rounded brave righteous man. During this time when no one believed that blacks were right Atticus was determined to change that statement and to show that blacks have as much of a right to speak out against what they believe is wrong and what is right. Atticus did the right thing and if he hadn't had taken a chance on Tom Robinson than he wouldn't be viewed as a # 1 hero. Atticus deserves that honor in every way. Atticus defended Tom without comparing him to their differences in skin color and education. He's tolerant to other peoples actions, when Bob Ewell spits in his face he doesn't retaliate. He walks away as if nothing bad has happened. I believe that this movie can't be replaced because this is the exact way that Harper Lee viewed it. Each actor was perfect and i don't believe that they director(s) will be able to replicate the same exact movie just in color and with updating equipment

  38. Atticus Finch was acknowledged as the best of heroes because of his actions and risks he took to stand up for the things he believed were right. When faced with tom robinson's trial he did everything in his power to let justice prevail and prove tom's innocence. Even though he was threatened as well as his family, he didn't stop. He kept pushing forward against his society's views, all the racism and prejudices. Atticus's character had deserved this ranking. I think what people like most about Atticus's character is that he's an ideal hero. He has all the qualities of one. He put himself in harms way to protect Tom. His morals and views are always good. Its the risks and the reason's why he takes them that makes his character so liked by everyone. Atticus was willing to put his safety on the line to save the life another man. And the remaking of the movie I believe is impossible. To be able to get a great cast like the original and to be able to capture all the feelings and emotions that were felt in the first film would be a very difficult task. The movie is a classic so I think it should stay that way becuase it's perfect the way it is.

  39. The character of Atticus Finch as seen in To Kill A Mockingbird received the number one hero ranking because of his courage, determination and pride. This is one of the main reasons that people appreciate Atticus. He took a stand for defending Tom Robinson, something that no one else would have done at the time. Despite the consequences; hostility and threats, Atticus stood for what he believed in and fought his whole way through with intense pride. He was not embarrassed nor did he regret what he did for Tom Robinson and the black community and that makes Atticus Finch a true hero. Much controversy arose when the question of remaking the movie To Kill A Mockingbird came up. I don't think that it should be remade because of the amazing part that Gregory Peck took on. He truly did a good job portraying the role of Atticus as a father, a lawyer and an all around intelligent man.

    Sarah Greer, period 8

  40. The character Atticus Finch was given the title of number one hero. This is because when Tom Robinson's(a poor black man) case of accused rape, only Atticus Finch (a white lawyer) would represent him. He did everything in his power to bring justice to the innocent. However, the jury was much too prejudiced. Tom was dead the minute Mayella Ewell opened her mouth against him. The public embraces Atticus' morality and genuine kindness with open arms. It would be a shame to try and out-do the original film such as this. However, certain scenes that were skipped over, such as Scout's first day at school, would have given more depth to the film.

  41. Atticus' character recieved this ranking because he did the moral thing instead of going along with everyone else's opinion. This made Atticus a strong, likable and courageous character. People appreciate the fact that Atticus Finch is a good, honest man and has no prejudice against people because of their skin color. He teaches his children the moral thing to do and right from wrong. He does not get manipulated by other peoples' opinions and only sticks to what he thinks is right and would never chose a bad opinion. Atticus also as a very posative ad classy attitude with his children and even the lowest class of people in the town of Maycomb. The film can be remade because if somebodyy does not understand the plot from the old version, people could reake it into a more modern day reanactment.

    -Sarah Curtis Period 9

  42. Atticus’ character is at the number one rating for heroes because he stood up for what was right when no one else would, without any super powers. People appriciate how Atticus stood up for Tom Robinson’s civil rights now that there is no segregation. During the 1930s it was much harder to go against everyone else’s belief and see past the racism. I believe this film should be remade to keep the attention of its more technologically advance viewers and more clearly express the message of “To Kill a Mockingbird”.

  43. I think Atticus Finch is highly appreciated by people because of his intelligence, his kindness, and his desire to good and not let things get out of proportion. For example, when Bob Ewell spit in Atticus's face, Atticus just drove away and didn't start a fight. I think he is very mature and a great role model. He could be ranked in the top 10 of heroes. This movie should not be remade because there is not a better person in the role of Atticus than the one they picked. I think a black and white movie loses the specialness and uniqueness if it is remade nowadays.
