Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hidden America: Children of the Mountains

After viewing the video, respond to the following questions:

In the film, it says that the people in the Appalachia Mountains have twice the rate of alcoholism and drug addiction. In TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, Atticus reveals that Bob Ewell has a drinking problem as well. Why do you think people stuffering from economic hardship have a higher rate of drug/alcohol abuse? Do you sympathize with Mayella Ewell? Bob Ewell? Why/why not?


  1. People suffering from economic hardship have a higher rate of drug/alcohol abuse because drugs and alcohol becomes a crutch in hard times. These things dull the effect of hardships and people turn to them when they feel down or depressed. This leads to many people becoming alcoholics or suffer from alcoholism. I sympathize with Mayella Ewell because on the witness stand she was hysterically crying, goes through child abuse, and her relationship with her father is very bad. Each time on the stand she lied, she would cry. This means that she didn't want to fake the story and falsely accuse Tom of something he didn't she. She had to cover up that she came onto Tom, not vice-versa. Her father was real one who beat her because she came onto Tom and because he is a drunk. As for Bob Ewell, I have no sympathy for him. He beats his daughter, drinks heavily to dull his emotions, and can't support his family because all of this. He is a huge mess that can't be cleaned and I don't care for him.
    - Deven Jacobi

  2. People suffering from economic hardships are bound to give up in life or they could find a bright future. For the majority of people, they give up. They begin to use alchol or drugs as a way of relief of stress. People then get addicted to it and have worse problems than economic problems. Mayella Ewell as a result of her father, was about to just give up her life because of her fathers abuse to her and drinking issues. I do not care for him because he is not setting a good example for Mayella and in the future, Mayella may follow him.

  3. People suffering from economic hardships are going through a lot of problems in their life. Sometimes they might not know how to cope with the amount of issues they are struggling with and therefore turn to drugs and alcohol. Many of them might think that drugs or alcohol helps them to feel better about a situation.
    I do sympathize with Mayella to an extent. I sympathize with her because she was hurt by her father and forced to lie about what happened, but it got a man killed and in jail because of it. I know it wouldnt have been easy but if she simply saod Tom didnt do anything to me my dad did Bob would have been in jail, not Tom. I understand that this wouldnt be easy though, so I kind of do sympathize with her (in a way). I 100% do no sympathize for Bob. He drinks, beats his daughter, blames others, doesnt care for his children and he is a liar.
    Rula Samad

  4. People suffering from economic hardship have a much higher rate of alcoholism and drug addiction because it starts to turn into a coping mechanism. When times are tough and things seem at an all time low, drugs and alcohol for some reason seem to be the only things people go to as an escape from the reality of their world. Because of the extreme conditions in the Appalachian Mountains, life is terrible for the people living there. Pregnancy rates are high, living conditions always change, and people can barely afford food and many other essentials like clothes. For them, drugs and alcohol seem to be the only escape they can get. I do not sympathize with Mayella Ewell because even though she was being beaten, she was the cause of an innocent man's death. Yes, her father was absolutely terrible, but she could have escaped her father by telling the truth and also could have broken many people's prejudice views by coming out and telling the truth. Because she was a coward, I don't feel any sympathy towards. I also don't sympathize for Bob Ewell because he is an absolute terrible person. He beats his daughter senselessly, took an innocent man's life, and also forced her daughter to lie to everyone.

  5. The people who suffer from economic hardship often have drinking problems. They develop these bad habits because the influence of these substances make you feel good temporarily, but wear off, leaving the person craving for more. Just like Walter in A Raisin In the Sun, the drinking begins to absorb the person, become more of a problem than the economic hardship. I do sympathize for Mayella, but not Bob, because she was handed her fate and poorly influenced by her father, who beats and rapes her in his anger. Mayella can't change her father. Bob could change his ways and become a decent role model for his kids, and in turn improve their lives. They are negatively affected by their father's habits.
    Brett Saviano

  6. I believe the fact that being in an economically challenging environment does increase the chance of alcohol and drug abuse/addiction. I believe that this is true because alcohol slows down your system and helps you not concentrate on struggles but on just drinking. Drugs are going to do the same thing but may have different effects on the body. Both are doing similar things by allowing the user to escape from their everyday troubles and experience a time where they can relax and relieve their stress. I do sympathize for Mayella due to the fact that she was born into the situation and her father isn't doing very much to get them into a better situation. She is abused by her father and has to look after several other children as well as do work and chores. Also, Mayella was forced into lying about a rape because she was scared about her father beating her and what might happen. As for Bob, i have no sympathy because he beats his daughter and can choose to stop drinking and attempt to make something out of himself besides getting things off of the garbage dump.

  7. People suffering from economic hardship have a higher rate of drug/ alcohal abuse because some people seem to think that drugs/ alcohal solve problems. However, alcohal and drugs may be known as a depressant, therefore it does not solve problems. Also, when someone is finished drinking or using drugs for a day, the problems are still there no matter what. Also, if a person had a large supply of drugs by drug dealing, the person could then sell it and make money.
    I sympathize Mayella Ewell because although she lied about the whole problem, she was forced to by her father. If she did not lie, her father would have beaten her again. Her father had beaten her before which made her terrified. On the other hand, I do not sympathize with Bob Ewell because he is a lier and abuses his daughter, Mayella. As a result of beating her, she had to lie in trial about a crime one man, Tom Robinson did not commit.

  8. I think people with economical troubles have addictions because alcohol and drugs relax people from their problems and it is an escape from all of their problems. I have simpathy for Mayella but not Bob because it isn't Mayella's fault that she has a terrible father that raised her in an environment where she is abused. And I don't feel simpathy for Bob because he chose to drink alcohol and that made him act poorly.
    Sophie Major

  9. I believe that people struggling with money, poverty, and raising a family seem to drink and abuse substances in order to escape their problems and stress. However, unintentionally the intake of alcohol and drugs seem to increase these problems. Although Bob Ewell is a mean man and Mayella accused an innocent man of a horrible crime, it is difficult not to sympathize for them due to their problems. Bob Ewell is a terrible father and a disgusting man, he still did not choose the life style he lives in now he was put it in and is judged by everyone in Maycomb for the lifestyle he is forced to live. However, he does abuse Mayella and raised her in a horrible fashion which makes it difficult to feel bad. Mayella doesn't know any better than the morals her father has taught her making it easy to wish you could help give her a better life.

  10. Many people who suffer from economic hardship have a higher rate of drug and alcohol abuse because they believe it helps them run away from their problems. They think of it as a way to escape from the real world for as long as it lasts. This is seen all over Appalachia and also in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird. Bob Ewell has a serious drinking problem. This causes him to psychically and sexually abuse his daughter Mayella. He accuses Tom of raping his daughter when really, he himself is the one who rapes Mayella. I do not sympathize with Bob Ewell what so ever. As for Mayella, I definitely have sympathy for her. She lacks the feeling of love and knowing what its like. She is neglected and abused by her alcoholic father and struggles through life without a mother.

    Sarah Greer

  11. People that suffer from economic hardship tend to have a higher rate of drug or alcohol abuse because troubled or depressed people often rely on them to help end their problems or halt emotional pain. Alcohol is a depressant that temporarily reduces the function of the brain or other important body parts. Alcoholics or drug addicts believe this relieves them of agony faced in their daily lives and provides them with a form of willpower. People using drugs experience diverse side affects such as cancer but still look for a similar result. They may use it to escape the stress of everyday life and reach a point of an “Easier” lifestyle. However, taking drugs or consuming large amounts of alcohol can worsen your economic situation because it requires money to purchase them and can make life harder to handle. After watching the documentary on children struggling with life in Appalachia I began to sympathize Mayella and notice that she did not choose to be ignorant. She is a troubled teenager that gets physically and emotionally abused by her heartless father. She was forced to falsely accuse Tom by her father in order to cover her unspeakable act of coming onto a black man. She had to take a mother’s role in life very early because she had to tend to her siblings and do chores around the house. After all, she was only came onto Tom in order to experience actual love and affection from a man in order to salvage her gruesome life. However, I do not sympathize her appalling father, Bob Ewell. Throughout the court scene and in the novel he acts in an ignorant and uneducated manner. He does not show any sign of politeness or respect. He is also dirty and an abusive person because he took advantage of his own daughter. These terrible actions lead me to not respect or take pleasure in the discussions involving him.
    Daniel Maldonado
    Period 8

  12. People stuffing from economic hardship have a higher rate of drug/alcohol abuse because i think they feel that they will no longer accomplish in life so they need something to hold on to. Once they have been interested in the drugs/alcohol they become addicted. I sympathize from Mayella Ewell because it is not her fault that her dad, Bob is addicted to these things, she needs to go through life knowing what her dad does. I don’t sympathize for Bob Ewell because of him being a grown man he should be able to change his habits for his family. - monica nole

  13. Joseph M per. 8
    I believe that extreme poverty and hardship does in fact cause an increase or a higher lkelyhood of alcoholism and drug addiction as a way to cover up or hide from there pain. Drugs and alchohol are a way to get away from peoples hard life, it is a moment of happyness in there life for them, at least this is what they would think. Although they are only hurting themselves. I do feel bad for Mayella Ewell because she is desperate enough that her way of expressing her feelings is to blame others for actions her father does to her. Also she has a very hard life to live through and very few ways out of it. I do not feel bad for Bob Ewell, What he does to Mayella is discusting. Instead of trying to better the lives of himself and his young children he is to busy drinking, sexually abusing his daughter and worrying sbout putting an innocent man in jail for doing nothing. For that i do not have simpathy for him.

  14. The millions of people in the world that have suffered and are still suffering from economic hardships have a higher rate of drug/alcohol abuse because they have so many problems and they dont know where else to turn. Their economic and mental state has dropped dramatically so they turn to the one thing that makes them feel better and forget everything that is going on in their life, so they turn to alcohol or drugs. I do not have sympathy for Mayella Ewell because even though she is abused, she in the long run caused an innocent mans death and did something unspeakable during that time, which is come on to a black man. Yes her father might be a horrific father but she chose to stay with him and lie along with her father. She also could have broken prejudices by coming out and telling the truth. I have no sympathy what so ever for Bob either because day in and day out he beats her daughter senselessly and lied to everyone in the town of Maycomb, Alabama. He also forced his daughter to lie to everyone which in the long run caused the death of an innocent man in Tom Robinson
    -Sam Mandell

  15. People dealing with poverty obviously have large amounts of stress and pressure placed upon them. When they feel like there is no other way to escape the situation they are in, alcohol and drugs seem to take the edge off of the pain and allow them to take their minds off of the struggle to survive and support their families. What they do not realize however is that spending large sums of money on drugs and alcohol simply send them in a downward spiral deeper and deeper into the pit of poverty and struggle. I sympathize heavily for these people because they cannot do anything in some cases to dig themselves out of poverty. They become so depressed, so hopeless, that they end all effort to help themselves and turn to drugs instead. That amount of depression is not felt by most Americans and people should work to help others with these issues. I sympathize for Mayella but not Bob. Mayella has done everything she can to help her large family deal with poverty despite her father's poor effort to help the family. Also, the indirect effects of her father's drinking have made her lie on trial, and cause the death of an innocent man. Also, her father raped and abused her because of alcohol. She has done nothing wrong to receive such poor treatment and guilt. What is more sad however, is that these issues exist in the real world and nothing is done to help those effected by the abuse of others.

  16. I think when you are going threw a hard time and no one is there to help you try to find other things/people that will help you. One of those things are drugs, many people decide to try them because people persuade them too and they get hooked, they can't stop and it ruins their life forever. same thing with drinking, people drink because they feel it soothes their pain when in reality is only making you life a lot worse than it needs to be. When you have nothing better to do with your life because you don't have a lot of money you will try new things because not only do people want to get rid of their pain but they have a lot of free time to fill up and by drinking or doing drugs fulls up that free time they had to do nothing in before. Many people try different things because they are trying to get themselvs out of poverty, when people go down this new idea of getting out they realize they haven't done anything good for themselvs just make thier life a lot worse.

  17. Suffering from an economic hardship would defiantly affect how much you consume alcohol and drugs. If you are depressed you usually abuse drugs to ease the pain. Drug use is a way for people with a lot of problems to slip away for a while and feel good, not sad and worried. That is why I sympathize for Mayella Ewell as well as Bob Ewell. Mayella was abused and pt through hard times which is why she lies. Bob Ewell is also stressed and under a lot of pressure. I do sympathize more for Mayella because she has more of a reason to use drugs and lie. Bob Ewell could have and should have done the better thing and seeked help.-JOSH K.

  18. When you suffer from economic hardship, many people go to look at the world as if they are lost and defeated. The drugs would effect the ways people think, and them combined with the alcohol would be used for them to try to get away from their troubles and try to forget. Therefore digging them deeper in and wanting more. This influencing their kids would lead to continuations and therefore the whole community. I sympathize for mayella ewell because mayella is a girl who has a life wich is unacknowledged and is more-over abused by her father. She sees the reactions of the drugs and alcohol daily, and trying to keep something she loves up (the children and her flowers) she keeps getting beaten down by her father. I would sympathize for bob ewell for the fact he is in a depression, but i feel that he shouldn't take it out on mayella, and become drunk and neglecting because he only gets himself deeper, though i do sympathize because it may be how he was raised and he knows nothing else. Therefore there are many ways to look for help and seek ways to get better than get drunk and go on drugs, you only, as in the raisin in the sun, have dreams to achieve goals. -AMNA H. :)

  19. People with economic hardhsip especially in Appilachia tend to turn to alcohol. they do this to cope with their stress. They dont like the feeling of being down and stressed so they drink alcohol to relieve their stress, but they get stressed again so they drink more and more. They become addicted to the emotion that drinking brings them. I feel bad that Bob Ewell was put in a situation in that he can barely support his family. Of course there are better ways to cope but he does not know how to cope, but to drink. i completly sympathize for Mayella because she was raised like this. she was exposed to this life. she did not choose it. she definatly doesnt deserve the beatings that Bob is giving her
    ~Charlotte B~
    PD 9

  20. People with economic hardship go through many different problems. They tend to have a higher rate of drug and alcohol usage because they feel like that’s they’re only way to escape their problems. Sometimes while looking around them and seeing how they live leads them to feeling like they aren’t worth anything. When they drink they forget their problems and when they do drugs they probably don’t even remember any of their problems and just think they’re in a different world. I sympathize Mayella Ewell because its not her fault that her dad abuses her or drinks and has alcohol problems. It seems like she suffers a lot while having Bob as her father. Throughout the book we read how Bob hits her and takes advantage of her since she’s the only woman in the house. I feel bad for her because she’s the only woman and that means that she has to pretty much do everything for her dad and siblings. I don’t sympathize Bob Ewell because he is a very bad father. He’s an alcoholic and he abuses his daughter. I think that’s just horrible for Mayella. He chooses to live his life being an alcoholic and a having a “white trash family”.
    Emily Jaramillo period 9

  21. People suffering from economic hardship have a higher rate of drug/alcohol abuse, because it's a way they can make themselves feel better. It's a huge struggle to support their family when they don't have the resources to do so. Therefore, although drinking alcohol and taking drugs doesn't actually solve any problems, it takes the edge off a bad situation, even if only for a little while. As I saw in the documentary, people living in the Appalachia Mountains were so deep in poverty that the situation seemed hopeless. They didn't even have the money to be able to go out and look for a job. So even though buying drugs and spending money on these things is actually more costly, people with economic hardship have hit such a low point that I think they don't want to pay attention to their starving families. It hurts too much. These people continuously take drugs because it's their way of dealing with the problem. I sympathize with Mayella Ewell because it wasn't her fault that she was forced into this situation. Her mother died at a young age, and she was forced to take on a mother role to her siblings. She had no one to turn to, especially when her father Bob physically abused her. She was forced to accuse Tom Robinson even though she didn't want to because she feared her father. If she told the truth, Bob might have actually killed her. She lied out of fear. I do not sympathize with Bob because he abused his daughter too much, even if the reason was alcohol. Bob wasn't a friendly man in the first place. During the trial, when he was sober, he was rude and disrespectful to Atticus who didn't deserve that kind of treatment. Mr. Ewell isn't worth the sympathy. He caused the death of an innocent.
    Julia Ng
    Pd. 3

  22. It is easy to say that there is a direct correlation between economic hardship and drug and alcohol abuse. Both addictive behaviors can me used as a means of self-medicating, and relieving oneself of the stress, anger and disappointment caused by financial distress. In instilling that negative daily routine in life, it is possible for that person to feel in control of something once again, and many people begin to rely on the comfort of either drugs or alcohol. Considering certain conditions including depression can also be classified as addictive behaviors, it is also very simple for one to give into the other, and eventually the whole situation could amount to something much more detrimental than economic troubles.
    After reading To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, it is also easy to feel sympathy for Mayella Ewell. Although it is clear that Mayella is a direct product of her father’s alcohol abuse issue, her low class and her large family, and that her actions may or may not actually represent her true character, or rather the character enforced upon her by her surroundings, it is more difficult to feel this sympathy for Bob Ewell. Bob Ewell is a victim of ignorance and poverty. One does not have the luxury of choosing the family to which they are born, and it is likely that Bob Ewell was born to a family very similar to his own. It is difficult to escape the economic situation from which you grew up in, which was made clear in the documentary, Hidden America: Children of the Mountains. Especially in the 1930’s, it is incorrect to say that America was a classless society, and it is because of this reason that is it unfair to deem Bob Ewell as anything less than what he really is, a person who was dealt the short stick in life. Although some of his decisions may have been poor, and his character may be flawed, it is possible that he would be a different person had he had the chances and luxuries that we don’t even bat an eyelash at. It is indeed difficult to feel sympathy for a man who has done what Mr. Ewell had, but there comes a point where you have to step back and see where he was coming from, and how he was raised, and what effect that could have had on his character.

    Liliane Lindsay
    Period 8

  23. People suffering in economic hardship have a higher rate of drug and alcohol addiction. This is true because people get away from the pain and suffering of economic suffering by feeling good through drugs and alcohol. I do sympathize with Mayella because her father has abused her and will most likely kill her if she tells anyone. she also is somewhat lonely. I do not sympathize with bob because he is a drunk who cant take care of his kids.
    Matt Stein
    Period 3

  24. People with economic hardship are likely to turn to alcohol and drugs because they use it as a way to get rid of their stress and avoid their problems. Based on the video, people of the Appalachia Mountains lost their hope of getting jobs and just gave up. Bob Ewell drinks for similar reasons, to avoid facing his problems. I sympathize with Mayella Ewell becuase her father was addicted to drugs/alcohol, abused her and her mom had died at a young age so she was responsible for taking care of her siblings, and becuase of this she had no one there for her. I do not sympathize with Bob becuase he ruined his daughters life and ended the life of an innocent man.
    -Kyle Sanchez
    Pd. 9

  25. People suffering from economic hardship have a higher rate of drug/alcohol abuse because it's their way of dealing with their problems. People use alcohol and drugs as a way to cope with any situation. Using alcohol and drugs as a coping strategy can lead to addiction. In To Kill A Mockingbird, Bob Ewell uses alcohol to cope with his economic problems. When Bob Ewell starts to drink he starts to get abusive with his daughter Mayella Ewell, which makes me have sympathy for her. I have sympathy for Mayella because she has to be lying and accusing Tom Robinson of beating her when really it was her father. I don't have any sympathy for Bob Ewell because he drinks, beats her daughter and makes her accuse Tom of beating her and raping her.

  26. People with economic hardship are most likely to have a higher rate in drugs and in alcohol addiction. The reason why is because they have nothing else to take there pain/ feelings out on because they think no one understands what they are going through. I do feel sympathy for Mayella because her dad has an addiction and he abuses her. She is to scared of him because he would probably kill her if she ever told someone. I don't feel sympathy for Bob. To me he is the main reason why Tom Robison dead.

  27. It is shown that in both To Kill a Mockingbird and The Children of the Mountains there has been an intense use of alcohol and drugs shown by many characters and people throughtout them. It is also shown that in every one of these people's lives, there is some source of economic problem that they face eveyday. The Ewell family faces the struggles of the Great Depression as they live in total povety. The Children of the mountains are neglected as they too face poverty and the family struggles that they have to take on daily. These economic struggles cause depression and agrivations in the lives of the people/characters, and they abuse drugs and alcohol because they believe that it is the only way out of the depression. They dont realize though that they arre only hurting their family and neighbors greatly. A female chaacte, Mayella Ewell is a girl who has been living in the dirt of poverty and has an abusive dad that take advantage of her almost everyday. She tries to make the most out of what she has with her while her dad drinks himself to the point where he is abusive. I sympathize Mayella because she is a girl who is trapped with no way out and even though she led to the outcome of the trial of Tom Robinson, she had no other choice. Her father is all she has and so she must do whatever he says at all times, and deal with the pain. I do not sympathize Bob Ewell because he is the person who is destroying the life of his only daughter Mayella and he thinks alcohol will make his poverty go away. It only makes up by him harming Mayella and making her feel awful.
    Lucas Pettinato
    Pd. 9

  28. People in an economic hardship will most likely turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to relieve themselves from life and relax even if it does not last for a long time. Those people who turn to drugs and alcohol believe that there is nothing left for them to do so the drinking and drug problems represent giving up and failing to most people. Also people in a economic hardship don't want to tell another person about their problem so abusing drugs and alcohol provides an outlet for them to feel like a regular human and to think that they have no problems in their life. I do not sympathize with Bob Ewell because he has corrupted not only his life, but the lives of his children because he decided a long time ago that he would not try to make life for them easier to handle. Being Bob Ewell's only daughter Mayella has no choice but to deal with the poverty that has engulfed her life. She can try all she wants to escape but growing up living in the poorest conditions does not help her in trying to obtain a better life for her and her family.
    -Billy Pilarinos

  29. When people are suffering from economic hardship, they have a higher rate of drug/alcohol abuse. It was indicated in the novel. I haven’t drunk alcohol or drug so I don’t know how I feel after I drink. However, I think alcohol and drug make you happy and don’t think about any obstacles that they have. Or maybe, they know that they have obstacles but want to banish them. It makes people abusing someone else. However, I think people should try other ways to control their feeling. So, I don’t sympathize with both Mayella and Bob Ewell. Mayella made Tom guilty instead of her and it eventually made him dead. I think Bob Ewell has many stresses, but I can’t believe him abusing his own daughter sexually and physically. So I don’t sympathize with both Mayella and Bob Ewell.

  30. For both Appalachian families and the Ewell's, their tremendous poverty results in a constant pressure to figure out how to find ways to just get by. Being in a drunken state can temporarily relieve the stress of providing what is necessary for you and your family. However, since their poverty is so immense, they have the urge to constantly drink to receive this sense of relief.
    I sympathize for Mayella Ewell, due to the fact that she is in this situation. On top of being in immense poverty, she is also extremely lonely. Not only does she have nobody to give her love to, but her father takes advantage of her innocence and loneliness by sexually abusing her. She was so desperate for love that she tried to tempt a black man. The only reason that she went along with the story that Tom raped her was so she could hide her personal desires and insecurities.
    Bob Ewell, on the other hand, is only at trial to save himself for what he did to Mayella. If he had not beat her, this case would have never gone to court. This would mean that Tom would be alive. Instead of being responsible for his impulsive actions, Bob decided to pin a horrible false story onto a black man. What Mr. Ewell didn't was inexcusable, so he does not deserve any sympathy.
    -Erica Dattero
    period 8

  31. Many people who are in economic hardships have a lot of trouble finding a way to cope with the pressure put on them to move forward. They use drugs and alcohol to comfort and make themselves feel better. I feel sympathy for Mayella because she tries her hardest to present herself nicely, but also when the author brought out the part where Bob sexually harasses and beats his own daugher, that's where I gained sympathy for Mayella. She goes through so much just being in the immense poverty that she's in, and now she is being beaten by her father. Bob Ewell, I feel no sympathy for. Although he is going through hard times and resorts to drinking, that is no excuse to sexually harass your daughter. Because of this Mayella sought comfort in Tom Robinson, but Bob didn't like it at all, so he made up this whole story to hide it.
    -Marisa Goldstein

  32. Economic hardship increases alcoholism and drug abuse because they are stressed. Poor people would use this as a way to relive stress and then they don’t even realize that they become addicted. Alcohol and drug give each person a desperate sense of relief.
    I felt bad for mayella because she has to live as the house servant I think she is just unlucky to go through such a hardship. She also was abused by her father , I think the father is an evil cruel man to first rape her daughter then blame it on a man that helped there family with many favors.
    I don’t feel bad for Mr.Ewell at all because he is a rude disgusting man who will rape his own daughter. I think that the situation the he is in is just to save himself even if it’s the life of another man. He will do everything he can In and out of this trial to make himself not charged of any type crime.
    -diego carranza

  33. Those who suffer from economic hardships seek a way to escape their depression, so they turn to drugs and alcohol. This ultimately leads to an addiction. To cope with all the struggles and hardships they're faced in life people with economic hardships find peace in drugs and alcohol. It allows them to forget and for a while enjoy the high rush they get from them, but once it's over they're brought back to reality. Again they turn to these substances for the high and a chance to forget and escape. Though I do sympathize for Mayella because of the abuse and mistreatment she receives I can't help, but dislike her for her weakness. She allowed her father to abuse her and she followed the lie weaved by him as well. As for Bob I can't say the same. He's a good for nothing drunkard who constantly mistreats his own daughter. He doesn't deserve sympathy. Because of him, a black man lost his life. Even though, Bob has many struggles, its no excuse for him to beat his daughter and drink until he's passed out.

  34. People with economic struggle have drug and alcohol problems because of their stress levels and overall depression. These people never get a taste of good life and wind up in problems with drugs and alcohol because most drugs and alcohol are anti-depressants. I do feel sympathy for Mayella because she has to live in pverty with alot of brothers and sisters no mother and a father that sexually and physically abuses her. I don't feel sympathy for Bob because he is a bad person judging by his actions of blaming a black man for what he did and just abusing of his daughter is horrible.

  35. People that suffer from low economic income have a high alcohol and drug addiction rate because that's the oly thing that makes them happy in life. Alcohol and drugs are anti-depressants and can make them feel like their lives are fine when they're really not.They also feel that their lives can't be fixed after the damage is done so they should quit trying and just use the drugs and drink obsessively to feel better about themselves. I do feel some sympathy for Mayella becasue in her situatuion with her father being an alcoholic she does sufer alot more than she should becasue her father physically and sexually abuses her. She also has many brothers and sisters she has to take care of without any help. I don't have anysympathy for Bob becasue he's trhe one who caused the problem, and he's a bad person becasue he blamed Tom for his actions rather than admitting to them.

  36. People suffering from economic hardship have a higher rate of drug and alcohol abuse because they feel like they have nothing to live for and offer to them self’s and to the people they love. These thing influences people feeling very depressed and sad through every day. Ad so this leads too many people having drug and alcohol issues and this can’t just hurt them but the people around them. I make this point with the situation in the courtroom with Mayella Ewell because she was neglected since she was born the reason why I can say that is that when ever Atticus would ask Mayella a question about her father she would burst out into tears and not know what to say all she is thinking is that my father does the same thing I tried to do with Tom Robison. So she would have to cover up what she has done to Tom. However for Bob Ewell I dislike this man very much because he is a drunk that physically beats up Mayella and thinks she is just a piece of trash and so Mayella has to take care of the big family she has. So that is why I think he is a fat mess and cannot be cured.
    -Charlie Van Tongeren

  37. People suffering from economic hardship have a higher rate of drug/alcohol abuse because the alcohol and drugs act as antidepressants. They ease the pain people end up having, in a stressful environment because of their economic status . Many people like Bob Ewell from TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD and the father of the football star in HIDDEN AMERICA: CHILDREN OF THE MOUNTAIN, turn to drugs and alcohol because they have internal conflict with themselves due to them not being able to achieving the goals they set out for. Both Bob Ewell and the football star’s Dad turned to alcohol because they wanted to ease the pain they put up with because of their inability to find a job and never knowing where their next meal for their family, will come from.

    I can sympathize with Mayella Ewell because of the position her father, Bob Ewell, has put her in. Mayella is constantly beaten and harassed by her alcoholic father. She has a big family of only men but she is still lonely. She fears her father so much, that she would do anything he asked. I also cannot sympathize with Mayella because it is unacceptable that she caused a life to be taken in order to withhold another beating from her father only because she kissed a black man. I can Definitely not sympathize with Bob Ewell because the way he treats his family and others is horrible. Bob beats and sexually harasses his own daughter, and causes a life to be taken for his own selfish reasons. Bob is a lazy drunk who puts his own needs before others. Bob also uses Atticus as a scapegoat for loosing his job and threatens him and his family, all because he was angry. Bob Ewell is a evil human being.

  38. People suffering from economic hardship have a higher rate of drug/alcohol abuse because the alcohol and drugs act as antidepressants. They ease the pain people end up having, in a stressful environment because of their economic status . Many people like Bob Ewell from TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD and the father of the football star in HIDDEN AMERICA: CHILDREN OF THE MOUNTAIN, turn to drugs and alcohol because they have internal conflict with themselves due to them not being able to achieving the goals they set out for. Both Bob Ewell and the football star’s Dad turned to alcohol because they wanted to ease the pain they put up with because of their inability to find a job and never knowing where their next meal for their family, will come from.

    I can sympathize with Mayella Ewell because of the position her father, Bob Ewell, has put her in. Mayella is constantly beaten and harassed by her alcoholic father. She has a big family of only men but she is still lonely. She fears her father so much, that she would do anything he asked. I also cannot sympathize with Mayella because it is unacceptable that she caused a life to be taken in order to withhold another beating from her father only because she kissed a black man. I can Definitely not sympathize with Bob Ewell because the way he treats his family and others is horrible. Bob beats and sexually harasses his own daughter, and causes a life to be taken for his own selfish reasons. Bob is a lazy drunk who puts his own needs before others. Bob also uses Atticus as a scapegoat for loosing his job and threatens him and his family, all because he was angry. Bob Ewell is a evil human being.

    ----the one above wasn't working -------

  39. When dealing with economic hardship, you are faced with a very stressful enviroment, one that leads you to make stupid descions. one being dealing with this stress by consuming drugs and alcohol. Bob Ewell, from To Kill a MockingBird is a great example of this. He's a very very poor man who deals with his life by abusing drugs and alcohol. Many people in society who are dealing with economic stress, deal with their anxiety by consuming these anti depressants, hoping it will release the stress and forget about their problems, when it reality, it gives you another problem to worry about. Concering Mayella, I have a bit of sympathy for her, she is living in an enviroment that is very dangerous, and has no way of defending of herself, her father both sexually and abuses her, and a poor defenseless girl like her can do nothing about it, but on the flip side, in court she could of spoken up. But with Bob Ewell, I have no sympathy with her what so ever, have alcoholic/ drug related problems, whatever but when your threatnening other people, and putting others lives at risk for your stupid mistakes, you deserve nothing but cruel punishment.

  40. I think that people dealing with economic hardship are more likely to use drugs for many reasons. The first reason why i believe this is because they give up hope and say to themselves nothing can be worse than this so they do what they believe will get rid of there problems, but only multiply them. The second reason is because they are usually not as disciplined and are not as serious consequence, yes they do know that they are likely to get in trouble for what they are doing they know that there are bigger problems that them and there families need to face then them using drugs until they take over there lives.I can sympathize for Mayella partially because she is facing an abusive relationship with her dad and facing extreme poverty. On the other hand Mayella is dragging a completley different person into her troubles and is ruining that persons life as well as hers. If i was in Mayellas shoes i would have probbably would have done the same thing because it was so typical for blacks to be accused in the time period that she was living in.

  41. I think that people with economic hardship have more difficulty finding happiness. They end up looking more happiness in drugs and alcohol, but instead of helping them it temporarily makes them happy but in the long run it becomes a serious problem. I am sympathetic to Mayella, but for Bob Ewell I have no sympathy. I understand that Mayella is facing more than she can handle. To have to life with an alcoholic who abuses her and help take care of many children at a young age puts a lot of stress on Mayella. I see the pity tom felt for her and why he would try to help her. Also I think that she felt safer going along with Bob's story because she believed that he would kill her if she didn't. The fear Bob instilled in her was enough to lie instead of doing what was right. As for Bob i understand that economic hardship is not an easy thing to endure, but I do not think he can hide behind that excuse for everything. I think that if he really tried and wanted a better life for his children he would have done so, but instead he actually worsened his children's lives by drinking and abusing him. Extreme poverty is not something i can say I really can imagine, but I think there is hope for anyone if they really tried. bob even got fired from a job designed for people like him for being to lazy. I don't think someone who doesn't even try deserves sympathy, but someone just stuck in that mess does.

  42. Citizens have many issues, both economically and socially. Some are inherited from past family members, especially in an older setting where your family name was all you had, and if you disgraced it, it was stained for every generation to come. Those later generations who are less fortunate are not able to make a living, especially if they have a large family. Therefore they seek comfort in harmful substances such as alcohol and drugs. These can get expensive, and when someone is addicted, they spend massive amounts of money to fill their body's needs, even though that money could have fed them for a week. I do sympathize with both the Ewells in the sense that they did not wish for this life. Bob did not wish to be so unfortunate, and Mayella did not wish for such a horrible father.

  43. I believe that people suffering from economic hardship have a higher rate of drug/alcohol abuse mostly because some believe it’s a problem solver and it may be a way for them to escape from all their struggles in life. They think that it is a way to relax them and relieve all the stress they have bottled up. I do have some sympathy for Mayella. Not only does she have help to look after her siblings, but she is constantly being abused by her father. Bob on the other hand doesn’t deserve any sympathy. Not only did he basically make Mayella lie in court because she was scared of what he might do to her if she told the truth, but he abuses her, lies, and chooses to drink and destroy his life.

    Rana Nesheiwat
    Period 8

  44. People that deal with economic hardships do have a higher rate of drug and alcohol abuse because a lot of stress and pressure is put on them. To provide for a family is a difficult thing to do in the first place, but in the conditions that some people live in, it is 10 times as difficult. i think the reason why many people in those conditions deal with those problems is because they feel like they have to turn to the only thing that makes them feel good. The decisions that these people have made have been the wrong ones and the only way in there mind to forget about them is to either get drunk or high. This is like the situation with Bob Ewell. he is a very poor man that lives in the town of Maycomb and does have a drinking problem. I feel absolutley no sympathy towards him because he did it to himself, and makes the decision himself to waste the only money the family has on alcohol. On the other hand, I do sympathize for Mayella because she is a victim of abuse due to what her father has come to. Any person in that situation is truly strong and I give credit to them.
